WILL EX1BIT IK" Albany, Wednesday, June 19th, TWO PlMCFOKiTIANCISS 2 AXD8P.M. mm -E1TOEMOTJS- UNITED SHOWS Thrce-riiitf Circus, It.va! Roman Hioj d lroinc, E!.ivate.' S;ii;b and 5-Uon.inen. Mea.o.oir e, in ii unrni msu: uuion with H. S, BARRETT'S Monster Consolidated Snows, Universal Menagerie, two tin.; circi, racinj; cu-nival ami G.-eat World's Fair ! The Ktiignjng Autocrat of the Amusement World, K; i ... i.. . i, .it r moii.is dt uu:ivo8, r ijiai i,!..; ni'no chip, cOHchni not iocii... ii-.k!.. move if, more deux, mi.) laiitc for its Huinalte. aui li-.o number of pcto , 1 w,,. kin ' i,a-yA, t!iu (l-H'.x. i id.uws uu ll.o conti SPOETS OF THE HIPPODROME Ri-alistically reproducing tho Ciiiticali Ath'etic ami Gladiatorial Pastimes il tie d?.;s of Caeeur umlTi: eiins. Char iot Ruck, Libc.ty l'ice, Standing Races, Fist Rucm, E!pi bant lUccp Jcckry Itiium, Camel Ricoi, Os:ricl Races, Sick R'cep,AVheell.aiiow Races. Obstacle Races and steeple chai-eF. least 65x1 Fir. for patronise .'itr.. 'c $..i-c:hc!i-, ri'.-lipi-S'-riiK Pa- it'i K-i't'iiva. sod bi'viT inducMncnts . v-r i.'ir oii'.-rid to the public. The Towering Amusement of the Century. T-'MnphantU traveling, throi:!;, Mi'i everv wii.v f-xliitiitin ii'!!. tii" audipFCea ever coi-uin. -n r i ti.M r road cau'iiHT.r rf Ameiic), -ri' : o:ii Mid most Hpprwc:u- i't eiitiviis. Universally rpcp; n !. :(! iii! ti iumph of arn nsjior em nized asth? men noted and coiimkihim' ISHsOTAnZ SPORTS OF THE CIRCUS, Dii! Ti H ,. ...ei,, .xpi-it Bicycle Ki-. i, WLvrf j, Skaters, Mtp,r.iiiiiint m.el Utiiel crim t -ed iii!h I 'fin.l.. Ki"miHi Arritn phennmpn! bareback. II .,.dip rd Jlan' ege riderp, Aerial Marv.-!a Acnban'c wonders, marvelous Visiters m d Johv Clowns. 50 Fi:l.ri v K' If nl n 3DE1TS -ALTID CAGES SO h 11 I that m rail- nd wor.derlu'. i;i bruto creation. Twenty fcr'f.:p:" i omlv r-v iofiepid wsiiipis ou the pnhlio Tin i. li i':e .i nr.i.l r,. sr Ih-i.I f ICIpj ImiiIb witli any exhibition- THE PINE T PARADE ON THE CONTINENT, Uriq'i,-, ti i al.ly tie moat eiuhoruie, ornm i n 1 sumptuous spectacular CntiiP i In t ever ii-.m.-d Hi(ii:i;Ii H.n nl.lio lrmt8, iatreducin as an ofc'i' - i.in riiuiH I1 CliildresiV; ncnm oS Fairyland: A'. i 1 1 isi uting countless obanges and triiitoi "irHtiona, inonstrons troop of cap piri.ioufd and liow'ali liearioir war cle- I li-ii.t-, r ..).! catalcade of cavaliers anu il .it.. v. i.lid i.llli!iipH I t tilH KaiiipH. in- VXciudii'i, mj;tsti' Htbifkiix of Litll 1 lied liidiiiij-boud, Hiui-b.aid, Siubad, 'M the sailor, Moilier Goose, Sleeiiing beau- P('yi Jt"l llobii.Bou Cruao ; Monkey lilly ho Coach, will. monkey passengera, mon key coachman, monkey footman, u.oukey guard and monkey postilions. EXC;iUS3VLY SPECIAL FEATURES ! Hie pl-.rromenal and nowliero prtcedented leat of Rifling and Driving Thirty-Five Horres I By a a!i-,iu Equestrian. Tu say tha; one man ride, driven, reics and ijioiii'a iliiiry-Hvrr i..p;ri;ait horirrr WiM bn louked upon a4 fistion, yet it can I.h i:i pes il ou our vast llippt.drnmx track each (lav and eVen ii t;. AK 1 1 x!'ili; J.n Kn.-ena City, M.iu lsy, Jure 1 Tilt. Silem, Julie IS ii. CirvnllH, June 20. h. Oheco.8461. Record, 2:29 34. Oregon's Greatest and Uamest Racehorse, wkh a Record of 2:29 3-4 first season after four yeas retirement, performance never before equalled by any horse on the North Pacific Coast, Will l at Altmnv,riu"d.i.YS mil Thura Jays; sttlie MoKniijIit furin.Woilneailaya; at Salira, Friday HHturdny and Miiiid.iy,noiiiR by way ol Jell'erson and Tumors Station, and allowed to norvo a lliultod nuinlmr ol intrna. Oneco was aired by Altainont, wagon road, inSlh hw. Hir.i, Hclle Price by Doble. 