Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, May 15, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Democrat
Wednesiay Evening, May 15,1889
YITf.H ITn, K Utirs kHiitl I'ttWUfiom.
PutilUhe.. every day in tho.wiHik.
SuticUya excutv4l )
LOCAL ui:coiii).
"Cotton KiNi." Another good houe
greeted the Chicago Comedy Co hist rven
Ing, and a more pleased one i rarely seen
In Albany. The Company gave a fine en
tertainment. James A. Devlin again cap
tivated the audience. As Toby Twiddle he
Ik two show hhiiKelf. He Is well tmppoi -cd
through the play. Ilelle Iuman as
Martha (jihhs comes to the front in a
charming manner, and the cast geneially
Is a strong one. Notwithstanding a rat
tling rain the audience was large.but should
increase cacti night, "is Marriage a r all
ure" closed last nights entertainment.
Those who have read Robert KlUwere par
ticularly would appreciate it. To night
"the .Lancashire l-ass. Uo not tail to be
Crook County. John Carrol and fami
ly, of Bridge crock, passed thiough town
en Wednesday en route for Linn county.
They expert to remain in Webfoot during
the summer.... The W V & C M Co have
again shown their generosity in donating
two lots of ground to the Methodist church
on which to build a place of worship.
On Tuesday the grand jury returned four
bills of indictment against Ed Harbin for
horse stealing The grand jury has re
turned bills of indictment against Al Win-
domand Ed Curl on charge of horse steal
ing.... Hon lason Wheeler and Mr Canter.
berry arrived here on Monday from Al
bany. They expect tospend several weeks
in this county hslung an J -tewing the
country. iiezicw.
Flowkrv. Roswell P. Flower, th
great Democratic leader, o New York
City, passed through Albany yesterday
morning. A Salem paper claims to have
interviewed him, and makes him deliver
quite a flowery, as well as Shakespearean
kind of an address to the scribe. Here is
part of it : "The star of the republican
party is now in the ascendant. The dem
ocrats arc going to win in V2 with nearly
the same platform on which they were de
fcated last fall. We arc hopeful, for we
wen this time if the popular vote would in
dicate the result Cleveland's majority by
popular vote was too great to be ignored
The new states will not materially change
the situation. Too many factories are
shutting down under your high protection
Simckk School. The following is the
report of District No. 17, taught by C. II.
Tones, for second month of school ending
May 10th, 1889 : No days attendance, 85S
No days absent, 117 ; No limes tarday, 4
No pupils enrolled, 49 ; average daily at
tendance, 43. Ocy Hardman, I.i.zie
Bridges, Julia Hart, Georgia Bridges, Effie
Keebler.Mamie Kcebler.May Powell, Del
ta Lcedy, Grace Bridges, Lord Bridges,
Bayard Bridges, Savilla Powell, Lawrence
Hardman, John Leebler, Ernest Simpson
Jule Simpson, Herbert Simpson, Henry
Faulkner, Andy Leedy and Anna Leedy
were not absent during the month. The
following persons visited the school : S
Mullen, E Myers, E Keebler, A M Arant,
Mr and Mrs h. li Carnett, Kena Wallace,
Emma Hart and Jane Gentry. During the
month a rostrum and a new blackboard
were put in the school house.
Poktical Over half of our exchanges
this week speak of our late municipal elec
tion, and invariably add that "Coi'vallis
will remain a cow pasture." Well, perhaps
it will, but we can boast of land flowing
with milk and honey especially the milk
for another year at least. We all boast
of something.
Albany of her woolen mills.
And' Portland of her silk ;
Salem of her street-car lines.
Hut we're for buttermilk.
15 cent fchaving at Vieroek'a.
8 ttuk-ts fur SI at Vmr-ick'i.
New dress goods at Mullwaiu'i,
Chicago Co.nedy Company U-jight.
Krowusyilla will celebrate the 4th ot July
Salem's advertising fund amounts to $3100.
St, Charles ouly strictly first-class hotel
111 Albany. Gwl
3 chairs running steady at Viereek n shav
ing parlors.
Nobod; stops at tho St, Charles under a
boycott, 6wl
Cnrvallis is to have a new $(00 hook and
ladder truck.
A ruilroad from The Dulles to Prineville is
being agitated
A. Hubtiidy is being ruined for a newspaper
at Hrowimvillii,
Tho common council met last evening and
adjourned until to night
Side saddles and ladies riding uurcinglcs at
Thompson & Overman's.
