Lvol. II. pufFfflcmocnvr ALBANY, OR. MONDAY, JUNE 3, i8s. NO 24 OK A '.vino? r.i 1, r ! Ay I V' :-v: ;! it. ami 1 It the The LEADING Grocerv Store THE PLACE . JynU means cz. on Paine, Brothers, Suaesscn to Join Fax, Ur your Groceries, Prota, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Skimmed milk i not 8 generou sort of exclusive diet, but a year f it is'said to have saved General Schcnck's lifr. Ha was waited and almost dj'ng from what wai pronounced Blight's disease, and en couraged by the success of others, he tried the skim milk plan. lie is now in fairly good health, living in Washington. K F. Sox Pras IT. SrBWABP, S Albany ManufaotureM.oC- STEAM ENGINES GRIST AMD SAW y ILL MACHINERY I30N FRONTS AMU ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AM LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. sn.nlal pal.l o rnr.s.irlnsl ill .Ir.ds 01 machlnor" Patterns Made on Short Notice, Conrad Mever. PROPitlKT; OF. STA.R BAKE III f Coiner Broaflallrin and First Sts., Wallace, Thompson k Co's. Their (foodclare the best and the tr prices reasonable. CXiilVFS GOODS IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. Th-iir.Stocko(GROCEmEi? and PRODUCE is always. Complete. A New Groceiy Discovered AT Strong's old' corner, opposlto Stewart" 4i,.rir; v.rijt, .i'-i,-, A. full lino of FRSH GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, ; 011S3 FUJI T3, ETC. iM.iiMr bjiIos and small nrofits." "Live iui iiv " la oar inotto. Please call and examine our eo.ids and ft pries. f tujfaction euarauteod, Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Respectfully, 5AF.DUE & ROBERTSON. A smooth sea never made a skimui mariner, neither uo uturicrrupicu piuci- ity and success qualify for usefulness and happiness. The storms f adversity, like I those of the ocean, rouse the faculties nd I excite the invention, prudence, skill fortitude of the veyager. President Harrison devotes about an hour a day to newspapers. lie reads the editorial comments cut out for him by Eli jah Ilalford.spends a few moments on the telegraphic news end always looks ever the bate ball scores. KEEl'l'OSTEK. Canned Pratt. nrled FrtiiK Tobnccn, Stisisr, Cofler. Etc,, DEALER IN Cumin. WcoM, nccnwure, Vosetil?es, HKrH. Noire m. Ten. i:m., In fait everything t- u P1 u Bm ral variety and (rrocor store. HUshs m rket prici paid for All- KINDS OF PRODUCE. TO CO EAST. i., ft via Mount Shasta Konte. Nice .1: stall time, of the year See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Otflen, Salt Lake Denver. Finest soeond-claas ear. made are run daily. Hov y tickets of me and save your fare to Portland. I in the only person in Albany tht can soil you a ticket from Allviny direct to anv oint m the United. States. Call n me for rates. W. U J BSTER. ceo S. P JIME GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. JIls Block lias beeo enlarged 80 that it equalt a ly on the C iatt, au J consists of PuOger Bros. Silverware, French Ckinf., and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Oarriagef, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey ami Toys. Owonls Wa Gee Co, MRS. JIMJWESTFALL, has jnst opened, next door ti. C, H. Spen. cere, and elegant line of JAPANESE CQ2JDS nf . I.n,. i, andlmanv designs. Alf a superior line of teas. DR. C. U. CHAMBERUM, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Special attention to diseases ofthe eyo. pS-omceWner of Tli'id Mil Lyon St, ALBANY, 03E30H. Ho ouys direct and oarrhH the largosc stock In the ha. been addod a complete line of Willamette Valley, to whirl FAMILY GROCERIES. Is Agent for insnranee companies with a capiul nqzritfMiif 75,001,0Cf . -P"Iel on parle Francai. Hier wird deutcli gesproohon.D STOCKMEN 'AND FARMERS i horoby rortiry lr. 1. N. Wonitlf has successfully operato I on my rh tiling horse, HAO For furlhorrsftwnvM " ma ' ' r"'f' Inns inqniro of Win Ht -r.