! L. II. ALBANY, OR. WEDNESDAY, MAY J5, 1889. NO 8 Your Life danger while your blood Is Impure. fcHxl, careless personal habits, and cynosures render miners, loitircrH. rs, ami most Irontlcr.niieii peculiarly ttoeruplivo aim uuiur uiouu uineases. ..t ri'ineuv Is Ayer's Harsaparllla. A fill alterative, tills nii'illeliio cleanses Inod tliroimli tlio natural cliamicls, anil ly eltccts a euro. let's Sarsaparilla, jrd by Dr. J. C. Aver & 'o., Lowell, Mans, 1 I'M mm tm The LEADING Grocery Store1 t'ox Pros C. H.JTK.WAur, Sec Albany ON WORKS. -Manufacturers of Jll ENGINES GUST AHO SAW tL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS7 1ND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AHO LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. I attantimoald o repairing ill ml mvthinory, terns Made on Short Notice, -IS- Elections were held Tuesday In Wash ington, North and South Dakota and Mon tana to elect delega'es t their respective consl'luMonal conveitlons. Of course republicans ele- led a major I: y of the mem bers in the l.i.ee forme ', but the returns Indicate (hst Ihe demscali have elected a majority in Montana. If thh is true thty will be able to e'.ect the two U S Senators this (all A splendid stock o watches, lew. (elry .clocks, etc., at Will & Starks, many new things being just received. AlMi a tine line of gold headed canes. Call on them for bargains. (Vi(t, (2cntf, Wallace, Thompson & Co's. Store stock of 2n.l j&r good In the V .i- ii tlio tntut r-mnuma pruvn, iinui ln and silii lu; Mnvi on hand iU of JHTURE, STOVES. TINWARE, JMS. B3DXS. PIUTUiJ23, CLOCKS. CROCKERY, ETP , ETC. ir of -.. K. Young's "Id ittore L. GOTTLIEB, 123 Kiritt Stroot, Albany. Or. IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. Thir Stock of GROCERIES' and PRODUCE is always Complete. m i2i Mt IS t' '''''''' oaiwi Mever. Jap BiwMton and First Sts., I DKAIVTCK IN I THE PLACE. i-y all meant sail on PaiKei Brothers, Suce&sors to John Foxy for you? Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Tbeir eoodc are the best and the Ir price reasonable. prints, iwnre, IimI FrtiUl 'iViOtl'.. Sticnr, t nv-.ryt.liin QaemMifiire, 'IiSrs. T. Etc.. Hi it U kopt in a Ron fariety ami eroeery store. Highest it prico paid for ;U?J3S OF PRODUCE. Poultry Wanted. i. U.f pvi'.trv, nlivrt or dreaded, . ii Viil-iin.i'.to l'.ieklni Coiu v i.-.i, Annoy, Oregon IQjI to go east. itt; v'u M nmt; S vvr It 'in to. Nioo . . N t i i-j- , a; -ill t'vn i tho yenr. i-r. S'iaU. Siiirii'iirt-.r, i Oilfii, Salt l):uvtr. Li't-i't Ki'.'.ii l-cl ws curs your fa tn trlnw. I i m the pfraou iM AUniuy thut cm ''ll V'u lyrom A'.htny tiireot to am oint in twi outii". I'jiU km m for rut:i. W. it Jbstku. Aicd S.1P mm AND FARMERS TfHi A.3D- hy vrllfv ill 'l Dr. I. V. Woivllfi M.f (: y nv-r.iin I on mv rl'lL'ling lKU IIYS. inlvir r ifornimn In rninl i . rl'lir luiro of Win. INiirwm, 'w P l.ohnon : John lUr.l-n ilfred f ton. Albany j Ham " vlo: hit'r, Prlnovllla. I,.. ,uj vwlnr. Pfl liein In Allmny an I country Kilim. utnoe ani roi-idonoe corner " liirg' n SH. I. N WOODLK, Veterinary Siinrnon. JA.TITT3, Ol'ui -AND A.T DBYOE " 0B30N't. JULIU? GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock aa been enlarged so that it equals any on the Coast, and oouslsts of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Chinr. and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriages, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Croekrey