L. II. ALBANY, OR. TUESDAY, MAY 28, i8SD. NO 10 27, --t-.'7sf. CSS-' Tsv. Sax Pre C. H. Sra.vvur, S Albany tora works: -Manufacturers of- tM ENGINES C3IST AND SAW ILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS7 AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY m LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. o repairing) ill fecial attentionpsUl 3 oi niicmuory. k'uerns Made on Short Notice, if AHA dW PROPHlKTf'.t OV WJ. raiBP BroatlaMn and First Sts Vi DEALER IN- taaeil Fruits, llnswnrc. Dried Frnlll. Tobaccn, J Sasar, t c:ol!ee. if Etc,, The LEADING Grocer? Store is- Wallacc, Thompson k OVs. CZX.-SS G-OOBS IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. rrh-ii- Stoclc o( ftllOCERIES' iind PRODUCE is nlvva-s Comilete. THE PLACE. 1,7 all meaai e&ll on PaiKei Brothers, Sitmts-1 'c ,' Ur your Groceries, Produce, Caked Goods, Etc. Etc. Their goodc are the beat and their prices reasonable. I Tlie New York politicians now say tint the i Naval Officer and Surveyor in the New York Custum-I louse will be allowed to serve out 'heir official terms, The politicians are not pleased with the prospect and do not hesitate to say that President Harrison makes thun tired, ''What did Cleveland do?" has come to be a byword. One of the high priests of Republican politics in New York State explain ed to a World correspondent to-day the current use of the phrase. It appears that for some time past when a politician has called at the White House to have a Democratic official re move'' and a republican appointed in his place the question the President has almost invaria bly asked was. "What did Cleveland 'Jo?1 and if Cleveland did not make a removal from the office in question President Harrison holds that he cannot, with any propriety, be less for bearing. Hence grumbling politicians arc going a'xmt from one to another in the hotel lobbies and elsewhere asking on the sly, "What did Cleveland do?" Zno Store y Bfct stock of 2nd pV goods In the V..J le;,and tho mo-it reasonable prices, botli lo br.yins; nnrt sulliag I liave on hanil II kinds or FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PitiTUP.ES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETJ , ETC. O io dooresi ofS. K. Young's old storo L. GOTTLIEB, 123 FirHt Street, Albany, Or. According to the Albuquerque Democrat New Mexico covers a vast lake, and as wells arc being sunk in different parts of the Terri tory this fact is becoming more apparent. A well sunk at Gallop has penetrated a body of water 6o feet in depth, and wherever a hole is si:nk to the water it is found to exist in inex haustible quantities. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS New Appointment. Washington, May 27. The president this evening made the following appointments: Hiram Smith, jr., of Cameron, Mo., to be first demitv rnmm;Minii.nrn....: ilenjanun M Thomas, of secretary of New Mexico. Robert S. Anderson, of linker City, Or., to be commissioner in and lor the district of Alaska to reside at Ounalaska. Hale J Cole, of Spokane Falls, W T., lobe agent for the Indians of the Colvillc agency in Washington territory. To be register of the land office: John Ap person, of Oregon City, Oregon, at Oregon City. Herbert Brown, of Arizona, nt Tucson, Ariz. To be receiver of public moneys, John V. Scotl, of California, at Shasta C.".la. Militia Called (Int. Ciiicaco, May 27. A special dispatch from Jlraidwood, Ills., the scene of the trouble with the striking coal miners, says: In response to an appeal by the sheriff of Will rounty for armed rcinforcements.Govcrnor Fifer has auth orized the Illinois National Guard to protect the property and persons endangered by the riot at Draidwood, Adjutant General Vance has ordered a regiment of men to aid the sheriff, iiicenswir, V"Ketb?CH. Cigitr'M. Fie., in fact everything tliit Is kept In a eon 1 variety and firooor; store. THkIib1 f. rket price paid for J , KINDS OF PRODUCE. HOW TO CO EAST. Mnint Sha-.t Route. Nice iniito anil sjanery at all tiimis of tho year. Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Utfilen, nan kke, Danvor. Finest sooonrt-oiass oars de are run daily. miv your m save your fare to l'ortlann. I am me Demon in Albany that cart sell you a tt from Albany direct to n omt 10 United Statos. Call on me for rafc.-s. V. U J KSTKH. ten S. P Is Owong Wa Gee Co, MRS. JIM WESTFALL, i just opened, next door to C. H. Spen cers, ana elegant nne " JAPANESE G93JDS Urio variety and many designr. liperior lino of teas. Al?n a PIANOS. dinse wlsiilne: a tlrt"-luss hntni"it iuld call at Mrs. 15. K. iiy.nins aim one of tlinso f::n:rat.-;ii 11111111 a ingplanooH, excwi.oot ri:li tutu., r.- uialiy inane iitm iv-""t mate on the l'aciiii- (Joast. Ei-ry piano tlv iriiatfliitood fm ' yeari. 'I ho li.leht bet-musio for srlo, Mu'loniid painiliiR sons Rlvon therp Also tim plwn in gn lur now SewinK Mmdilnn. Ksm-y work 1 dress tnakitiK tl-me 10 orunr. rum kreast of Youns's old sUml. Al"ny, fron. JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has been enlarged so that it equal any on the Coast, and consists of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohinr. and Orys- ttalware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriage.' , Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. .lift J ?. Hlil, Albany Agent, for Colimibia liicyclos. Tricycles and Safety". Also Klval. otto and National Bicycles and Creswtit. and Junior Safety, worth from $50 to Semi fr price list of new and se)'id-liand wbcels now In stock. , He nuys direct and oirrins the larger stock In the has been addod a complete line of Willamette Valloy, to will I Is Agent for insnranne.lcompanHs with a capital agrrejitln Jmj.OOO.OCP . VIe! on parte Francals. Ilier wird dotitch gosprochen.-Sai WILL BROS, dealers In all the latent imp Iuaks SHWlue .viaoninns, :'i ,11 j 1 a!si full line of warranto I lUzoi.-,, Hutchei l l i.r.at li'iilras. Th best kind ( fcvini; maulilns oil, ne9dles and extras. all machines, ah ni-ug in.".. rl reasonably done. . PAtJirS, OILj'3 and HUSHES AT DEYOB ROBSON'b. CHAS. MERGER. ileal Esiats, Fjploymsn and Insurance ftgent . A.l i!om!nuioath..n promptly aii8vare,j G ., ,. kiisM-u. FFICE : ELLSWOSTh BETWEEH FIRST 3:13n SUiiTS ALBANY OREGON". DlSsal.UI'IOM NOI'IOK. This Is to cerlifv that the c-partnrship here f,for oxintinj: betwoeu Clias. Motzaer and j j Dorris, 'doing business under the li'rm, name snd style of Ch is. Metzgor a ( o is. diss,ii by mutual cr.n soi't J J, fo ris rotirln? from the busi ness. Chas.Met7.orwill collect all money duethelirm and pay all debts ut the "'iJa'ted at Allnny this 2nd day of May, m'9' Chas. Mrtzukf, J, J. UORHlS ft Hew Grocery tlen. Greenback Weaver of Iowa and the p.olato bug hxve already appeared in OUl homa. The vicissimd-js of civilization ere keeping right up with the procession in the new terri tory. :,To- vwih nt W V Rv&iV. V. U. i'VeMch kesps railroad timo, riirfi.'iis in hoots and shoes at Road's. AfoUlimi Children's bathtubs at (i. w Smith'H. J. P. W:,hie Phviciau p.nd Surgeon, A' bnny, Or, For a Siurlin 'or F.moMon piano call on G L lilacUtnan. ' ET(!. V. Sr.i'th ban t!ij largest stock 'of nuri ket 1. ; in Albany. (i L V.hrUfnan is o;.:ct,t t'ir the Wt-V piano. Korf. i-ett. Six shaves for a dollar ond a clean towel to every cnstcn.cr, at Thos. Jones, G. W. Stnitli L'ivcn tlin white