Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, June 04, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Democrat
Tuesiay Evening, Juno 4, 18C9
V TM 4 NUTriMV, Editor and Publishers.
Publmhe every day In thejwrek.
Suiiil' oxcupled.)
KnieraJ a tin lwt (Mice at Albany.
hk Hflcond-clanH muil matter.
Delivered by caarier por wuuk
6y mail, Hr yur
ymul, iur in m u
9 .13
... fa. 00
Tub Woolkn Mills Messrs. J M Mov
er, J I Galbrailh, F F Craft and John
Waters, of the new Woolen Mill Company
ire in the city and this morning began lay
ingoffthe grounds for the building for
the mills, the plans and specifications hav
ing arrived from the East. They are assist
ed by Surveyor Warner and Architect
Snell. The main building is to be of brick
two stories high, 55X 1 20 hi dimension. Ad
joining it will be another brick, one story
high, 55x35 feet, and among other out
buildings one of frame, 100x25 feet, and an
other 55x80 feet, the whole covering a
Urge area of space. The Company will
superintend the construction oi the build
ings and propose having them ready for
business by about Nov. 1st. Already wool
is being purchased for the winters run.
Theconstruction of the mills will give em
ployment to a large number of men during
the coming several months.
A (loon II a KIM j It.
Thfl (iovermnrnt Survey J list Completed..
A Fluttering KchuU.
The Democrat Is informed in reference
J to the completion by the United States
government of the annual survey of the
bar at the mouth of Yaquina Bay, In order
to show the result of the jetty work being
done there. The survey was made by
Gulnn Lisle, chief engineer, nnd his assist
ant, J S Polhemus, a three days' job, and
the result is now on record in the office of
the government at the Hay. The Demo
crat gives it for the first lime to the pub
lic. According to the surveys, the least
depth for a yeat at mean high tide was 20
feet, which would niiike the depth at ordi
nary high Ude 21 to 22 feet. This shows
an increase over previous surveys and in
dicates that the jetties are having a marked
effect on the efficiency of the liay as a har-
uor. 1 ne channel into the liay is a re
markably straight one, and with honest
seamanship the largest steamer that p ows
the deep can enter the Bay in safety.
Work on the south letty is being pushed.
rock being piled along the jeity increasing
its hight and length. The tramway and
track on the north side are built to nearly
the place for beginning the jetty proper ;
by the middle of the month the active work
of emptying rocks Into thesea will begin.
as me work proeeeus tne deptn ot tne wat
er will increase and there is now absolute
ly no question as to the final result. Ya
quins Uay will make a good and safe harbor.
HO.- AN' AltltOlD
Another Burglary. This morning
about three o'clock feeling a draft coining
up from his basement departments Mr B
F Tabler wenl down sairs,in his residence
at the corner of Ferry and Eleven' i
Jilreets,where in the dining room he found
a window open and a candle burning on
the tabic, having been burned almost to
the table cloth. The outside screen had
been pulled off and the sash pried out and
placed on the inside. A dish of strawber
ries, a pie, some onions, a salt dUh and a
few other things were taken, but more lell,
the silverware remaining untouched, and
no other effoit seemingly having been
made to rob the house. On Side footmarks
of one man were found leading front and
towards the- railroad track. The fellow,
whoever he was,did the job in a very quiet
gentlemanly manner, and has Mr Tablet 's
thanks for disturbing things so lilt.e.
W 1 . 1 i;i
15 01 lit li;4,
8 HUK t f!
1 ... !-.,
i' it t V eri'ck's.
PI V'. r-ek' .
. if i,t Vlrll WMIiV
' K L rwnii.'
1 - j 1 ire. -ived :it Co .ra I
1 v morning nt 1' L
A ha-et .1-v.i,,. Mrs.
eitv u- Coiir-d
A Home Industry. Quite an industry
in Albany is Mr John flofftnan's concrete
works, at the corner of Fir-t and Railroad
streets, A larger vaiisty of work is being
done than is generally appreciated. Be
sides tiling of all sizes Mr Hoffman is now
manufacturing several lines of curbing for
cemetery lots, noticeable for theirevenness
of construction and great durability . One
has just been erected around the lots of Mr
John Parker in the Masonic cemeterv and
speaks for this style of work. Also con
crete chimneys, well walls, etc. A home
industry, it deserves the patronage of our
citizens. Parties desiring anything In
these lines should call and examine the
large stock on hand.
