Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, May 22, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Democrat
ffedneslay Evening, May 22, 1889
VIW A NDTTIXU, Edltorinil FublLhora.
Publiahe- vvsry day in UiejWMk.
8undyi excepted.)
Entered a tbo Pot Oil-eat Albany Or
as second-class umil matter.
The Alaskan Crkw. Last night a
special train arrived from Yaquina May
with E A CaUon, M McLean, Jas Murray,
d Winscl, M Kelcher, Ceo II Ross, E
Burns, Jas llewlcy and Ed Sharpies, sur
vives of the wrecked Alaskan. After
being rescued at Florence with two others
they were taken to the Bay on the Mis
chief by Capt Winant and thence to this
city, from where they went on the noen
train to Portland. During their stay here
they put up at the Kuss House. There
were forty-seven on bsard at the time of
the wreck ; the bodies of several have been
found, but eighteen shipped in one of the
life boats remain unaccounted for, and it is
thought they have been drowned by this
time. The men give graphic accounts of
their trip of three days in the life boat with
nothing to eat but nine cans of peaches and
salt water to drink.
Headquarters McPherson Post, 5th
Uep'tof Oregon, G A R. J
In accordance wit h our usual custom and
in compliance with recommendations con
talned in General Orders, 3rd Dcp't Head
quarters, union memorial services will be
held In the Opera House on Sunday even- I
ing, May 26th, at 7:54. Rev E R Prich
ard conducting the service, assisted by
other ministers of the city. A cordial in
vitation Is extended to all to attend.
Members of the Post and Corps are re
quested to meet at G A R Hall at 7 :3o and
proceed in a body to the place of worship.
Thursday, May 30th being set apart as a
legal holiday, will be observed by the mem
bers of the Post and Corps In the beautiful
custom of decorating with flowers the
graves of our late comrades and friends,
and other appropriate services to which we
most cordially and respectfully invite all
military and civic societies, ministers,
church organizations, Sabbath and public
schools, and all who have friends interred
in the different cemeteries to join with us
in this mark of respect to our dead. All
who wish to unite with us will meet at G
A R Hall at 8:30 a. m., where the process
ion will form. Contributions of flowers
soliciated to be left at G A R Hall any time
during the 29th.
E. F. Sox,
Post Commander.
Will Pcsh Matters. A meeting of
the directors of the Albany Mining and
Milling Company was held last evening,
when Mr Calhoun, an experienced miner,
wa appointed Superintendent, and em
ployed to take charge of and develope the
Company's Santiam mines. An outfit is be
ing purchased,and Mr Calhom, with a force
of men, will begin operations, and work in
to a paying ledge if possible. At least it is
proposed to know what there is in the
mines. Several of the stockholders, already
mentioned, have started for the mines to
assist in the arrangements for the sum
mers campaign, and now look out for gold
and silver dust.
Crook County. On Thursday Judge
Bird sentenced Ed Harbin, convicted on
two indictments of herse stealing, and with
yet two indictments on which he had not
been tried, to only five xears in the peni
tentiary two and enc-half years on each
charge.... Rain begat falling about 9
ovclock Tuesday evening and continued to
nour down stcadilv for 24 hours. The rain
is supposed to have been general all over
the county, and if so, has been of inestima
ble value to the country.. . . After being out
about 30 hours the jury in the case of the
State against Curl was unable to agree and
was discharged, the case being continued
until next term. Ochoco Review.
Attractions. Among other features
on the 4th will be hose races and bicvclc
races. Two tea .lis will be entered in the
former from Albany, one from Lebanon, a
letter having been recieved yesterdav to
that effect, and probably one from Corval
lis. A meeting of bicyclists will be held
to-night to arrange for contests. It is pro
posed to get aquartcr mile track if possible
and have the races hub and hub. Besides
several general races there will be a safety
bicycle race.
Horticultural Board. The new Hor
ticultural Board convened in Salem yes
terday. J R Caldwell, of Portland, is
President and Commissioner of the slate
at large ; E W Allen, of Portland, Secre
tarv and R S Wallace, of Saletn.Treasurer.
Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton and Lane
counties constitute the 2nd of five districts,
and R S Wallace is Commissioner of the
Away From Home. An Iroquois Indi
an is in the city selling beaded goods. He
presents a familial appearance to Eastern
peop'.e ; but it scents like taking coal to
Newcastle for an Indian to come West,
yet the Pacific Coast red man is a manu
facturer of little besides baskets, so that
there Is a market here for his wares.
Y I'M, Yu.M. Another quart box 01
strawberries from the fine gardens of Mr
William Peaceck contains just twelve, all
round, plump, clean berries, solid to the
cere and full of strawberrv essence. They
are the kind that speak for Albany as a
strawberrv market.
' A Bio Clip. A letter from DrJ L Hill's
herdsman in Crook county says that he has
taken the fleeces from the Dr's sheep and
that he would start the 20th Inst with six
four-horse teams to bring the wool to this
place. There are 13.000 pounds of It. It
will be brought over th W V & C M wa
gon road.
Another Implement House. Mr J E
Knox has charge of Z T Wright's branch
house at this city, and is located at the
corner of First and Baker Streets. He wil;
sell the Advance threshers and engines,
and a first-class mower.
Photographs. Do you want your pho
te taken ? We will take your photo any
!2 from cabinet up. I do you the best
class of work to be had in Albany, all work
finished before paid for. Call and see our
fine display at the C & N W photo tent.
To New Comers. We would say that
have no baits to give you, but we do
Guarantee good values for your money,
nd we kindly solicit yeur patronage.
A Festival. Samaritan I.or1re No. f I.
(. T . will give a strawberry and ice cream
'wival at Smiths Hall in Harrishiirg on Tunc
'l8s9. Mrs Nettie Hendee. Clara Drisko'
-s. Houc!c. Ci-itnmitti-e.
B. F, Tabler,
Headquarters McPherson Post 5th )
Dcp't of Oregon, OAR.
1st. In accordance with our rules
regulations and in compliance with General
Orders 3rd Dep't Headquarters, Thursday,
Mav 3oth. will be observed as memorial
day, and should be kept sacred to the mem
ory of our heroic dead. Our comrades
sleep well. No tear can disturb their pro.
found slumber. No perfume of flowers
make their rest more sweet, but while we
strew with the choicest flowers the graves
of our dead, let us not forget to cherish the
memory of those who lie in unknown ana
unmarked craves.
2nd. The members of McPherson Post
and Corps will meet at G A R Hall at
o'clock, a.m. Procession will form an
march at 9 o'clock to the city cemetery
where the ritualistic services will be held
at the crave of Comrade Mueller. The
graves in both cemeteries will them be dec
orated bv details from Post and Corps, re
turning to the Opera house at 10:30 where
the following orucrot exercises will oe od-
served :
Singing, "America."
Roll call.
Singing, "Cover Them Over witli Beau
tiful Flowers."
Memorial address by Hon E B McElroy
Dcp't Commander and short remaks by
All ex-soldiers and sojourning comrades
are cordia'ly invited and expected to join
with us In services of the day. By order.
E. F. Sox,
B. F. Tabler, P. C.
. I
C.. N 1
he .
At Jefferson. Decoration day will be
celebrated at Jefferson In a becoming
manner, Mr D B Allen, representing the
old soldiers of the city, has charge of the
matter and will make it a success. The
Turner band has been secured and Hen L
ri Montanye of this city will deliver the
Removed. T Jones barber shop to Cu
sick Mock Old and new customers shav
ed for 15 cents. Hair cutting, 25 cents.
South Albany
A most desirable and beautiful location
for suburban residences, owing to its nat
ural advantages and nearness to the center
ol business. Compare the size, location,
view and access to and from these lots,and
you will be convinced of their merits Call
early and secure a home before the advance
in price. Apply to
Twekdai.e & ReuFtKl.n, Agents.
First door south of Post Ollice.
lintel Arrivals,
Revoke House. G Ham, Portland; C
Burley, it T M Satlerthwalte, Al II Fay, S
F; II Williams, J P Schooling, Harrisburg;
Mrs Chance, Airlie; W II Kuns, McMinn
ville; Harry Collins, Los Angles; Thos Er
win, Julius Wagnei, Charles dinger, John
Schleevoight, Minnesota.