-, .11, I torson, Lobanon : .l.iim .1 st-V. Wolvertnn. Albauv : - m ; Win. Foster, Priu. .: I. - vrtor. inary mo lioine In . ! -t oonntry surruunding. oiIWoh ' i Iv.iice corutr 6th and Washirg' n ,vo,-,IiK BRU3HE3 A.r D3Y0B - ao.a-rv:)Nb.. . Chas.Mefir, Deal Estate, Fmploymen and Insurance Agent . A.l commiiicatloa. piomptly aghered la Germanjor English. IFFIOE! ELLSWOHTH BETWESH FIRST AN3 T:3JiD STSSETS ALBANY OREWN. J P. HAIL, Albany Agent, tot Columbia Hicvcles, incyciBs mm Safetvs. Also Hival, itto ana nauonai P.icvoles and Crescent anil J uiiior worth from $50 to S0. Mend for pnoo list of new and second-band woeols now stock. New goodt at W F Ptead's. F. M. French ke;ps railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Reud's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surjreon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Emerson piano call on j L Blackmon. O L Rlockman is agent for the Weber piano. Is one cotter. Buy yoor tickets through to tuo fcaat 01 W I. leoter and save fare to Portland. I have reduced pricfS on all heavy wenr in boots and shoes. Call early at W r Read's. Tho Western Cottage and Packard are two nflVne best orirans made. lr L blackrnan sells them. A fine linn of all kinds of furniture, plain nd upholstered, hes", stock in this part cl Orecnn r.t Fort mum Jc Irving s, If von wont a clean and fine smoke ssk for J.Joseph, home mine wnire r or sai ov mosc Joseph's factory. .1 Vrahi'n! 1. ifni Sinr Manutaetur injCo.. oini'ita (III Mw lempie, baiv. A fine iin. of bujz?y dusters nnd'fly nets at Thompson & Overman's, the leadmjj harness dealer?. An elezant line of sii'l table spretds, 111 bemtifnl designs.'just received at Fortmiller t Irvnig's. 5 csns 0 ilden Star tomatoes for 50 cents atC Meyers, and all other canned oids cheap for cash. Dr's Sovereign Balm of Life, for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & RMisnn's nnd Brownell & Stanard s, Bdtirr.ore, agent. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS They Lynched Them. Johnstown, Penn., June 2. At 8:30 o'clock this morning an old railroader, who had walked from Sang Hollow, stepped up to a number of men who were congregated Ton the I platform of the station at Saturnville and said: "Gentlemen, had 1 a shotgun with me half an hour ago I would now be a murderer, yet with no ftar of ever having to suffer for my crime. Two miles below here I watched three men going along the hanks stealing jewels from the bodies of the dead wives and daughters of men who have been robbed of all they held dear on earth." lie hail no siinncr finished the last ...tii hc uuii) u-.en were cu their way to the scene of the planner, one with a coil of rope and another with a revolve -. In twenty imuuics nicy nau uvcriaKen two 01 ttieir vic tims, who were then in the act of cutting pieces from the ears and fingers from th; hands of two dead women, With the revolver leveled at the scoundrels.the leader ofthe posse shout ed. "'1 hrow up your hands or I'll blow your heads off," With blanched facesand trembling forms they obeyed the order and begged for money. I hey were searched and as their pockets were emptied cf their ghastly finds the inaignauons 01 tne crown intensified and when the bloody ringer of an infant child with two tiny gold rings was found among the plunder in the leaders pocket.the cry went up, -'Lynch thein! lynch them!" Without a moment's delay ropes