Daily Democrat Few men like to see a woman smoke, yet they are always ready to help her to a light. It wai a drunken gymnast of whom the police man remarked that he was selling a tumbler full of whiskey. Buffalo Bill's immense success in Paris Is ascribed to the fact that he and his horse go far toward replacing the department Boulangcr and his black charger. Mrs. (Robert Klsmere) Ward is not merely a passive deponent of woman suffrage, but with Frederic Harrison is organizing an anti woman's suffrage society. Louis Dent, who succeeds Thomas 11 Shear man as Secretary Blaine's private secretary, is a nephew of Mrs. Grant and assisted Mr. Blaine in preparing his "Twenty years in congress. The catting down recently ul a number of eucalyptus trees In the vicinity of '.he White House at Washington recalls the fact that the eucalyptus has a distinct san itary virtue. It has the power af absorb ing moisture, thus affordiug a protection against malarial diseases. Fifteen years ago .he Trappist monks, who possessed an abbey near the city of Rome, planted trees of this species, and now have several hun dred acres covered with them. The mala rial fevers, which were formerly so com mon there, have now almost disappeared, and the same effects have been noted in those parts of California where the tree has been introduced. There are plenty of f other sections of the country where its cul ture might be profitably attempted. The man who is suspicious lives in a constant state of unhappiness. It would be better for his peace of mind to be too trustful than too guarded. A more glorious victory can not be gained over another man than this, that when the jury begins ou his part the kindness should begin on ours. About nine-tenths of all the clay pipes manufactured in the United States are made in Brooklyn, N. Y , where three fac tories are located.that turn out 1 5,000 gross annually. The clay comes from Wood- bridge, N. J., and costs at the factory five dollars per ton. It is related that when Prince Bismarck met Samoan Commissioner Kasson he was struck with the Idea that he had met that gentleman before. "Is my face familiar to you f" asked Bismarck, with a puzzled ex. pression on his countenance. "Your feat ures are known to everybody in our coun try," said the courtly Kasson. But the latter was not pleased to think that Bis marck should have wholly forgotten their meeting when Kasson was Minister to Austria. A little black eyed miss, in whose minJ had been carefully incrlcated the thought that God is ever present with us, was the possessor of a little pet dog which was her constant companion ; in fact, the young canine was so unremitting in hisaltentions that the young mistress occasionally tired of her companion. On one occasion she turned on her little bete noir and exclaim ed : "Yo do right back, Fluffy ! It's enough to have Dod always trgging at my heels GOLDEN KITE HAZAAK' Ctsb tioes a Long WajVat Julius liradwhol' I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast, The following are some of my rash retail prices : 'A dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 ts. 'A dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 cts. i dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. i dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. I have also added good stock of jroceries. which I ask people t call and examine and judge ior meniseives as to quality and prices. Il'LIUS Gradwohl. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. flee. IRL WANTED.Todoneralhouse. worn in city, can at Democrat of- From his recent experiments on explo sive mixtures of petroleum vapor and air. Col Majendie concludes that one volume of liquid benzine will render 16,000 volumes of air inflammable and 5"oj volumes vio lently explosive. Though these results show that great care is necessary in storing benzines and crude petroleums, other of his experiments are more reassuring, as he found that neither a glowing csal, sparks from a flint or steel, or a .Hameless fusee, will Ignite the most explosive mixture of petroleum vapor and air, actual