i OL. II. ALBANY, OR. WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1889. N J 3 .vi'irs rni:::::Y i-kctoisai. Is tho .,. ai rotiKli cures. It allays inllaiiiuia km ot tlio tlirciat anil speedily removes Irrl '.tinir mucus from the bronchial passages. ,, New" York l ily,' