vol. ii. cmornit. ALBANY, OR. FRIDAY, MAY J 7, 1889. NO 10 s v..irj I " " i ; : I Your Life Is Id danger wltllo yotir blood is impure. Gross fowl, careless personal habits, and radons exposures rentier miners, logger. tumhTS, and most frontiersmen peculiarly subject toeruptlvc and other blood diseases. Tlie best remedy is Ayer's Harsaparllla. A powerful alterative, this medlelno cleanses the blfKHl through tho natural channels, and speedily effects n cure. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, l'rrpirrd by lr. J. C. Ayor 8t .'o Lowell, Mass. 1'rioctl; U botUef, 4. WorlbiiHitUfc . ii,,,.;', mum C II.JJTKWAitr, See Albany IRONWORKS. .Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS' AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. Ineclal uttentlonlpald o reptirlng) x kinds of machinery. Patterns Made un Short Notice, The LEADING Grocery Store' IS- Wallacc, Thompson & Co's. THE PLACE. iyall mean. ss.!l on PaiKe Brothers, Sncccsun fe Mn Fox, or yoit Groceries, Several inventions have been made recently for the comfort of the horse. A Missouri man hat taken out a patent on an awning which covers a horse from head to tail. This awning is sustained while up by poles attached to the thills. It can le folded up and leljdown so as to be disposed of snugly just in front of the dashboard. An other new contrivance is an automatic arrangement which lets the blanket fall comfortably upon his back while standing, and keeps it out of the dirt when he lies down. And still a third invention of the past year is a clock attachment to the feed box, by which the mess of grain drops down to the horse at the precise minute the owner may chose to set it. Prota Baked Goods, Etc. Etc, Their goods are the best and thcir.pricea reasonable. 2nd Shu F n.t Rtrifik of 2ml ?AT bowIi n the V..- loy.nnd Vif mt rtsi'i!e prlm, both II kinds 01 FURNITURE, STOVES. TINWARE, TRUNKS, B3DXS. PI'JTU.:r3, CLOCKS. CROCKERY, ETP , ETC. ) 10 door wcu ill' .. II Yoiiiib;' old store L. GOTTLBEB, 123 First. .Street, Albany. Or. ; 1 IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. Tliir StockofGROCERlEg' mid PRODUCE is always Complete. m Conrad Maver, ST A BAKERY tinner BraadalMn anil First Sts., DEALER IN Oaiiuml KruiM, Cnni Jleutt, Jrl(l FrtliM. Totw, SiiKiir, '.I la OO, Queens ware, Vegetables, Clients, Tea. Kiel. In fn", evw.iilu ' i-h-i N kent In a Ren ral varlnty anil trriioory store. Highest n rkot prion pi'.l.l for all mm$ OF PRODUCE. Poultry Wanted. All Hn 4a nt n.inUFir altva " A iaiifti4 . "IIUJI1 L Lllrl v 111 rkTIIULl'tJ rJKILIjC VIIIU paoy'rt Storo, Albany, Oregon. TO G9 EAST. i Kut vi, M mat Shasta Route. Nice limit; nl H-M-ia-v at til ti'n n of the vear See Mm -it S'lat 1, S.uir;i'iii.Ui, Oden, Salt ildke, I) siivitr. Kineit ao-Miid-cUan cars fmaile are run diilv. Biiv vn:r ticket of me mi save von r faro to 1'ortin-id. I om the foniy person 111 Albany th.t am sell yon nonet trom Alhtny direct to an oint the United States. IV. i n me- for raU. V. I.. JKHTF.H. .cu 8. P STOCKMEN m FARME33 1 !i pjiir pwiirv 10 in-, 1. Woo'iie it;s M:nTr:i.f il'v i)!i.rtiii'l on inv rl'llini; For fii.-ther rnfiiroiiMO in reir .ni rlrlir- N Inrinire of Wtn. iH'Wm, P..i ra I'e won, Lohtnon I John if'ir.l n-- Ifreil rolvirton, Albanv ; Sm n. "iiio: (in, Ko.mr. l'rl'ivlll. I i. i , voter. Ewy me liuin j in Mliny n. I country irrnr.ntlinjr. OUV-cani rorld.mcs corner uanil VamilD;r'3H sts. T.N WOODLK, Veterinary Sreon. pEYDS & )m ARE AGENT 5F.I!Tlf!AT..pppn Bi?vivr! ut HISE. BEST MACHINE IN THE iAREKT JULIO? GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. j Ills stock baa been enlarged so that It equals any on the Coast, and couMsts of Roger Bros. Silverware, French China and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Ga:-riag93, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 1889. First Term Open September II Hi, 1RS8. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot ctudy arranged to meet tbr need of all grades of students. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. ' 'Tuition ranges from $5,50 to $17,50. Board in priyato families at low rates. Rooms tor self-boarding at small expense. A careful supervision ezercised over stu dents away from home, Fall term opens September 7th, For circulars and full particulars address tne I'resiuent. BEV. ELBCBT X. CONUIT. Albany,Oregon Ho buys direct and carrie-i the largesc st'ck. lu has been addod a complete line of he Willamette Valley, to Jwhl-1 Is Agent for insnrauea companies with a capital aggregating $75,000,00 P . "Id on parle Franoai. Hicr wird deutch gesprochen. CHAS. METZGER... deal Estate, Fmploymen and Insurance Agent . A.t commuicallo.is piomptly aaKV,aroj m Gem-.an'or English. OFFICE: ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FIRST AN9 Z'MiU STREETS. ALBANY OREfxON". 0, K. Paint Shop. House and Carriage Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishing. All vorc tmarantonl.f ' G B. VASSAL! 0. (Successor to Henry Suesens ; 'ircmcnls ofaSten XJK' :cp. . . t. .1 Mtll.LllHH-r, WTIV II1U-.1 I. II lit vav.ilo lii Nli'Miliiiutl kUIIIimI in r ye Mi'itln.v. u K(mmI iirmiiiiii, a coiiiix'teiit r- ii::ttfiit. In iliv Shorlh.-mtl IJi-pjirinu nt ol the -POHTLAND BUSINES3 COLLEGK- IOHOLIOH TCAChlNO m silortliatl.!, DAILY PRACTICS (ype-writitiK, cahepul instruction in penman ..ii,ainl abundant drill in corrvspontlciicc amply il'.inliiy MmU-ntslor positions always open to those lu.Iv Iiri'prired to (ill ihcm. Scml Jnrr.il.-tlniriic. t A. I. AUMSI KONU, 1'KlN.j I'o,;TI.,Ny, UR11GON. PAItir3, OIL3 AD BRUSHES AT DBYOB ROBSON'S. SECURE PRICES. JST0 rnouiiLE TO SHOW .'iOODS AT ACADE3IY OF Our Lafly of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sister of St, Benedict. This Academy is ncorDorated and au thorized by the 8tafe to confer acaderolo honors. The course of study is complete, Mathematics, Literature and Music are specialties, as alee the Normal Instruction r aspirants lor teacners- ceruucaias. in dustrial drawincr, vocal music in class and all kinds of needlework form, no extra charore. The aiscipllne of the school is Mntle but firm. ooiect beinir to form not only refined younfr ladies, but noble and useful members of society. Pupils admitted at any time and charges propor tioned. Pupilaof any denomination re ceived. . Tuition in select day school ranges irom fS to 810. Korterms oi BoarninK acn ioi or iwiy narticrlars apply at the Academy, or ad dress Sister superioress. Colonel Ingersoll's two daughters never at tended school a day in their lives. Their par- nt train them at home with the aid of teach ers in the languages and music. They have been in a church twice. They were not as children taught prayers, though their mother told them to read such as pleased them. Neith er dauehter coes upon the street alone. The family's passion is for music. 'N'o employee of the government shall be removed on political grounds" recently declared President Harrison. "We will not fail to keep our pledges because they have broken theirs, savs the platform upon which Harrison was elected. One hundred and twenty two Democratic postmasters were removed yester day. BREEDERS, ATTENTION. The Imported Freuch Uoaou sutinon, Vindi-'tator, will make the season of 1HS9 at the following place: Brownsville. Mondays and Tuesday" ; Hslsey, Wed nesdavs and Thursdays j Iebanon, Fri' days and Vatnrdavs. Heie is an oppor. tufiity fo.-the fanners of Linn county to cet the service of the ouly French coach horse evnr brought t Oreson. He was imported from France bv Tht-o. Skillman and by him brought to "this State. The French coach horse b- neen ettractlna rent attention throughout the Eastern states the past few years and are being imported from France in great numbers. Vindicator is aline representative of this famous breed ol horsos, standing J7J$ hands high and weigh. inr 1500 lbs. He has taken premiums over Cleavland bays wherever shnwn. I hip stallion represents the general purnose now so much needed hare. Ho will be allowed mares at 2n, toiusureamaro in foal. Keep your eye on his dates. Mckmioht Bro,, Prop's. W. C. Wkstlakk, Agent. George Sheldon of Indiana recently received a legacy of 820.000, and the first thing he did was to buy 818,000 worth of diamonds and 81000 team. KEEP POSTED. New goods at W F Read's. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Read's. Fresh garden and grassjseedsat Stewart & Sox. A full line Children's bath tubs at G. W Smith's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, A! bany, OrJ Fer a Sterling or Emerson Diano call on G L Blackman. G. W. Smith has tho largest stock of sugar kettles m Albany. G L Blackman is agent for tho Weber piano. None hette. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Ihoa. Jones, G. W. Smith gives the white enameled iron ware with his fine cook stoves. 'A full assortment of brass kettles from one to eighteen gallons at G. V. bnuth s. Bay your tickets throogh to the East of W I, Jester aud save fare to Portland. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear in bents and shoes. Call early at W F Read's. The Western Cottage and Packard are two of he best organs made. G L Black'nan sells them. Call en G. W. Smith and get one oflthoee Missouri Steam Wathers warrautod to do recommended. A fine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, best, stock in this part of Orenon at Fnrtmiller & Irving's. If you want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home msde white lalior cigars For sale bv most ciar dealers and at hit Joseph's factory. J Vr.ihihil l, a ant Sinor Mannfaotnr inz oipiit O il Follov Temple, ' Al bauv, Dr Writhtsin.m's Sovereign Balm of Life, for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & llohson's ud Brownell & Stanard's, P J Baltimore, agent. mi Wright's Compound svrup of Sarscparilja c.m he relied upon for all blood diseases, fkin aff. ctiniii', etc. Sold by F.whay St Mason. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS General Assembly. New YoRK,My 16. Theone hundred and first annual session of the general assembly of Presbyterian churches was begun this morning. About 1 500 delegates were uresent from all over the country. At 4 p m Charles A Dirkey.of Philadelnhia. William C Rolwrts, of Chicago, and I M Warral, of New York, were nominated to the office of morleratir. Dr. Rroberts was elected by 53 plurality. I le was induced into office, and a recess was had until evening. 1 ne wrcgon represeniauves are oeorge A. Hutchinson, William A Leslie, W Q Forbes, and J II Emmit, Grand LnUjro IOOF. McM1s.Nv11.LE, May 16. The grand lodge of Odd Fellows met at 8 o'clock this morning and elected the following officers: Grand master O D Doane.of the Dalles; deputy grand master, G II Burnett, of Marion, grand warden, P P Gates, of Lafayette; grand secretary, A N Gamble; grrnd treasurer,! G Wright.of Salem; .tjwciHii,g, , i) nanuiy, 01 r.cno, 1 he next grand lodge will be held at Portland. The lodge will close at 3 p m to-morrow. . i Yillard Challenged. Albany, N Y., May 16. Richard Boeckn.a young German, was arrested here this afternoon for challenging to a duel Henry Villard, the well known financier. A New York lawyer came up with a detec tive, and one of the local police justices issued a warrant for the arrest of Boeckn, a slightly built young man, 3Iinneota Crops. . Minneapolis, May 16. A special to the Tribune reports cold rains all over the notliera and central portions of the state, Chinch bugs, w herever they exist.are certain lo be chilled to death or drowned. The farm ers and loggers are jubilant. The farmers claim that there is enough water in the ground to last for six weeks or two months. The crops everywhere are in fine shape, and promise a grand harvest, if there is no bad luck from summer frosts. WILL BROS, Dealers In all the iate.it Improved Pi-n is Organ., Sewing Machines, Guns. Also a full line of warranted Kazors, flulchor and Pocket Knivns. Tho he-it kind it sewing machine nil, needles and extra", for all machines. Ail icrViR npstlv and reii-ionablv done. The Cycling Tournament. Chicago, May 16. The score in the six days cycling tournament at the end of the fourth day is as follows: Prince and Knapp, 475 miles 7 laps each; Reading and Morgan, 475 miles 5 laps each; Schock 469 miles 4 laps. J'reo Delivery. Washington, May 16, A free delivery ser vice will be established on July 1 at Butre City, Mont., Tasadena, Cal., and Fresno, Cal. Don't fai o examine Mcllwain's carpets You will fi them from 10 to 15 per cent cheaper tha any other place in town, taking in considera on the qunlity. A splendid stock o '..