Tub Circus. Ve have had the circus.
It Is one of the wonders of the, country
The great popular educator, the magnet
that attracts and gives delight to all, old
and young. Sells Bros, and Barrett's com
bination is unsurpassed. The zoological
exhibition opens everybody's eyes Peo
ple who live in comparative isolation and
who have never traveled or seen the cot
lections of wild animals in large cities of
the world are enlightened with the contents
of these traveling cages. The stock of
horses is creditable to the management.
All look sleek, fresh and well developed.
The performers were all in perfect condi
tion. Women admired the handsome forms
of the men and men admired the beautiful
forms of the women physical beauty at
its height of development. Among the
animals presented were two large hippopo
tnmi and four fine ostriches, also a number
of lanze elephants, one of which 'Sid sur
prised all with his wonderful feats. The
ent was very large, There were probably
I.000 people present and there was evident
ly room for "Vooo more. 1 wo rings ana
two sets of performers kept all eyes busv
and a third space was used by the trapeze
plavers and the wondertullv skilllul riders
on the bicvcles. The vaulting, tumbling
and general work of the acrobats was won
derful. The bareback performances of the
riders was in every way equal to anything
we have ever witnessed here or in any
other part of the world. The whole show
ic good and worthy of a liberal patronage.
Liilroy Advocate April 27th.
1 ;
. i t hi
; Mj:l'-
' i.t tw.Iu IllMl' -s r.-.U i
V St 1. f .IV.
i v r i ev t h,S -ft
r..i S vrt Sc Siix .
Win alii iri:o liciiij i.fcXt ':iik .
1 ..1 .1 it . -t o.vii t a-.S,HS0, in
i:M-t ct c tii lumUy since.
Mv ..xitl'e tidit littiug
i'j, ml p. icfit to suit each aud
F-K t CI', .-il- . -
Hytu ah'.
.'1 ' lVuT- MM(i g
iuy (i triors.
iW r.M-t. IT 1
Siile -,dif-:' fi 1 '
Th in ) nil
'ritMi.iHMi a Ov
, :i I'iiI -- di g
Vn ?'-i -I'M. ;
in nin maik-1.
T AlhiHr- I
re d f-.r luim o
The injiuU t in ib h 1-
uu j u Wt;
Vury niie.
B irduH ft Robert) hi havw iu-it received a
erit of O.'fgon eabijacs aud iare iino of
fruit jre.
Our iw.-ln 111-11 uus: bok out a Math
ews & Wcsh'liuru h ve the UrKst aod linest
line .f Jewels in the town. Ladies go and
a them.
W A Cox. of thlt citv. h i received the
Co .tract fur doing the brick work on K Goins
ue bl-jk at cio.
Money cio't buy bett. r 00U and shoes
than Mtrl'wiiu ii t.ellioif, because better
ooils aro tnt iiunuf fCMird.
The inety if 2." .-:t, UU are ROing at 10
percent, discmini at h At O Howards, as
well an their o h-r millinery gowta.
Smr.e (inn Cal:f'rii'a cheese, a barrel of
tto'den .!rip -yrun o d wmio tine comb honey
jus'. ncciv.d i. :.riwn-i: .cnuaas.
Go to U iyc- & Kioler s for your job print
ing. 1 hey 1(0 anv n nil mnusoi wor 10
the puhlishinu and j pru.ting line, v.iick
work and low pr:oi'c
With the !- "f ti-; ko creit in the Johns
town di-a.tter i(iii-tiii i btiinfc raised as to
what lltct it wiii ti:ie ou lifn inn u ranee
companies and beiifVnlent orders.
T .-;ii'iT'M-' nvniiiL', -tfter the elite 1 tain-'
miit, l'r. f 11 ys th pianUt of the Chicigo
Coint-ily C-'tii hi', h C( ujiititett to furnish
xuic f-T a K 'OI i -hcm, and 01m will he
g.vcri wrtiour i:y stra clmrgp. Go and en
j'y bu'li tht; r iful ttie lutp.