St Charles. 7. Job, D C Rose.Corval
11s ; W II Countiss, O P Mason, J Hunz,
Portland ; S C Mvers, S F ; W C Brown
and wife, Miss F'A Briggs.Stayton ; J D
Parker, Mehama ; J E Knox.R W Strong,
Albany ; JJ II Fannim, Phil., Pcnn ; B F
Olbum, Roseburg ; J W Jones, Cottage
Grove ; F W Hardenstien and wife,Louis
ville.Ky ; C Halyfield and daughter,Drain ;
E R Holmes. Atwood, Kan ; T Anderson,
Rockferd, III.
Russ House. L Pugh, Salem V Cox,
M Simpson, Salem ; David Miller, Salem ;
MissL Morris, Lebanon ; C Morris, Leb
anon ; C O Marlin, Minn ; T O Regan,
Watcrlos ; J A Cameron, Argentile, Ont;
J Bell, Collage Grove ; H Ollcnback,
Portland ; J Tieloud ond son ; E Burley,
San Francisco ; E O Marshall, Oakland ;
F Shawl, Oakland ; W F Ohm, Albam
bra, Cal ; J Keymer, S F ; Miss Wilson ;
O P Mason, Portland , O Solum, citv ;
J M Chesney ; T Bush, Scllwood ; J "R
(ireyre, Neb ; J J Graham, Millers ; S W
Jones, Cottage Grove.
Utter List.
Following Is the list ol letters renuitntnjf In the PjsI
Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, May 22, 1889,
Persons calling for theso letter must (rive the dste on
which they were sdvertliod :
l5o-ut sbaviim at Vi-tc
8 tieki ts for 1 at V - .
N'W drftss goods at VI
Salerr. has organize!
Four new meintara v.
last evening.
Now cream cheese in-
For tale, cheap,
Hyoiaa e.
3rhaira running stead'
ing parlors.
Brat roast enffeo in
Tun few magnolia trees
Regular drii1 of Alhanx
occurs at 8 o'clock.
Side saddles and ladies
Thompson & Overman's .
Thompson & Overman,
Dynamite buggy whip.
The choicest line of thi wi.t.-- o.u it
fouud at Brownell & SU Bard's.
If you want a good Kit v. r tt 1-- -u i.e,li--t
in the market, (go to Srowart & Sox .
They aro talking about a national flower.
By all means it should be the rose.
Malietoa, tbe depose Samoan king, is to be
again placed on the throue. Correct.
A fino lins of buggy dusters oets at
Thompson & Overman's, the leading names
On May 31 an excursion train will be run
from Portland to Grant's Pass. Round trip
only $7.50.
Mr F M Redfield has one of the most re
markable three year old colts in the Uotled
Mcllwain can live vmi thn bert fitting
suit you ever wore, at prices to suit each and
every one.
An elegant line of siik table spreads, in
oeautuui assigns, just receive", at roruuiuw
At Irving s.
5 cans Golden Star tomatoe 1 for 50 cents
atC Meyers, and all other canned good
cheap for cash .
Mr Coll Van Clove is in theoity. He ex
pects to begin tbe publication of the Scii
Presf within a couple weeks.
Money can't buy better boots and shoes
than Mcllwain is selling, becaose better
goods are not manufactured.
The finest selection of window shades
the city, just received at the Alhany Furni
ture Company, corner if irst ana t erry bits
A company is to be organized at Scio
build a street railway ttoJMunkers,Bufficiently
large to convey both passengers and freight.
TI16 constitutional convention of Washins-
ton territory will have 40 republicans.
democrats, 2 independents and 1 labor mem'
Go to Royce & Hihler'sfor your job print
ing. They do any and all kinds of work in
tke publishing and job printing line. Quick
work and low prices.
J S Froman, of Albany, L C Rice,
Brownsville, and W R Power, of ila'sey,
have besn drawn as U S jurymen to meet in
rortland, June 4th,
Why need we send to Portlaud or nei;
boring towns fur orchestra music, wh-n w
havo an orcbeatra of six pieces with David
Liuk aa musical director.
Parties desiriDg stand privileges 00 the
grouods for the 4th of July can get them
do so by calling on any member of the com
mittee, Chas Currau, Ueo f Simpson ana
J C Luckey has been appointed Indian
Agent at Warm Springs. He was the choice
of Crook county people quite generally. Th
apnointment shows that the statement madi
that no appointments would be made from
near tbe Agency will not be carried out.