-."itches, jew frvaelrj ,clocks, etc., at Will & Starks, Vjjmany new things being just received. Also a tine" line of gold headed canes. Call on them for bargains. Babies. The finest line of baby carri ages in the Valley just n celved at'stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carriages. Wriiiht's Arabian Horsn LioimeDt, an in valuable remedy for sprains, bruises, lame ness and all affection of the skin, muscles and joints to which horses and cattle are sab jtct. Sold by FofIisv & Maeon. '.Lit .'L:'r). ... ' -i';.. r i. !i. '. i; .'i 1 . I r. I-. .. M;. h I ll.-ai!ai i ; '.oi.il .iihI li 't'r nirn liiiv it, ttii; Wo-; u.'.v i tin- OiiMr. -i sav 1 s tlu-ir I't- t Li bo. 1 evcnwlii.'tii, srn.-;' lv ,1 ; . n. l.-.l -I. ., am, l.i-n ii'il I'mre, '1 ho 1(1... in '. ? :i"i;itii iisc it, tin- l.aili- s rv i 1 it inn) tlu I tinners lili t.n-M-rvt-r. . tt - Lot-.u-: six for Js-K Hills tiho pjaDBn"n"n','nr'iiii',!','i I guild rHri'.H"' '" Ni'"' 'I'M' A-. tl. W. AYEK ill SON. our autln.-rl7.t-d ti-uli m ware and Hano- WARE Of' ALL HYtiW AT QE0 : fJOBO If you ire nervous or irrital.!n,fetl lnnguiil, f.isr, ii itt'H, orif you have tick heitdache, I; w i'.uii)iexinii,orotrennivo lirtiHth.thon Voiir rvr t "lit of opler and needs rounitij.'. Or. Mi m! 'ii Dandelion Tonic restores the V.wr to hralthy notion and tones up tho entiie tern. Sold hy Kocha 4: Maaou. Ilt. IIO WAN KO injjhin om' discovery for Consumption, tuo ce -ed i produiMnir a medicine which iiao kn iwledjtd hy all to be simply marve'ona It -x-!-'rd!n1;ly pleaDant to the taete, per 'v 1 armies, nnd dues not nickcn. In p! ,f i i'psof Consumption. CouliKtiolfls v r '. pmr C"iuh, Croup, Rronihitm, mid ; in the Chfct, it Iiah civen universal . tioii. r IWiiiikit s Cough and Luxf , rap i oold at 50 ctnt hy Dr Uimi SC Son. Portland, Or., .Inn. 12th. Having n snvere Imck sche Inst numiner, I tried the Oregon Kidney 'lei, I lined one can, which effected a radical cum. I would rec ommend it to nil who aro slll-cted asonni failinf! remed. Jt'i.tts Am. Sold by Fothaj $t Manon. roit 11 ijU. Iti-fti'iif I'im 'i o "' I""!'' lti ion ,r..,.innrv-"7 i:-'mMo pilnr mi; warm, ThU r. , j writ &4 lllin-l, lilieil.rVl pnitrudiiiK Ptlu rid t once to iho Ciilio:.t Ur. l("iiiiikti it -.j ronifly, w.ilnli aww diroctly th- tnrt ,t.i'Wtl, at Wiinir lh tinihiM, mm ' n Intvnw itc sml eiWlu-f wnnvt r'1' rants. Adiliw The Ir B -inko Mitnc Cu.,ro O. S"M by Ur. (,'Uks ii tl m. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON Wriuht's Syiup Tnr rd Wild Cheiry Try it and jou will uco nothing the fo. coupus, coldB sud all sffretinr, of the throat and lungs. Sold by Foshay & Mason. Not one person in fifty arrives at thesge of forty, who is not trcabled with kidney or urinary complaints m some form. To those iHHcred with pnin in the back, i on retention of urine, nervnna dibility, painful or fnp pressed menstruation, we can offer a remedy that has been in cmistsnt uie over twenty yeam, Orfgun Kidney Tea. This prepiration has done mure tor t-uffering humanity than any nthir meilicine in the market. Sold by Ko.hay & Maton. A gentleman whohBil suffer, d cieatnnnoy ance and pnin from buihrra itch,siid who had been trenteri by tho be.t physician, without relief, fays that tuo bill lis rf Dntsrd's Spicilic rum! Iiitn sl.d I, ft his fnce perfectly month, witl out s esr. It ii. vtr fails iuskiu dlresKi-s Sold bv Kt..hny 4 Mnto.r. ( I RK NICK IIC A I1IK. Do yim s ant a rrmi ily f.ir pillnumw, Pitniiles on Ihefncf.S'il a .lire ri.re fur .ii-k hcilnrhe, auk llr nipm ami the PMiirtl.i., tnr Ur. Cci.nl'. Lire Fllla, try s iln. . mini l,a frr full h,,x W cnl,Tt Wright's Myrth tenth "nop. Frngrsrt, cooling nd refrerhiuv. Heala snro gums and presrrves the teeth. Sold hy Fotluy Mason. A city, hackintr ci tub 1 ret. ti t Inntichisl tubes in a rti tc of 101 ttnnl iriilnticn, mliit-h If not nr-edi'y removed, may Ipprf m bronl obiti". No inimtitt-r imirdy ren l e had than Avi-r's t'her'v l'rctntal. viiich is inuli an anodyne and t xpectornft Fins line of Guns and good stock of Ansnivni tion at Deyoe and Rob son'? :)!,' " i ; , i j