vol. ii. ALBANY, OR. SATURDAY, MAY J5, 1880. NO IT MS CatharticPills "ontaln In "" compass, ' virluV-s ol tlio bost voitetaMo c.-itliartii-s. They aru a suro euro f"r Costlvoncss, Imll. ci-slimi, ami I.Ivor Complaints; lire pleasaut to taku ; prompt, but mllil, In operation. Mr James Qiilnn. of MMillo t.. Hartford, Ton... ttill-. "I lavu us.-.l Avhi -a ill .... i nasi thlrtv vears nml consider them uu invaliiulilc family ini-ilu-me Mm m WA Aycr Pill told by all Drut!i!iU niJ Dialer. In Medicine. R- p. Sox I'fJl C I ."!';:.vt:tr, S Albany Manufacturer of- STEANlliTSIHES G3I3T AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS7' AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Special attunllonpsIA klmis of machinery. o rofiirins ill Patterns Made on Short Notice, Conrad Mever, STAll ttAKKUV Cnmsr Broailalbin and First Sis., DEAT.KB II The LEADING Grocery Store IS-- Wallacc, Thompson & Co's. THE PLACE. iV H moan call ou Paine. Brothers, Success 1 1 'c John Fox, 'or your Groceries, Prota, Baked Goods, Eto. Etc. Their Rooilcjire the best and their prices reasonable. I!E UKA!)Y FOB. Till 1SSKCT i'EST.S. Fruit culture require, intelligence and vigilance, eternal vigilance. There are so many insects continually preying upon frjits.lliat it is only by vigilance that it can be made profitable. If the insects that fat- TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The First Wheat. San Francisco, May 24. A carload of thU year's wheat arrived to-day from Reedley, Fresnocounty. It was purchased at 81 ten upon your fruits can be destroved and I per cental. Last year the first consignment ft Hew Grocery Discovered ie8 s :e":o&ssot IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAO. THir StockofGIlOCERIES' jxncl PRODUCE is always Complete. uiiiioil Frmts, .itussivaro, Dried Fro;!-. ''! iico. Nilgai, Jiiii.' .i:it.i, lnse!Uw.ii,e 'iUit s. Ten. ff.lc. AT Strong's old oarnor, opposite Stewart )X, 1; irss -ur j j., v.jhv, A full lino Of FRESH GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, D5JED F.VJ1T3, ETC. "Quick salos and small profits," "Live and let live," Is onr motto. Please call anil examine our go wis and ft prices. 3 tisfaction guaranteed, Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Respectfully, iJAFiDUE & ROBERTSON. City Meat Market. 0HTTTTI7 ITCriS PrnTi-'btnTH ICenp a full line of meiln or all kinds. In a cool place, compln'niy pro tected; anil alwaja lrssu. Also have constantly on "hand sa'.racn and other fish. the fruit remain intact, it pays. One of the worst enemies to fruit growing is the borer, but it is easily kept in check, if you take it in time. Take a long, sharp pointed wire, and push it into the 01 ifico where he is im bedded, and it will wind him up. the next is the old fashioned caterpillar, and I have lound that the best and cheapest way to destroy him is to give him a dose of Paris green or London purple. Just spray that on your trees, and when the caterpil lar takes his breakfast, he gets the poison and is gone. The next is the canker worm ; this is the worm that defoliates your trees, making thein look as though scorched ; Paris preen or London purple is the reme ,K. Nxt. the codlin moth Is a terriDic enemv to fruit, but we have a remedy Pot sheep or hogs in your orchards where thev eat up the little apples that contain the embryo worm or spray the trees with Lon don purple or Pans green. It is a aemon strated fact that the use of these will save over )-' per cent of the fruit ; but there should be some concert of action among fruit growers to make this a perfect sue cess. Se'.h Fenncrin New England Home stead. Wright's Biiyrup Tor and Wild Cheiry T- i- nA vim will use nothiD2 else 10. couch, colds ana an bu-cuuib m me and lungs, i-bld by Foshay & Mason Wriglit's Compound syrup of Sarsaparilla can he relied uiion lor an nioou ui, afiect'ois, etc. Sold by Koahay & Mason received he-e June 15, and brought$I 31 per cental. Never before has wheat been re cetveil