Thompson & Overman, audits for the great
Dynamite buggy whip.
If you want a good nilverateel scythe,fluest
in the market, go to Stewart & Sox's.
Mr Prun Marshall is teaching a singing
school at the Knox Butts Oraotre ball
A line line of bugiy dusters and fly nets at
Thompson & Overmau's, the leading harness
Sa'om will hold a inoritniu to-raorrow night
to make arrangements lor a 4th of July cele
bration .
Mellwain can uive vou the best fitting
suit you ever wore, at prices to suit each and
every one.
An ntouan t linn of snk table Bureaus, in
heiutiful designs, jut received at Kortmiller
& Irvlug a.
Charitv diil not build tho Revere House.
Katos according to rooms ami accommoua'
tions asked for. a.ic
Grandfather Humphreys, of Salem, who
is oer ninety years of age, is in the county
visiting a daughter.
T Jones is making arrangements to aioye
his barber shop into the place recently va
C-ted by Mack iC tlodjjos
A land slide two miles this side of Lyons,
on the Oregon Paoitio last evening, delayei
the train for aome time.
Mnnnv can't buv better boots and shoes
than Mellwain is belling, because better
goods are not manufactured.
Finenranges. lemons and banaanas at r
Kenton's. New stocii lust roceived. AIbo a
choice lot of fresh candies, nuta, etc.
The first death under the new law in New
York State will occur on June 24th, when
Win Kemler will be electrilicd at Buffalo.
Mr J B Slater has sold the Stevens couoty
Miner, and is now in the real estate business.
The transition upward must be an enjoyable
Remember the Floral and Strawberry
locial to be Given by the ladies of the U 1'
church at the WCTU hall Filday evening.
Lunch from 5 until 9 o clock.
Mr II F Merrill has been appointed agent
here for the Lombard Investment Co, of
Portland, and is prepared to make loans on
arm security on short notice.
Mr Job Powell, who sold hi? farm in this
county to Hon it Alrvine a week or two ago,
has purchased a large stock farm near Cot
tage Grovo, Lane county.
At the time of going to press nothing le
ttable had been heard of Bannon. It ia safe
to predict that he is not allowing the grass
to grow under his feet.
The 4th of July committee have over $300
raised for the celebration. It ia bound to
occur, and notwithstanding Salem, we'll
wager a hair pin, it includes the military
part too.
M L Tipes, editor of the Leader, is also
deputy district attorney. A contemporary
gets even with him by publishing one of his
bills Uko tnis in tne couuty court proceed
ings: Al Lj ripen, insano atcorney.
Rheumatism is caused by aa acid in the
blond; therefore, external treatment affords
no permanent rolief. lo eliminate the pois
on and make a thorough cure of the disease,
nothing else is so efhcient as Aver e harsa
narilU. Give it a trial. Price SI. Worth
S3 a bottle.
Mamma (to her little boy). "Now, Een-
nie. if vou'll be good and go to sleep, mam-
ma'll givo you one of I)r Ayer's nice sugar
coated Cathartic Pills, next time you need
medicine. Bennie, smiling sweetly, dropped
off to sleep at onre.
Any wagon, buggy, phaeton or cart that
comes from Mitchell & Lewis Co is bound to
be good. Farmers particularly should ex
amine their stock of ulows. harrows, mowers.
rakes, etc. They carry a good stock and sell
at prices that defy competition.
tne place, opposite
Mr I) F Durphy, who was In Albany
several days ago looking up a location for
a large boot and shoe factory, writes from
Portland to Mr Earl Race, of the St Charles
that he will come to Albany with his fac
tory for a bonus of $15,000. He was very
favorably impressed with the city, ana
ould like to locate here. His factory
would have a capacity of one thousand pairs
of boot and shoes a day and would be a
1 eat mini; tor the city. Add it to me
woolen mill and it would be a ten stroke
that would redound to the city's glory and
give it an immense Impetus as a inanufact-
ring city. Mr IJurpliv unui;rsloou me
woolen mill project had been given up,
and thus made the proposition, probably
thinking Albany was not equal to both
undertakings; but the woolen mills are
coming and why not show the world that
we can also bring a ooot and snoe iacmry
and raise two big bonuses in a year,
matter should be pushed.
Hon T J Black, of Halsey, was in the city
Geo C Will was ia Salem yesterday on
I)r I W Watt, of Yamhill county, has
been in the city to-day.
Miss Carl Hitchens, of Corvallis, is in the
city the quest nf Mis C U Lee.
MrsG W Harris bocs to Monmouth to day
to visit relatives and friends tor a lew nays
Rev Mr Rogers, of the Corvallis Congrc
cat.onal church, made this oince a ca.i inn
Mn T T Unaeh and dan.lhter. of Harris
burg, went down to Fast Portlaud yesterday
to attend camp meeting.
M s;,l TWri.. r.f T.nfavette. has been 1
ikA ;tu nn hi. w.v tn Prineville. where hi
father, it was reported, was becoming blind,
I'll. f.linw.'n,. Alh&nv neoele were regis-
teied at the Portland hotels yesterday : N R .Tnnpa and wife. J E Simojs, J W
i TmQ ni;.r ot South Bend. Ind. the
manufacturer of the celebrated Oliver chilled
plow, is in the city and is registered at m
FV.nk Cnnovor. one of the editors of tho
Corvallis da-'Ue, and Miss Lilly Paul, wero
married at Corvallis thi) forenoon. Rev K J
1'homnson locking up the forms. May their
appiness never be pied.
Filed May 15th, 18S9.
Marv C Barnes to O P Smith, J S
Morris and EGoins, blk 1 and 4
and f;ac blk 5. B's A, Scio, and
tract near tit,-, 178 acres $ soco
lulius F Hvdeto R N Thompson
and J ftl waters, w nun vi .1
qrSec -JC, Tp 13S R 1 w, So
acres 375
I M Waters and R N Thompson to
1 , r X' 17
A 1 unison, w nu'i 01 1 i
Sec 20, Tp 13, S R 1 w, So acres 3c 0
The little son of Wm. Wacker, of this
place was kicked by u horse Saturday
evening, but being is near the animal, the
accident was only slight.
In the case of Benj. Butler against E L
Shepherd, for trespass, in Justice Court,
Shepherd was fined $20 and cost. Case
ppenled to Circuit Court.
Will some one explain why It Is that the
Daily Democrat frequently fails to put
In its appearance, while the next day two
re received. This Is evidently the fault
f postal clerks or postmasters, as no num
ber is entirely missed. Turn the rascals
Mr. 'm. Robertson, formerly a resident
f this community, who moved from here
to Spokane Falls some four years ago, re
umcd last week and will make his home
among us. We understand Mr. R. has
materially improved his financial condition.
Some time ago we remarked that a pro
Iso was inserted in deeds to town lots In
-yons, whereby no liquors were to be sold
thereon. '1 he question of liquors or no
imio's has caused a division of town prop
erty among the Lyons Bros,, and now we
are to have a saloon, starting next week.
Clovkkdalk, Benton Co , May 2nd.
Hiving purchaxod of Mr, AMhby Pnarn.
his entlro (arm in BenUip county. Orevnn
the public is notified and forbidden from
taking or rHUiovlng therefrom any gravel,
sand or loam from aaid premlseH
F. L. Su h.
Clovbrdai.k, Benton Co., May 2nd.
I am Instructs! by Mr, F. L. Sueh to
prosecute any and all persons depositing
dead animals upon his lands in Benton
county, Oregon, formerly owned by Mr
Ashhy Pearce.
Attorney at law.
South Albany
Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper in an
Immense number of patterns at Fortmiller
Si Irving's, the finest line in the central
Willamette valley. 11 is an artgauery to
see It all.
Tuhb's & Co'a pure Manilla twine, belt
quality, at Stewart & Sox's.
MONEY TO'LOAN, In soma to solt
nn Improved city or country prop
en v at a low rate of Interest, For further
information address.
O. Norton & Co.,
East Portland, Or.
A most desirable and beautiful location
for suburban residences, owing to its nat
ural advantages and nearness to the center
of business. Compare the size, location,
vl.w nnrl n--fica tn nn.l frn.n lli.. In,, in.l
you will be convinced of their merits Call oniea'
trti iy uuu sttuic u iiuiuc ut;iurcuie advance
in price. Apply to
First door south of Post Office.
10 R SALE. A phaeton. A grade, full
loathe: top, good as new. For sale
cheap, Inquire of M. J. Monteith.
WANTED. A girl wants place In a
private family to work, Address
C. H, Democrat office.
WANTED.A good girl to do general
housework in a small family In the
Permanent place, Call attbls
Struck On. At f 1.2? per 5 gallon can
best Standard r' oil, at the Willamette
I'acking Co. 8 store.