and Toys. Ho buys illrarrt and oarrie-i the lanrsxc st ick In the Wllvnc!.o Vallov to Iwhlr) has been addod a complete line of ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 188Q. First Term Opens September litis, 188. A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANO NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot ntudy arranged to meet tbr need of all grades ot students. Special tuaucemcnts offered to students frotn abroad. Tuition ranees from $5,60 to 8120. Board in private faini'ies at low rates. Rooms lor self-boarding at small expense. A carofn I supervision exere.ised oyer Btu- dents away from home. Fall term opens September Tlh. For circulars and full particulars ft'inross tue rresiuent. Ki;V. KLItEKT N. 'OMIT. Albany,iOrogon ACADE3IY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Slstir of St. Benedlot. This Aeadomy Isjlncnrpnrated and au thorized bv tlie Stale to confer academic honors. The cuirse of s'udy is complete, Mathematics, Literature and Musio are specialties, as alsethe Normsl Instruction f aspirants for teachers' wrtificates In dustrial drawing, vocal tnnsic in elass and all kinds of neecllnwrtik form, no extra Is Agent for insurance coinpiuies with a eanilil agregitiug 375,OO0,OCi) . (!ti9Tcl on oarie Francals. Hier wird doutch irisprochon."Ji CBAS. METZGER, deal Estate, Fmploymen and ent chartye. Tho fli.sclplm of ihe school Joseph's factory, ffnilo but firm. onject beinjr to form r notoitlv r?finod voutik lttdlfM, but noble I J ronivit i The dispatches tell us of one Mr S!iunkt a special nension Examiner of Lima Ohio, a dem ocratt who wrote a letter to Mr Tanner resign ing his office as special Examiner, giving ti:s earion 1 hat he seived in the war fori lie union, that he is a democrat, vnd that since -his is a republican administration, he believes it will be incompatible, wit'.i the politics o." the ad ministration to retain idm ir office. We i''e told that Tanner -epUed to S!iank's letter stat ing that he, Tanner, was not there to remove democrats from office etc. This it a li'lle scheme gotten up, doubtless, by the cabinet of Harrison to manufacture a little cheap capital and reputation for the administration. But the public are not so easily deceived. That demo c ats all over ; he countiy are bung icmoved daily by the scores and hundreds fiom fednu'. positions for no other reason than that they a.e democrats, to make room for other persons for no other reasons than that the latter are republic cans, can not admit of a doubt. The old soldier go as quickly as others. Almost l e first po;' master removed in Oregon was an old soldier. No charges of unfitness or incompetency were alleged against him, but he was a democrat and had to go. The Democrat raises no qus Ion about turning all democrais out, because It largely made a question of pany policy, to de- lei mine or influence which it has no riMit to speak. But it docs protest against the misT able pretense r nd hypocrilicsl cant set up by this administration about following out the pledges it made before the election to enforce the principles of ciil service reform, when de- cepitation is going on all sides for political reasons only. The people see plainly through Tanners thin sutterfuge. KEl f 1-UhTfiD. New goode at W F Read's. F. M. French kevps railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Read's." Fresh garden and graesjsecdsat Stewart & Sox'b. A full line Children's bathtubs at G. W Smith's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or? For a Sterling or Emerson piano call on G L Black man. G. W. Smith has the largest stock(nf sugar kettles in Albany G L Blackmail is scent for tho Weber piano. None better. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towrl tn every customer, ot Thos. Jones G. W. Smith cives th whito ename'ed iron waro with bis line cook stoves. A full ncsorrment of brans kettles from one to eighteen gallons at G, W. Smith s. Buy yoor tickets through to the East of W Ii Jewtfr and save fare to Portland. I have red liced prices on all heavy wear in boots afirt shoes. (Jail early at vv r Read's. The Western Cottage and Packard are two of rhf heft organs made. G L Black' nan sella them. Call n x. W. Smith and get one ofjrhose Mispnuri Steam Wathera warranted to do as recommended. A fine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholptred, bea sfock in this part of Oregon t Fortniil'er & Irving V If yon want a clean &nd fine smoke ask for .1. .Tnfi'h's hone inftde white labor cigars For ("! nv nint ciar u eaters nna at ms TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Montana llpniicniti Helena, Mont,. May 14 The democrat, have caHcd Ihe election for del. (jn.es to the constitutional onv-iiiiin ,i..i . I Every disliict in II!. wct ,1.1onnl,ic al,d omrr ui5ii.es wnxu Hie rc-iljlic:ns were con fident of carrying. A heavy snow stoim all over te ternary op Wed ri(lst ,nylmng like a full vole. 1 Ins victo. , of the democrats wiU 2-ve t.iem (lie pow rin the constitutional convention to re-du, rict the p'c ent legislative dis.iicts.whe-chy of cou-sc,is a great advantage as it will probably 1 -suit in the election of two United Stales senators ol their poU ical persua. sion, 1 he retu ns -row more f ivo able for the democrats as tlicy jonie in later. The liicyele Contest. Chicaoo, Mny 14. Thesco:ein the six days professional cycling race at the end of the second day isasfol'ows: Knappe, of Denvei,24i m.les, 6 laps; I'cynce, of Onu.hi., 241 miL-s, 5 K,ui ron uniana,24t mil; Morgan of hnSLnd,24i mil.-s; Schock, ofChicr-oio miles. The I 0 KofCa'i ornia. San Francisco.M iy i4.The erand lol of California, I OOF., met in i- Thintf. serenth annual communicaiion here tb:s morn ing, ltiesecrdaiysrcror; shos Ilia! the memliership of ;he o il, 1 has 0,,. I.,,m nc in 1853 to 26,477 1S88. Dining this period the loLal amount expended for relief w as S3,- yiu,i4o. A IVhsI InsJon Im-.w Won Louisville, May 14. A big ctowd was drawn to the ChurchiM Downs for the races to day by the contest he ween Proctor Knoit fnd Spokane. There wc.e few here fiom the West to back the Washingion territory horse. The defer t of Knott in the Dc.by had shaken the confidence in him r.omcwhat yet the odds could not be shoveil to such figures as to induce the backing of the suipn.;cd small chance that he would be beaten. ICno.t took the lead, but Spokane passed hiin at the finkh, coming in iv.o lengili3 ahead, llllntir? Dr t'roiiins Body. Chicago, May 14. FiiehdsofDr Crania, who believe that he tm been murdered, have decided to dredge Lake Mich'gan for his re mains. The w ork is to extend over a distance of six miles along the shore and a distance of a mile and a half out inio the lake. Diivers will accompany the dredgers. Kid (iluviK I Kilt (iloves I ! I have just rtreivid a full line of kid golves branded Our Own. This is a genu ine kid glove I buy direct from importers in New York and consider them the best value of any gloye 1 ever fold for this price. 