contact with a flame or white hot body being neccssarv. Secretary Rusk, of the Department of Agriculture, has already become a well known figure to the Washington public, lie is entirely free from any official stiff ness of manner, and likes to enjoy himself sitting out in the open air in front of his hotel on a warm evening, chatting with the people w ho happen to be about and evidently enjoying life thoroughly. He is fond of riding, and is an accomplished horseman. lie 1 a striking figure as he rides down one of the avcnues.wlth his long whiskers parted by the w ind and his hair slightly flowing from beneath his hat. He is one of the most popular men in the pub lic service, the fact being largely due to his unpretentious manners. VfOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND a. iiuiuuciiwj, iunue is nereoy giv en that bills will be recivod until Satur day, June 5, 1889, at the hour of one O'clock P. W.. fnr tha nnnalrnnltnn e t nmtjr uric-K uuiiumg on toe real property owned by the Masonio Building Associa tion in A I ban y, Oregon, In accordance with nlans and Hnani Aner inna nAn . u 1 - T 1 -'.. 1 yjti uiniu tui office of Charles K Wolvertou. secretary 1 ne ngnt is reserved to reject any and all Dted May 21, 18S9. By order, L Sbniiers, G. F. Simppox, G. W. Mabton. Committee 1849 1889, The days of '-19 are gone and a new era has ooni9. Wo must keep up with the train and hence note the Kreat reduction in prices at the Albany Bath and Shaving Parlors. (Shaving 15 cents. Baths 25 cents or 6 ticket" for $1. Children's hair cut, 15 cents. Haircut tlnu 25 cents Hair or whisker dyeing a specialty. Hair oil and Sua Foam lor sale. Razors honed for 25 cents. Jos, Weihigr, Proprietor, Speaking of his father's physical recrea tions, Mr Herbert Gladstone says in the Birmingham Times: "He used to be chiefly fond of rowing, riding and shoot ing, but during the last twenty or twentv fiyc years he has had to give up those forms of exercise, and, as is well known, to con line himself mainly to cutting down trees, which he does habitually. He also was a great walker, and not more than fifteen years ago he walked thirty five miles over the hills in Scotland. In my opinion, he is still good for a twenty mile tramp. He always attached the greatest importance to physical recreations, and he lost no oppor tunity of encouraging us in them. He has proved their benefits and I think is not a had specimen of their value. But it was only in manly sports and gamcs.in rational recreations, that he stimulated and led us. What did he do as regards myself ? He sent me to Katun, and every one must be pretty well satisfied that a lad at Eton would get eneugh physical recreation." XTOTICETO CONTRACTORS, Notice ll is herby given that at the next reeu- .... u. ... ,,,i0 vuuuij vuuiuiisaioners Court for Linn county, Oregon, lobe held at the Court House in the city of Albany on Wednesday the 5th day nf June. A. D. 1889, sealed plans, specifications, strains, diagrams and bids will be received far HllilHlnf a Hrlrl.. n ... n.... .1. u ....1- c . .1 unup nuiwia blio -WUL I B,HIU1" am at Waterl 10 ; said bridge to be abeut "' iuub mu sixteen ittet wiae in the clear. Also for the building of a bridge across Crabtree Creek where tbe CenntT knari nrnaaaa aalH . i ef Deaklns Bros, and J. It. Cyrus said bridge to be about 100 feet long and 16 feet wide in the clear. Also tor the build ing et a Bridge acrosw Muddy C;.ek at tha nlflna knnwti a 1,A n-IUn. f. a .1-1 1 ' , ' iui u. ivaaers to submit estimates on this bridge for flllTlBtfll.llW.H , f t.T I . . wuio ul ararioo iora and also where the old bridge washed out said bridge to be about 80 feet lenr and sixteen leet wine la the clear. All of said bridges to be covered. All bids must be filed with the Clerk on or before 1 o'clock .. ui. ui me buovs mentioned Iav. All IK1B miit ha nMitnn.-iul 1 .1 I - 5 nfir nanr nf Hlrf Tu I' . . right to reject any ami all bids. JJone by order ef the Court this 9th day of May. A, D, 8u E. E. MexTAfti-K, bounty C'lerW, J. MeCAUSUANO, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PJIINTS. Ofllce with Oregon Lasd Co. Albany, Or. Sewerage Systems and W.ter Supplies a Specialty, Estates Subdivided. Maps made or Copied on .short notice. 