Mferaii ft tig 9tmmml r ; '" .- . , . , . . , , - , , , IVkT TT ALBANY, OR. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1889. NO 20 , - -it iiln U-a'U '.. ," (-... ; i;:'iirily. It '; -. r I" i' :i;.iclltr, ' V ' ' . ;. , t-VMH l!:0 - .' . "r.- v. '1 n on ',,....,,( '. .i...r t I. ,.,!. !:. . V-V,'i:;rrM.s, ! Pi m w r'-" m M M 11 M H 8 tF. foe Pro C U." SriiWAKi', Si Albany IRONWORKS- , Manufacturora ot 'STEAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW VILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS7 AHO ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. naoial attonlion'pald o repairing! ill "tads or machinery. Patterns Made on Short Notice, Conrad Mever. -PROPHIICTf ;t 0K STAR JUK.EKT 'Cnruor BroadaMn anil First Sts., DEALER IN Onuueil FrullH, ollnSHiTare, 0nie .'iien,t, (liieeiiHniire, Dried Fruit. VeiretaMos, Tobacco, Sugar, Codec. lite,, Spin x. Tea. Etc., In fact everything Ilia, ix knpt In Ren ral varioty and groanr? Mora. HiRlieft vn rket price paid for Al1, KINDS OF PRODUCE. The LEADING Grocery Store S- Wallacc, Thompson & Co's. ICO- SjCIE IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. Tli!ir Stock of GROCERIES' and. PRODUCE is alwnys Complete. THE PLACE. iyall meant, oill on PaiKd Brothers, ScJf r c John 27ox, 'or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Their ajoodejire tUe best and their prices reasonable. to ICj Store Fast Btook of 2nd J3f goods in the V.J ley,and the most reasonable prloes, both in buying and sslliig. I have on hand 11 kinds of FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETG , ETC. 0 ie dooresi of 3. E. Young's old store L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First Street, Albany, Or. It would be difficult to conceive of a sentence or paragraph published in a newspaper at which tome one would not rise up and complain. No doubt if we should speak of our apothecary stores in Albany as drachm shqps, the proprie tors with one accord would rise up ami without temple as to their correct department- or with out making a grain of allowance for the correct use of language, would attempt to pound ui into jelley, so with our usual discretion we omi to say it. The master o the state Grange in his annual address, on Tuesday severely criticised Hani son for appointing Ex-governor Rusk of Wis consin commissioner of agriculture, on the ground that he is a mere politicion and lawyer. It should be Iwrne in mind that Harrison' sympathies are with corporation lawyers and not with farmers. The hopelessness of trying to tax a people into prosperity, and the laughable absurdity of attributing the prospeiity of this wonderful country to its taxe, are equally plain. So the nonsense of the wild scheme to enrich the workingman by protecting him against cheap labor, which fairly swarms into every part on either the Atlantic or Pacific coast, absolutely unhindered.. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Pendleton PO. I'ENLUKTON,Or May a8. Postal Inspec- r Cuiver is in the Cltv. tnmnrinrr in ... iU. charge" ajainst Postmaster Clopton. He is Liiaijjcu vmn assaulting T. Mclireen throurfi the delivery window, with i,ti; ember election, with collecting rent for the postoffice, from businrss houses of Main street, also from tin, Eovernment.and trusting the busi ness Of llie Oftll-e tft inmnm.l.n. ...1 i: . vu.u(n.iUll suuuruinitcs. A Cyclone. Kansas Citv, May 28. A Times snerir.1 from Emjioria, Kan., says: A disastrous cylone assed over Clements, Chase county, this alter- noon. Captain Ilrown and his daughter were killer', and his w ife had her leg almost torn off icj; arm an arm broken, it is reported that six or seven other persons were killed, but the wires are all down, and nn reliable information can lie obtained. MM HOW TO