Daily Democrat Wedneilay Evening, May 29, 1889 YITM A NI.'TNU, E.lltors .and I'ublishors. Publishc every day 111 tho.wcek. 8undys excepted.) Entered a tlie Pont OIU at Albany, Or ax seooml-ckuM mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RVTKS. fwlivered by caarlor par wouk .is tly mull, Mir yiar ........ 6.00 Pyuiiil, wr uonUi m , .bO LOCAL ItKCOKD. a.sto.mshko. a rorlland gentleman sends a private letter to the Democrat ollice in reference to an nJ incU straw, berry located In Albany.using some aston ishing language.and signing himself Quien Sabe. Tlie Democrat knows nothing about such a berry anil does not believe as large a ne has ever been seen here or anv where else in Oregon, thounh Brownsville does claim to have had one measuring over ten inches in circumference. The largest strawberry the Democrat has seen meas ured here was about inches in circum ference! and that is an enormous size for an honestly measured berry. School Report. The following is a report of the Public school, In district No, 67, Linn county, Oregon, for the month commencing April in and ending May 17 No of days presence, 457 : No of davs ab. sence, 28 ; No of cases of tardiness, 2 wnoie .o ot pupils enrolled, 20; average daily attendance, 23. The names of those who have been neither absent nor tardy uuruig me in 011 111 are, wnoer Achcson, Mack Achcson, John Achcson, Kdward Bamfnrd, Arthur llovcr.I.ester Miller, Al bert L mlerweod, Harry Under -vood.Oliver unuerwooa. Horace McB.ide.Bertha Ache on, bstella .Miller, Augusta Underwood Jean McDanirl, teacher. Aktkr Runs. There is some sense i the following from the Daily Timrs-Afottn tainrer, ot The Dalles : "They play ball flown the country. As the Democra- went to press Saturday, a game at that city stood on the sixth Inning, Albany, 18 Monmouth, 31. That's the kind of gancs we like to read about. Those ''big games' reported where the score is 1 to o. don't show much playing. The object of th game is to make runs, and that Is the rca son we have always contended that ama teurs are ahead of professionals in base ball." COUNCIL 1'ltOCKKUlNMS. Tuesday evening, May 28, iSSy Present Mayor, recorder, marshal and Councilmen (jradwohl, Uurkliart, Tabler, Dcyoe, French and Parker, The following kills were ordered paid: W McCIain, $115,251 F E Allen, $6.25; J Henton, $17; J D Parsons, $9; I F Iladley, $47 40; Albany Iron Works, $7; cost bills, $47.15. Bills of J N Hoffman and VV B Barr were referred back to council. Mr Gradwahl, chairman of committee on ways and means, recommended that a sewer be built through middle of blocks 34 nd 33. On motion adopted. Ordinance 194, providing for the preven tion of cattle running al large was read wice. On motion of French vote was liken on third reading. Aye, Gradwohl, Burkhart, Tabler, Devoe and French' No, Parker. Bill thus went over until next meeting, lacking unanimous vote. Bill of W B Barr referred. Bill oJN Hoffman on motion of Grad- wohl was allowed, after a discussion of an item of 6 days as street commissioner, $18. Licenses to sell liquor were granteu iiaie Backensto, R F Wineman and M V Park er. Petition of I P Galbraith add others for the privalege of connecting with Calipooia ewer was granted. Matter ot petition ot 1-ecily ana others fur opening 4th street was brought up and on vote lost. Councilman Burkhart moved that $50 a month be paid the Street Commissioner, amended by French inserting "$40 in place of $sO. Amendment and motion lost. This had nothing to do with the tees ot Marsnai. J A Warner was elected cltv surveyor during the absence of Mr Barr. Un motion ot r rencn a committee was appointed to confer with the board of fire delegates in reference to forming a new company 101 old hand engine. liids tor building severs