Daily Democrat Thurslay Evening, May 16,1860 T1TM NVrriMU KdUntfiiitl Pub 1 short. rublUtitK. ovury day in tliuweuk. SumUyi excepted. ) LOCAL RECORD. You Nkku It. "The Albany Dkmo crat has the street rar line of this city running "from the bridge across tha mill race at the north endof Commercial street clear to New York." No, thank you ; not quite, but if it keeps stretching out as it has done the past few inonths,it will soon be to Turner on the one hand and Geryais on the other in fact the company may conclude in a little while to build into Al bany and give that city the benefit of its civilizinc influence." Statesman. But really Salem is bhowing lots of the kind of i.nap that makes the mare o ; and we do hope our Capital will continue tote a good city. It speaks tor tne w hole slate in a measure. Thk Lancashire Lass. A larger au dience greeted the Chicago Comedy Co, last evening. The company has made quite a hit in this city, ami mare enthusias tic audiences have never been congregated in Albany. The Lancashire Lass is a live lv drama, chuck full of fun Tames Devlin as Johnsing ca;s the climax, and Miss In man as the lass U full of a pleasing life that charms the audience. Every part is welt failed : there are no drones in the busi ness. Each night seems to be an improve ment, ii possible, and larger houses will be the rule, though full v four hundred were present last evening. To-night. "Cltar Grit." You will go. Bannon. There has been considerable speculation as to what course James Han non, the Lebanon bank robber, took, after leaving Albany Monday night. It is now learned that Tuesday morning he took breakfast with Mr Jesse I'arrish, near Sodaville, and also wrote a note to a friend at Lebanon. In the evening of tne same day he again appeared at Mr Parrish's and vas given his supper. Whether Mr 1'ar- rish knew him otherwise than from de scription we are not informed. A B, & L. Association. A branch of the Guaranty Building & Loan Assciation was organized at Chas E WolvertGn's office Wednesday evening, with the followin: officer!: I) R N Blackburn, president Isaac Blum, secretary; 1 U Cowan, treas urer; Chas E Wolvcrton, attorney. Di rectors: D R N Blackburn, T L Wallace K L Thompson, L Cowan, Isaac Blu L E Biain, ChasE Wolvcrton. ilOM B AND A It ROAD ISeeut thavintf at ViereckY 8 tickets for f 1 at Vioreck'i. New dress goods at Mellwaiu'g. Chicago Couiody Compauy to-uiKht. New cream cheese just icceived at Coi.rad Meyi St. Chatleaoi.lv utrietlv first class holol in Albany. Owl 3 r hairs ruuning ateadv at Viureck'd hav ing parlors. NohmU stops at the St. J liar let undur a boycott, 6wl Btst roast coffee in the city at Conrad Meyers. Side saddles aud ladies riding ourcincles at Th'iin(iso& (Jwuriiiau's. Th-miiMoa & Overman, tu'i'iiU for the (ire it Dynamite buyy whip. Mrs Elizabeth Cox FoiW diud at Corval- lis yes turd ay at the ae of 70' years. If you want a good fiilvyr stool 8cythe,fiuet in the market, go to S.uwart; a: Sox's. .cmembur the Saturday matinae to he iven hy the Chicago Comedy Company. It will be a treat. A line Hue of buggy dusters and fly nets at hon.pt.nn & Overman's, the loadinu harness dealers. Mullwain cm izive you the boit fitting auit you ever wore, at prices to suit each and uvery one. An el Beaut line of eiik tablo spreads, in hnuutiful duiens. hist ieccived at Fortiniller Jfc Irving i. Chanty did not build the Revere House Baton according to rooms aud accommoda tions asked for. d.it 5 cans Goldcu Star tomatocJ for 50 cents atC Meyers, and all uth.;r eauned good cheap or cash. Money can't buy better boots and shoes than Mcllwiin is belli tier , hecaase tatter goods are not manufactured. The Lane county poor farm, IGOacrec, lo cated in the aubuihs of Eugene, haB just been sold tor 90S an acre, loo cheap. Money is being raised in Corviliis for $20,000 steam grist mill. W A Wells is one of the principal men mtorctodjin the move mctu. B A Harvey, of Jackson county has just been committed to the asylum at Salem for the fourth tunc. He is evidently insane by this time. Dr Deur.inff. of Boston, delivered some able talks at the Congregational Church yes terday on Sunday School work to good audi ences, The store of L Abrams at Lincoln. miles below Salem, was burned Wednesday morning, being the work of an incendiary, Loss about $S,000 ; insurance $,000. A Polk county paper hereafter proposes to charge f:ir loug obituary notices, it is fact that most in Memnriams now-a-days are merely stereotyped and express very little. SOCIAL ANI I'KKNONAL. Josau&Uricii Munkt-n city. Editor J IX Kirkpnitio the city. of Sci t are iu Hie , "I Ltit'-tuon, in Mr Will representing tho I'urtlan I World, is in the city. G W Hays, EChainiwii and N RriturM. .