THE CHAMPION (.f:;rs 111 Wf nn in, .um j" i-iiminj. m ri-::-!! H''' M'fVt':;, ;in.l ll:ilizas tlio -.'. ,ii:st w!i:tt Vi'ii m-( il. Try it. .. . -iiin' viir r"''It fit'My, inifl mnrn i , -t r-ri riHjl lli'Mt 'f J'M nlhrr hltnnl- , it t fl'.-r."- I!. A. MrWUSianiH, l : "-. . .:; A ,...L!i.-,-. . I.n'.v.ll. Mnn VVurlh o a lnj:lc. K ,F. So. Prog C. II.; SrKWAitr, S Albany ron works; .Manufacturers of- Iteam ENGINES CRIST AND saw MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS7' AMD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AMD LIGHT WORK, IN .' IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. Mpecial attflntion'pald o nwiritigj ill Patterns Made on Short Notice, Conrad Mever, STAR BAKEIIT Corner Broadalbin anil First Sts., -DEALER IN Canoed Fruits), c:iine .ilnats, jlusware, 0,uenawarv, Dried Fruit. Vegetable, Tobacco, C'itjnca, Sugar, SiiiriK, t'oflee. Tea. Etc,, Etc. In fact evnrythimr that In kept In a gen ral variety and groeer.7 store. Ili'io.! m rket pries paid for AL1, KINDS OF PRODUCE. HOW TO GO EAST. Go Kast via Mount Shasta Rout a. Nice climate acid soanory at all times of the year. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Otfrfen, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest second-class cars made are run daily. 11 uv your tickets of me sl! save your fare to Portland. I am the only person in Albany that can sell you a ticket from Albany direct to anv oint in the United Mates. Call on me for rate. V. L. Jester. I Vtn S. P NO 21 I Jra $v miS vzm I I i .. n.'wz-rLri i rjti nwt zs-m-. tvvm x. m ,uw. i v;rii v urCL' . ukm nuwtx &z .tji ' v.'a rOL. II. ALBANY, OR. THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1880. Qwong Wa Gee Co. - MRS. JIM WESTFALL, ias just opened, next doir zu C, H. Spen cers, and eluiant line of JAPANESE GOODS of a Urge variety an1inny desior. Also 1 uperior line of teas. PIANOS. Those wishintr n flrvt.claioi In.trumMnt should 04 1 fit Mrs, 11. 13. II,vnan'n and se one of those Cjlonratfi.' Hnim9 dt Aiong pianoes, excellent rich tone. Ei- Peniallv lllndn anil ml ii.tfld Ln .land tli I nil male on the Pacific Coast. E ery piauo i"iuy guatantoed Tin 5 years. Tlio Ir.teM heet-muslo for salo. Music and painting lemon. given mere. Also I'm piaoo lo gel j"r new sew no Mm linn, Katiov worst and dress making demn to order. Hrst ''oor east or Young's old stand, Albany, ''regon. WILL I5ROS, DaaWa In all rlii ,tt .t i... ti Jgxs, Siwlni; Mainlines, ,,,. Also full line of warranto I, Rutoher n1 t-ooket Knives, The Uost kind ol Ml? i 0 17 rn-hln. ntl nu.llu a .. 1 ...I... fr all maohlnes. 'All lcr'rintf neatly reasonaoiv aine. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DBYOB as ROBSON'b The LEADING Grocery Store Wallace, Thompson & Co's. THE PLACE. iyall meaut o&ll oq PaiKe Brothers, Suaesiit! c Mm i'ar, for your Groceries, Proiuce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc, Their coodcre the best and their pricea reasonable. The member of the Harrison family that has not got an office is named John. lie is a Democrat. IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. Th-Mr Stock of GROCERIES antl PRODUCE is always Complete. pi r;m rm rr ,,, V.U um. F'lS mm ''-'; iA'i ft-Wt m4 JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock ha, been enlarged 80 that it eaual, any on the Coast, and oos,sts of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohinf. and Orys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriage,-, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Orockrey and Toys. He buys direct and carries the largest atock In (he Wlllam.t. rr has been addod a complete line of Willamette Valley, FAMILY GROCERIES. Ts Ai?ent for Insnrane, companies with a cap.tal aatiu ,-Ici on parle Francis. Hier wlrd dontch gesprochen.