2 2S (2 ypars reeord 2tW!, f:ist.st i-i the world I'.ir I v,.iirl son i.f Mrbwou. . 4 voar obi rooord 2:3i), fust- ost In the world lor M yaar-.) The irriiinliiur of Onoco's performHiicoH tho past iioa- son oi iiroamns: ana iiurnntiiiii lh mint ilHtnrminnil ooiiimuaiions wuien Biirowu inmi and able luanipiiiatora v.illi bi'.r'.m devlBml to defeat bim, are atlll fresh in the memory of all liorstmnn j but would roniind them aijain tliht bo was the sonsational trotter botti as a 2 and 3 ye.u old, lowerini; in turn both records and tnus assuming the Imporia'. purplo of Juvmillo Kim, of tho Northwest, His bull doir tenacity, never lailinccouraKO, indumltable will.iuul IiIrIi strunif toniperament will not brook doleat, md bis preseut rocorrl is ai yet no moasuro of bis spoe.l as 'twas ma le in tho mud ami under t::e most advarso'oireuuntniicos. At three year old he sired II colts in all, Three of thoio were trained at two yerr old. At the end of BO days work, breaking ind trainiiur. anv of I hum cnuM aim v a. : mi hum irait. Forfeit was mid to 2 of them in match races at Albany, and later on one proved the winHr of Inland iOmpire stakes at Tho Dalles lor 1! year olds, and tho followiiur season won the 3 year old race at Seattle. These are all that Have boon broken and have ehnugod hands and oroiiirnt tne sum ot JUOiH). A glanco at Oue.jo's podiaroe will witli a lair considera tion of hi 4 performances convince tho most prejudiced that he will transmit as he inherits bis great speed and uullinching sameness. Terms, S0. H. F. REM) I havejoought the largestjand best stock of Ai,T.no.-3 yeais old rocoid 2:IJ, by Altatuont, 2:2.!. Dun, Me-ria Arnold, vi. i tie kept at (Jorvalli.i and Itid.ipeidaii'V). Tirins, $:!.i.UO to itintro. 2:35. KliAAlll) EvKBKTT Full br.illinr to Ifittv I. inn. record 2:11. inero, terms $15.00 to insure. No liabilities assumed for accidonts, will accompany Will take uleis- tire In ahowin); the horses any day, oxcupt Sunday. For extended prediijroe ol farther particulars address. MCKNIGHT BROS., Albany or Corvallls. Lookout For low price s. FURNITURE, I am rioiv r-tsii'.uu !urr.:uro at my f.ictory at cost. :r cn it i wail to L-o'c litre for S.iu 'iiiti'i.ai 1 am iruir. nr.t: tn) glO'ls 1 i f Lynn iS'reet. f'uvs. ine ttx: ,ij iiiivs. Ui iu i uiul tie i p. Fac:o:y ut ti: iv-r on On 'OR H. l.V. IJ V FOSH Y & MASON l'cople wisliing fuii.i to soli ut cost during !:: fore purcliasirc elHe- HAiL, Albany Agent, Tor Colrinbia Hicycles Trieve'os .and Safetvs. Also Kival. (Itto and National Bicycles and Crescent, nnd Jiuilnr Safety, worth from JSOto S0. Send for price list of new anu second-lnnd wheels now in slock. Cnr-i In t i tii a u miMSIiicui. MnW'J "HI": UATS.'OJi.iirni IU icm.--, Vj:.li''l. 1 r lirdcrljbjlbv fcVl1""' Chuckil Co. . OlnolunaU.1 OHIO. . Jti (; ImnKivi.!! UDlTfrr- .m iiniisiiu-tii.n In tlio f UiinorrlHi-ft end pri'scriticitaDi lt'i-1 imfe In recniiinierid ii'T il to nil nitfTorers. I. J. STUMIIt. B.D.. Decatur, III. MIK'K. 81.00. anl B.ild by DraicirlBts. V Hiii l. Hi.Ii-mIi- ixniit. m i County Bank, Cowan, Ralston & Chamnorlain, OREGON. ALBANY - - TRANSACTS a coiiaral banklnit liiisliiew. DRAWSimn OUKrSoii Nj York s.i, flno ant P.irtland, Orotron LOAN MOSEY on njipiovod Mcurltji l!K( KIVI.,lepoitaliJeit . chctli. It. .1. MtMTllony. lrcll. S. Parrar, Vi.3 Pro, B. S Oku, c. IJ. II. Mj.i.iK1 Tiii.1 TheOreson Land Coninaav Or.Anlzcfl fo tho nurnowi of titivlnt' .n.i anii... Mtalo, .Wer.Wnif .lic Willvniulto Villey in nl of the Ira.llnif neu-i-M" of the Unite;) Hiatus Kni'T -vinif Kntorn azenU to direct homo nofknr ij. d.. in,.... ettoVtlley, and homo n-enin in nil iho nrin.