across i-yori and Ellsworth streets were opened and read as follows: Jas Laurent, 49 cents for both sewers; vV A McCIain, Lyon 80c, Kllsworth 50c; Sloan & East, Lyon 70c, Ellsworth 50c; Nichols A; Martin, $2.cy Traction engines and peanut were discussed, and ordinance diaftcd. A suitable location for a p-uud was or dered investigated, by committee on streets and public propel ty. Bills of John Jones, $70, and VV N Mil ler, $70, allowed. roasters ordered "F's" Committees. At a meeting of F. Co. last evening the following 4th Tulv committed were appointed : On en lertainment TJ Overinan.M E Brink, E Ketchum, Geo II Keeney.L Power, W Fortmiller. On transportation Lieut Geo E Chnmberlai.i.l.ieut E t Cusick. On ball Capt M 11 Ellis.C B Winn, Win Wright. On ammunition Capt Oil Irvine, F M French, Lieut O A Archibald. State Ukancje. The annual meeting of the State Grange began in Salem Wed nesday. Mr and Mrs J II Scott, Mr and Mrs N P Payne, Mr and Mrs M II Wilds and Mr and Mrs F M Kizer are present as delegates from Linn county. F M Kizer was appointed chairman of the committee on order of business, N P Payne on divi sion of labor and legislation, Hon Win Cy rus also is on one of tlie committees. Photographs. Don't be fooled by Cheap Johns. Albany has two No. I pho tograph galleries that make line pictures. They are here to stay and warrant each and everv picture. "Cheap Johns" are a clao that are here to-day and away to morrow. If you want good, permanent pictures and get the worth of your money patronize your home galleries. W. H. GREEVWOOll. Two Snows. If any doubt exists re garding the truth of the rumor that two shows intend visiting Albany this year, it must give way now. Sells Brothers en ormous hippodrome, three ring circus, elevated stage and five continent menage rie, than which no finer exists, will posi tively yiit here 011 Wednesday, June 19th. S. II. Barrett's World's Fair, an unexcell ed coagress of circus celebrities, museum marvels, menagerie excerpts and racing carnival will also pitch its city of snow white tents here on the same date. These two shows have visited here before separately In different seasons, and this year they come as one giving two parades the same day, and two complete shows for but one price of admission. This will insure tre. endouscrowas. we Know mem uvm in be meritorious, and how on earth two such shows can pay consolidated is past our comprehension. Either one heretofore as as large as any mat ever visncu uo, d the two combined will make tucn an hlhiiinn as is seen but once In a lifetime. he combined parades will be a novelty, hey are divided into four divisions, each ,,i.inn nreceded by a brass band. The cages and chariots of one show are dissim ilar to those of the other. The color of the cages and wardrobe is entirely uiiter- nl, so mat inc uisuiig-.u∭ ,1 ...n. h show is retained, the better to al low of a comparison of the merits of the respective shows Next Wkkk. Get your seats reserved for the Chicago Comedy Company's en- tcrtainments Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday next. The company will appear in entirely new nlavs and will give our citizens some acting that will please and satisfy. Big and elateu nouses arc report, cd al Corvallls. Lotteries The general experience is that money Invested in the Louisana and other lotteries Is thrown away, Thousands of dollars have been sent f rem Albany without a return of any conse quence. It Is a poor way to Invest money. Most Prosperous, A Democrat man heard a commercial man who has been through the valley for several years remark that Albany during the pnst two years had Improved the most of any city in the valley, and is now mucn tne nviicsi. Cheap. No such cheap excursion that to Grant's Pass on next Friday will be offered this year. Only $7.50 for a 600 mile ride. Think of that. through magnificent country, it will be a trip our citizens should take advantage of. Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper In an Immense number of patterns at Fortmillci A: Irvine's, the finest line In the centra Willamette Valley. It is an art gallery to seen all. Removed. T Jones barber shop to Cu sick Black Old and new customers shav ed for 15 cents. Hair cutting, 25 cents. Struck Oil At $1.25 per c gallon cn best Standard f" oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.'t store. II. E wort, praotical watchmaker and eloi. This Trade Mark on a stove means it is the best that ex perience and skill can con trive. Sold only by G. VV. Cmilli. For Thirty Days. All goods bought at Ida M Brush's will be discounted at 10 iht cent. She lias an immense stock and I . . . .... ....1 Unni.!qltiar. II the latest i-ansian siyico. ains. Call early while stocK is compicic. Rmin The finest line of baby carri ages in the Valley just r( eclved at Stewart 4; Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con. idering the superior quality 01 uic 1 Witatiif.r Indications. For the 12 nours beginning at 12 o'clock, noon. Fair weather c.olcr. HOME AND ABROAD Wheat, 62cents, 15 cent shaving at Viereck's. 8 'in!i. ti fur 1 1 at Vierk' . 'N- dress goods at Mcllwaiu', Mann fruit jars at K L KontonV. Nv crriun cheose just received at Conrad. Mnvwrt Frri-h strwbjrritis ovary moruing at F L Kautnn'i. F n- sate, cheap, second hind organ, Mrs. flyman's. 3--htirx runiiir-" ateadt at Vitirock'ri that' itiir uariura. ft hi ro-iKt coflVu in the city at Conrad ' A- Tii'-re r:i 211 teurhei-u nUendiug publi') cx uim a!ioit 1I11 week. Si.l-! 4jdill and Indies riding uurcingluc afi l';t ni m O-tirinau's. T. psou k Overtniu. ants for the great l, . 1 .0 Imgijy whip. I . Unicest line of tMilu luxuries can b foil 1 iit Bniwnull tic Stanaid'd. I1'.;. ifipiohably tllo gruatusc strawberry npri.it; " tlie history of Oregon. It yo ' Auncagrnid ilviTsti:idHcythe,liiifcst in itie madid, t;u to Stewart & Sox'c. Decoration day to-morrow. The programs as liHretoiore published will be oarried out. 5centsabox for strawberries at Brownell & Stanard s. L':ave orders forcinuiog. Moltwaiu can give you the belt fitting iuit you ever wore, at pricus to suit each and every oue. Biiiluo 4 Rubertsoo have just received a crate of Oregon cabbagCB and a largo lino of fruiljrs. Suuuz & Henderson are moving their real nutate oliico into the new Senders Block on Ferry street. The Albany hose team of No l's began training last eveniag for the coming contests on the 4'.h of July. Money can't buy better boots and shoes thau Mcllwiin is selling, because batter guode are not manufactured. Some fine California cheese, a barrel of golden drip syrup aud some tine comb honey just received at Brownell &Stanard's. The C Jt N W Photo Co are making cabi uet photos for $2 50 a dozen and will con tinue at that rate uutiljune 14 only. Supt Curl received a telegram this morn ing from Sau FianciscJ announcing the sud den death of his sister at that place. D D Haskloman has just purchased of Stewart & Sox one of Bunnell & Co's thresh ers and engine with a completo cooking at tachment, a fine arrangement. Go to Royee k Hibler's for your job print ing. They do any and all kinds of worK in tae publishing and job priuting line. Qaick work and low prices. Mathews k Washburn have secured the services of Mr Martin Ludwig wno is a fiiat clasa plumber and are prepared to do all kinds of work. Baunon has been heard trom. Ho is sick in a hospital at Los Angeles. He is the Sal em wagon maker who suddeuly disappeared several weeks ago. Tuesday evening a deck hand named Sims bad bis