5 button, 3 rows of st'tching, $1.50. per pair. S. E. Young. insurance A.l iioniumicatlo.is ptomptly au.4v,ore, Gi.rrimnJorKnglish. OFFICE: ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FIRST ANO 3!j31D STrl-irj. ALBANY OREGON". 0. K. ..si c merits of aStenor 'phcr. House and Carriafjo Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishing. All "irk EUarnnteed.l C B. VASSAL! 0. (Successors to Henry Suescns DEYOE & IWBSOS ARE AG B N'T FOR THE SEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VEKTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. REST MACHINE IN THE wA.iKET n hiK t-crtl ns a ftetinRrnphcr, one must ), iio J J v unit vi hi tihorthfiml, skilled In lyiio tvi'illit;'.', u Knl iH'iiinati, n rompele.tl t-or-crtiHitHlfiil. In the Shorthand IJeparimcnlot the -PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE HOBOUOH TEAOhlNO III sluirthailt!, DAILY PHACTICt f lyiw-writitiR, OAflEFUL instruction in penman kinpniMl aoundant drill in correspondence amj-ly ipiahly tu I cuts lor positions always open to those lull)- prepared to till them. Send forcataloRue. A.l". ARMS1RONO, 1'RIN., - J'ORTLANO, tJKi:GON. and tiMHfnl members of society, Purlls Adinittod at any tlmi ho I chRri?PS propor tionpri. PupiUof any doMoiiiinutiou re- fiivod. Tuition In nelect day school rnnRs from $5 to S10. Fortfr.ns of Bwrdiiiff Sch -ol or Hnv partiot lat apply at the Acadyaoy, or ad dross sister Miperiorese. BREEDERS, ATTENTION. Tho import id Frsnch Ooneli Sta'lloii. Vitii 'tv. 1- will mi':' Hiswn of 1KS9 nt. tin following pla.-o. : llmwnvill. Mondava and I'uo'dna ; II ilxv, d nfisdaya and Thnrdavs ; lbanon, tri dayH and aturdny.. Hirf is an oppor' uiiity forthe fanrpr.. of Linn county to apt tho aervleo of thi only Kronen coach borne oviT brouuht tn Orecon. H iv.w lintmrted from Krance byTlito. Sklllman and by him I rottght to "ii. Slam. The French cia'h horse haf- nien e!tracting rrent a'tnntinn tliroiu'hri..t the ICnutr-rn ttflntlin i a'tfw yean and im Wnlng Impiirtfd from Kranca In irrcat numlir. Vindii;ilor in a lino rnpri'iiiatlv of tills famnis breed ol horwi-", a'anding 17i lianda hiitn anil woiirh nj Iftiiii inn. He hoHtaki-n prftnlllllr.. '.v-t I'lMiivland biya h rover i-h iwn. I hi' aw'ihin ri'prfRHnts (ho gotwrnl purno( now no iiinidi noedod hun llnwill bnnlin'vml nurpa a, 2u toiPHiuo a ninre in foil Koep your it-VP onhlidatiw. MolvNtan r Huo Prop'x, W. 0. iVmnnB. Aitnr.t WILL BROS, S Do-ilert in Rltt!iMtf t Imprnvnd PUn.i Ornjin, Mwlntc Mwh(M. ltin. Also a full lift f,f vrrtinm ! Unz-irM, Hillo,hrt and r ouVrt Knv. T lid, khid nl -wlitir inHbln" nil, n'lif4 snd ostra. for all marhine Ail mwtly and rPHoitablv done. 1. wront Sin''or Manufactnr banVi Dr Wriifhtsni.nrs Sovereian Palm of Life, for diswwrs ptcuKar to womrn, ot Deyoe & RohFon's rA llronnell & Stananl's. P J Baltimore, agent. If you ire nervous or irri table, fe-l h nquid, dispiriteH, or if you have fick hwHachr, sal low romjli'Xton,(ir-(reiifive breath, then Vfur livr i out f order and needs routtur. Ir. Henhvs Iai!fk!ioii Tuiio reslop s the ';vr to healtliv set ion and totipsnpthe entiie sys. tr-m. Sild ty Fohhay &C Mason. Don't fat o ex tmmi M dlwsinV carpets You nil) ri them fmm 10 to 15 per cent cheaper tlia any fther place in town, taking in considers on h ipi iltty. Babies. The finrst line of baby carn ages in the Valley yM T( reived at 'Stewart & SoxTs. Prices are rsnirkablv cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri-nges. Wright's Arftl inn Hrp Liniment, an in valnahV rireHv fr PT-rnip hruifpg, lame-ti- rnd fi ffTfctinn of tliekin. nnipclesand jnintfi. o nhirh horaes and cattle are suh jct. Sold by For-hay & Mason. S)K. IIO NAN HO in " u.cvfry for tonsumpttoP m:c ree -t t i" f Titdneinir a medicine which i i ho kooivltdv'd by all to be simply marvelous It is-X'jitiliiiirJy pl.ayant, to the. taste, pr fectly I'a'irk'ss 'd dies not sicken. In 1 cs ft cM ol i. i'Uupnnn. uut np, s Wiioopitit C"Ui l, t'rmip, Hronchitis, tti Pfl-T in tl o rhrt, it has given ntiivertai 'isff.f! r..ii tr H iaiiVt s C"npn and l,ntst Syrup i- s. d 1 "0 ctitH by Ur limn Son. Portland, Or., Jan. 12th. llwviin- RHpv.ro bhek ache "Inst ntriner, I tried tin' Or-g ti KhIiipv '!, I aed onn can, which fflVnt.td radical cm I would m ommpod , o all who am oflbcted naannn- fiiiHn . ren-d . J u Lira Aril. Sold by Fmhay & Mason. iTHfWSrnn TtlltJ. K.U3WVI1 tl'lim, muu'i.- it prutm llutf PWei a nt onc o tlie apnlietti-i IT. H"mltKO 4 U TP1IIWI.V, W.lltill Win uiitiim j th- prlt v t-tcl. b -rhiiu the lumnr. a",'1 us unif aim enwmir pr'-uun- Wright's Syiup Tnr ard Wild Cheny Try it and yon will upc nothing el?o to. ronpus, colds and all nfTurtiors of the threat nd lungs. Said by Foe hay & Mason. Not one person in fifty arrivs at the ape of forty, who is m t troubled with kidney or urinary complaints in ome form. To those atlticted with pain it the back i on Ttention i'f orioe, mrvons rltbililj, painful or up prefsed menattuaticn, wo can rffera ivmed v that has bpen in consfant up oyer twenty vears, Oregon Kidney Tea. This preparation has done more for mlTt-riiif humanity thtn any other medicine in the mallet. Sold by Fohov & Mason. ititfiine Itn l CMtt. A-i-lrw Th IT komiik i . Sold by Ur. l'itns an i ?"- V-ticintf Co..rt SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW .'400DS AT Wrinht.'. OniiKiu rt frnp ff 8arniprilla can he relied upon f..r ail Moid dieae, SKID afTictio i. oto. M"ll i.V r.ny . WARE Of ALL 11 QEtOEvft TCI SUPERIOR LINES OF V'J5?SCU1 TUBAL IM-S J-IkIvSENTS AT DE-YOi&ROBSON A pentlcmsn whohad Hiffmd (rrf atarnoy arce and poinficm batb ra iti h.ai d who had been treated by the bet phvpio'sr. without, relief, tny a that tvo lutthptf pntnid'i Pp'ciHo enrrd hint frd Mt hip fppp perfntlv smooth, wit! rut a :pr. Jt r vi rfhV intliin di peaces. Hold l Fofhax ti Nmw: tvkk roit nick in r., - TViyrvi want a rcmnly fir Tl'Hntianpps, Pfmph?s on bp far, R"d ft sunt mire for pick hatulanha, ask Dr. Oii'ss ami 8", tho Prtiirftlpts, for Or. Get.ni's Lite pllli, try a , Fh limits freo Hill box 25 ctn, l Wiivht's Mrih tooth prnp. Fraorant, conliiitf and nfriliim? Hpnla sore puma and prpM tm the Wlh. Sold by Fnshvy & Mason. dry. hsi kinp couph keeps the bronchial tubes in a sj te of constant irritation, which, If not srwetli'y removed, may lead to bron chitis. No piompter remedy can be had than AvVp Chery Pectoral, which ia both an anodyne and expectorant. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob- a,1.