Summer Wraps Novelties in beaded
and stockinet jackets just received.
oamuel t. young.
List vour lands and ci-v property for sale I
at the Willamette Valley Laud Agencies lit-
hce, In St. Charles Hotel block, Albany, Or. Si Hkxdeksos.
For land madeharaeos goto E. L. Power
Washington street be-
fingor ring. Owner will call at this ofttce.
O AND. AC Persons desiring sand.
loam or gravel fram the premises of
1- . li. such m Benton county, can procure
tickets tor the same at my otnee, craw
ford's block, Albany, Oregon.
i1 tween Second and Third a small
John Schmeer'a livery
The First Simke. At Astoria Monday
the first spike upon the line ef the Astoria
& South Coast railway compa.iy was driv
en. John Hughes of this city was present
. . ,t, , 1 . i representative from Salem and drovea
he stepped backwards and fell to the of hi9 cit Salem Journnl. "Pis
thus that the Asieria vioany
gradually but surely be built.
A Bad Fall, About 11 o'ejock to-day
Mr. Archii Hammer was standing on
scaffolding in one of the new Chinese
houses being built by Mr Harper Cranor,
talking to Mr, when, In some man
floor, a distance of seven er eight feet
striking on the back of his head and should
ers, causing a concussion of the brain. He
was senseless for some time ; but will pro
bably come out of the accident nil right
after several days confinement.
West Shore Brought Him. Mr II C
Hubbard and family, of Humbolt,Iowa,are
in the city for the purpose of locating. Mr
Hubbard is a druggist and a man of means,
and desires to go into the drug buUncss.
His attention was called to Albany by the
West Shore, and says that journal d'd the
business. People at his forme home place
a great deal of reliance on the West SHore.
Mr Hubbard likes Albnnrnnd has not been
disappointed in the aspect of matters here,
R R will
Married. On Wednesday morning,
May 15th, iSSy, In Halsey, by Rev Sni
Mr Wm J Morgan and Miss Settle, both of
Halsey. The happy couple Immediately
leftbywav of Corvallis for the Grand
i-ouge, i u u r , at McMinr.vine.
Bio Strawiii-.rrh-.s Albany straw.
berry men are invited 10 come to the front,
a Salem berry measures seven inches in
circumference. Are we to be beaten even
In the matter of strawberries by that one
norse Derg down the alley.
Weather indications, For the
nours beginning at 12 o'clock, noon.
Rain, followed by clear, warmer.
To Be Dedicated. The grangers have
completed their new hall at Sand Ridge,
and on the second Saturday in June the
County Council w'll be held there and the
hall will be formally dcaica'cd. ine MP"
ir nn,l Lecturer of the stale grange are
expected to be present and a good time
generally Is expected.
For Thirty Days. All goods bought
at Ida M Brush's will be discounted at 10
per cent. She has an Immense stock and
all the latest Parisian siyics.
gains. Call early while stock, is compieie,
Kcnl Estate for Sale.
2? feet front on cast, First street, $2,000
j lots in HacV.lcinan's 3rd Add., $1,008,
3 lots in western part of town, block ta,
$425 each.
2 lots in block 02, $500 eacn.
. ini. l!ii l.-irrre house and barn on
Baker street, $2,100.
he feel front with large house and barn
on Depot street, $.-,,oc .
flu. Klorli nf 1 1 lots 111 Dcnuiiz iron
addition to South Albany, $i,2CJ.
SfMULTZ & Henderson
; II.Ewert, practical watchmaker and '
Total $57S
Total for week $83,496
This nart was visited bv a thunder show
er Monday afternoon, and old pionee: J say
that it was the heaviest rain they ever saw
n Oret-on. and it reminds us of the thun
der showers we witnessed when a boy in
The washing machine man is doing the
town. Of course his machine Is the Dest.
He tavs it can be converged into a churn
or cradle as the occasion demands.
The lempei ance lecture 'ast Fi Iday even
ing bv Mis Riggs, ef PoiUsnd, was well
amended. Jler remarks were to the point,
She gave a graphic illusi ration of the man
ner of arryirg the temperance cause lute
the pi 'sons, hospitals and alms houses.
P. of J D Bover was in town one day
last week. The Prof says Brownsville is
boomin-; in n quiet wav. We understand
also that the Prof is talked of fo.- the stLre
tary of the new woolen mills company.
Snr'n-r hath its iovs and sor.ows. Ihe
book rgent and I he t'amp have been here.