hand badly mashed bv a self binder, while assisting in unloading one from tne lioag at Wheatland. Mr Frank Wood's now steam drill is now working like a charm and will sooi. be put to work in his quarry. Yesterday it drilled a foot hole in one and a half minutes. Oue of the most complete stoye and tin ware stores in the valley is that of G. W. Smith, of Albany. Nicely arranged, with a big stuck of Hrst-class goods Mr Smith is prepared to meet the demands of a rushing community. The prevalence of scrofulous taint in the biood is much more universal than many are aware. Indeed, but few persona are free ..Dm it. Fortunately, however, we have in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the most potent remedy ever discovered for this terrible affliction. The er;tiliig wedge of a complaint that may proie fatal is often a slight cold, which a dose or two of Ayei'a Chsrry Pectoial might have cured at the commencement. It would be well, therefore, to keep this rem -edy within reaoh at all times. G W Smith and Zeph Job are booked for a shooting contest to come off next Thursday afternoon, to decide the championship of the club, and to whom is entitled the silver cup. They will aboot at SO I'eoria blackbirds a piece. Coryallis Timet. An Albany man in the Forks of the Santi im Wednesday stopped for awhile at the rrsirlence of rather a voantr couple to be keeping house all alone. One was only and the other 82. 1 he young husband was tumblinx around on the grass with some neiahbora children in quite a boyish fashion It was Uncle Johnny Crabtree aud wife, who have been marnea longer than most people live. Uncle Johnny sat on the first jury ever held in Linn county, at the present site of Albany. He had to take his horses to Knox Butte in order to get 1 suitable place to keep them, Knox Butte being mucn ancaa Albany then. SOCIAL, AND 1'KKSONAU J M Ralston, of Lebanon, eame down this afternoon. Pap Stroud has bceu in the city on au in specting tour. Hun J J Daly, of Dallas, has been in the city on business. F.ditor Ely, of the Cowlitz Advocate, h beeu iu the city. Mrs. rlrown, of Walla Walla is visiting lior brother, Dr W H Dayis, in this city. J H Towr.senil, special agent of the Pa cific Insurance Co, of Portland, is iq the city Mrs. C. L. Brush aud child, of Portland, am in the city the tueaU of Mr A K Paxton, I). Josi-iih Smith, a t?raduateof the roedi- c-il ili'pii tiiittir..,( the University of Iowa has hieat a at jllon.on. The ictor. we unuar (t iinl. i a b.olV.r of Mr I N Smith, of Ihi: city. l.YONSVll.LE. L Dobson returned from Yaquina Fri dav. A new platform has been added to th depot here. The inevitable tramp Is making Ins ap pcarance among us. Died. Saturday, the 18th, the infant so of E M and Maggie Wharton. Mrs Caples.of Columbia City, is visiting her daughter, Mrs E M Wharton, at this place. L McGruder, of Quarzville, spent Thurs day and Friday at this place, and brings nattcilng reports troin tne naiuiani u.ivo. The base ball contest at Mill City Sun day between the Mill City and Mehama mines, resulted in a victory for the latter by a score of 91 to 9. In our last we noted the appeal to the circuit court from the justice court, in the case of Butler vs Shepherd, since which time the appeal has been withdrawn by Shepherd paying fine and cost. KEALi RSTATi SALES. VV K and E L McKlnnon to S T Ames, one fourth acre in Tp 13 R 1 E 8 85 O Toblason to James Elkins, lot 5, blk 78, Monteith a Southern Ad 300 John T Ames to W W Stalker, 120 acres, ip 12, a K 2 w 2700 H D Klum to Uriah Ierhune. small tract in Sodaville 825 S W Paisley to Martha E Warren, parcel in Albany 500 iamantha fc. Colteltto I. has Caurse, 200 in Tp 11, S R 1 w 3500 State to D II Peterson, 104 acres in Ipi2SKiw 1 30 Martha J Penland to Fannie E Starr, 1 1 5 acres In 1 p 1 3 s K 3 w 1 Ellas B Penland to Martha J Pen. land, 200 acres in Tp 13, S R 3 w I Samuel Malcv to Lydia Maley, 64 acres in 1J L C ot v .Maley . . . 