WILL EX113IT IN Albany, Wednesday ,June 19th. TWO PERFORM ANCES 2 AND S P. M. SELLS BROS', E3STOBMOTTS UNITED SHOWS Tbree-rinx Cireue, Royal Uoo.kii Ji:pj.o.fnimp, Elevate.1 3;ae dJ 5-(Jou.intt"it MttUtHi- e, ui in iMuu-mfQt uniou with H. S, RARRETT'S Monster Consolidated Shows, Universal Menagerie, two-rin ciicu", racing cmirul an-l Great World's Fair ! ONECO, 8461 . . c . ityyyy &yM. The Reigning Autocrat of the Amusement World, Spr-uiiru Im' V oif-uns ut cm.v.in, r-quirin? tauru cmt-t eotirhfR and iocimioMW'8 tc mow i-, u.uif rlens niiti Imits fi-r i:h Ht.inialH, ani 8fii f i w iM'iiihcr f (-f-t' " nir-rs nti working jiaople, thti any tli tvv,, . ,.ti iln ci.i.r.i tnt. SPOB.TS OF THE HIPPODROME Realistically riruducin tlip Classioal, 'f Atli'etic and Gladiatorial Pastimes' ol tho uys uf Caear and Ti erins. Chai int Eacs, I.ioeitv Rices Standing .nRacth, Fiat Race. Elct.haut Races, Jockey Races, Cum-I Rice, Ostricb Races, Sack Races, Wheelhai row Races, Obolaele R.ces unvl steej.l chases. Larger Wild Beast Exhibits! FititTiriiniM j.. ..r.ii.ilrr Hii'i'.iii ii.Hiii: H;,r-: acit i icliei-S'.n-et Pa-gn-., m mi 1 better Musi-inn F.-i-tiiics, mid bij-yi-r inducements f" p-.rri.:ny, i!un .-v,-r i-f,ue olferi d tu 1 he public. The Towering Amusement of the Century. ri'imi.liH!ii!- iravKlinj; throughout the I road con'irn'i;t of America, himI tin i i.-'f i-hiiiiliti; to tlie most emr. inous 'ml mom apprecia tive hinlifi.c!. hin c .nui.m.Ki m,.:er canvas. Univi-tiially rec a nizcd 4 tti i in-i-i it i. i-il am) c .iiiiiinii.itH i n , i:, 1 triunwih of an an ) or era. mmiTM HE SPORTS OF THE CIRCUS. . RECORD, 2:29 34. Oregon's Greatest and Gamest Racehorse, with a Record of 2:29 3-4 first season after four yeas retirement, a performance never before equalled by any horse on the North Pacific Coast, Will h j ii,,,.,,. t00,i, o.i ti..,.o i., ,.o, .iilic M.'lCiil ;ht farin.VW.lnesilaa; at Sa'.ura, Prulay .Saturday ami Mouday.ttoinK L'y way ol Jefferson and Turners Station, and allowed to nerve a limited number ot niarea. Oneeo was sirad by Altamont. waRonroad, 2:M in 8th hea'. Dam, Belle Price ty Dome, a as (j yfars um 2iWA, fastest 11 tlle world fori vwirs) sou of Brinwii, ) 4 yetr old reoord 2:30, last est in the world for 14 vears). The urandeur of Oneco's performances the past uea son of breakdiB and defeatiiu the most determined combinations which shrewd men and able manipulators with fast hor-es devised to defeat him, are still fresh in the memory 01 all horsemeu ; but would remind them again mm w n trotter both as a 2 anil 3 year old, lowering in turn both records and tons assuming the imperia' purple of Juveuiln King of tho Northwest. His bull dog tenacity, never ailius conrae, indomitable will.aud blgh strunic temperament will not brook defeat, anil his present record is at yet no measure of his speed as 'twas made in the miijl and under tl.e most adverse circuimtancos. At throe year old he sired 0 colts in all, Three of theje were trained at two vearo'd. Attheendnf 8(1 days work, breaking mil trainius, au v of theui could alio v a 3 minute Rait, rorioii was pain to i ui uium i ... .V nu... .....1 1....- .,,,,, n,l th witintr ol In and jimniro stakes at The Dalles for i year olds, and the following season won the 3 year old ra at Seattle. These are all that havo beon broken an i imve tuui; hrnniriii 11,0 ,( 4nnii u,,,.t. at ,.,.v no.llirroft will witli a lair consKlora- tion uf hii performances convince the most prejudiced that he will transmit as ae inneriisms great speed am', imtiincuing gameness. iunus, t w. Altaoo.