( Albany, were registered at the I'ortlaud ho tetls yesterday. J A Archibald, auent of the Sinuer M . hi no Co of Junction, is iu the citv. ami reports a big busiuus there Rev C A McDonald, enciueer oo the S P as bought property in Eugene, and will tmun locate in that pretty little city. Mrs Pipes. nsiUtiint, alitor of the Benton Lrailrr, Mrs Pii.tn hitor a-id tiiietand. and Miss Thompson, of (,'ot v.illis, mtutned uwuu tli in noon attar aoavs visit iu Albany. Dr G W Gray received a telegram frjtn Waitsburg this mornia-; annou.iciug that liu sou, Loudii, was worse, aud asking him Wuu there atonce. Ho left on the noon tram arid wdl begone several duye. Judgj Whitney is homo from a trip to Polk county where he has been attending Court. We understand the ludgi will prob ity assist in defending Bunrdsiey who will bo tried for murder, probably at tne next term of Court, COUNCIL I'liOCKKDIXtJS. A Hai.mcy Picnic. On June ist next the Band of Halsey will give a grand pic nic at Powell's grove. A large number ol prizes will be offered, such as for a fat man's race, lean men and homely women there will be a base ball and foot b.ill gam and In the evening an ice cream social at Bones Upcra House. Card ok Thanks. At a regular meet ing of Co. E 2nd Regiment O N (J, held May 4th, 1SS9, at their armory, a unani mous vote of thanks was given to Co. F 2nd Regiment ONli for their assistance at the funeral exercises of our late comrade, Prank S Mattoon. Albany papers please copy. Corvallis paper. Chan(;i: of Vkni k At Dallas yester day O P Beard-dey was indicted of murder hi the first degree. On motion of his attor neys, Richard Williams and J J Daly, he was given a change mi venue to Salem and will be tried in June. District Attorney Hewitt arrived home from there todav. Tin; Cows. At the next meeting of the common courcit a cow ordinance will be introduced and passed just as fast as the law will allow. We make this statement in order to ease any fears that may exist that Albany will continue to be a cow pas ture any longer than necessary er we are a citv. llereaft- foi r of Bkttkr Go. There will be plenty of strawberries, nice cream and ice cream at the U P social and festival at the W C T I Hall to-morrow night. This promises to be a very nice affair, nnd everybody is advised to go. Board of Trade. Ther will be a meeting of the board of trade at the G A hall to-night at S'oclock. Important R business will csmc up and ance is desired. a full attend- Hkrk. The Chicago Sc Northwestern has reached Albany. That is the name of a photograph company that have pitched a tent adjoining the Democrat olfice. Markicd. On Wednesday, May 15th, 'n Millers by George Humphrey,Esq. Mr N C Vewmatiand Miss Louisa Farlow. The happy couple hnvc the Dhmochat's best wishes for prosperity and happiness. Attention-, Lain km. A new Invention for drcs. cutting taught In half hour for $5! including scale. The agent for Instruc tion of this system invites the ladles of Al. hanv and vicinitv to call nnd get n perfect lit. Mrs. S. V. "Gilbert, oyer Golden Rule uazaar, Albany, Ur. Wkatiikr indications. For the I Hours beginning at I J o'clock, noon. Kain, nearly stationary temperature. Dorx. In Albany, on May 14th, to the wneot Mr YV S Dciihnm a girl. Present Mayor,Recorder, Marshal an Councilmen Gradwohl, Parker, Burkhart Tabicr, 1-ieyoe and French The following bills on motion were or dered paid : T N Hoffman, S51.35 ; Geo Hughes, $i ; W 15 IJarr, $34 j Jas Riicy 4.S? ; cost bills, $21.8? ; N J