were thrown about their necks and they were oangung 10 me urn os 01 trees in the branch es which an hour before was entancled the bodies of a dead father and son. labor dealers and cigars at his Al Over Six Hundred Drowned. Johnstown, Ta., June 2. The situation here has not changed, and yesterday's estimates ofthe loss do not seem to be exaggerated. Six hunered bo-lies are now lying in Johnstown, and a large number have already been buried. Four immense relief trains arrived last night and the survivors arc being well cared Tor. The warning given the stricken city was sent from South Kork village by Freight Agent Dechert. When the great wall that held the body of water began to crumble at the top, he sent a message begging the people of Johns town for (Jod's sake to take the hills, lie re ports no serious accidents at South Folk. P J in l N. BLVCKUm. OKO, W. WRIGHT BLACKBUFN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice In all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention Kivon 10 an dusi- ness euixusted to our care Office Odd Fellows Temple, Albany.Or. For and roadiharueoa goto E. L. Power Palace Meat Market. J. V. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, 08- Win kesf constantly on nann oea mutton, poric, veal, -winne, eto.. the be meats and largest Vb-riety in the city. Cash naid for nil kinds of faf stocx. J. K. WEATflEEFQRD, O PUBLIC,) PTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OBEGOK. iIactice in all thu courts u Special attention rfrsn DR. BO SAN HO in his new dioovery for Consumption, sue ec.ded in inducing a mtdiein. whloh iiao knowleda'd bv all to b. simply marvelous It is exceed in sly plsssans to the tasts. per feetly harmless, and doss not sioken. In al cases of csi.sof Consumption. Connlia, Colds Whoonini Cmish, Uronp, Bronchitis, ana Pains in th. Chest, it has given universal satisfaction. Dr Hnssnko's Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at 50 osnts by Dr Guisi ic Son. Highest Known. IIakrisu ko, June 2. The great Hood is over, the river having reached its maximum hight at 6:30 this morning and made Jits best record. The great flood of 1S65 touched thirty four feet eleven inches above low water mark, w hile this one went twenty-six inches beyond. The water 15 now subsiding and the people are beginning to realize the enormous damage that will take many weeks to repair. Not one person in fifty arrives at the ape of fnrty, who is not troubled with kidney or urioary complaints in some form. To those afflicted with pain in the back, Don retention of urine, nervous debility, psinful or sup pressed menstruation, w. can oucr a i.siedy that bas been in coustsnt urs oyer twenty y.ars, Orsgon Kidney Tea. This preparation ha. don. mere tor suturing botnsaisr than any oth.r medicine in the market. Seld by Foshay & Mason. Portland, Or., Jan. 12th. Having a severe hsek aohe last summer, I tried the Oregon Kidn.y 'lea, T used on. oar, which .(If otsd a radical cui.. I would rec ommend it to all who ara sffli.t.d as an un failing . JolicsAch. Sold by Foihay & Mason. FUR PILE. Itehi'JK "t ' h n': leu pro Irani T.ry vsvirM ItehlnT srtsr hiK wsrm. This t: a wll i Blind, ulstiilpf protmclhis PllM ! onM o th. apDliaMi Ilr. Bosanko s r.'