The member-; o the W C T U's a; e all.
'rig of hav'ng a picnic on the zo h.
The bovs are to a picnic at
Powell's gt-ove on the 31st.
Dr Fuller and Chai ley Bone have gone
over to Ochoco.o look at the country.
The.e arc sintv pupils enrolled here In
the public school.
We noticed a man on our streets, it few
davs ago, who looked as if he had just
went around the world in 60 dpys. lie
was on his wai te the mountains, lie Slid
that there was" more joy in one moment of
the glad free life of the mountains tha.i
loco ycar3 in the b-om of civilization,
wearing suspenders and putting dinner off
till alter dark, nc sain ne iovcu 10 com
mune with nature and chew blackjack.
He scorned the roar and bustle of the
crowed cities like h , and yearned to
nestle in the wild woeds and listen to the
chipmuck's honest bark.
l is herhv given that at the next regu
lnrterm of the County Commissioners
Court for Linn county, Oregon, to be held
at the Court House In the city of Albany
on Wednesday the otn clay or June. A. l.
1HH9. sealed n an', specincations. strains,
diagrams and bids will be received for
building a bridge across the South Snnti
am at Waterl 10 ; said bridge to be about
LSI) feet long and sixteen feet wide in the
clear. Also for the building of a brides
across Crabtree Creek where the County
Road crosses said creek near the saw mill
of Deakins Bros, and J. E. Cyrus : said
bridge to be about 100 feet long and 16
feet wide in the clear. Also tor the build
Ing of a bridge aeross Muddv Creek at the
place known as the Wilson ford. Bidders
to submit estimates on this bridge for
construction of same at Waterloo ford and
also where the old bridge washed out
said bridge to be about 80 feet long and
sixteen (eet wide ia the clear. All of said
bridges to be covered. All bids must be
filed wltb the Clerk oil or before 1 o'clock
n. m. of the above mentioned day. All
bids must be aeenmnanied by deposits of
6 per cent of bid. The Court reserves the
riirht to rnlpet atiT and all bids.
Done by order of tho Court this 9th day
of May, A. D, 1HHW.
(r.. s,) rj, J!. MONTAOUK,
bounty Clerk
$420.00 in valuable gifts to be given
away and to cost the recipients absolutely
nothing. Everything strictly legitimate
and the drawing to be conducted with the
closest regard for the rights of all concern
ed. You will learn particulars at Blum's
Cigar Store, opposite the Reycre House,
BRICK, BRICK. The nndersigned are
now prepared to supply all with
brick of the first quality and in small or
large qualities, unii early.
m oho an or hirst,
Albany, Or.
EGOS WANTED.-iI want 49 dozen
I Chinese Pheasant eggs to send East.
They must be resh, not having been set
on. W ill pay (2,50 per dozen.
J. H, Bobkhart.
TO EXCHANGE. An upright Decker
A Son piano, been in use a few
months, in first-class condition, guaran
teed for five years, which X wish to ex
change for a lot or lots In Albany. In
quire at the residence of B. W, Cundiff,
1849.. 1889,,-Tbe days of '49 are gone,
and a new era has come. We must
keep up with the train and hence note the
great reduction in prices at the Albany
Main ana snaving rariora. onaving lo
cents. Baths 25 cents or 5 tickets for $1.
Children's hair cut, 15 cents. Haircut- '
ting 25 cents Hair or whisker dyeing a
specialty. Hair oil and Sea Foam lor
sale. Kazors honed for 25 cents.
Hotel Arrivals.
Reverb House. M C Brlngham, H A
Hall. 1 T Cushman. 1 E Mayer, Sr:t
lieeman. Helena. M-T: M E Rounds, Inde-
nendence.F M Elkins, I I Brown, N
E R Kooks, M.nneapolts.n insiec,.iaiem;
A Munch, Aurora,
St Charles. B M Cushman and wife,
Biownsvllle i S B Powers, N H Allen,
Mim C. 1 Reed. W W Webite.-. O Sum-
- 1 . .-4 . . .t i . i.-.i Air-n I
mers, ll JOlinson, l oriianu ; r.u ihii, j
li McKnight, I. M Turner, S c i wm I'.d
ward'. Rev Rogers. V Young, Corvallis
I. S Mo'enn. Turnc' ; i E Dation, Cnlca-
20 : N C Winston, S Huhbard.Sl Louis;
II I. Reck Salem : Miis B I Waldron, hi
gin. III ; Mrs M A Kessler, Mr and Mrs
II K Wolcott, Balavi.i, III.