Ilcnton ; N II Allen, S11S : I V Hadlc; $4740; AW McClain, $95.22. The committee on accounts and curre: expenses reported against allowing bill $10 to Albany Engine Co. No. 1 for sluic ing Calipooia street sewer. Committccon health and police reported in favor of requesting rcmoyal of nuisance on lot 2, block 2, E A. On motion adopt ed. Street Commissioner reported that city was out of lumber and in favor of severa sewer connections. . Nuisance near Chinese laundry in rear of Revere House was ordered abated Citv Surveyor Itarr reported in reference to sewer connection with blocks 27 and 34 Petition of F L Howe and others sidewalk on south side First street adjoi Ing block :iS, H's A, and for foot brid on south side ''irst street across Santiai ditch was read and referred. Ordinance io2,providing for building sidewalks, their width, etc., was read third time and unanimously passed. Ordinance 193, providing for protection of fire hose, was read three times nnd un animous'y passed. The following bids for bridge ncross Lvon street nt I unction of Sth street were 1 I 1. ... 1 1 . . u . openeu ana reau : j v iveece, ?iu.j) Shahan tiros, $325 j w c iveucy, ?ijs I F Hadley, $219. On motion of Councilman Parker con tract was let to Mr Kelly, bridge to be built within twenty days. Property owners In block 6, on motion of Burkhart were ordered to connect with Raker sewer within thirty days, pnd Re corder was directed to advertise for bids for sewer across Lyon street to complete the connection. On mo'.ion of Burkhart the Street Loin- imlssoncr was directed to give certain property owners five days notice to Cun nect with main sewers. The matter of nay of the Street. Com missioner was discussed promiscuously. Street Commissioner was directed to pur chase a car load of lumber, on motion of Parker. A new order was directed made in favor f the First National Bank on account of fire engine note taken up by the bank. Mr F M Wcstfail stated that Mr Such, the owner of Cloverdalc charged 30 cents a load for gravel, while Mr Pcarce asked 5 cents at time he entered Into contract with city, and asked to be released from contract at present price, Mondav, Mav 2Sth, at 1 :3" was set as time for Council to meet n Board of Equal- Committccon wavs nnd means was di rected to have a report of the financial con dilion of the city ready at the next meet ing. Bills referred and adjourned. IIItOWNSVIU.K. Measles arc prevalent in our town. Mr Martin, of Fish lake, was in our town last week. Marian Powell .rrived here last Friday from oprague, W T, having come all the way with lus own team. He reported the mountains as being very slippery. Prof L 1- Sav, late of Pennsylvania, is nere me guest 01 I'rot Boyer. NOTICB TO THE PUBLIC. Clovebdalb, Bentoa Co , May 2nu. Iltvlnc purchased of Mr. Ashbv Psaroa bit entire larm in Uentop county, Oregon, the publio is notified and forbidden from taking or removing therefrom any gravel, sand or loam Irooi said premises. x. L,. OUCH. Clovkrdai.e, Benton Co., May 2nd. I am Instructed by Mr. F, L. Such to prosecute any and all persons depositing Mr. county, Oregon, formerly owned by Asuny i'earce. L.HA8. K, WOLVERTOK, Attorney at law. If you have any iob wcrU t;i At call on G W. Smith who is pror-r. .- to do it with neatness and dispat and as cheap as any one. MILL CITY. The case of Mr Butler vs Mr Shepard, that derives from some right of way affair, anu which was nearu at L.vons lasi Wednesday, was appealed, Mr Butler hav ing won the suit. Mr Jud Whiticker, who came to town a w weeks ai?o from Kansas, left last Wednesday. It seems that he and the other boys could nut ride in the same cart, and he took the advise to try 6ome other locahtv. Air Frank Hobson moved to Linn coun ty side last Friday, in the new house he just completed. The mill was laving idle last week, new machinery was added to it. They will soon over haul the time lost, since they can nearly manufacture twice as much lumber daily. A spelling school was held at the Butler school house last Friday evening, and it was well attended, a few being present troin Kock Creek A party went to Sardeen creek