SpcaUimj 4if Iih fu,:t kind of a wife for an
ed;'H- tit.- Tmntcript snya . "An
Attt-ria i-ilitM- is Vf. pos.-fiirof afrow, that
it h wIimIh r-tui. .m l ntc!i:8 the old man
l':ili!-h -nd"d ev-rv lima iit eors full. If yon
don't ht.tiRVft i" t-x i'iiine mir head. That's
tiie kind of v iit f ;- an editor.
Oregon State Weather Bureau in co
operation with U. S. Signal Service, Cen- !
tinl oflke, Portland, Or. For week ending
June 1st, .
The temperature was decidedly abort
the average. The rainfull has been below
the average, except in Union, Umatilla
and adjoining counties, where, owing to
storms on the 20th, it was above the aver
age. The sunshine has been above the av
erage and very warm. In Western Ore.
gon, except a few dops, no rain fell. The
effect of ll.ese conditions on crops of all
kinds h:; been excellent. Damage was
d.-nei i parts of Umatilla county on the
29h by the "cloud burst" and it j the neigh
borhood of LaGrande, Union county, by
the thunder storm and hail on the same
diite The cloud burst in Umatilla county
cauved streams to overflow, and in one in
stance washed away a house and drowned
a lady ; of the same storm heavy rain and
hail fell at The hail was as
lare as small hen eggs and in five hours
1 77 inches of rain fell. The railroad track
was blockaded by land slides. The hail
did some damage to crops : but it Is
thought that the benefit from the rain will
outweight the damage. Prospects for
everything continue 10 be excellent. A
small amount of smut is noticed in the oat
crop in Benton county. The strawberry
and cherry crop are yeilding enormously
in all parts of the State. Barley is being
harvested and the hay harvest has col.
meaced in many parts. Pruning of fruit
trees continue. The trees are so heavily
laden that if they were not considerably
pruned offiniury to them would result.
In Western Oregon the condition and
ci op prospects are all that could be desired.
In Eastern Oreeon promising reports are
all that could be desired. In Eastern Ore
gon promising reports are given in all sec
tions. In Morrow county the land crop
has been extra ordinary. Thousands of
acres of high bunch grass land has been
sown to wheat and will yield eood crops.
The temperature in lie State ranged
from 46 to ofj decrees. A continuation of
the favorable condition is all that is need
ed to make this year a most prosperous one
for the idler of the soil.
B. S. Pague,
Observer U S Signal Servic.
1 H Burkharh of this citv war in Portland
Mr It A BenseP, ouo of Yhouiu Ua
leading citizens has been in AUnnv, diik
ie city.
Mr D From an left to-day for the mom -
tains on his regular summer trip. Th fet
ive trout is warned to frisk eUUhru
Win M Hoae is oxnected to arrive in Al
bany on Ihuraday from New York, heu
u early move towards Boi.-e Citv ii looked
litv Bushy, on p 0 1' Mr M;.r i , ha
ist arrived in this c'iv from Mikm.uh url;
his family, and ui'J prul-aUy tuA m- it j
f-rin near the city. '
1 1 0.1 It fT Mey.-ra h fold Inn ii:rrt-t in i
Sea file and U now at Scio. wi ere l- wil: r.
ldn in the luture. .h-l! 1 a iln r 1-1411 Liun
emintyitp, and we art Ua 111 .h (.cud
thins; in Seattle ri'i-t .
Hon G H Bher, oo of l.:ini i-Miii.'v's
Ideat, most respecteil snd ;ihn--l Litffu
a id his daughter weie in rh c:iv u.nt Mm
diy. Though advanced in er M Btii-i
etama ah of the uieuthi xn well x fhyxicai
vigor of forty yeamaun. I'rrh.fin Mnmtrtt
Cottage Groy hai been Judge Cai-n' h-me
lor six or seven jearc
This Trade Mark on a stove
means it is the best that ex
perience and skill can con
trive, t'old only by G. W.
Our 'in; of hoi u teas and coffees is un
q .Af 1.1 tovvt1.
Mr:oTNKLLA: Stanard.
II f voa h vrt 1 iv job wtr'c ! l call on G
WS-ith 14 wr.i. iis do it with
ne;itu - . d dUptv" ud a cheap as any-
Stritk Oil At $1.35 per 5 gallon can
best Standard r-1 oil, at the Willamette
ickir.g to.V store.
