Daily Democrat A CRA!K. In all avocations in life i to be found the crank. In religion he t'alkt abroad disturbing the equanimity of the devoted. candid followers of the meek and lowly ne, and.in fact In all the business, social and political relations of life this eccentric specimen of the genus horn makes himself Tldiculous by his idiosyncrasies and hob bies in and by which he seems to live and III jve and have h!s peculiar Being. No man presents to the public eve a more perfect- similie of the above pictu-e than the editor of the Oregon ZfrWc. He is a crank of the first wa'er on the subject of high tariff." He now wants every dem ocrat holding a federal office to be dis charged at once if he is a tariff reformer cr ''free fader," as this crank calls every democrat who does not bow the suppliant knee to the god of "protection." To him it matters not how competent and efficient such democrat may be, if he is in favor of reducing .var tas, then this rickety gon falonier of the "pretection" devotees of Baker county would bring down the gui' lotine and take off his head inslanter. The very thought that a man who believes thit the best interests of this country demands that salt, lumber, coal, jjte sacks, binuing twine or other articles should be placed on the free list, or that tariff rates should be lowered on them, should be fouid hand ling mail for the public, or serving papers as a United States Ma'shal. or conducting the routine, ministerial duties of a United States land otfice, however well he may be otherwise fitted for his station, is sufficient to fill the little soul of this harvest-lord with the gravest apprehensions for the safety of the republic. And he recom mends that heroic treatment should be at once and without delay resor ed to in or der to save the country that of inglorious ly bouncing every such democrat from office without reference 'o his fitness to do the work of his station. Fbnnigan-like Hursh wants to know what we are here for. His highest conception of the good attending party success is the gathering in of the spoils, and if there are not o.fices enough to go round among the faiihfrl he would have them created for the special benefit of the ' boys." Well every ma chine must have a "crank," and Hursh makes a good one. PIONEER." King's Valley, Or., May !4th.JiS$o. Editors Democrat : In the Orcgonian of April 12th was an article on internal improvement by the state, written by one who signs himself Pioneer," who says a number of hard things against the Democrat, the demo cratic party and Governor Pennoyer. He mentions the governor as a man of mean Lirth, who owns a little saw mill and who employes dagoes and saw log men to do his work. It is very well for this up-start republican leader now to speak meanly and disparagingly of laboring men, but the memories of laboring people go back a few months to the time when republican leaders including "Pioneer" were loudly making the most extravagant professions of paternal interest in the welfare of labor ing people. But now th?t the election is over these blatant leaders have no more use fr us until another election rolls around. Governor Pennoyer may be of mean birth and Pioneer of 'noble birth." but this has nothing to do with the fact that the Governor is the best friend labor people have ever had in authority in Ore gon. "Pioneer's" sympathy is fully shown for the Chinaman, but not an honest word in behalf of white labore-s. I now take pleasure in introducing to the general pub lic this "Pioneer," this man who does not like the governor because he is of "mean" birth, this "nob!e"-birth man who attempts to abuse the Democrat because it boldly and fearlessly stands for the people and their rights against the hungry horde of tax-caters that hung around Salem like carrion crows last winter, this man who so flippantly denounces all men as "kickers,' who have the courage to stand between the people and the swarms of voracious cormorants and hungry mendicants that would eat up the substance of honest peo ple, this man whose only complaint, in fact, is that he was "kicked" out of the office of railroad commissioner by the gov. ernor because his services were of no earthly value to the people George Wag goner. Mr. Editor, this is written by one who worked for George Waggoner last winter,ind knows w hereof he speaks whin he says that he wrote the article signed Pioneer" and published in the Oregoman of April lith. He read the article to his family at his home in my presence. 