-iiwl iownn of Marion, Polk, Mmi, Hcmon, f 'luckftinw an Vnmhtll conntii'tt to Kitl in lorfuimf fniinlirMnt" Oftli-o 111 ttl Tate It'lilililiir rm t ..' a. .. MUUfSUN DICKINSON, Miipi. 2oo Store 1 21-1 stock of 2nd f.il- goods in the V ., ley , and the iiiot reasonuble prions, boiti in vuvinr and s i!li in I have on .mini 1 1 kinds of FJSHITUiiE, STOVES, HHWARE, TRUHKS, B30KS, Pm?, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETP , ETC. O ie door'wesi ofS. H Young's old store L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First Street, Albany, Or. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ornjon fcr Linn Counti, V. II. Close, I'lainlifT. vs, J. M, l'otier, Defendant. To J. M. Potter.the abjve named Defend ant !"ntlie oa noof the State of Oregon, yon are nerebyn-quiredjto appearand answer the com plamt of tho Plaintiirabove named agaiDst yon in the above entitled action, now on lilo with the Clerk of the above entitled Court, om or before the first day of the next regular term of said Cuurt, to -wit : June '.'1111, issn. and you aro hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answor said cnniulaint as here by required, the l'Jaintiff will take judgment against yon lorrne sum ol Slot), with inter est thereon at 12 per cent nor annum (mm December 3rd, 18S7, and tlio further turn of Aitnrny a lees, ami for the costs and disbursements of this action to bo taxed and tor au onier ot salo of the real proporty at tachetl in this action, to-wit : The north half of the Donation Land Claim of John IJ. 1'ottorand Jano 1$. I'ottcr, his wife, notirica- unn na. ooi, claim .n. Tp !l, 8 2 K, Willamette meridian, I.inn county, Oregon. And tho application of tho Drncecds of n.n.l sale to the payment of I'laiutilf's claim abovn set out after the payment of all costs of said sale and of this action. I his Summons is published by order of lion. ii. l . muse, .1 udiro of thenbnve mil tl eii i ourt rnsite at Chambers m tho city of Nilem in Marion county, Orcgou. This !)th day of May, INS'J. Hkwitt, iliiVANT & Ihvini:. Attorneys for riaiutiff. First National Bank OF .41.15 V, (IKGGDS. ('resident Vfeo rrcnidtilit Cannier Aa'l Caatiior L. Fi.INN 8. B, Vol "NO K. W. I.ANODON. ....JA3. F. I'OWELL TRANSACTS A OKN-KRAbbanklna bmlnoss. ACCOUNTS KBIT n-jbject to nhecll. SIOHTEXCHANnK aii.lt.l rni.hlo tr.n.fm n Now York, Han Kriicisce, itciifio and Fui rcrm. COLLECTIONS HADE on (aiorablo tcrnu. DlftRCTOM j. K. Toi so, F., Y, Lasooos, b K Duals, ,. Fuss, WatTSX E TfRRRLL, BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART A SOX DRY GOODS ever brought to Albany, and I would respectfully nvite every one to call and look' through my stock. DON'T FORGET wecarry a full lino of C M, Henderson & Uos BOOTS AND SHOES. The Red School House Shoes are the best in the world. BUT CM. HEN OKnSO.N & COS :' :'. H rUar'rf)? -.5& COIHUTI0 BOOTS SHOES . 'vy;CjL3lrrlts-"w CHICAGO. Look out for Bargains in the rxext 30 day-. TEie Leading Oasli Dry Qums Store. -. ; ... t, ,-m.-a.A-ru.yfMjrj..S:-' . , - v. .. v F, Smoke the cigars Manufactured by Julius Joseph. ALSO ISALER IN IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS, Plug'and smokiog tobscoos, McerBcliaum and briar pipes and smokes artttlcs generslly. Alan always lias on band u tiico line of California and Tropical Fruits.