.i rsrady, wnloh act. dlrssllr th iwrts iT-ctee, abSTbin ths tuaiors, .'is , lntnse ite lina ia sUMtinir prmsinl . osnts. Aililrmw Ths Dr Braunko Vl.cliit C. (I. Sold by Dr. G 'liss and Son. W 11 13 1 LYE U 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor- in Chancery Colleetl'ms oromptly made on i r. Loans nonotiated on asonablc terms i.t BANKER, ALBANY, - -. " OREGON. Sell exohrui'f o.i iew lorn, lwi r' PorUand. nnw nntM. St. cniintr H'mI C.tT warrant. Re oeUVdoprwiti aulijoct to chwk. Interert allowod on time dfttaiia. Collcctiona will reje.vepriaiptaueni'on. ritmwtvrtTnienctt oliclted. Firs and Mariiit Iniurance compaaiet . A'bo fioiUitent, nf LfaWi lnvntiojn Ocmpnjr Loaa mada on farm property. TSWAHE AND HARD WARE OK ALL KINDS Al 3 3l M3 0. K. laii House and Carriage Painte" Decorator and Paper Manger Piano Varnishine. All von. vtinrantoAd. 3 B. VASSAL! 0. tsSuciTftRM) Henry SueiciH BABY CARRIAGES If Ton are nrToutor irritaU,feel lmguH, ?i.T.-riprl. nrif von have aide hmdache. l 1 iw complexioniroffonaive braftth.tlien y-.ur a i. nnt. nf nrilor and MfAt rODinff. Dr. HVnln'a DapHolinn Tonic raatorea the liver to hcalthv nction nd ton np the entii ttn. SoW tiy Kohay & Maann. WriifMV Svinn Tar and Wild Cheiry Tft. it nA vnn will une nothinir elae fo. ct'il, oolda and nil nff-utiora nf the throat lup. S:M hv Fonhay & MaaoD. WpinV'i ('nmuniind avriiD of SaratarilJ can bo ivlwA upon for nil blood dinrft'ea, nkin affecio ie, etc. Sold by Konhay & Mmmh- A Entlenin who had iulTerd H.eataDnOT- ance and pain from barber itch.aod who bad been treatea by the beat phyaitvar, without relief, tsaya that two bottUa of Dutard'a ypcihc cared hint and Jft his face periectly antooth, without a car. It never fails in skin dueaaB. Sold by Foihay k Ma son. (I'UK F aTr H I CK. IIEaOAC'IIK. Dotou want a remrdT for B'Mouantai. Ptmnlfa on the fa, and a sure cum for tick headache, uk Dr, Oum and the DrutftHiU, for'a Lire fin, try a doa . aamplua irre uu oex xtt ecnt, Wriclit's Myrth tooth poan. Fraarant. cooling and refret-hing. Heal a anre guma and preserves the teeth, doldbyroshay ft Mason. A dry, hackinp'cough keepa the bronchial t'tbes iu a state of conalant irritation, which, if not spfedily removed, niay lead to bron oiitif. No promptt-r teres ly mn he rad than Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, which is both an ndjne and expectorant. V right's Aral in Horas L aimfiit, an ia- vahinble r-niedy for sprains, bruiKS. lame n-fs and all ffrcction of the akin. maultsard joints, to which bonea and cattle nte anfc juct. Sold by Kol.ay ft Maaon. Thomparn ft Ovenr-an keep the bt har- Tiihbg& Ct' ror Manilla twine, lest qulitr i'- Ste.vnrt & S x?a. S7 ,s, rvocwrillnir, Penmanship, Correspondence, Ilusl. Uss uiiil boisal I'orms practically taught al the Port land Business College. The thoroush work done In each of our several l.-parlnienls has Riven this Inslltutlon a reputa Inn such as but few schools attain, securing to iunilreils of our graduates Prontanie P"y neut, both lis book-ki'Cpers and Menographeis. Wents udmltlod ut any lime. Catalogue fieo. A. P. AimsTrtOMl. Prlnelnal, Porfls.d. Or. SECURE PRICES. NO i" ROUBLE TO SHOW, .'400DS AT Fine line of Guns and goo:! stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son s special bargain Mf Wanted. All hinds of poultry, sllve or dies'od, wimi'il ntthe tVllU'iiMle 1'icklnj; Com pn'iy'M ."torn, Alba-jy, Orei: n TiVTf ti A uoril nirl lo do tunera) V housework Inni-n nllfsin l Inthe nin. Ponr.uiient iiiiire. Cal atlhls ofilce. SUPERIOR LINES OF lAGRICUUTURAL IM' PLEMENTS AT OI YOE & ROOSON Albany Market. 7 heat-02o ats 2tc. ? utter 15c per lb. ins 15c rv 0.00. ? otatoes 25 cts per bushel. ' on root, ;i' .itdos 75 cents per bu. Pork 0'Ao per 11 jresssd Bacons hams V2'4e. shoulders, 8n. sides 10c. iard 9c pur lb. 3 Clour 4. por bhl. ibickons-S.OO per dos. iJill Feed bmi, 1 4.0" per ti.n shorts, 111. middllntr.. 20. Ohor ''0- DEYOE & 1WBS!) ARE ASKVT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWIXU MA CHINE. REST MACHINE IN THE