1 know from personal experience .hat Wag goner is a:i enemy of labor people. Ciiaki.es Law rence. An anxious inquirer wants to 1 now if the I-aiiram'.e lan J office, under the rJminls :a'ion 'f the ranies who have been recommenced fu. register and receiver, will 1 su; -p'.ied with a siloon and faro tab'. Why, j presume not. Those gentlemen will probably give up these uccuj ations, or re-est.ibl.sh their business in some other building than that use i as the land cS.e. E. O. ' 1 l.c Has: viregnsan thinks the outlo.' for xxl r rices for wheat after harvest is bet. er now than at this time last yen. It says theAast-al. ia and India cro;- a harvested in January rn 1 1 el ruary tnd j rove 1 ahnot a filiate so that sc.t.e of corr.! t-ttti.n will l.ave to r.-.et. And now the advocates of protection gravely tell us that our present y'em of tariff does not teem to reduce the impor ts ion of tet ,i!e fabrics. Ia it possible that we have been living in darkness on this ubject for a hundred yea- ? Here we have hd a protective tariff during the en tire life of the government, and have been piospering as no na:ion never did before and ccedi.ing all this prospe 'ty to the beneficent effect of our pio.er'ive tariff, a.id now at this la'.e day we are inist.ned and by pioicc.iot.ists at thai, that our tariff does not reduce impotta-ioa and the fig ures to prove the proposr.oa are given thu; Theimpoii; in iSJ3 amoun.ed to $730,202,937, whl'e in iSS5they amounted 'o $607,721, ijS. Well then if the protec tion theory is evploded why not consent now 'o reduce the ariff ? Or do the f' 'ends of protection want 'o increase the tariff with the hope of making it protective. So it seems that protection does not protect after all. Judging by the present price of wool one can come to no other conclusion 1 he .leKJiVdrtvdec l.s .lie p ac.ice lately coming in.o vogue cf osrl throughoat the valley "booming" themselves by advertising in papers published in other than the "booming" town. It claims that the pilncin'.e of "protcc- t'on should ae made to ap?ly in this matter and that the people of a town should advei iise in their own local paper and not in the Orer. onion and other papers as some towns have been doing. Now we suppose that this would be all light so far as the Maurja:.ecr is con cerned if the ptoplc of ihe Di:!cs weic going to airenise their town, bat we feel quite sure that that other pur-blind "protection" piper the Oreffomau will lgorousljr pro est against this very reasonable application of the p.mcip- les of "protection as taught by these wo.ship ers at the shrme of the god of p.otec ion. A false doctrine always comes back to pester and annoy him who propagates it. If yon have any job wtrk A" call on G W.Smhh who ia pret4 ko. to do it with neatnesa and (lis pat h and as cheap as any one. COMEDY CO., t T THE Albany Opera House. one week only, joimneoc.ng MOXDAY, MAY 10. In the following strong repertoire of plays:' THE DIAMOND MYSTERY, ! FAC ING THE ENEMY,' QVEENS" EVIDENCE, j CXEIR GRIT,' TICKET OF LEAVE MAN", TERRV THE SWELL, THE COTTON" KING, ETC. Cbiogeof biileai-h nigh:, Popilar prices of admission, 10, 20 and 30 cents. Rerved seats at Blackuan's, Secure tbetii and avoid the rush. II New Grocery Discovered AT Strong's old corner, opposite Stewart t Su, r'lrs-. vr- v m.-, ) A full line ot FPESH GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, Oil IED FRUITS, ETC. "Quick sales an 1 small profits," "Live and let live," ts onr motto. Please call and examine our gi Us and -t prices. 'tisfaetion guaranteed, Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Respectfully, BARDUE & UNDERWOOD. WINDELL, JJH3S03 & CO., REAL ESTATE DEALERS AND MONEY BROKERS. Conveyancing and ail Notarial work promptly aone. P. O, box, 806. Seattle, Washington, DlSSOLfTIOX XOTICE.