Rev Father Metayer was in Salem yester
James Reams has returned from a trip to
Mr A W Thompson is home from a life in'
su ranee trip north.
Matsado K Sorakichi, champion midd
weight wrestrer of the world, is in Poatland
Dr Gray his returned from Waitiburc. an
reports his son Ixinda considerably improved
in health,
C G Rawlings, agent for the O R 4 N Ca.
leaves to morrow on a two weeks run
Baker City.
Remember the social at the Congregational
church f nday eyemnff. A mco time
S W Paisley and I B Meeker were in Sa
lem yesterday looking at the sights I nthat
great city.
A party of college students last eyening
were oit viewing the rings ot Saturn through
Prof Condils hue telescope.
Mits Hettie Miller want to Portland to
day, where she will be the guest of Mr D
W Wakefield for ji a couple weeks.
W Y Thornburg, A S Powell, R S Strahan
and S W Paisley, of this city, were regis
tered at the Portland hotels yesterday,
Mr Lake Don-is has accepted a position
with Woodcock & Simpson, of Corva'.lis,
and will begin his duties within a few days.
D P Mason and Hon Geo E Chamberlain
left this noen for Eugene where they will this
evening attend a meetingof the Commandery
of Knights Templars.
Mrs E F Sox, Mrs Rev Webb, Miss Rhoda
Hail, Mrs Rev Aeheson, Mrs George Goisen
dorfsr, Miss Chambers and others left for
Salem to-day to attend the State W C T U
which convenes there this afternoon.
Anilerson Laura J
ahlon, llifs
Ko, Bowser
Haine. Henry
lUbrrUon. Uonlon
8U1, Ueo W
S nrle an'l Deane,
Walker, James CJ).
Allan, F. C
A Ten, hU
Flerher. W II
Lake, 1 R
ItiP)!, Gnsuve
TnpiM-, C II
Neal, Mrallinle(2)
Mrs R II Coshow is visiting relatives
The number of strange faces to be seen
on our streets Is dally Increasing.
W F Byers returned Saturday from a
journey to the Blue river and Calipooia
ines, wnere he took Messrs Adams and
an Hngan.
Four colored men. calling themselves
I he Big 4 Minstrels." gave us a minstrel
how Monday that was well patronized and
nucn enjoyed.
A neat pamphlet, descriptive of Portlan
d her busine-i houses, is at hand and
causes us to long for Col Alley's pamphlet
i tins count v.
Mr Sylvester Cochran has sold his farm
ne;ir Crawf urdsville to .MrAbrams, late of
llem-bnrg, W 1.
Messii W T Cochran and F I Rice left
Saturduy morning for Willow creek. Mr
Cochran wiil bring some horses back with
Arrangements have been completed for
the establishment of a newspaper at this
place rjy Messrs McDonald and Cavender,
ot Woodburn. Uur town is to be congrat
ulated on this addition and in securing two
young men who are possessed with energy
and ente-prise and bear good reputations.
Mrs Hugh Fields, who has been confined
most of the time since last fall, died last
Friday morning. Her death was unex
pected as her health had been up to two or
three days before her demise than it had
been through the wintei. Mr rields is in
eastern Oregon, but was telegraped tor.
The funeral occurred Sunday. A large
numher ot people followed the remains to
their last resting place. Kev J K. Kim-
patricK outdated at tne tunerai.
Some two weeks ago Mr Moyer sold to
Finley McRea for Si ;,o the piece of land
just south of the Calipooia bridge and east
ot tne sidewalk, containing oy2 acres.
Vlr McRea now has a standing offer of
$700 for this same piece of property. This
hasthe appearance somewhat of our town
being dead and all moving to Albany.
Strangers are seen here ever day inquiring
for homes and none come but what are
pleased with our location and prospects.
V erily we soon will boom.
Friday evening the ladies of the M E
church gave a strawberry and ice cream
festival at the city hall. The berries were
wild and were gathered the day before on
the adjoining lines, and a more luscious, re
freshment could not have been served.
Quite a large number were waited upon
and several dollars were realized which
will be used in improving the M E church,
An entertainment of singing, declamations,
etc , was rendered during the evening.