last Sun d iv on a fishing tour. They came back tir 'd, but no fish, although the trip was en joyed very much. Mr Rob Quinn, of Canada, brother-in law of John Shaw, came to Mill City last t nuay, pionaoly to stay, i Mr Frank Hobson and Billy Iklmes spent a few days at Kreitenbush last week on their ranch. Last Saturday was the wai mest day we have had this spring, it being 89 in the snaue. School was open in the new school house yeslerilay with a large attendance otschol ars. Llavid V. arner is teacher. A Sunday school was organized at the new school house last Sunday. We have not learned yet who all the ollicers are, ex cept j 11 Judy, who is superintendent. Rev Lee and wife, of Sheridan, are here I dead animals upon his lands In Benton vlaltlng relatives. C N Scott, receiver, and other high of ficials of this road, passed by here on an of ficial inspection of the road Friday. Mr Hawk left in town sample of coal taken from what he considers a coal bed about fifteen miles south of this place. Henry Archibald, a bridge carpenter on the Narrow Gauge, is now nursing a brok en finger, the result of an altercation with a fellow workman, Jno B Williams returned last week from an extended stay in the upper country. Att'y Wright, of ycur city, passed Sun day nere. Joe Blakeley, of Arlington, is visiting his aged parents here. Deputy Sheriff D S Smith passed through our town Monday on his way up the creek Tuesday the Brownsville Woolen Mill Co and the Brownsville Woolen Manu facturing Co held their annual meetings. 1 his town now supports three woolen mill companies. In my item of last week regarding the mines bonded on the McKenzie you made me say $10,000 when I ought to have said ?p 100,000. One claim alone was bonded tor $30,000. The mining boom for this coun try is nearer than you anticipated. Real Estate for Sale. 35 feet front on east, First street, $2,000. 4 lots In Hackleman's 3rd Add., $i,ooa. 2 lots in western part of town, block 60, $425 each. 2 lots in block 62, $500 each. 2 lets with lame house and barn en Baker street, $2,100. 22c feet front with large house and barn on Depot street, $5,000. One block of 12 lots in Schultz front addition to South Albany, $1,200. Sciicltz Si Henderson. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. South AUiany A most desirable and beautiful location 1 for suburban residences, owing to its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center of business. Compare the size, location, view and access to and from these lots,and you w ill be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home before the advance in price. Apply to 'Iweedat.e 4c Kedfi eld, Agents. First door south of Post Office. FOUND. On Washington street be tween Second and Third a small fingor ring. Owner will call at this office. SAND, SO. Perrons desiring sand, loam or gravel from the premises of r, li, aucn in uemon county, can procure tickets for the same at my oflics, Craw- loru s uiock, AiD?ny, uregon. vHA8, JS. WOL.VEBTOS. 1JOR 8ALE, A phaeton. A grade, full leathe: top.s good as new. For sale cheap, Inquire of M. J. Monteith, B.Ewert, practical watchmaker and :et. Letter List. Brown, Miss M J Harbcr, John llar.lm.J C 11. .wo, Urs M A Mackchy, (the painter) S'nis, Mias Alice Swift, Geo C Smith, J W ON THK SOITIIKRX IIOUNDARV. Mr and Mrs James Taylor were visiting relatives injunction City last Saturday ant! aunuay. Dr Henrv, of Brownsville, was in this vicinity last week visiting friends. All fears of n drouth in Oregon have nccn washed away by the late rains. Some fall sown grain is beginning to show heads and the prospects are good for an early narvesr. Mr Luckcy is still shipping hay overthe -N o K k, when lie can get cars. The Somcrvilie Literary Society held Its second meeting last Saturday evening. No program having been prepared the time was passed in spelling, guestion box and general conversation. The next meet ing will be held May 25, when it is to be hoped more interest will be taken. Mr Getchcil took a trip to Benton coun ty last week. Lucian Ward passed the civil service ex amination held at Portland and is now