-S veais old recoid 2:12. bv Altam-v.it, 2:i. Darn, Mesie Arnold, 2:35. l!l lie kept at Corvallis and Indjpendsme. Trms, $35.00 to insure. Edward Evkrktt Full brother to Kittv Linn, record 2:41, will accompany Oneco, terms 815.00 to insure. N liabilities assumed for accidents, will take pleas ure In showing the horses any day, except SunJav. For extended premgroe 01 farther particulars address. MCKNIGHT BROS., Albany or Corvallis. LOOKOUT FOR LOW PRICES. FURNITURE, f am now reta;ire ltirriifure Ht iry factory at cost. People wiakins furni tor can do well to look here for bniiis.a 1 am (j.-iing to sell at coat during he Dfxt 30 days. Come and examine mg'jod btore p:irch bipr else- fa er Factoiv fit the rivr etid of Lvnn Street. W l TO t VATsrid iMtre i f uui Stricture. ciut Stricture. MModIj by tta Cinclnnti,E Ohio. i hasKivenuniV'T sal satisfactiun iu ti:3 urpi f Uouorrlia-A and prescribe llanU ft'L-l safe in recommend In- it to nil Btiflerers. i. J. ST ON HC. M.D.. Docatur, It!. PRICE, 91.00. tMJe imP iiarkl Sold by Druggists. Linn County Bank, Cowan, Ralston & Chamberlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking buslnem. DRAW 810111 DIUFrS on New York. Sn Fran 13 and Portland, Oroon. LOAX M0:4EY on appioved lecurlty . RECEIVE tlepoa'.ta subject to check. (1. .1. Minthorn, Prss. 3. Farkar, Viud Prei. b. S. coon, 8 c. O. 11. Moo tit Trois Dannjj Iiarnzn Pi-dormers, expert Bicycle llidtis, Wonderful Huatian Skaters, supereminentand lauiel croon ed male aod female Eques'rian Anists, phenomenal bareback, Hurdle and Man ege riderr, Aerial Marvels, Aci..l.aiic wonders, marvi-loiis VaulttisHid Jolly Clowns. 50 ZDIEJSTS ISTID CAGES The Oregon Land Comjiany Or.,-aniZt.-I fur the ptirpofo nftmyinif ami selliiitf til esuto, ailvcr.ittin .he Will imutte Valley in nil of the leaiiintf iiewf. iwra of the United States. Kuilyitiif Kasteru amenta U ilirect home aeukera to the rt'iliam ette Valley, ami h me aifetits In all the principal towns of Marion, Polk, Linn, limit on, Claukamiut an Yamhill ctiunti;s tu aid in locating iinmi if runts. Otnne in the Tate BuiMlng onfi iluur iut uf EUevr urt & Sox'a,. HODSON & DICKINSON, Mmiaien. 50 t'iiKd ujili hII i hut )H iart- nnd wondeifnl in lmto creation. Twenty Lni'M,! l.f ttniM nrrn,,t r i-nly i.v itn i f ; id t ruinei h on ho puMic Hfreeix. The lr.-M Hl;l l.Mtbprd r.f Ki-.lmhtH wi; I. Hi.y exhibitiin. al orytupittioTt, THE PINE :T PARADE ON THE CONTINENT, UuqnpKiiiii.aUy the most elaborate, ornate and 8iiui.tiioiiHS ectacular Coiteiic ilmi tei moved through the mhlic stm-it-, ii lrnluciig as an accejiti.KI.1 HiisoiiH the Children ficnm of I iiis yland ! And pereentiDg countless changes aud ti ansfoi nations, monstrous troop of cap- pat isonc-d and hour'ah bearing war ele phants, gratid cavalcade of cavaliers ana dames, weird klimnses cl'th. Fairies, in eluding suggestive tableaux of Little lied Hiding-hood, LJIne-li-aiil, Sinbad, the sailor, Mother uoose, Sleeoinc beau ty, and Kobinson Cruso ; .Monkt-y Tilly ho Uoach,wil"'. mollkcv pHsse!it;er, mon key coachman, monkey footman, monkey guard and monkey postilions, EXCLUSIVELY SPECIAL FEATURES I The phenomenal and nowhete precedented leat of Rising and Driving Thirty-Five Horses I By a singlo Equestrian, To say that one man rides, drives, reins sod groups thirty-live spirited horse will be looked upon as fiction, yet it can be witnessed on our vast Hippodrome track each dav ami ven infj. Alto exhibits in Eugene City, M on Jay, Jure 17th. Silem, June 18th. Corvallis, Jane 20th. X 1 FOU SAI.K BY FOSHAY MAFON First