cunint'cd iro 1 ware with Ins thm c.iok fitoves. A full air,;;rtn.cit of b kttloB fnun one to cihtr:rn (.Mihtn? at (i. W, Smith's. Il iv yotir ti:kftlH through to tho East of W I, Jitter and svo fare to Portland. I havi rdo red prices on all heavy wear in boors aiid tltr.es. Call earlv at W F Head's The Western Cottage nnd Packard are two ofitbe best oana made. G L HiackT.an sells thorn. Call fin O. W. Sm'th and get onfc of those Minscu.'i S'ernn Wa-hern warranted tolo as recomm?uitt-d. A line lino f all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bes rock in this part of Ureiion at turtntu er livings. If you want a cleau &nd fine smoke sslt for J. Joseph' home mada white labor cian Forealhv mot ciar dealers and at his Joaeph's factory. J A Arj ii v'. I. '-in ' Siatir Miaufactnr inrOo.. 0 1:1 OH F-i:o-v Temple, Al bany. Dr Wriahtsnnrtu's Sovni?n Palm of Life. for diFeaHo.i fit onKar to women, at Deyoe & Ilobon nnd Pronell htanard s, f J Baltimore, ai;nt. Will ;o to AJaska. New York, May 27. Ex-Sena'or Thomas C Piatt and General Kussell'A Alger have de cided to spend the summer in Alaska. They leave this city June 20 in General Alger's private car, Michigan. They will journey by rad to Tacoma, where they will take a steamer to Alaska. Piatt will be Aider's truest nn thp trip. They expect to he : way two months or moic. Various reasons ere assigned for the coMcmplalcd journey. tiot ",0 cents. ' ' I-ayton, May 27. Group liroF. fafe wa; hitrglaricd Saturday night. A hole was bored in the Hall safe, and the door blown off, and 50 cenls was stolen. A number of suspicious characters are in town, and the committee of safety is on the lookout. AT Strong's old corner, op;ni:o siewsri a sox, Kir i ' c.i., via. .). . A full line ol FRESH CH3CSMESU DEI 3 ?aUlT3, ETC. i.i:ck Mies nil I small Mollis," "Live and let live,' Is onr mono. Please cab and oamiuo our it is and t.-t prh 8 t'!HCtion gnnraniceu, Produce Taken in Exoliang; Very R:pectrnll.v, BARD'JE & ROBERTSON. BANKS R , fl'aCrlY - UlltUUii. niaUriii 1 1 (r.ucii.M nil Sell oxuliaiifje 0.1 Portlmd. . mrm. B.. !;K:iaxJ.,..cr. ..iow - tune io;Mit. Colketlon. will recriv. proil ttitlon. .r.niKl.""! (arm i.r..rt. K. P tiui S;l House and Carriage Painter. Decorator and Paper Hang-or Piano Varnish!ne. All v.irs iiinnintsed. SB. VASSAL! 0. (Saoesssor, to Henry Siieen.;- SECURE PRICES. iNO TROUBLE TO SHOW? .'WODS AT City Heat lame! Proiinctors, SHULTZ BROS,, Keep a full line of .ne-its of nil k'nds, mao'd plan", Jo.iiplw.dv pro. to -tsili and nUvA.vs frnsh. Also hava eonstnntly onj'han I salm and other dsh. ... nnrrpnnnnenee. hum' ,( a'nil l.eital Koinw practically tiiui:lit i tho nAHflnn4 ArfAlriess CoHcQd The tliormii'h work lo"- in eaeh of our several . pailnwnts has Riven this lusi itutlon a reputa i..m ni.rh :i hut few selioiils altnln. .secin Init to ini.liv.s ..f our crailiiaus prolltaMo employ , '11I.I..1.I1 us tioek-'Hei.ers ami Menosraplieis i,..l..iits !..:initle.l l any lime. Catalogue in A. V. AllMSTKOXl. Pr'aelrs'. rnrtlimt. Or. TK!3WARE AKD HARD WARE lit ALL KINDS AT CE0F & H033 DEYOS & R0B.S0S ARE A'JBN'T FOR TUB NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERT10.VL-F.2E0 : SEiVIMJ MA CHINK. REST M AMINE IN THE .1 A E T Shontil Die. Xi:v Yokk, May 27. Dr. Tanner, the famous f.istcr.exf ccts to have all arrangements perfected in a few days whereby he will be buried alive, and at the end of four weeks taken up and resuscitated, The Eewnrd for Trnncott Kenrwc-tl. Chicago, May 27, Interest in the where abouts of Tascott was revived to-dr.y, when Mrs. Henrietta Snell, widow of the late Amos Snell, announced that her reward of 850,0x30, heretofore offered