ready for anv vacancy that may occur on the Portland' & Willamette Valley R R. Rev McFarland will preach at the Soin erviile school house the first Sunday In June. Everyone is invited to co.ne and bring their dinner. KKAL KSTAl'b SALES. Filed May 16th. Alfred Dodge to H Bryant, E half ot t halt, Sec 23, Tp 9 S R 3 E 160 $1000 II Bryant to II E Eckart, S E qr of -X E. qrand lot 3, Sec 35, Tp 11, S R I w, 70 acres 2 So John Heins to Timothy Kelly, N E qr ot s e, qr Sec 19, Tp 10 S K. 2 w, 40 acres 2t)o Tius R Badger to Mathlas Hess, part of blk 33, II s 2nd A 850 For i and madrharacrs onto E. L. Power For Thirty Days. All goods bought at Ida M Brush's will be discounted at to per cent. She hns an immense stock and all the latest Parisian styles. Special bar gains. Call early while' stock Is complete. Total $2jSo Following is the list of letters remaining in the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, May 15, Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised : Blottgcrate, August llewert, Kmma Huff, Wm O Kern. Rldin Martimore, Mips Fva Springer, Miss May Smith, Jas L Tharp, Price R. THOMPSON, P. M. Tl 0BD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice II is heruby given that the Commou Couneil of the citv of Albany . Linn coun- ,v: Or trrai. will sit as a Hoard ot tiquauza. tton: at tho Council Chamber? of the city of Albany, Tuesday.the 28th dayofMay, 18HU. at the hour 01 1:311 o ciock in tne afternoon of said day, for the purpose of oqualizing and correcting the assessment roll 01 saui cny, loriue year insu. P.y order of the Council made May 15th, 1SW. Dated at Albany; Oregon, this lbth day of May, A. 11., lSt'J N. J. Henton. Recorder of the City of Albany. Mic3 of Supplemental Articles of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given to nil persons whom it-, mav concern, that the Directors of tho Brownsville Woolen Manufacturing Com pany a corporation organized under the laws ot tne mate 01 Oregon, m purauauco ui a resolution duly passed at a meeting of the stockholders of said company duly and legal ly held on the 2nd dayofMay. 188!, at their olfice in Brownsville. Oregon, authorizing and directing the Directors of said Company to tile supplemental articles of incorporation increasing the powers ana coangin tne ong inai articles in substance as ronows : To cive the Company the power and au thorny to change the name of the Compauy hv vote of the atockholdeie. To carry on, conduct, manage, sustain and operate factories for the manufacturing of all kinds of woolen goods ana tabnes aturowns. ville and Albany and elsewhere in Linn coun ty. To maintain and carry on factories for the manufacturing of clothing of all kinds. To carrv on mercantile establishments and engage in a general mercantile business at tuuh places as the Company may select. To buy and own real estate necessary for tho purpose of building such nulls, stores and warehouses as Company may need. To borrow money and execute the Com pany's Lota therefor. To receive gifts er grants of real or per sonal property and to accept subsidies. To buy, lease and own water power and to contract therefor. To buy, sell and ttoro grain and cereals. To buy, own and sell flouring mills and opernto the same and t") manufacture flour. To change r h principal place of business to any other p'uee iu Linn county, Oregon. To increase the capital stock to the turn of 875.000. That in pursuance thereof there was filed in the office of the County Clerk for Linn county, Oregon.on the 9th day of May, 1880, supplemental articles of incorporation, as well as in the olliee of theSecretary of State, conforming to tho said resolution of said stockholders. Dated this Olh day of May, 18S0. The Browns. i Me Woolen Manufacturing Company. J . Al, iMOYKU, J. P. Gai.iiraith, President. Secretary. WHAT'S THIS ? $420.00 in valuable guts to be given away and to cost the recipients absolutely nothing. Everything strictlv legitimate and the drawing to be conducted with the closest regard for the rights of all concern- ed. You will learn particulars at Blum's Cigar Store, opposite the Revere House