Our churches seem imbued with the spirit
of progress and improvement that is now
pushing all parts of our valley right alon
Cloverdale, Beutoa Co , May 2nd.
Havlnr rjurchafwrlnf Mr. Aahhv pm.
bis entire (arm in Benton
tbe publlo is notified and forbidden from
(suing or removing therefrom any gravel,
sand or loam from said premises;.
r . Li. Such.
Clovkrdale, Benton Co.. May 2nd.
Iam instructed bv Mr. F. L,. Snnh to
prosecute any and all neraona fiAnnaitin
dead animals upon his lands in Beaton
county, uregon, formerly owned by Mr,
anuoy i-earce.
Char. E, Wolvkrtok,
Attorney at law.
Real Estate far Sale.
25 feet front on east, First street, $2,000,
4 lots in Hackleman's 3rd Add., $1,000.
2 lots In western cart of town, block 60.
I425 each.
2 lots in block 62, $500 each.
2 lots with lame house and barn on
Baker street, $2,100.
22c, feet front with large house and barn
on Depot street, $5,000.
One block of 12 lots in Schultz front
addition to South Albany, $1,200.
Schultz & Henderson.
Summer Wraps. -Novelties in beaded
and stockinet jackets just received.
oaml'el fc. Young.
7 O-ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia
toothache. Foshay & Mason Aaents.
Struck Oil At $1125 per 5 gallon can
best Standard oil, at the Willamette
Packing Co.'s store.
Kid Cloves ! Khl (Stoves 1 1
I have just received a full line of kid
golvcs branded Our Own. This Is a genu
ine kid glove. I buy direct from importers
in New York and "consider them the best
value of any gloye I ever sold for this
price. 5 button, 3 rows of st'tchlng, $1.50
per pair.
S. E. Young.
To lessen our stock ot canoed goo Is ne
will sell anything in that line at remarkaYy
lew prices.
rSf.owNKl.l. Jfc SrAN".D.
Don't fai oettmna M illwin's carpets
You will ri them from 10 to 15 per cent
cheaper tha any other plase in towa, taking
ioconsidcra on the quality.
Weather Indications. For the 12
nours beginning at 12 o'clock, noon.
Fair, warmer.
Ih herby given that at th next regu
lar term or the County Commissioners
Court for Linn connty, Oregon, lobe held
at tne t ourt Mouse In tbe city of Albany
on Wednesday the 6th day of June. A. D.
100a, seaiea plans, specillcatlona, strains,
diagrams and bids will be received lor
building a bridge across tbe South Sanil.
am at Waterl 10 ; said bridge to be about
180 feet long and sixteen feet wide m ih
clear. Also for the building of a bride
across Crabtrea Creek where the County
Road crosses said creek near the saw mill
of Deakins Bros, and J. E, Cyrus : said
linage to oe aoout 100 feet long BDd 16
feet wide in tbe clear. Also for the build
ing of a bridge across Muddy Ciaek at tbe
place known as tbe Wi 'son ford. Bidders
to submit estimates on this bridge for
construction of same at Waterloo ford and
also where tbe old bridge washed out
said bridge to be about 80 feet long and
sixteen leet wide in tbe clear. All of said
bridges to be covered. All bids must be
filed with the Clerk on or before 1 o'clock
p. m, of tbe above mentioned day. All
bids must be accompanied by deposits of
6 per cent of bid. The Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Done by order of the Court this 9th day
of May, A. D, J8S9.
(L. sj E. . Montague,
Jounty clerk,
SAND, AC Persons desiring sand,
loam or gravel from the premises of
F. L. Such in Benton county, can proenre
tickets for the same at my office, Craw-
loru a uioca, Aiuany, uregon.
Chas. E. Wolvebtoh.
IJORSALE. A phaeton. A grade, full
1 leat be: top, goo 1 v o' or sale
cheap, InquireofM. J. Monteitb,
HT ANTED.. A good girl to do general
1 1 housework in a small family In tbe
Permanent place, Call at ibis
"Your attention please" while I tell you
who got lett.
John Leedy went to Portland on busi
ness last week.
John Miller, of The Dalies, is visiting his
sister, Mrs J w lieu.
The rains have caused some wheat in
this vicinity to fall down.
Misses Hattie and Adda Simpson went
te Portland last Saturday,
Ball & Dobkins aiegeUing their steam
saw nearly ready to cut wood. They ex
pect to commence this week.
Link Coney has gone into the poultry
business. Any one having chickens to
sell will do well to see him.
A series of meetings conducted by Rev
I P Martin and others closed last evening.
It resulted in two conversions and six ad
ditions to the church.
We have always heard to be successful
in courtship one must agree with the father
in politics, the mother in religion and the
young lady herself in the fashion It's not
that way at Spicer. To meet with the
greatest success here cnemust have a good
team and buggy.
A few days ago a tramp was seen wan.
dering around herein a bewildered sort of
way, us if he had lost something and was
looking forit. On being asked what it was,
he said he had heard that the Narrow
Gauge railroad ran near this place, but so
far he had been unable to find it. He was
told that if he would look where the grass
and weeds grew the tallest and thickest he
might be more successful in his search.
He was then seen looking as he had been
directed, and after a close examination
found the object of his search way down in
the grass and weeds and went on his way
rejoicing, saying as he went that the com
pany had better get a few thousand sheep
to summer fallow the road if they still
wished him to patronize it.
J L, Cowan te Andre .v Cowan, 40
acres near Lebanon $ 3000
Chas B Montague to Elsie Am, part
of blk 3, Lebanon 1000
E T Rlchatdson, et al to Eliza E Pen
land et al, D L C of Lewis C
Richardson, 310 acrcs.quit claim 1
S I Shore to George C Wilson, 20
acres, T5 9, S R 1 w 260
Wm Peebler to Taylor Evens, 10
acres adjoining D LC of Jas
Marks 125
Jane Fanningto Win J Ohermever,
N half of D L C of Levi Kan.
ning, 160 acres 4800
M Wllkins to Samuel Meek, 80 acres
in Sec 35, Tp 15 S R 3 w 260
B W Cooper to Sarah E Cooper, lot
3 and N half lots 5 and 6, blk 3,
E A, Albany 2175
Total .
, $11721
Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper In an
Immense number of patterns at Fortmlller
& Irvlng's, the finest line in the central
Willamette Valley. It is an art gallery to
see it all.
Tubb's & Co't pure Manilla twine, best
quality, at Stewart & S u's.
last your lands and ci'y prfperty for sa'e
at the Willamette Valley Land Agencies Of
fice, l i St. Charles Hotel block. Alhanv.O.-.
Schultz & Hkxdi-.rson.
If ynu have any job wcrk to l- call on Q
W.Smith who is preraud to do it with
neatness and disp.ittH and as che.ip is anyone.
BRICK, BRICK. The undersigned are
now prepared to supply all with
brick of tbe first quality and in small or
large quantities. Call early.
Morgan A Hirst,
Albany, Or.
GGS WANTED. .1 want 48 dozen
Chinese Pheasant eces to send East.
Tney must be resh, nut baying been set
on. W ill pay J2,50 per dozen.
TO EXCHANGE. An upright Decker
fc Son piano, been In use a few
months, in first-class condition, guaran
teed for five years, which I wish to ex
change for a lot or lots in Albany. In
quire at the residence of H. W, Cundiff.
Mrs, a. B. Matthews.
Albany and Vicinity.
AVe cordially inyite you all to visit our
iewam second mm stores,
and we will convince you thnt our prices heatj all. Ycu cannot
afford to do your pureashing before vmi visit our place. As we.
have a large establishment in Portland we have named it
The Portland Branch.
We claim t.i be the closest buyera in the market, and we also claim
to undersell all without exception.
F. WISE & Co,,
S. E. YoiiDg's Old Stajd.
for 1889 and respectfully call attention
to our stock of
Groceries, Confectionery, Etc.
We shall endeavor atjall times to serve our cus
tomers in the best possible manner. We always
aim to purchase goods of the best quality and to
sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to
our grocery business we receive subscriptions
for all the leading newspapers and magazines.
Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps
seals, etc. We cordially invite all who have not
done so to favor us with their patronage. We hope
by fair dealing and careful attention to business
to merit a continuanee of tb.9 liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed upon us,
Very Respectfully,