at this port in May and indications therefore point to an early harvest. The stock of old wheat in this state will be taken June I, It is thought there will be little new wheat of fered betore J uly, Jury Disasroeit. Wai.i.a Wau.a, M y 24, The jury in the case of James Gordon Cooper, chirged with the murder of Thomas Davis, last November below the city, was unable to agree, and were discharged this morning, frour being for md eight against conviction, The sentiment of the community is favorable to the prisoner. In f-t overytliinn Hint i1 knpt In Ken ral variety ami prrwer.v nlore. Highest 01 rkot price paid for ALL SC1P4D3 OF PRODUCE. HOW TO CO EAST. G lvt via Mount Shasta Route. Nice olinnt'i and samory at all tinins of the year. See Mount Shasta, Sacrammito, O.'den, Salt Like, Denver. Finest seonnd-clam ears made are run daily. Huv your tickets of mo mA save voiir faro to Portland. I am the only porson in Albany that on sell you a ticket from Alhanv diruot to anv oint in the United Status. Call "n me for rat.-s. V. U Jesteu, Antn S. P PIANOS. Those wishln a llrtlais instrument should 0411 at Mrs, B. K. Hyman a and see one of those (V.oor.Uod Hemme A Lon pianoei, exoei'.ont rich tone, es pecially mvle and adaiiied to stand the dimate on the PaclHe Coast, Krery piano mil y Run ante ad for 5 veri. The Ir.t rat sheet-musio for silo, Mudo and paintina lossons Riven thero. Also the place to gd your new Sowing Machine. Fancy work and dress makliiK done to order. I'lrst door east of Young's obi "tand, Albany. Ore;nn. WILL mtos, Dealers in all the if 't I in i. v" l !'l-n m OrEtc, Swlni Mtoninoi, ilunn Also afulllinnof vvirrau'.ol ll'-r. Huloiu.i and roekot Kiiiv-s. To In km I : sewini inaihino oil, needles and extras, for all mammies. All icpn'.-iox neatiy and raasonalilr done. JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock 'las beo-i eulargo l so tiiat it eqiuls any on the Coast, and consists of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Chinr. and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriage.-, Fanoy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. KF.KPPtteTKIJ. BROWNSVILLE. 0. P. COSHOWA SOMS. Real Estata and Insuranco Agents. Real estate fold and Collections and Notariil businn's attended to. . W He buys direct anil carries the largest stock In the has been added a complete line of Willamette Valley, to'wbM FAMILY GROCERIES. Is Ascent for insnraneeconipiniea with a capital airregatluit fTS.ooa.MV t"Icl on narlo Francais. Hler wird ilentcli (sespro-hon.-tftn DISSOt.UriON NOTICK This is to or rlirv that (he co-partnership here t-jfore oxisti'ng between Clias. Melzser and j j Uorris iloiiiK business ond9r the fl'rm name and stvle of Cli is. Mstzger Co is. dissolved b mutual con- o,'t J J, Do ris retiring: from the btni ness' Cha.Melr.gorwill eollect all money due the firm sod pay all ilebis of the 8 m'ted at Albany this 2nd day of May, 1889 Chas. Mktzoep, J, J. DoButs. Qwone Wa Gee Co. MRS. JIM WESTFALL, has just opened, next door Vm C. H. Spen cers, and elegant line of JAPANESE GOODS of a large variety anil niany design?, superior bne of teas. Aire a FOSHAY & MASON, .''),i',M ANI ttr7All- OR, W M. DAWJ3, Physici-tn and Surgeon. ar.)m.ts no Mt4:r I'l trl.-n May bo f.m.ul nt his to nay niwk. :hi. 08. C. U. CsfiAlS3SU?4, Homeopatliic Pliysician a?1 " ; '.;3cn Special attention o diseases c; .he eye. piB"illce cornor of'Tlmd and Lyon St. ALBANY, QREQ31 PA.XJTP3, 0Iu3 AND BRUSHES AT DBYOB ROBSON'b. Chas. Metzger,. r 1 p- r 1 Heal Lstate. hmpioymen and Insurance Asant A.I .ommuicatlo.is piomptly iMVtarB, ln GerminJorEng Ish. . OFFICE: ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FjrT AM3 silUDISTScrj. ALBANy OREfiON". for John . Al ii'"' publiinti'-iib, ..io;i we sell s' p-v.lUi"!-'- ; ree w J.