1 NOTICHTO THE PCBL1C. Cloverdalc, Benton Co , May 2nd. Having purchased of Mr, Aahby Pea roe bia entire larm in Hentop county, Oregon, the puolie is notified and forbidden (rem taking or removiDginereirom any gravel, sand or loam trom said premises. F. L. Such. Clovehdale, Benton Co., May 2nd. I am instructed by Mr. F, L. Snch to prosecute any and all persona depositing deail animals upon his lands in Benton county, Oregon, formerly owned by Mr. Asnny rearce. UH1S. V OLVEXTOS, Attorney at law. Total. .$8043 Or. M. 11. Ellis, physician and surgeon Ail-any, Oregon. Calls made in city m countrv, Q Kid Cloves ! Kid C. In vis ! ! I have just received a full line of kid golves branded Our Own. This Is a genu ine kid glove. 1 buy direct from importers in New York and consider them the best value of any gloye I ever sold for this price. 5 button, 3 rows of st'tching, $1.50 per pair. S- E. Young. THE LEADER. THE LEADER. G, W. SMITH, "Superior," "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Oakville. The Linn County Horticullurc Society at its last meeting was favored with an able address on "Planting and Caring for the Orchard" bv E. Albright. At the nest meeting, (June 4th) the question, "Resslv. ed that general farming is more profitable than fruit raising," will be opened by A. Y. Smith on the affirmative and W. A, Crawford on the negative. Theie have been three houses put up in the last month, Herman llolstien of this place being the architect. Mr. R. A. Bamford is building a large barn, Messrs. I. N. and J. T. Smith, of Al bany, contractors and builders. The Mongolian ohcasant Is protected by ih Inns of the State, and the citizens of Oakville have treated them accordingly ; but the hunters of Albany and Coryallis come here and kill them with impunity and shot (runs. Is this ntht f lhe larm rrs feed these birds and the law imposes a fine of $50 for very one he kills ; but the nvprai.e ritv hummer is nrivileetd to kill all he wants, and besides he can run all over the ffrowinu crops with his dog to hunt his game. This is not right nor jus tice. AMICUS. Fire Backs. Warran ted for 15 years, All sizes and styles, The World's best. More than hun dred 7 hun dred e nt differ-styles coo k s and heaters, Roofing, Job Work, numbing, E ave Trough. Range Boilers, Conductor Pumps. Letter List. Following- is the list ot letters remsinlnx in the Post OSoo. Albsriv. Linn countr, Oregon, May za. Persons calling lor these letter nmi! (rive in. oaio on which they wore advertised : Corrln. Henry 11.11. WP McUacn, P C TO THE FARMERS AND WORKMEN Brash, Plutt McCarthy, J.mes hem, c. A cTimnionus. ll:s-ice ltichanaan. J Schwtrz. Conrad Taulby.W D of Our line of choice teas and coffees is ur equaled in town. Ot OIA.MIAI'. To New Comers. We would say that we have no baits to give you, but we do narantee eood values for your money, knd we kindly solicit your patronage. If you have any job wcrk t3 call on 0 ir ciih whn i. nrerift .d to do it with neatness and diapath Hid asj cheap as any one. Don't fai oeximina Mjllwjm'a cirpats v ;n thm from '10 to u per cent olwsper tha any other phv,in town, taking inconsidora on the quality. Attention, Ladies. A new Invention for dress-cutting taught in half hour for $5, Including scale. The agent for inslruc Hon of this system Invites the ladies of Al hanv and vicinity to call and get a perfect fit. Mrs. S. W. UUDert, oyer uoiucn rvuic Bazaar, Albany, Or. Summer Wraps. Novelties in beaded and stockinet jackets just receiveil. Samuel t. iouso Farmers if you want the best harness al hand mide, call