K.MitKv The finest line of baby carri
ages in the Valley j-tst rr :e!ved at Stewart
& SoV Prices are remarkably cheap con
sidering the superior quality of the carriages.
A oplc.uid stock o atches, jew
el, y ,clocksetc, at Will & Stark?,
manv new things being iust received.
Alw a tine line of gold headed canes. Call
I or. them for bargains.
"Superior," "Argand," Garland"
Fire Backs.
"Warran ted
15 years, All
sizes and
Officers Ei.kctku. At the regular
meeting of Safety Lodge, No 13, AOU
W, held Monday evening the following
officers were elected for the ensuing term :
R B Vunk. P M W : V E Kellv.M W : A
J Anslvn, Foreman ; John Clmwell,' ver
ccr ; T J Stiles, Recorder ; A Sa vior, Re
ceiver ; K A l'arker.Financier ; C G Burk
hart. Guide ; Win Myer, I W ; A 1) Bark
er, O W ; () V Awbrcy, Trustee ; Ur J L
Hill nnd O W Maslon, Mrdicnl Examiners.
"Tiie Lottekv ok Life" A (iood
sized audience greeted the Chicago Com
edy Company last evening on their return
engagement. "The Loilery of Life" was
well presented and elicited great applause
from beginning to end. As usual Jas A
Devlin carried the htuse with him. He
was immense as Jerry the Swell. The
Inmans, Mr Patterson, the Snows, Mr
Love, Mr Renwav, ill in their respcc.ive
pans, do well, giving an even enjoyable
entertainment which pleases in every act
To-night "Erin-a-chore" will be presented,
no doubt to a full house.
The Pkince ok Orators. Col L F
Copcland, the orator who will lecture here
Thursday and Friday evenings on "Whats
to Hinder" and "The Future of the Re
public," has lectured in the ill-fated Johns
town, Penn., on four different occasions.
Wherever he lectures once he is wanted
ngain. Our citizens who hecrd him acar
ago should again attend and advise all their
neighbors to go. Reserved seats without
extra charge at Blackmail's.
Proh.mii.y Crazy. The attention of the
officials of Benton county is called to the
following: Yesterday afternoon Rt a little
landing opposlto the Red Crown mills a
man entirely nude, accompanied by
woman, spent an hour sitting on the bank,
In full ie of the city on this side, present
ing a very demoralized spectacle fjr those
who witnessed the sight. It is to be rc
Eretted that Albany has no authority over
the Benton county side of the river at this
A Hai.sey Itkm. Word comes to the
Democrat olikc of qul'.e a disturbance at
the residence of Mr. Joe Tyler, at Halscy,
Monday morning, June 3rd, iSSy. A
stranger appeared at the house and made
thinus lively for awhile: but was finally
gotten under con'.iol and weljned.thc scales
marking just ii pounds. Being a girl Mr.
and Mrs. Tyler concluded to Keep
stranger, nnd all is now serene.
Has Arrived. The Scio 7Vm,Mi Coll
VanClevc' new paper, Is at hand. It is a
seven column felio, and displays In
marked manner Coil's "rcat genius. Not
only his home made type but the trench
ant style of his wrileups commend the pa
per to the public. Si io is fortunate in se
curing Mr VanCleve for Its editor.
An Ordkr. The M P R R Co td.iy at
this city issued an order requiring all hotel
runners to solicit -ass -ngers from the side
ot the track opposite 1 1 the platform.
Obstreperous. They were respec'ive-
ly a pos'master and an cx-pestmaver
They were I "yiig to "break" in a bicycle
and make him tote as other gentle horses
do. The ex-postmas;er was riding and the
Dostmaster was MioWinE" the horse, but
the horse was obst.cperous. He l icked
and bucked, metaphorically speaking, and
as a result of his cavor'ings leu tne post
mcster lying sprawling in the o:rcet
placed luc "ex" hors tie combat.
Don't Want It The'cr here
has notihed the publisher of -.he II
Shore that a number of persons to whom
was addressed the Corvallis supplements
of that magazlne,have refused to take them
from the office. There will be trouble about
it, but we would not be surprised if Mr
Samuels had written the o.ders for ilieni
in such a way as to hold the subscribers to
heir subscriptions. Leaner.
