L. II. ALBANY, OR. FRIDAY, MAY H. 1 -m. no k; rvn P Aim A13TTP PTTT qI W ,- nnntln1 II tl.A n.aftntlnl 111 i.ouf. voifptuitln enthartles. nro a suro "ro '"' Costlvcness, Inrtl- 1 ....... fmT.liiliit' nrn nteasant Ike; prompt, but mild, In operation. lames Qunn. 01 Minnie; "... ' tSlinst "I havo used Ayer's Hlls ,. past tliirty years hi hi r mv.u "valuable family me.liellie." Aver's Pills, by all DruBBlu an Doators I" Medicine. V""', m id 10 C II. Sr.'.vt'tr, a Albany ION WORKS. .Manufacturers .of ifoWflES CHI ST AMD SAW I LL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS' ' AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. inolal attonUonTpitld o rontirlnf-J Jill 01 mwiiiuery. a'tterns Made on Short Notice, The LEADING Grocery Store is- Wallacc, Thompson & Co's. THE PLACu 7 all menus oi.il n hm Brothers, S accuser t to John Fox, yout Grocer? es, Produce, BaksilGooils, Etc. Etc, Their goodare the bent and thelrpricea reasonable. J mcs (i Blaine has said in his day many sarcastic tilings, but he soared far above them all the other night when he said that in the pres ent executive the country had a thoroughly non-partisan one. If anything could be more absurd than this it would be interesting to know what it is. President Harrrison has been penned into the White House ever since his inauguri tion, engaged in the most active parti san work, the rapid and promiscuous removal from office, without pretending it is anything else than political reasons. It looks as though Mr Blaine thought a whopper was in older at this time. IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. Th Conrad Mever. PROPKIKT,;i 0K. 14 IJVlYr.J!L. B. rner Broadallrin and First Sts., r-DEAtiKH IX Cnnwti) .TIiviM, QtienisMWurts Vrittal?.eK, i Cigar. flpit (u. Ten. Etc.. Infa-.-t everything tha. Is kept In a (ten variety and Kronery "'"TO. Ilinhnsl rkot price paid for LL KINDS OF PRODUCE. ir StockofGROCERIES' and is ahvjiys Complete. A New Grocery Discovered AT Strong's old corner, opposite Stewart tiox, First ii.rj);, a.i i ly, J A full line ol FRESH GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, DRIED FRUITS, ETC. "Quick sales and small profits," "Live and let live," is oar motto. Please call and examine our eo.ids and ft prices. 3 ttisfaction guaranteed. Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Respectfully, 3AF.DUE & ROBERTSON. City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Keep a full line of meats of all kinds, In a cool place, crimpW'ely pro. tooted; and always fresh. Ex-Senator Mahonc, of Virginia, grows more picturesque every year. 1 lis hair grows longer and whiter, his body thinner and his face more weazened, but there is no suspicion of age in his eves. They are as bright and piercing as ever, and, like most brown eyes, have youth ful appearance in strange contrast to the aged face in which they are set. Mahone's mail since he has been in Washington has beenenor mous. He says he thinks he has had at least one letter, pleading or threatening, Irom each Republican in Virginia. For 40 years the present emperor of Austria has followed the custom of annually washing the feet of 12 old men, while the empress has done the same service for 12 aged wemen, They nave just concluded that it does not amount to anything, after all, and the custom was given up on the death of Rudolph. The Cherokee Indians are no fools. The rush for Oklahoma taught them that land was getting scarce. They were once willing to sell 6,000,000 acres comprising the Cherokee strip for Si. 75 an acre. Since the rapid they want Irom $4 to $6 an acre for it. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Fort I'anliy. Vancouver W T., May 23. Orders have been issued from the department headquarters reestablishing Fort Canby, which was aban- doneu in Uecemtwr, 18S7. Mayor John Egan of the First artillery, will command the post. wmcn is to tie garrisoned by a battery of artil lery fr'm the Presidio of San Fnncisco, t'onr Animals to bid Protected. Washington, May 23. Secretary Windom to-day signed the sailing orders of the revenue steamer Rush, directing that she shall sail im. mediately upon the receipt of her instructions to Ounalaska, and then cruise diligently in Dehring sea for the purpose of warnino all per- sons against entering such waters for the pur pose 01 violating section 1956 of the revised statutes, and arresting all persons and seizing all vessels found to be, or to have been, engag- "y viuiauon 01 ine laws 01 the United States therein. That Horse. Spokane Falls, May 23. The press cor respondent at Helena having telegraphed a statement that the horse Spokane was not christened in honor of the metroplis of Eastern Washington, but lor a Montana village, it is proper to state that there is no villare or nost- oflice in Montana bearinc that name. The word is of Indian origin a-d was applied to the powerful tribe inhabiting this region. From this the swiftest and most beautiful river on the American continent took its name. Naturally the majestic city located at its greatest falls was colled Spokane, and was for a time the home ol the racer. Naturally, also, people of this city are proud of the king of the turf, who so nobly bears' the magic name, and resolved to decorate lum, Mr. Annstrongalso owns horses named Seattle, Tacoma and Olymp ia, all pro grescive cities of Washington. uitod Frails. htiiinart!, Dried FrnlK. Tobacco, Satrar, 'oilee. Etc,, JULI GRADWOHL'S Goiden Rule Bazaar. Also have constantly on ' and other fish. hand salmon KEEP POSTED. Poultry Wanted, All kind of poultry, allvn or dres-ed, lined at the Willamette netting tom my's Store, Albany, Oregan. HOW TO GO EAST. l..l .........I, ! alt timo. nf thn vnar. fcc Mount Shasta. S.icr.nnonto. Ogden, Salt k'n IVinvnr h'iflitafc .rtVUld-(d.all CftrR Lie are run dnily. Iluv your tickets of me I save your taro to 1 nruann. l am ine ily person in Albany tht can toll you a cket from Albany dirct to an oint in lo United Statos. Call on m for raVs. W. 1.. jBSTEIt. A ecu S. P His stock bas be3D enlarged si that it equals any on the Coast, and consists of Roger Bro3. Silverware, French Ohinr. and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriage-, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockiey and Toys. He buys dlrent and arrios the larireac stock in Oia Wiiimt. r- . .. . has been added a complete line of "ey, io Swuiri FAMILY GROCERIES. J' Arnt for instrane9. 'companies with a caplul aggregating $75,009 Off . &Bla on narle Francais. Hiw wird douteli gesprochen.-ij BROWNSVILLE. 0. p. coshow & sors, Real Estate ani inauraacs Agents. Pea' estate slid and CoHocttons and Not.riaiftt:tiRlness attended to. DISiiil.UI'lii.N Nol'IfK This is to certify that the co-psnnership here t'ltbr ' existing between Clias. Metzsrer and J, J. Oorris doing business tinder the firm, name and tyle of Oh is. Mt7.ger r0 , dissolved bv mutual con- ut, J .1. P" ris retiring from the bu'l ness' Ch.Met7.erwill collect all money due the Arm and pay all debts or the 0 Dated at Albany this 2nd day of May, Chas. Metzqer, J, J. IORHlS. PIANOS. Tliow wishinir a flrH-cUss Instrument 1011 l f.tl! nr. lrj It. K. llrrntrs Sill ee one of tliofe Ojleoratid' Henims A long planoos. excellent rich tone. R Hciallv made and adanted to stand the limate on the Pacillo Coast. Kfnry piano dly ttiiaiantnail for 5 vears. The lr.lest ilieet-iimsio for silo. Mui and painting f Hsons clvnn there. Also tio pUco to get lour new Sowing Mschine. Kunnv work "u uress niaKing it'ina 10 orncr. rirsi noreast of Young's old stand, Albany, rgon. WILL BROS, Dealers in all tin- ut'.-it improved ?i .n.tr "irr., Sivving Mit'iiinns, 1upi. Also full line of wT:uim-l lta7.ors. Itiitnnel "d i-ocki,t Knivrt.. Tii best ktn.l ii I'wiriit i Iiiik. .mi. needles and hxIi'as, r hIi iii.iiiiiiifls Ail 1.'" suns neatly nti roanonablv dune. W U. lllLYFJT. VTTOKNEY A. And Solicitor- in Chaiuerr. pnB nnuotiatad on aasonable terms. PA.(Nr3, OCj J AND pRUSHES AT DEYOB ROBSON'b. Chas. Mmer., Heal stale, fmpIoymenmrl Insurance Agent . A.I ommulcatl,..is ptoruptly atf8v,arei, ,n Germanjor English. OFFICE: ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FRST m j ,zm mniUl ALBANY OREGON". Owong Wa Gee Co. SIRS. JIMAVESTFALL, hbs just opened, next door C, H. Spen cere, ana eiegani Jine ui JAPANESE GOODS ' of a lr(e variety am superior l-.ne ot teas. many deainnr. Abjo a BREEDERSJATTENTION. T1, Imnr.rtjd Prtlirll Coseh Sla'llon Vindlctato.