Albany. UTANTED.A cood eirl to do general f t housework In a small family In the country. oflice. Permanent place, Call attbia BRICK, BRICK. The undersigned are now prepared to supply all with brick of tne nrst quality anu in smau or large quantities. Call early. Albany, Or. GUS WANTED,! want 49 dozen Chinese Pheasant eggs to Bend East. 1'ney must be resh, not having been set on. Will pay 2,b0 per dozen. J. H, BOBKHART. . TO EXCHANGE. An upright Deckel (feSon piano, been in use a few months, in first-class condition, guaran teed for five years, which X wish to ex change for a lot or lots in Albany. In quire at the residence of B. W, CunditT, MrvS, A. B. Matthews. TO THE FARMERS AND WORKINGMEN Albany and Vicinity. We cordially inyite you all xew m mvmn mm stores, and we will convince afford to do your 'isve a lars establ you that our You cannot chaii Jg i '' ' i Ag we eot in Portland The Portland Branch. We claim to be the cloftst bujers in the claim to undersell all without txception llutfl Arrival. Reverb House VV P Kord. Ynauina: M Lonsbcrry and wife; Mrs L M Pipe Miss Emma Thomas, Corvallis; II E Ed wards, St Louis; Carl Bendsr, Mcliamn J II Engelh.irdt, Millers, Q;AK Meigs, S r ; li a kooks, Minneapolis; C f Hatrls, Cleveland, O; S M Wadsworlh, Toledo, t)r; A llotnera, Kev West: 1) S llusev, llarrisburg; J E Willis, E I.cClaire, Port, land; 8 Clausen, Pendleton, Rum House J T Datier, Mi I Citv ; E E Young, Halcin ; R S Rice and wife, Mill City ; C 11 Work, Mill City ; C i. Atood, Ejla ; 1J T Marqudant.'Turncr J Armstrong ; II J Zehner ; M G Mount, Portland ; A Skaar ; C II llasie, Med lord ; W C Waddle ; J Sandner, Spicer B Powell : D Junkin, Oakvllle : E Al brlsjht j R T Boothv, Independence : O O'Dcll ; J R Doughty ; Mrs Laughamc ; Miss Adccck ; B Conner ; f Kane ; J J Whitney ; W II stratvb, S K ; I H Hall, Lo Anuulcs 1 M Colin, S F ; II l)odc 1 M Cameron, Seattle ; J A Powell i C Read, Corvallis. 7 0-ks cures rhruwAtisin, neuralgia and toothache, rnshay a Mason Agents. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Notice is herhy given that nt the nsx. regu lar term or the uotiuty commissioners Court for Linn eonnty, "Oregon, to be held at the Court House In the city of Albany on Wednesday the Sth day of June, A. I). ih.to, somen ptans, specuicaiions, strains, lilstrrains an1 bins wilt tin received tnr bulldlnir a bridge across the South Snnli am at Waterl to ; said bridge lo be about ISO feet long and sixteon feet wide in the clear. Also for the building of a bridge across Crabtree Creek where tho County Koad crosses said crnnk noir the suw mill of Tleakins Bros, and J. K. Cyrus ; said bridge to he about 100 feet long and IH feet wide In the clear. Also tor the build ing of a bridge across Muddy Creek at tbe place known as the Wilson ford. Bidders to submit estimates on this bridxe for construction of same at Waterloo ford and also where the old bridge washed out said bridge to be about 80 feet long and sixteen loot wiuo In the clear. All of said bridges lo be covered. All bids must be filed with the Clerk on or before 1 o'clock p. in. of the above mentioned day. Ail bids must be artc.impanind by deposits of 6 per cent of bid. The Court reserves tbe right to rejoct any and all bids. Done by order nf tho Court this 9lh day of Mav. A.D, 1SS9. (r.. ",) E. K. Montaouk, bounty Clerk, F. WISE & Co,, S. E. Young's Old Staad. WE ARENOW IN THE "FIELD FOR BUSINESS for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of Groceries, Confectionery, Etc. We shall endeavor atall times to serve our cus tomers in the best possible manner. "We always aim to purchase good3 of the best quality and to sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to our grocery business we receive subscriptions for all the leading newspapers and magazines. Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps, seals, etc. We cordially invite all who have not done so to favor us with their pn,tronage. We hope by fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a continuanee of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, Very Respectfully, F. L. KENTON.