- hi tJ" Store I JF kl stock of 2nd fS- goods in the VA ley, and thmost reasonable prioes, both in baying and S3lliag. I have on hand 11 kinds of FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PiiiTUPES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC ., ETC. O ie doorpost of S. E. Young's old store L. GOTTLIEB. 123 First Street, Albany, Or. to Wlllr I Chas. Metzger, a'Real state, Fmplopen and Insurance Agent . A.t cominulcatluas piomptly a i sv.ere.1 in Gorman'or English. CFFICE: ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FI33T m 3EJ3W ST3Ers ALBANY OREGON" J P. HAiL, Albany Agent, for Columbia Bluycies, Tricycles and Safetys. Also Rival, Otto and National Bicycles and Crescent and Junior Safetvs, worth from $50 to $80, Send for prioe l'ist ui ubit auu secona-nana wcseis now in stock. D - i .U riON NOTICE. This is to certlfi that the co-partnership here tofor? ezixting between Chas. Metzjier and J. J. Oorris doing business under the firm, name and style of Ch ts. Metzger it 10, i r dissolved oy mutual con sent. J J, Do ris retirlne from the busi ness. C js. Metzger will collect all monev due the firm and pay all debts of the nrm. Dated at Albany this 2nd day of May, Chas. Metzoep, J, J. Dorris. H. F. MERRILL, BANKER, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. Sell exchtviijf New Turk, San rranctioo and Portland . Bm- notM. SU'8, eountr aid c!tv warrmn. Re ceive ileptMiu subject to check. Intereit allowed on time depoeita. SC'ollectioni will receive prumpt attention. Correiijwindencd tollclted. Flreaud Uarine Insurance companies. Also local siren t of Lembird Investment Company t)aas made on farm property. 0, K. Paint ,Siui4 House and Carriag-e Painter. Decoratorand PaperHanger Piano Varnishinir. All vnrfc -.uarantecd. S B. VASSAL 0. (uoc.jr, to Heury Soosona TINWARE AND HARD WARE Of ALL KINDS AT DE0F 1 J I : I SECURE PRICES. NO DOUBLE TO SHOW, 'tOODS AT :. H New Grocery Discovered AT Strong old oornor, opposite Stewart & sox, r ir; s.r n., u')u,', d j A full line of FRESH GROCERIES. GAINED ItfODS, OiiiiEO ?J?U1TS, ETC. Uuick sales an. I xmall rnollts." "Live and let live," Ix onr motto. Please call and examine our it" au 1 k-t prices. H -tisfaction guaraiiteod. Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Koapoetfully, 3ARDUF & R03ERTS0N. City Meat market. SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprietors. Keep a full Hdp of ; of Ml kindH. in b cool pit (p, noinplnlnly pro. tected; and always (rush. AAO hliVa flonqtiintlv nil htan.1 a-almni aa 1 other fish. rypowrllinir. Penmanship, Correspondence, BnM. ies unu uegiu rurms practically taupiil at tue Portland Business College. The. thorough work done In each ol our several 1 ".tartim-nts l:as plven tills Insittutlon a reputa ton such as but fi-w schools attHin, sccurinK to iiimlreil nt utir Knulu:ites profltiihle employ nent, holli us bnoli-ki-epers hml ktcnosraplieis. -Indents ailn illctl at any time, Calalogue tree. ' k. P. ARMNTRONfl. Prlecipil. Portland. Or. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoo and Eob sens special bargains KEEP POSTED. Now goods at W F Read's. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Bargain in boots and shoes at Read's. J. P. Wallam Ph...;n,.. -J o . i - - " ourxwo, Al bany, Or.. r E?r SterlifRor Emeraon piano call on G L Black man. . 0 L Blackman ia apent for the Weber piano. None better. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jonea. Buy your tickets through to the East of W L Jester and aave fare to Portland. I have reduced prici s on all heavy wear m boots and shoes. Call early at W F Read's. The Western Cottage and Packard are two lul r- i . ' . . ... Ti ., uiue. j l, uiackman 1.11 them. A tine line of all kinds of furniture, plain Mid upholstered, best stock in this part of Oregon at Fortniillcr Irvine-. If you want a clean and fine smoke ask for .1 .lnni.k'j 1. a . . w. vwHa uiuia uimi. wmte jaoor cigars For sale by most cigar dealers and' at his .Tnannt,'. f.nlnpn i'-- - ...wijr. J A Archibald, ajoit Siuar Manufaotnr ing Co., o.)piite O ld FjiIo.vj Temple, Al banv. A line lins of bugy dusters and fly nets at Thompson Overman's, the leadiug harness dealers. An Dl . t: t . i . . UHm table spreads, in beautiful designsjust received at Fortmiller Irviug's. 5 cana Golden Star tomatoes for 50 cents .1 n M.n. 1 1, .1 . """J"i auu an otner canned coods Tlr V. !... '. O . . a ouvereigu ralm 01 l,lte, for diseases ptcnKar to women, at Devoe & uu jjiuwueu otanaru s, r J usitimore, agent. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR- Cash Goes n Long Ways at Julian Ura Itvliol' I have made arrangements for buvinj goods direct from the factories in Eu'rppi ana win sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper man any where else on the Pacific Coast, ine toiiowing are some of my rash retail prices : Vr dozen unhandled '.eacups and saucers. H dozen unhandled coffee cups and 6au cers, 45 cts. i dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, ;o cts. dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. I have also Boa stock ot groceries, which I ask people t call and examine and judge utusco cs as to quality and prices. Iulius Gradwohl. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Cyclane, McPhkrson, K, May 2o.A cyclone formed about six miles southwest of this city vesterdav aftmnnn : . ' . ,u V . ' V"'"'g almost direct v fhl rUgh-the coun"T. "iriking the earth three times in its nassn. vu s " . everything was destroyed. "CK Thra miles east of Elyria it struck John Ntghttngale , house, taking it from it, fand," ion with .11 ,, contents and carrying it entire ly away not a vestige of it having been , since. The family escaped by taking refuge in the cellar B katzlap's house wa, alio destroy ed and the family were likewise saved by taking refuge in the cellar, ' 31oniaiia Demucratlc. Helena, Mont., May29. rhe announce mcnt was made to-day of the official count for one of the Helena districts, which has been de layed for some reason. It settles the question as to the democratic majority in the constitu tional convention. The democrats have been claiming five, but the returns to-day elected Gillette, republican, which cuts it down to four The totals stand: Democrats, 39; re publicans 35; labor 1. Warned Oltlce Had. Washington, May a8.A man named H. Doof Br Harbor, Maine, while waiting in Halford's room for a chance to see the presi- in a faint. Assurance was rendered him, and when sufficiently recovered he was removed to his rooms. It is understood that he left a sick bed to go to the White house, and that when informed that the president w as Z much en? gaged to grant him interview to-day the shock was so great that he fell in a fit. Bir Pension. Washington, May 2g.-A certificate for a pension wa, to-day g-ated to Philip Flood IlyotPriV:!,ein com''an7 E of "e Forty! second Ohio volunteer infantry. The amount of arrears allowed by the pension office T his case is $15,289, his disability dating back to November ,4, 1S62. This is the largest first payment on record in the pension office. Appointment. Washington, May ao.-The president has appointed John B Cotton, of Lewisfn, Me., assistant attorney general.vice Robert A How ard, or Arkansas, resigned. Val A Milroy Postmaster at Olymnia, W. T . vice Arthur D Glover, removed. 1 he president has appointed Orlow W C lap man, of New Vork, solicitor general. Secretary Noble to day appointed Lorenzo D, Montgomery of Oregon, special agent on the Indian depredation claims at SS per day. Cheap. No such cheap excursion as that to Grant's Pass on next Fridav will be 'offered this year. Only $7.50 for a 600 .ine ,iuc. iiunK 01 mat, Through a magnificent cnuntrv it u,lil citizens should take advantage of. A ffuntlamnn k.kkJ . IT . -...u.u.uiicku itmiiDngy. snce and pain from barbers itch, and who had been treated by the beat physieUn, without relief. i.uva thnf. I 1. 