No i's Officers. At their annual
meeting last evening the members of Al
bany Engine Co. No. 1, elected tne follow
Inir officers for the ensuing year : O A
Archibald, President ; W ii Warner, Sec.
retarv ; II L CVnor, Financial Secretary
Vm M Parl;cr. Treasiner : J W Watt.
Foreman : lluir Sloan, 1st Ass't : Walter
East, 2nd Ass't.
Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper in an
Immense number of patterns at Fortmillcr
& Irvine's, the finest line in the central
Willamette Valley. It is an art gallery to
sec it all.
To New Comers. We would say that
we hare no bails to give you, but we
cuarantee eood values for vour money,
and we kindly solicit vour patronage.
Brow'kkix & Stanard.
Weather Indications. For the
aours beginning at 13 o'clock, noon.
Fair, nearly stationary.
Summer Wrats. Novelties In beaded
and stockinet jackets just received.
Samuel E. Yousr..
Dm't'ai oetunin i MjI wjin' oir,ots
You will Ii them from 10 to l; per een
I cheipir tha any other p'a e ill towja'iii g
in OJariiuara on me Mini
Jury List
Fol'owiug .s the jcry list drawn to-day
for the Circuit Court, which convenes in
Albany June 24 :
J S Ames, Sweet Home.
J K Charlton, Suntiam
Jo:m Burnett, Sweet Home,
Wm Cyrus, Scio.
J 1 Arthurs. Liberty.
N G Rice, Brownsville.
Mose Miller, East Albany.
J S Froman, E ist Albany,
Newton Russell, Sweeet Home.
A L Bridgefarmer, West Albany.
Miles Cary, Cravvfordsville.
G F Frost, Scio.
John Gay, West Albany.
U Bucknwr, Syracuse.
I M Bruce, Waterloo.
Frank Frisbie, Halsey.
J I Matlock, Brush Creek.
J 13 Wood, l iberty.
W R Kirk, Brownsville.
O P Coshaw, Brownsville.
J S Dixon, Lebanon,
John R Smith, Lebanon,
Jos Yates, Orleans
Jas Kester, Lebanon..
John O Boyd, Santiam.
S Dawson, East Albany,
W D Glass, t'rawfordsville.
J A McUee, West A! ban v.
W B Churchill, West Albany.
Aaron Condra. Harrisbnrg.
R W Moses, Crawfordsville.
1 I-hmi O'lr sto;:k of cautMd goods w
I "tv tiling in thitl.ueat rt:n-irl;a!)!y
Bucnvr'LL &Staxai:i.
ff.I''it, practical watchmaker and tvit
Hotel Arrivals,
St Charles. M Waters,Brownsville
F A Cook, W .V Wctsler, Portland ; J
Stack, W M T attcrson, S F ; C B Kings
bury, 0 F Billings, Ashland ; Miss Davi
son, Corvallis ; I G Bonnett, Milwaukee
Clvis Schmidt, Yaquina.
Revere House. I P Schooling, liar
rlsburg, W Staiger, Salem ; F G Smith, L
Hoffman, 1 .1 rselson, r M isatcncloi, 1
Beinheim,; M Stock, Corvallis
R Strong, citv; T F Cowling, Baker Citv
I Coit. an, N Y; I Flood, S Ucck,J S I low
ell, G Lamb, S F; E T Sedgwick; II Free
man, Chicago ;G Butler, J Munch, Salem
Russ House. J G I futcliinfon, Port
land ; BE I ewb'ury, Portland ; P Bil
yue.Scio ; J F Casey, Scio ; F Gilinour,
city ; G Scott, Dakota ; C Culver, Cor
vatlis ; P Redman, I'acoma ; EJ Doug
lass, Ambony, Minn ; A C Miller, Ply
mouth, Ind ; I II Stnitii, Tacomit ; Ad
Harmon, Scio ; M Pyser, city ; P Mad
den, Portland ; F II Davidson Los An
geles ; T O Regan, Watcrton, Ja ; J A
Crouth, city , S A Sanford, Millers ; G 1)
Fletcher, "Portland ; M Ames ; D C
Onell, Salem ; W II Zumalt, Astoria ; C
omltli.TacOiiia ; T Wilson, Portland ; J
A Cannon : A C Miller j Mrs Huve ; C
II Hair, city ; S T Pil.e, Lulare, Cal ; F
R Ashby,city ; F C Hoover, Salem ; R
W Gay Dclane, Cal ; W R McDanlcl,
Ilarrisburg ; J M Bnimficld ; II T Hatch,
Salem ; A C Miller ; L F Hammer ; A
Morrl, Sweet Ho-nc ! S W Eurawell, W
T ; M Wood ; II Senior, Bucna Vista ;
LM tnnncl, San Francisco ; WH Zu
malt, Astoria.