GO EAST. 1V1 Hut via, Mount Shasta Route. Niue ..limit,, n,l Hnnarv at ail times of tlio year See Mount Shasta, (Sacramento, un'ten, nan lAke, Djnver. Finest sooond-class cars made are run daily. Buy your tickets of me at.i aavo your fare to Portland. I am the only parson in Albany that can sell you a ticket from Alhanv direct to any oint in tho United StatosI Call nn me for raVs. V. I Jksteb." pen S. P Owong Wa Gee Co.' MRS. JIM WESTFALL, bus just opened, next door t C. H. Spen cera, and eloyant line of JAPANESE GOODS of a largo variety and many deaignr. Aluo a superior lino of teas. PIANOS. Thoe wishing a first-clan Instrnxi-int "houldcall at Mrs, U. K. Hyinan'n and see one of those Clnratr)d Hemme A Long planoes, excellent rich tone. E peiially made and adapted to stanrj the climate on the Pacifi'- Coast, Erery piano fully guaranteed foi 5 years. The li test sheet-music for salo. Music and painting lessons given there. Also fie place lo get your new Sewing Machine. Fancy work nd dress making done to order. Mrst door east or Young's old stand, Albany, Oregon. WILL BROS, Dealers In all the lati-rtlmp; 1 " Orgaai, Sewing Mainlines, Also aiutiitneor warranto 1 rva7.oi., i""uu' and rocket Knives. The best kind ol sewing machine oil, needle and extras, for all machines. All n.r'TlcB neatly ana reasonably done. PA.WT3, 01 j 3 AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE ROBSON'b, JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has heon enlarged so that it equals any on the Coast, and consists of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Chinr. and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriage;-, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey antl Toys. He buvs direct and carries the largest stock in Mia Willamette Vail AV. i Wilt el has been addod a complete line of FAMILY GROCERIES. Is Agent for Insnranee'oompanUs with a caplUl ajrregtlii!r JTS.OOO.OOC . yjfiS-Iol on parte Francais. Hier wird deutch gesprochen."V3( The men who went around last fall telling the people how prosperity was created by custom house collectors and showing the workingmen how much they knew about the industries of the country, are now letting the workingman and the industries of the country take cave of themselves and have gone down lo Washing toi to get offices. KEEP POSTED. The Murderer. CHICAGO,MaV28. Detertivr nan.M rftnK. lin, Patrick Sullivan, the ice man. anil Fr.nV J Blck, alias Woodruff, were indicted by the Ijraiui jury mis evening lor the murder of Dr. Cronin. Tnis result was reached after an in- .iKauou wmcn uegan at nooa and lasted for seven hours, during which two dozen witnesses . , ', eviueuce was con sidered. A Baker Comity Murder. Bakkr City, Or., May 28. A man naraed Pennington shot and killed another mm named P.alcnm, near Kye valley in this county,to-day. Particulars have not aeen ascertained. The coroner has gone to the scene of the homicide to investigate. Chas. Metzger... Real Estate, Fmploymen and Insurance Agent . A.l comuiuicatlods ptoroptly aav.are.l in Germ ui or English. t FF1CE : ELlSWOHTh BETWEEH FIRST AMD 3-13,0 SWEETS ALBANY OREGON". J P. HAiL, Albany Agent. for Columbia Bicycles, Tricycles ana Safetys. Also Rival, Otto and Natioual Bicycles and Crescent and Junior Safetys, worth from $50 to 8S0. Send for price list of new and second-hand wheels now In stock. nISSOI.UriON NOTICE. This is to .actifi that Hia flo-nartnershiD here t jtbrS existing bstween Chas. Metzger and j, J. Dorris, doing business nnder the (inn, name ana style 01 vja is. i.iii(s. u. to is- .dissolve.! by mutual con gaut, J J, Do ris retiring from the busl C'jas.MetzKerwill collect all money due the firm and pay all debts of the Arm- . ..j j ' m. Dated at AiDany mis jau ujr u. i 1889. J, J. DOBB18. t New Grocery Discovered New good at W F Read's. F. M French keeps railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Head's. J. p. Wallace, Fhysiciau Mid Surgeon, A' bany. Or For a Sterling or Emerson piano call on G L Blackman. G L Blackman is agent for the Weber piano. IN one bettor. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jonea. Buy your tickets through to the East r.f W I Jester and save fare to Portland. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear tn boots and shoes. Call early at W F Read's. The Western Cottage and Packard are two lofUhebest organs made. G L Black' nan sens caem. A Hoe line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, besc stock in this part of Uregon at rortinilier Irving a. If you want a clean nd fine smoke aak for Jofteph'tf home made white labor cigars For sale bv moit ciear dealers and at his Joaeph'a factory. J A Arhihil l, ajei. Singer Manufactur in j Co., or?Mite Oil Fiilow Temple, Al bany A Hno Una of buecv dusters and By nets at Thompson t Overman's, the leading harness dealers. AneWant line of su'c table spreads, in beautiful designs, just received at Fortmiller ft Irviug's. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoei for 50 cents atC Meyers, and all other canned goods cheap for cash. Dr Wrijihts man's Sovereign Balm of Life, for diseaups peculiar to women, at Dcyoe & Ilohton s sun Brownell & htanard s. Baltimore, agent. AT Strong's Old corner, oppnaito Stewart A full line of FRESH CSQCER.ESy CANNED U09DS. DI.1ED ?aU!T3, ETC. -t.iontr.lf .ls an 1 small urotUs," "Live and let live," is onr motto. Please call and examine our g ids and V, prioea. 8 tisfaction guaranteed, Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Kespscirully, QARDUE & ROBERTSON. H. F. MERRILL, B jk. 2ST E IB , ALBANY. - " 0REC0N- rXLUnill, Kruiolsco and Hell exohanifO 0.1 ci" Portland. . . ttms deioiiU. j.Collectloiawill Correlindtnc. aollciwi. . Fire and llariii. Inmranc eompanlM. Ao local . tent. . UmW ln.m.nt Compan... (yjana md. on hrm proptrly. SECURE PRICES. 0 L'ROUBLE TO SHOW, .-;oods AT DEUii&aOltSON 0, K. Paint SIj.m. House and Carriage Painter. Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishina-. Ail vorK guaranteed.) S B. VASSALIO. ." (Successori to Penry Suescns. Citv Meat Market. SHULTZ EROS,, Proprietors. Keep a full line t .neils nf all kinds, in a cool plice, nmnpletely pro. tected; and always fratli. Also have constantly on' band aalmoD and othor fish. Doctors Arrested. Helena, M. T., May 2S. Doctors Weyer horst, I larding and Schultz, of Butte, were in dieted yesterday for practicing medicine with out a ccrtilicate from the medical board, as pro vided by the act of the last legislature. A Thior Captured. lNiEPKsriF.NCE, Or., May 28. Thomas Hogan, who lately came here from San Fran cisco, last flight, broke into Alex Davis's room at the City hotel and stole therefrom one suit of clothes and a revolver, all valued at $25. lie immediately skipped but was caught at Kola to-day by Marshal Wayne Williams and was brought back and lodged in jail here. He was given nn examination this afternoon before Justice Butler and was bound over to appear before the grand jury in the sum of $Soo. Not oue pervou in fifty arrives at the aae of forty, nho is not troubled with kidney or urinary complaints in some form. To those afflicted with pain in the back, non retention of urine, nervous debility, painful or sup pressed menstruation, we can offer a remedy that has been in constant me oyer twenty year, Oregon Kidney Tea. This preparation has done more for suffering humanity than any other medicine in the market. Sold by 1' os hay & Mason. P J For land madeharncca troto E. I Power FOK PILES, ton rol icmz very i'l.jr-mMa Itchiny aftjr iiijT warm, i