1 l r. Specifio cured him and left his face perfectly smooth, without a scar. It neverfails in skin diseases. Sold by Foshay & Mason. 7 O-ks cures rheumatism. ncnrloi' toothache. Foshay k Mason Agents. FUK PILES. Itchi:i P,i-s ,'Kiki h' a.L'.ir.Jlllks f 1 km. pmlitcinr vor.v aisro9,ile llchin? aftar 111a; warm. This U: a .9 well as BllnJ, BledW prolniJIin PiltM , Aid at once to the cpnllcau Dr. Brnmnko . remrdv, w.iich led directly the ntrta iTcteri. abirhinr th tnm.,p. .... i Intense Uciinor and ctTectinir . perniiuont c'd cuts. Address The Dr Uomnko Hl.ine Co.,r O. bold by Dr, C-iiis tn A Son. If VOU are nervnun or U , nnnM dispirited, or if you have sick headache, Bil low complexion, or offensive hrnth,thon y mr livr is out of order and needs routing. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonio restores the liver to healthy action and tones uu the entiie v. tem. Sold ny Foshay & Mason. Wrikiht'a Svtnn Tr v;i.i ri ., Try it and you will use nothing else fo. cougqi, colds and all nlfcctinna of the thioat and lungs. Sold by Foshay & Mason. W'rifrht.H (l1,inmili.l .t,n... nf kl Ml. , up ui onivHoariiia C.ln ho nlii.H ii,ii r.,i u:l kl.,n.l A: ..; . I ""'u- wisritweB HK1D alfectioua, etc. Sold by Fohay & Masui . Heavy Storm. La fiR4vnr rr i, n. y y. ine heaviest rain and hail storm ever known in this country On',thJ'!"L:n,C?n "i"1'" a Period of five "O"" une and three-fourth, inches of water fell. Not nno ruinnn In Oft-. : .... . . : r "j iriv8 .t in. age of forty, who is not troubled with kidney or urinarv nnrhnl n i . 1 m . . Smicted With nam in th. . . 1 w wavK, nun re(.DI10H of urine, nervous debility, painfnl or sun- nrAKftftri m.i.i: ' .u Tl . can oner a remedy that has been in constant use over tw.nLs Vears. Oreiron Kidn.. T-. tl:. w.tisj; r 0 j mi. pr.paratioa ha. done more for suffering humanity thao any other medicine in the market. Sold by Thompsou & Overman Loon .- k... u. nesse,. For land madeharness goto E. L. Power m m I It. RO.NAHI.Un in.his uew discovery for Consumption, sua ceded in producing a medicine whioh ij ao knowledged by all to be aimply marvelous ---- ''i iu UNO TMie. per fectly harniles. and does not sicken. In al case, of cases of Consumption, Couchs, Colds Whooping Cont-h. Croup, Bronchitis, and rains in the Chest, it has given universal satisfaction. Dr Bosanko's Congh and Lung Syrup is sold at 50 oeuta by Dr Guisi At Son CURE FK SICK IIEaDACHK, Devon nt a renirdr lor Il'llou-iienK, Piuii.lcson the (ace, a'.d a sure cure (or sick houtache, aak Dr. Guta and Hn, the llruirvlats. (or lr. (l,.ni'a 1 1. Pills, try a dos , samnlu Iree lull box 25 cnt,B Wrioht'a Mvrth U . , ...j.,.. ...v... ,v.,, I I.IBUI, cooling aud refreshing. Heals sore gums and nreservea the toAth. K. v,..l,. a. Mason. BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART B SOX SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON Portland, Or., Jan. 12th. Havinc n ,bv.m I 1. . .. 1. 1 . . . . ,l 7 nviie ,ast summer, 1 tried the Oiegon Kidney 'lea, I used one oar, which effected a radical cute. I would ree mntnend it to nil who are sfllicted aaan un failing remcdv. JtnusAcM. Sold by FcshnySc Mason. A drv. baekinf,vfnii trna rl,A l,.nnl.:.l tubes in . tte of conufniit irritation, which, If not aneedily removed, may lend to lirnn. ohitis. No pronintrr ie medy can he hsd than ojri s viiirry i rciiiHI, IHcn IS roth nonyne ixj ectorant. an A snlcrdirl alnrtr .. --mtu- 1 , - uci., icw- iclrr .clocks, etc.. nt Will vi..l. , . T . - - . . . .v m ,a , nn, manv new thintra hfinww i i A no a tine line nf o-ol,l l,aSlu . . LHIITK. VHII on them for bargains. 1 Wright's Aiabinn Ho Liniment, an in valualdo r-medy for si 1 sirs, brni.i lame ness nod sll nir.c'i.n if the-kin, nn.elesand joints, to which horses snd cuttle me sub ject. Sold hv Fo. hay A Mason. DEY0S& Il.')B.Sf)V APv FOR THI'J NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING Ml CHINE. REST MAHIINE IN THE ViA.iKI-T