-,'lU-4l! I-t.I. Al."vsv. ne;H. New gwdn at W F Read's. F. M. French keps railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Eead'r. A full line Children's bathtubs at C Smith'r. J. P. Vallaco, Vhysician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or" For a Sterling or Emerson piano ca'l on G L Blackman. Q. W. Smith has tlia larsestlstochjtf sugar kettles in Albany. (! T, Rlaakman is tsxnt W the Welter piuuo. .om i.eui. Six shaves for a ''ollnr and a M an towe every customer, at Thos. Jones. O W. Snrlth irivps tho whito enamelod iron ware with his tine cook stoves, A full assortment of brass kettles from one to eiuktoen i'll.ms at U. w . smith s. B iv your tickets through to tho East of W I. Jester and avo fare to Portland. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear in bnota aod slir.es. Call early at W F Field's. The Western Cottaga and Packard are two of the best organs made. G L Blackman sells them. Call en O. W. Smith and get one ofjthosc Missouri Stosm Washers warranted tojdo as recommendttd. A lino line rf all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, lies stock iu this part of Oregon at I'ortinilier a Irving s. If yon want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home mad. white lahor cigars For sale bv most cigar ueaiers a v u Joseph's factory. ,1 Vrohi'iiM, a tout Singer Manolactnr ini (.''.. oppndte 0.11 F.nl-i v Temole, Al banv. Dr Wriulitsman's Sovereiun Ialm of L'f.' for diseasi-s pi.cnllar to women, at Ucyoe A Roli.oii and Bn.wnell Stanard's. I' J Baltimore, ss-ent. For land madeharness uoto E. I.. Power Moving Northwest. Helena, Mont., May 24. During the last fort night a considerable number of emigrants have been passing through Montana, en route to the British possessions, traveling by wagon. It has been ascertained that they are Motmons from Utah and Idaho.andthat there distination is the country through which the Gait railway- passes. Famous Woman Dead. Boston, May 24. Laura Bridgman, deaf, dumb and blind from two years of age, mi de widely famous by Charles Dickens in his "American notes," and also by many public references to her wonderful intelligence, died to-day at the South Boston asylum, where she had long dwell, aged 60 years, A Clue, Chicago, May 24. It was learned to-day that the police had struck quite an important clue in the Cronin mystery. It seems beyond doubt that they have discovered the place where Cronin was murdered, a vacant cottage in Lakevicw. .Nirarnctia Canal. Nkw Yop.k, May 24. The Nicaragua Canal Company has announced that the steam ship Alvena, to sail forGreytown, Nicaragua, at noon May 25, will carry about fifty men and a tpiajitity of implements and stores for the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company.being the pioneer eNpedition for the commencement of the work of building 'the Nicaragua inter oceanic canal. Similar consignments of men and materials for the prosecution of work will follow one another at short intervals. NOTICHT0TI1E ITBMC. Ct-oviiitDALB, Boutc-H Co , May 2aa. Havinir purchased of Mr, Ashby Pea roe his entire larm in Bentot county, Oregon, the public is notified and forbidden from taking or removing therefrom any graTel, sand or loam from said premise ai I . ii. ciuch. CLOvEr.DALK, Benton Co., May 2nd. I am Instructed by Mr. F. L. Such to pro-ecuie any and all persons depositing lead animals upon bis lands in Benton county, Orecon, formerly owned by Mr. Astiny scarce. CB. 'Yni.VERTOH, Attorney at law. FRANCIS PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR OK - Albany Soda Works Aid Mani'faciurers of WT5'ii1'Tn?IS9. CHOICE COSFEuTIOHBai. ItOt'.l'.U I V4 V tlUI 'l' 1 .i.-.l'.'-tU' I. iiist ,.r.l mm; 1 riirv v-,;-ii,i!' uitu-u i't'"" intfwiinn. I''iU f.,.' 1. -U w.tll si HMiitt, Bteedif nroLnnliuti Pilm , -iiittt oncp to tha avollo.'.io Or. Ii.it.ankn 1. v.a remmly, w.iicli ai-ts u'treHtly the pins .'tuCl!, ubi Tliintf tha tu'nora, anaA liiu-inlteliis:iil fteiiiii a inniunest 0 cflnt.i. Ad.lrc. Tim l'r ink M.'1'.clns Co..r 0, bold by Dr. C-iiss Hid Sun. Tf gnu in m-rVOIrS lir II lltllUo.feel lsngllid liri irili-.l. or if you hsve nek hesitr.cnr, sni- ,w ..iiifli-xioi'.'Ti'rTeii'ive br.tli,thcn Vcnr ivr it, ottt. 'f crih-r and neetlii rousing. IJr I..,.!. v' Daiwitli.in Turin restores tl o l.ver rtli -.il a Ii !' li. F, MESSiLL, s nsr K 33 1,. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. HHl exclianre o.i Now York, Han Front-limo and rortlanu. tinv i-titix. Std'o. c.iuntv ii'ij c tv ttMrranii. He- -ive"(t)HMiti aiibjoct Ut chei'k. IntereHt allowwl ul timo i.';M'rtiU. l)l!cctiom will rocolva pmoipt attcntlan. rorr.ton(leucj v1icltl. Fire and Marine Iniurance coir.jnmct. Also lftcal ouent, of l,om'ril Inoatment Con.Twnj'. Lmr.iiniHileon funn pro;rty. 0, tlouse and Carriage Fainter. Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishine. All v.tr- imraiitni'.il.J 3 B. VASSAL! 0. .Suc(M!',. t Henry Sue-gen,)' SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW :J00DS AT I)EOE iti.01?S0N m WAHE AND HARD WARE tit-' ALL KINDS AT We are how prep rl t" ru nt 1 alwavs fresh and "" ! 1 jm to "dealers. We '- keep t-f Suts anil Tropic&i frails. IGARS AND TO3A0C0 rvpi'wmlns. Penmanship, Correspondence Busl-li-ss nml l.csal l-'oims practically taiiKlit at the n..ti,ul P.ns ness tioltecte. T'ie tliorouch work done In each of our several . " .. , il.U Insllllltioll a renuta- ion si ell 11s but few si-liools attain, sccurlnit to 1 .bill" f onr gtailuales profitable employ I i lioth is l.ook-kei-.e.s r.lul stellORrnpWls. iiiideiils iiuiiiltti-ii at any tune, tt.uaiugiie A. P. IDIST:oxil. mnrlpal. Portland. Or. PEYOH & UOBSOS ARE A IK N'T FOR THh SEW HIGH AUM DAVIS fK!in'!.Vf,-FSS!) SSWINiJ MA CHINE. REST MACHINE IN Till 11 A .IK IIT hci.thv action tonn nplho euliie S.iM i-y Foshay & Mason . F.Enert, practical watchmaker an. .ir Wncht'fi ArftHao Hori-n Lioiment, sn in valuable rpmef!y for sprniu, bruises, lame nfa and all niTection ofthet-kin. ir.urclesand ninta, to which horscn aru cattle aro sob- jfct. Sold by rovhay & Mcon. Not one iiffFd in fiflv crrivfn at the ace of forty, who n not trruMtd with kidney or urit.nry ccit; plaints in pome foim. To those oflliotnl with phio in the back, ft on retention nf urine, r ivous deoihty, gainful rr np-p-aji:d nienptrnatinn. we can fforn r-medj that hr.n Lt'eu in conetatit u?e oyt-r twenty yp.RTt. Ortgr.il Kidney Tea. This jin-jKirat-ion has done innre for i;rtcriii( bumstity than any otht r medicine in the marl;-t. Sold by Ftrhny & MaNon. Our lint- of c Voice teas aud colTeea ia nr equaled in town. Bkow!vfm, S Staxard. V in '-in i-ev dl-i: ccc led M. pro 1: knowlc U' . )H NNI4( vrv '-x 1'i-s,iinptionl nvi " ntt n mc-d'.ciiiH wiiicli i ? a; Ail t i Im Mmply n.arvittoi!& Itwexowlialy plfRinnt t 1h tartc. j. r fently har'i 1on nd d c not hi ken. In OAneaof ca-eniit Couumptioii. Coo :h,C'ld Whoopinff C uij'li, CrtMip, lir.-fTohitit-, anil Paina in tl-e hot-t, it b.ut KVfii universal untisfafTtion. Or HnPAtiUo'a C and Lung Syrup is auMut 50cntM by Dr tJuiai U Son. Portland. 0r.t Jan. 12tb. Having a ievire back ache last auiPincr, J tried the Oregon Kidney lo-i, T uncd one currf which flToefed a radical mi. 1 would ommend it to all who re afllictid aa anm -faille rom-d. Jitliur Acii. Sold by Foshay& Maaon, SUPERIOR LINES OF iAGRICULTURAL ITA PLESWENT AT OE YO ROSSO. J A BplcndM stock u watches jew. .1,.. - -. of U 111 - Vlnel. stkCIIJ" ! "1.1 V .:..-.P -nianv new thing bdnc just received. Also n line line of told headed canes. Call ir. them fur bargains. I KF. rtnt su n txi3iA ix:. Hnyo" winl a rt:i.nJv for r'l'.i'iWsi, T'in'.flefl on f fair, p. i a Hire run; -T fiok hrviachp, ak Ir. ii'Sti himI S"-. lilt- IMuyvis!, for lr, ii. i.tii Lire ri)it( try a i-h . tni ns ft t-n 'ull hex Wriylit'.- M;.Tb tool coolini; .'lid i fre flhit'i' , nnd prcrvtH thr t.-i'ih. iMuPoti. cti.t. i-onp. Fracrant, Hoal or enm Sold by Vvhhy k A dry, t ib' in imIi'-v r,nicti,,1 tot", Irni to Iimiii- .rini t( r it nu dv onn Vd than ftnodyno arid i x; i-ti'i:.ut. b f'rtt h Fino lino of Guns aud good stock of Aisirmni tion at Deyoo and B,ob- ii