National Bank OF AI.IIWl, OREGON. Prculdent h. Fi.INN Vk-e PrenMciit . S. K. YOI NG Canliicr K. W. I.AM11MIN. An'tCuincr JAS. F. 1-1 III ELL TRANSACTS A OKNKRALbankiiigbuainom. ACCOUNTS KBIT iabjt to h.k. SinilT KXCHANOE and HI rtnhic tnn.lcr. ol a New York, San Francisco, licturo and l'oi lon. VOLLKCT1UNS JIAIlBon favorable tcnui. DIRSCTORS t K. Yoi-so, E, W. f. woimy, L K IlLAK. I.. FUSS, Wamnh E Ti-rrrll, BROWNSVILLE. O.P. COSHDW & SONS, Real Estat3 and Insurance Agents. Iteal nutate sold an I Collection and Nnlarlil buslne s attended to. FUANCIS PFEIFFEE.. PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works und Manufacturers of CHOICE COHFEDTIOHERY, .'o are how prepared to poll at wholt. ' r always fresh and pure at Portli nd ?fs to doalerw. We a's'i keep a fi.l : Nuts and Tropical Fruits, (GARS AND TOBACCO FOSHAY & MASON, ViaLr-Ail AND HBTAIlr- Druggists and Booksellers, vhinh we fwll at nbliahnr'a nriAAii with ALBANY, OKEUOJff. DR. W H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. "OIlicB no stairs In Strahan's Block. May be found at his office day and night. DR. C. U. CKAMBERLIN, HomeopatMc Physician and Surgeon Special attention lo diseases of the eye. fUTOIfice corner of Third ani Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON. Summons, I:i tlif Cirruit Court of the Statu of Oregon for Ltun Uoiituy. D. II, Close, Plaintiff, vs, J. M, I'ot'cr, Defendant. To J. M. P otter, the ab,)ve named Defend. ant Tn tho lia.nn tit tli. Mi.!a nt rir..nr,n . n.. are hereby rfrjuin-iljto appenr and answer the complaint of the i'l.v.ntiirahove named againut jftu iii iiiv .uuvn rmii.it.li auiiun, unw on nio with the Clerk of the above entitled Court, on or before tho first day of the next regular term of srd Court, to wit s June '.'llli, ISHft. and you a a hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as here by required, the Plaintitrwill take judgment against you for the sum of $l.)0, with inter est thereon at 12 per cent par annum from December 3rd, 1SS7, and the further sum of $-.", Attorney1! fees, and for the costs and disbursements of this action to be taxed and for au order of snle of the real property at tached in this action, to-wit : The north half of the Donation Land Claim of John B. Potter and Jane B. Potter, his wife, notifica tion No. 7651, claim No. 37, Tp 9, 8 li 2 K, Willamette meridian, Linn county, Oregon. And the application of the proceeds of said sale to the payment of PlaintilPa claim above net out after the payment of all costs of said sale and of this action. This Summons is publiahed hy order of Hon. R. P. Boise, Judge of the above entitl ed Court made at Chambers in the city of Salem i. Marion county, Oregon. Tbis 9th day of May, 18S9. Hkwitt, Bryant Si Invisr. Attorneys for Plaintiff. B. F. BEAD I have oought the largest and best stock of DRY GOODS ever brought to Albany, and I would respectfully nvite every one to call and look' through my stock. DON'T FORGET we'earry a full lin9 of Os M, Henderson & Uo's BOOTS AND SHOES. The Red School House Shoes are the best in the world. BUITC.M.HENDEftSON&CO'S i I Look out for Bargains in the next 30 day-.' W. P. READ, The Leading tasli Dry Goods Store. ltV.ll ---, -a.i .l!ti''.;B-AWaJ11BUv:ni.r"i;. t-V.-rt.' i Smoke the cigars Manufactured by Julius Joseph, -ALSO DEALER IN- IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS, Pl'ig and smoking tobaccos, Meerschaum and briar pipes and smokes sit hies generally. Also always has on band a Dice line of California and Tropical Fruits. '?TVI l-r-rn rssy ii,aiasaf' i