nn iji a m wen i nimu, mewuin irutrudtnir nio ,iom once vn ine aiM'iu--a-.i )r. ltotuinko remmlv. w.ilch acti liireutlv tht pirtd t.eWKl, absirbinsr the tunow, atia tnUnise itcilnvaml etTectiiijf nermiiient c'u cnts. Addroits The Dr Ikiwnka M-uine Co. " U. Hold by Dr. 0 'lira and Hon. If you are nervous or irritnUe,feel languid disDirited. or if vou have sick headache, sal low comp.exion,or offensive breath,thou y'iir 1ivr in out of order and needs rousing. Or. Hi'iilev's Dandelion Tonic restores the liver to healthy action and tones up the entire sys. t in. Sold ry Foshay & Mason. e Wright's ; Syrup Tr and Wild Chciry Tiv it nnd "ou will ut-e nothina elfe fo coutl, eolds ned all affrctinna nf the tin 0.1 1 ami lungs. ssM by foshay a: Alaaon. 7 0ka euros rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshay & Mason Agents. Thompson & Overman keep the best har- netves. A gfiitlemen who had pufferd ffieatanroi- ance and pain from batbtrs itch, and who had been trcntea hy the best physican, without relit f. a that two bt-ttles of Dutard's Sp citiu cured him and loft his face perfectly smooth, without a tear. It never fails inckin diseases. Sold by Foshay & Mason. IHt. BO-NAN-HO in his new discovery for Consumption, sue ceeded in producing a medicine which iiae knnwledged by all to be simply marvelons It ia exceedingly pleasant to the tacte, per feetly barinlesr, and drea not sickrn. In al canes of caies of Consumption. Couphr, Colds Whooping Cmieb, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pain in the Chest, it hss given u river al satisfaction. Dr Bosnnko's Cnugh and Lung Syrup is Fold at 50 cents by Dr (iuisi Si Son. Portland, Or., Jnn. 12th. H n vine n severe buck ache last summer, I tried the Ongon Kidney'len, I used one car which effectid a 1adic.1l cur. 1 wnuJd ret omnicnd it n all who are tfllicted as an un failing reml. J rues Ach. Sold by Fith;iy'& Mason. Wright's Om.jtf.und syrup of Sarsaparitla can ho lelied upm f'r ail blood d-seases, skin affections, etc. old by Foshay & Maon. vi nt: for hick iieadache, Do you want a remedy t'r ClioutneM, Pimples on the face , and a stiro cure for itck headache, ask Or. (;uaa and 8". the Drujrulsts, tor Dr.Oer.nt'a Lire Ii1), try a dni , ramples free full box 1h cent,Q rvpcwritlnv. Penmanship, Correspondence, Bu'rt less una Iegal Foims pructically tautfit al ttie Portland Business College. Tlie thornuErh wurk itrni tn each of our several 1- nartmcnts h:w Riven this Institution a repuls ion sHch a but few achnols attnln, securiujt to ium)i-els ol our gr.uluiitfs profitable employ nent. both ns book-keepers and stenograph.!. Mudeiits mlmtttcd ninny time. tree. 1 A. P. AKISTRQN;. PrlaflpoK Fortland. Or. TINWARE AND HARD WARE Or ALL KINDS AT 0EY0F & 1031 DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE :.iA MET Wight's Myrth tooth tcap. Fra(?rant, cooling and refreshing. Heals snro gum. and piewjrves the teeth. Sold by Foh.y 4 Mason. BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART di SOX SUPERIOR LINES OF IAGRICUUTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON A diy. harkii:yoiii;h keep, the bronchial ttibfft in a tr.te of rorntant irritation, which. If not i.edily removed, may led to bron chitis. No prompter remedy ran be had than Aver Chen v Tcctornl. v h;ch is both an noilne and txpectomiti. 2jelry .clocks, etc., at Will & Starks, many new lhinir nelne lust received. Alo a tine line of eojd headed canes. Call nr. them for bargains. Wri(lit' Aiabian Horse Liniment, an in valuahle r'meclv for sprains, bruises, lame ne.s and all !ffection of theskin, muscles and joints, to which horses and cattle ara sub ject. Sold by Foshay & Mason. Fine lino of Guns nnd good stock of An?nrni tion at Lteyoe ard B.pd- i i-i f : T ' i !.i I ' i i : i