5 SPECIALTIES. CLOTHING Fashionable and Stylish Suits, Business Suite, Light weight Summer Suits. Boys, youth's and children's suit3. Furnishing Goods Fine line of light weight underwear balbriggan and voolen ; soaiery, shiita neckwear, bne wire suspenders, guaranteed tor two years, in 11 the latest novelties. BOOTS AND SHOES. A Urge line in this department of tlia best in tbe market. HATS Staple and Fashionable linos, among others a Gne stock of the John B. Stotson hats. Tailoring Merchant tailoring under expert tailor. Suits made to order under short notice at rcmarkablo loir figures. More goods turned out than ever before. IQQQ QPRlWH AMn QIIMMCb lA. LADIES DRESS GOODS Hi flMft The largest stock and gre. est variety in price and bvyle I have evet carried, and as gjod value as e-er offers tu tbe citizens of Linn ccunty. Special Bargaius In Cashmeres, In colors and blacks. Seersuckers, ginghams cb.mbreys, W print, ud wash fabric,. AU the novelties of the season b ack nd colors. I will have so,netbinS further to say about these m et., days. :EM15ROIDERIES, skirtings and India Linen. I ever ex- L. E. BUI 5 Stick a Pin in the fact that I am offering better bargains than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt sales I can sell First-Glass Goods Flouncings, and all overs tin carabriw, Swiss and India have just opened the largest invoice of novelties in this line hibited in this city, ana at peiuj rcuuucu y...... Piques, Lawns, India Linens, Nansooks in white, ecru and colors, all at prices very much cheaper than ever before offered in this city. TABLE LINEN, In brown and bleached. This stock I bought in New York at less than importers' price, and am able to give good bargains. 58 men an linen bleached at 50 wnts per yard and others in proportion. TOWELINGS, CRASHES, ETC All these goods I buy direct from importers by the bale, andean sell them much cheaper than if bought of jobbers towels I buy tn quan tities in New York, and am offeriog them at prices that are sure sell the goods. Y JOHN BR.GGS, FLOBIST, ALBANY OREC Roses a Spkcialtv. Cemetery lota planted an I at,n.i Kid Glovfn I Kid (jlnm I I I have jutt received a full line of kid .olvci branded Our Own. This it a genu ine kid glove. 1 buy direct from importers In New York and consider tliem the bent value of any glove 1 ever sold for this price. J button, 3 row of st'tchlng, $1.50 jer pair. K. Yoi-Nu. FRESH Grass and Garden SSaESaESZOjES all kinds at STF W ART&SOZ atjor belowlCOST. FOR General merchandise of all kinds oall'on ire. Particular bargains in a samp of shoes. Cash for Goods or Country prdi(fc 0 w. sniiso Albany, Oregca. illef & living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse FOB Drugs, Paints,. Oils, Brushes, Akbas- ' line, tUUMI)ii.ih, Sb GrO TO CITY DRUG STORE. Guiss & Son. I. , WISMLL, J, C, JOHXIOH, J, HIYCR1I, , IIIILTOK. WINDELL, JOHNSON & CO,, REALIESTATE DEALERS AND MONEY BROKERS. Conveyancing and ail Notarial work promptly done. P, O, box, 800, Seattle, Washington, G. U 6LACKMAN, Siicttstor tB. W.LtMfdon, dfaler IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES SO IPS COMBS. ETC. Ladies Cotton Host-. Are cheaper this year than ever before. I have, succeeded in get ting some good bargains, all of which I .m offering to my customer tbe same in MISSES AND CHILDREN'S, Theaboveisanoutlinoofthc pjicy l'am going to do busines . and will endeavor to do my pare towards securing the trado in and adjoining counties to Albany, and to keep up with the Vr"' of the lively and growing city of Albany. I will have something 0 say about Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, SAMUEL E. YOUNG FUH THE REST FURNI RE -CALL ON THE- Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITa STEWART SOX'S, Who Have in Stnnk a HnmnlatB Line of BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTER0! GOODS, WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRlAiicoi ETC., ETC., ETC.