onE.L. Power.next to Dem crat ollice. To 1 stcn our stock of canned goods we will sell anything in that line at remarkably low prices. Buownki.l k Staxarp. cvr Pj not wait until to-morrow, when yon feel sick, but take immediately a docs of Hundei'a Oregon Blood Purifier and prevent a serious a'tacK of sickness. It is the best liver regulator and blood cloansor in exis, rcce Tiyit. Snnth Albany A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center ol business. Compare the size, location, view and access to and from these lots.and vou will be convinced of their merits Call earl v and secure n home before the advance in price. Apply to TWEKPAl.E .V IS.EnFIKI.O,gClHB First door south of Post Ollice. MARRIED. MILROY W HITSON.-On Wednes day morning, May 19th, iSS;, at the resi dene? of Mr. John Blevins, near Tangent, Mr R n Mllrov. Esn.. of North Yakima, V. T.and Miss Lena Whition, of Lin county. The happy couple left on the noon train for their future home. -OF- t ease. J Hue, W H Su-tlin;, J W Wil. n, Joe. R. THOMPSON, P.M. Hotel Arrivals, Prss 1Ioi;se N Lusis and wife : N P Fi nrl ,iff. Castle Rock ! A A Hull m"v Miv Independence : Mrs McKech- n : J II Lusis ; Wm Williams : - Smith Teffersan : N lohnson, fcuger.c nr.- . I W Sears : S M Dawson, Wood- stock : 1 R Guver : I McChesney, city 1 1- llOUCVC CllV , K. C Ulicnnci, Ilnme O" H Wilkes. Hamilton Creek U Hickman ; I Lcaiana ; josepn inl and : 11 U raul, santiam. Riie House. O II Andrews, Inde pendence; A Blauer.J H Sullivan, Mrs E A Collins, roruanu; v l. mimi-, Straves, L Zobel, S F; A J Ropers, A Simon, wife and child. E Huron, S F; J Krazer; T S Moves, Thos Moves, G M Jves, Astoila: ZT Truelove, Shedd; H Lewis, Philadelphia;; O Donald, taiem;j a mo Mnhan. Sacramento: I F Gcrrish, Minne apolis; CO Rowland, Peoria; J M Cam, Monroe: l V Klisseil. mrs ninny, iiai , G A Barrett, Shedd; C L Knapp, Browns ville) I D Boyer, Brownsville. Albany and Vicinity. We oorJially 'nviluyou all to visit our $EW AND SECOND HAND STORES, and we will convince jou tbnt our piiceR I eaU all. You afford to do your )utcabir.j; before yru vit.it oi.r iilace. have a large eatablUbmect in Portland e have named ic The Portland Branch cannot As we We claim to the closest lnvein in the rnaikft. an to undersell all willu ut i XCPilion. F. WISE & Co,, S. E. Young's Old Stajd. Notice, u. Crothersfnr ahauuorjing nn nomemeo try No. GflfiM, dated April 13th. 1887, the S i of N E i and S J of N W , S 14, TownJhip 12, S R 1 E, in Linn ct S. Land Oice. Oregcn Uity, May 21st, 1SSV. '..mnUint having been entered at'this of fice bv Fraucis M. Walden against Willnm Crothersfnr abandoning his Homestead En- Secticn county, rtreo-nn. with a view to the cancellation of said entry, tho said parties aie hereby sun- nrnneil to aDDear at Lnanon, L.inn conutr, Oregon, before A.R, Cyrus, Notary Public, the loin nayoiJuiy, iiwr. at 10 o'clock a. tn., to resroid and furniih tatiiiinnv cone rami; sai'l 1 lleceit sDaoiton- ment. and on tit testimony men sud nitua a hearing will be had at this oliice on August 12'h, 18SD, at lOoclock . m. W. l.BURNKY. Register. Final S3ttlem8nt. In th Count ij Court of Lii.n cuin'ij, Ortg ,, InthemattMofthseitatiof John Wi Bozirth, deceiseit. Notice la herjbv given that the nndera signed Administrator of said estate hes fliAd his final account therein with ibe Clerk ot said Couit, and that the Court has appointed Monday, the 1st day of Ja'J , il, 1S, Q o'rdnek la tho foir-noon for iba heir Ing of abjections to said account and for tne settlement mereoi. a limn V. Mv '271 h. 18,80. Fhask Wood, J. J. Whitnry, Administrator, Attorney. F. L. KENTON. EEALEH FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Candy, iViits, Fruit, etc. NEA THE POST OFFICE, AVPANY, OREG01V.