-This is to certify that tbe co-partnership here tot'or existing between Chan. Metzfrer and J. J. Dorris. doing business under the nrm, name ana style or in is. Metzger A to, is. aissoiveu bv mutual con sent, J J, Dorn retiring from the bnii cess. Chas.Metzgerwili collect all money due the nrm and pay ail debts of the tirra. Itd at Albany this 2nd dsv of May, ClIAS. MlTZOEP, J, J. DORRIS. I r. i . . $J persettiog. The Leghorns are '"the greatest teg producers now r raised. Address, F. C. Hoffman. i i i ii , i i uiia ,i,n, Aii-any, vr.. cr call at reaidcnce on 3rd Street betw een Mont gomery and iiailroad Street. Owong Wa Gee Co, MRS. JLMWESTFALL. bu joit oprned. neit door xt, C H. Spen cers, anl tleaot line of JAPANESE C00DS of a hrte var'ety anl many dei'gof. Alto a upsr.t r line ct um. 5 SPECIALTIES. CLOTHING Fashionable and Stylish S..-.. I! -mess Suiw Light weight Sammer Suits. Bos, vn.th's and child-en's e.uls. Furnishing Goods. all tbe latest noveltief. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large line in this department of tb best in the market. HATS Tailoring loon ODD I MO AMn OIIRflldirn looo. orninu nnu oummLn J LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND TfllWS, The largest stock and gres eat variety n price ai.rt ...e I haveevti carried, and as gjod value as ever otTersct to the citizens of Lint ccnn'.y. Special Bargains In Cashmem T -nl n.l Macks. Seersuckers, ginghams cbainbteys, Frent! prints and wash fabric?. AU the novelties of the season in black ani, colors. I will have something fuithet to say about tb tajajei days. L. I. BUffl. 5 Stick a Pin , the fact that I am offerinfcbetter bargains than any one else in Albany Bouobt at bankrupt sales I can BtU First-Class Goods at'or below COST. lEMHROIDERIES, SKIRTING: FlonociDgs, and all overs on carubrij. SwUa and Indis Linen. I have just o()eaed the largest invoice ot oovehieH in this line ever n hibited in this city, and at gre?tiy reauceu Y- Piques, Lawns, India Linens, Xansooks in white, ecru and color( all at prices very much cheip vuu ever uiuie uncicvi m tum TABLE LINEN, In brown and bleached. This stock I bought in "er York at It than importers' price, and am able to give i?ocd Imruains. 5S mchi linen bleached at 50 cents per yard and others in proportion. TOWELINGS, CRASHES, m All tbsn ffonda T bur direct from importers by the bale, andcsnK them much cheaper than if bought of jobbers towels I bin in qu tities in -N w iort, and am onenog them at prices ttn n sell the goods. r Ladies Cotton Hos Are cheaper this year than ever before, l nave iur j -ting some good bargains, all ot wbicb I m offering to my cistoo the same in -Y FOR General merchandise of all kinds call on tee. Partieular.bargains in a samp of shoes. Cash for Goods or.Conntry prd'Ufc Gr W. SL1IP&0X Albany, Oregcs- Orugs, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Alabas tine, Artists' Xatcrials, Etc., G-O TO CITY DRUG STORE. Guiss i& Son. MISSES AND CIIILDREX S, The above is an outline cf the r--Hcy I am going to do buMneffl and will endeavor to do my par; towards securing the traoe in i and adjoining counties to Albanv, and to kep up itb the procesi' of the lively and growing city of Albany. I will have something say about Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, SAMUEL E- YOUNG City Meat Market. SHULTZ EEQS,, Proprietors. Keep a full line of means of all kinds, in a cool plao. complexly pro- tecteo: and always ireiu. Also have constantly on haid salmon and other lish. BR0WXSV1LLE. 0. P. C0SH0W & SONS, Real Estate ani Insurance Agent. Real estate ailJ an I Collections and Notarial business attended to, SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL J Wheeler, Springfield, Orep.'Pfoprieto, A. WHEELER, ALBANY 3IAXAG Albany Yard and Office oi Railroad St l etween Atha.id5th S: Havinc lumber not excelled In qualltv, and facilities not nrp!Hl f,,r J nd satisfactory filling ot orders. We le'sptfully solicit a share of tbe trade. JOHN BRIGGS, FLOEIST, ALBANY OREO Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lo'.sJplanteJ and attended to Palace Meat Mark; .T V PTPE FIRST ST. - - ALBW'I Will keep constantly on b, mutton, pork, vel, sausape, .. meais ana largest variv. Cash oaid;for all kind.of fat . , "a,T'':T"'r''T'S' '"e"!fg-yy n&rvr -'MT'r'rrl