-, will iinki lb" swsson of 1SB9 ot the JoltoA'iii p's 'O'1 nron'"' ! MnndavH and 1'nesdava ; itis.v, v po nosdavs and Tiiurd.ivs ; lbaiion. tri. .tv ui.d atunUvs. Here it an "iM'or tunlty Io. me iarn'rs ui unm vmh,-.., " t the Rervine nf th;. onlv French COttl'h horse ever brouirtit t iireirull. Ilnwa Immrluit from France bvTbto. Skilliuan anri hv lilm .hmnirht to this State. The French cuanli horse bat- "sen ttractiti!t rot Ritmitinn tl.roi'L'hoi-t the Eastern States the mat few yeara and are being Imported from France In itreat nuiiib 'r. Viudloitor iialine rir.wntativo of this famous hre-) l nl h.,re-, si inclini hands hiith anil wviirn nj: i vui llw. IH lias taken preniluir.- over cieavlanil liv wburov.-r shown, f hlr stiillinn rupresejit ii. a .mnnml nnrmiie now so much neodiid h re. Ho will be allowed mares at tolnsuieaniHro in foal. Koep your tye nn'liis dates. MoKsmnT Hud-., I rvp -. W. C. W bsti.a K p.. Agent. Xew goods at W F Read's. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Head's. A full lino Children's bathtubs at G. W Smith's. J. P. Wallace, Physician und Surgeon, Al bany. Or For a Sterling or Ktnerson piioo call on G L Black man. G. W. Smith has the Iarge8t;toclof sugar kettles in Albany. f L Blnckman is airent for the Weber piano. None bettet. Six hove for a dollar and a.jlean towe! to !vcrv customer, at Thos. Jones. n W. Smith cives the white enameled iron waro with his line cook stoves. A full ns-inrtment of brass kettles from one to eighteen palh'ns at u. w. dmith s. R.iv vonr tickets throueh to the East of W I. fester and aave fare to Portland. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear in boots and shoes. Call early at W r Read's. The Western Cottaee and Packard are tw o of the bct organs made. G L Biacktnan sells them. rsn n tt. W. Smith and cet one ollthose Missouri Stenm Washers warranted tojdo as recommendfd. A (ine line of all kinds of furniture, plain ind upholstered, bean stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmilicr t Irving's. If yon want a etoan and fine smoke k tor .1. Joseph's home made white labor oinnrs For sale bv most cigar dealers and', at his Joseph's factory. J . VmW'mM, s;9nt Stumer Manutsosur in?t:n., 0t.11.MlM O il Fallow Temple, Al banv, n. wP;..t,t.,ii4n'ft Sovereign Balm of Life, for diseanes .culiar to women, at Doyoe & llM,..,n'. and Rrownell StanartVs. P J Bltimore, agent Pow or Will lie Acquitted. IIf.lf.na, Mont , May 23. David Collard a saloon-keeper charged w ith the murder ef Charles Campbell, was arrested yesterday by bhentt lleyfron, at xon, Missoula county. About 3 o clock yesterday marnine he heard a noise in the chicken coop and got up, opened the door, and saw a man near the chicken house, He got out his revolver and tired two shots tor tile purpose of frightening the man away. Collard says that he didn't intend to kill anybody. The night w as very dark and he couldn t see any one when he hred. Two f the chickens were found with their necks wrung the next morning. The accused is confident that he will be ex onerated. The murdered man had been seen ati.und the chicken coop on two or three occa sions during the past few tiays. Bich V S Ladtl. San FRANGisco,May 22. Efforts are being made in the East to raise funds for the further endowment of the Presbyterian Theological seminary in this city. r rom Kev. 1, M Scholietd it is learned that W S Lad(L of Portland Or., had contributed $50,000 towards the endowment of the semi nary. II.Kwert, practical watchmaker and e!et. Fit I awl madf harness coto E. I.. TO it RMI.KS. Bemiii ixioe.V !,.!! pi-.illjiiu-.V8ry j.rreamle lu-hinr atlir inir rm. Tills lo i wellM Ulliid, lilofl.l.i'j nidintr Piles tla t ouco tt tti apiillcAti-j Dr. Uosanko . ..i remiy, w.itch KUt Ulreclly lhn,rls .T.cte.1, libs .rhiniT the tuiwrs, ana ..a iiitesMiteilnasn'l fllf.'ing a wr.nt.ienl 0 ranui. A.i.lren The Ur llnviko Ml:oin Co..rt (;. frotd liv Or. G'liJS nd Son. Tr , r.11 HI. ntVllUHItr i1s.ai.ii it irif vmi have ficU hen(Uchij, eal- lovi i.HMiiuU;xino,roirnnive l.rath,theii y oi llMd's Dnt Helit-n Tm.ic retnr-8 Ibf r lir.-i.itiv action and totiesup the enti t t(in. SuM t.y t-'oshny & Mason. Wricht's Compound nvnip of Sarfapsrilla cao bo relied upon fvr nil blood dines Pes, sLin affect iuo8, etc. Sold by Fcshay & Maaon. Wrklit Arabian Horse Liniment, an in- Vfllnhbit remedy for isprainE, bruit uti, lame om in d all affection of tberkin, murcltsand ointHt o which horses and cattle are sub ject, bold by FoHliay & Mason. Wriirht'a bvtun 'J'ur and Wild Cneiry Try it and ou will use rothing ilsa lo. cout;(i9t colds and all aMctins of the threat. anii lungn. :U by totihay Msftou.- Not cite piTMin in fifry arrivrn at tbe ace of forty, who ia not troubled with kidney or urinary cothplainta in some form. To those afflicted with pain in tho back, nou teteutiott of urine nervous di bility, painful or mp prpsved mpostTUAtion, we cam i fler a remedy that bft open in constant n oyer twenty yearn, Oregon Kidney Tea. 'lb i a preparation has done mart fur tiuffctii: hurranity than nny other medicine in tho markf t. So 11 by Fowbay & Mason. Our line of ctoice tens ami coffees in mi cqu.'iled iti town. Ei:ovnkiX & SrA.ARP. jb -a. nsr ds: e k , ALBANY, - - - 0REC3H. Sell exubi.iye o.t No York, 8j.-i Fraticitcu and Portland. Buv note, StVe. cmntv 'id cty warrants. He cc.vo'ilelMiw aul.Jca to uluvk. Interest allowed un timo de08sts. Collections will receive i-rua-nt attention. roirenpondenM wllcttel. Firoand Marine Itisurnnce companies. Also tocul mrontof Lnm'wnl lnvostmoiit'!ompany. Loar.n maile on farm property. i.V K. Paint Sii-i.. House and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishine1. All vnrN snaranie' d.? S 3. VASSAL! 0. (.SuctTeors t j Houry Buesens.) a in ...IkIj Hit. BO .Si BO ild!.i uew di-c.ivrrv for Cmslimption cee kn It ir- 3 " . .. . . . u it, .i,i- f!t.-.li-.H-'tl ui.iiMinip.i"n'- vtiii ji.-, - V.i.i ),Mii: Ofiii-h, ("roii, It'tm.-hitis. M.d I'oi..- in the it hs Kiven universal tir,f.n tli.ll. Ur ItMsalll"' -"'(!. """ " " Syrui i told at 50oeiit by I)r t.nui ci Bon. pi:0 r.i.'.ui-ttii, h ineiicine wiiiuu it ii n't i't be elinttly nmrveli'HB .i:iiiilv ,wi.'.nr to tlio lattr. p. r ui.. I di.es nut sirWn. I" il SECURE PRICES. NO l' ROUBLE TO SHOW, .'JOODS AT CvnewrllinL-, IVninanshlp, corresponner.ee, nu;i ss and lital Ko.ms practically taunlit at the Poftlond Business College. .The thnrnnsh work done In each of our several leparlments has Kiven this Institution a repula- llll SUCn IIS lllll 1CW nt'iiiniin m ...... """7 unilieiis c.l our Brniluates prolltable employ nent. both as book-keepers ami htiMioKnipliels. undents admitted at any time. Caialosue lice. A. P. AIIMSTIlOMi. I'rlnrlial, rtinnaa. or. m WARS AND HARD WARE UK ALL KIHDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE MA.IKET Portland, Or., Jan. 12th. Having aiwvtre l-oll .clie ! snti.iner, I tried the 'Jreff tn Kidney 'I oj, I used one oar, which .IVect.d ra.iicai ml" 1 wei.l" -onmiend it .o nil h" are kdhe'ed ..-.. in failineremetlv. Jruis A.:. Sold by Foshay & Mason. SUPERIOR UINES OF .AGRICULTURAL 1M- PLEM-?JTS AT D" YOE&ROBSOMvr -.f-a. A fplc:itl'd stock o ate lies jew .clocks, etc., nt Will & Marks, .7 mnnv new thinus beinz just received. A. ho a line line of gold headed cane. CalL on them for bargains. Povou want a rcniftly f r Pt'lioiinnciwi, Pimples on tliefatf , a -d it curt' ruru fr lok liodache, ak Dr. (.uW end tlic I'rtirtli S (or Dr.f.ei.ni's Life pi'li. try a " i-mtipiva free full bos 25 ctnk. Wricht's Mvrth tooth soap. Fraaraut. cool i tip and refreohinK. Hoals soro noma and prefteres the teeth. Sold by Fosh&y 3c Mason. A dry. hi.1 kinf.-";oiifh keeps the bronchiul tulips in a ti te .f cnfiant irritation, which, If im1 fi'teddy remove1, may lend to ltron chitis. No piomptcr itmedy can be had than A'','a Cht-r-y l'cctoral, which i both in anodyne and expectorant. Fine line of Guns and s-cod stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob speoial bargains