Hamilton Creek, June 1, 1889
I wish to ansvvera few facts that I saw
in the Daily Herald of Thursday, May 3e,
from Santiam, by an old resident. Ilis
facts from Nos. l to 4 inclusive arc first-
class, but in No. 5 he seems to try to carry
the idea th.t a brige at Waterloo would be
a rare convenience. Now there are at
least fifty families that will get their mail
at Waterloo instead of at Lebanon just as
soon as the bridge is done.
In the 6th and 7th facts he speaks about
enhancing the value of land and thinks
that enhancing the land lying up the nar
row valley of McDowell creek and the
strip of land on Mark's ridge would far out
strip the enhancing of the broad valley of
Hamilton creek and her beautiful sloping
f jot hills covered with the choicest timber,
which comprises an area ten times that of
McDowell creek, and all of her fern clad
hills and rjeky bluffs.
The 8th fact I ain not posted on in re
gard to the county road at both ends of the
bridge, but I have always been informed
that we have a county road. This I do
know, that when John Burnett, of Mark's
ridge circulated a road petition tor a coun
ty road from the mouth of McDowell
creek to Waterloo, and carried it up to the
county court with forty names of gooa citi
zens signed to it he met a lawyer who had
been retained to fight the petition and to
kill it if he could.
In the oih he says the people of Hamil
ton creek have never asked foi a bridge at
Waterloo. There never has a petition for
a bridge at Waterloo gone before the coun
ty court without nearly all of the residents
of the creek signing it, and what is more
the gentleman will find if he will examine
60mc of the old petitions some of the names
of the best citizens on McDowell creek and
Marks' ridge also. Now it is a fact that it
would be very convenient to have a bridge
at both Waterloo and the mouth of Mc.
Dowell creek, au-l they are both very
necessary for direct communication and
I trust that we v ill soon hear the glad
news to that effect as Liberty precinct is
divided by the raging Santiam as well as
Waterloo precinct and thev must have a
hard time to meet at the polls at times, for
I know for a fact that we have lots of
trouble at Waterloo, as the water is very
swift at this place on account of the falls.
And by the way It is a fact that we have
the finest water power at Waterloo there
Is in the county of Linn.
The World's
best. More
than hun
, dred 7 hun
dred differ
e n t styles
coo k s and
Roofing, Job Work, Plumbing,
Eave Trough. Range Boilers,
Conductor Pumps.
Albany Opera House.
"-R.uitD 1
By request the
Chicago! Comedy Company
will Appear
MQHDAY, im 3rd, 1889,
In 3 New Plays,
Momlny evening. "Tho Lottery of Liff."
Tuesday evonijii, 'Knn n Choict).'
Wednesday owning "Ticket of Leave Mao.'
PoJuIar 'rice, o, , jo Cnts.
Secure Reato at BlackuaVaiirid avoid t'ternth
Albany and Vicinity.
We cordially 'nvite jon all to v'mit our
$ew km wmm hand stores,
and we will convince yon 'h;U our i-ncw ! tat3 nil. You
afl'ord to do your pntrmhiip tfrn yn int our f-tace.
have a large establishment in IVn'uml huve named ic
The Portland Branch
As wt
We claim to be I
IS' t I '
1 1 P mnlVl t; 8U
1 cut csi i tion.
F. WISE & Co,,
E. Young' Old Sta-id..
SAND, VC Pttonn dnnlrhm finnd,
loam orravol thn pn inl of
F. Ij. f'lioh In Benton county, run procure
ticket for tho jimo nt my rfflcp, Crw
ford'j block, Alh'nv, Orjyon.
Vhm. B. Wclvkbtow.
Choice Candy, Xuts, Fruit, etc.