for Tascott, will hold good for sixty days from today, o- the same terms and conditions of the former rewards offered by her. For x and madeharnona Jtoto K. L. Power Not one perf-mi in fifty arrivra at the ape r,f forty, who is not trcubled with kidney or ll ririary conS plaibt in some form. To those sfliictcd with pain in the bach, uon retention of urine, nervous debility, painful or sup prppreil tnentrnatu,n, we cau offer a remedy that ha been in constunt Ufa oytr twenty year, Oregon Kidney Tea. Thic pr-?paration has done more for mtTerinji hitmanitv than any othr medicine in the market. tSold by Fhny & Mason. ,n-i 1 i.:m r V'liy t rr-iM'ilj it. ::nnif at if itijf warm. Thii 1.1 .l uj well a-i min.i, ineo-KPt; tirutruiltn I'i.c ia imca i anmiuau lr. Uitanko .'. rtniwty, w.ii'.h a.-w dirsct ly thr r.s 't -ttc.l, atH Thins tho tnnii.r-t, siia. eont-i. A-ltlrcM Tlw lr Kjunxj ' i.cine (t. N1.1l by Dr, 0 'tis? and bon. If you are nervounr irrital.letfe:l 1-ingu.d, liBpirited, or if you hive nek hcd.-iefK, 1- low o( inilxin,r oi;iifcive lnvath,thoa y. ur ivr ii mir. fit oriler ami neens foukuih. ur. IK'nhry'ri Dardciioii Tohiu restores tho liver to health v net ion and totn up the entire 11. -Sold dy l'o?by & Mn.sou. WrightN jSytup T.ir and Wild Chiry v i- ;'d iu wilt tun l.oii-.inu (be fo c: !d ad j-i! pHVi1infa rt tho tbn.at d Uinj.t. -Hi'ld by Fo?hay & Mftf"n. WricliTV ('oiiiixiiiiHi - v ri! 1 i Samajiarilb 'n W rtlicfd upon ftr ail blund di'fiw3j yu, a!F c'-ioi, etc. is-id 'by ridtay Mtifiit. A it!eman whohsd autTrod yreatunnor ence aid pain from bnrbrrs itch, and wl:o had befn tr'aled by the be?t pbysit-'un. without iHuf. mt Hint two bottlfs of Dutard's Spicitio cured him nnd l-ft his face perfectly smooth, without a fear. It neverfsils in skin :liHtanis. Soid by Foshay & Mason. in his iipv dipovry for Consumption, sue ceeded in producing a ntedicinn which iiao know)rdt:'d by al) to be simply marvelous It i exceedingly plrnrant 1o tho taste, per fcrtly barmler, ard does not sicken. In al ontKn of ctres of ('itiniption. Cf,iif.,h.Cold Whf'orine C''ch. Cmii, R-onibiti. nnd VoiMt in the rhft. it hrrt pivpn nrivfwal untisfrw tii n. Ur Mifai-.ko's C upb ai d Lung Syrup is soMut HO cents by Dr (iuifii & Son. roiiTLAND. Or.. Jan. 12fb. Hivini' ct;r brick nehe )st 11 rr trier, J tried th Orc-in Kidtipy'leii. T n!ed orw csr which t fTcctid a lndical cnr I wcu!d rp.-r-mnii-pd is o all wb" ore ftOiicted shsnnn hVrv? renird. . Jrurm Am. Hr.Jd bv Fiba & Mbop, t rnr. ioit nick iikaum uf. iv. vo'i want a rvinnty fnr BMioiwiew, Pimples on tht'laa.a l a mire cure for sick headache, a-k Pr. V.vM ky.l H":. i lie Dmiriia, (or Dr.iici.ni's Lite I'HM, trr a 1 . RBianUii frro tun bux cint, Wright's Mrth tooth soap. Fragrant, cnolinf find rfreihinir. Heals sore gums and preserves the teeth. Sold by Foshiy & Maaon, UABY OtVURIAOKS ' A'!1 t . STEWAUT & SOX SUPERIOR LINES OF IAGKICUITURALIM-0 PLEtVSCNTfi AT DE-YOSf&riROBSO.M A diy. )i;u-):i?M,r'f i'ch lifi-pc tb brr prhial tuttc in a M;tn t i cer sifliit. iriifntioti. hieh. H nnt, pppcddv rpi;vd, irnv' Je.'d to I ron cliitis. No prntrf.tir mrcdy rnn btv bi d thftn A''T"' Chfrty Vptf.ri'. vbub )f- '"h pn nofljnii Pl v. X er mi'l. ?rs A ppic.-.U'J stock i -.atche, jew. f; V-.C'i " .clock, pic, p.t Will & Stark, Jt many new iblnps being iiut received. A Io a fine line of cold headed enrep. Call or. them for bargains. WHtfhl'a AnbiRn Horso Linimmt. an in valuablp ftripily for sprains, brimes, lame ns and si) rfl'potion of tlienkin, muscle snd joint, to which horses and cattle are sub ject, 8ld by Foshay & Macon. Pino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob- so ijnj'.i n.'jvin