Russ House. D F Hoeve : W Drew
I Arm.tiono : P P Chaffer : I Whltaker
j II Dovle ; B J Zehner, Portland ; J
Allin Eureka ; S Stanton, tugene cuy
W low. Poiliand : W M Kcanc, Gervais
S B Denham, city ; A Schwab, Morgans
vllle. Kan : I Schwab, Morgansville, Kan
O Solum ; J McChcsney j J Ollvcr.South
Bend, Ind ; M M Mnthcws, south Hcnu
Ind : F Dcssingcr, Klrbyyille ; I Cary,
Ashland : A Tunlson ; W Batche'or and
wife. Chico : M Henshaw ; I W Cnmer
on. Portland ; W Crccs, Corvallis
In Hit County Court of the Stale oj Oregon
for Linn Vounty.
' Iu the matter of tne estate of Olvy Loy
Uuyer, a minor.
To A. C. Guver. the next of kin, and all
persons interested in the estate of the above
named miuor. ureeting :
In the nvne of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby cited and directed to appear in
the County Uourt ot the state ot uregon, tor
the connty of Linn, at the court room thereof,
at Albany, iu the county of Linn, on
Monday, the 1st day of July. I "
at 10 o'cloc't in 'he forenoon of that day,
then and there show cause if any therebe
whv a license should not be granted to A C
Guyer, the guardian of said minor, for the
sale of the reU estate of said ward as describ
ed in the petition of tho guardian of said
ward now on hie witn tnev-ierKoi tne aoove
named Court which said real property is des
cribed as follows to-wit : An undivided one
ninth of the south half of the northeast
fourth, sod the northwest fourth of the south
east fourth of section two, and the southwest
fourth of the northwest fourth of section one,
in township eleven south of range one west of
the Willamette meridian, in Lion county.
Oregon, containing KiO acres, more or less,
Witness, the Hon. I). R. N. Blackburn,
.fudge of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Linn, with the seal
of jid Court alHxel, this 13th day of May,
A. li., 1839.
Attest : fi- fi. mostauue,
(L. s)
Albany and Vicinity.
We cordially ;nyite you all to visit our
and we will convince you that our rices beats all. You cannot
afford to do your purchasing before vou visit our place. As we
have a large establishment ia Portland wo have named it
The Portland Branch.
We claim to be the closest buyers in tbe market, and we also
claim to undrreell all without exception.
F. WISE & Co,,
S. E. Young's Old Stand.
fircen, Corvallis
Ed Chambers, Knox
In Hit County Court oj tlit State of Oregon
for the County 0 bmn :
In the matter of the estate of Almona R.
Daniel, a minor.
To F. M. Daniel, the next of kin and all
persons Interested in the estate of above
named minor. Greeting ;
IN the name of the Stats of Oregon, you
are hereby, cited and directed to ap
pear In the County Court of Ihe State of
Oregon, for the county ol Lion at the court
room thereof, at Albany, In the county of
Linn on
Monday, the Is! day or July, 18S1,
at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of that day,
thon and thero to show cause If any there-
be why a license sli'iuld not he granted to
F, M. Danlnl, guardian of said minor for
the sale of the reU estate or said ward as
deseiihed In the petition of the guardian
of said ward on Hie with the Clerk
of the above named Court, whkdi said
real estate Is described as follows, to wit :
An undivided two iiinthsnt the south half
ol the northeast r.iurth.nnd the nnrthwes!
fourth nf the southeast fourth of seution
two and the southwest fouith of the north
west fourth of section one, township
eleven south of ranRj one west of Ihe
Willamette meridian In Linn county,
Oregon, containing Hill acres more or less.
witn. the Hon. I). K. N. Illaskburn,
Judge of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, tor tho county of Linn, with tho
seal of said Court altlxed, this 13lh day of
Mav, A. I). 1H, ,
Attest : E, K. Mo.vticiub,
(u s,)
for 1889 and respectfully call attention
to our stock of
Groceries, Confectionery, Etc.
We shall endeavor atall times to serve our cus
tomers in the best possible manner. We always
aim to purchase floods of the best quality and to
sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to
our grocery business we receive subscriptions
for all the leading newspapers and magazines.
Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps,
seals, etc. We cordially invite all whe have noi
done so to favor us with their patronage. We hope
by fair dealing and careful attention to business
to merit a continuanee of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed upon us,
Very Respectfully,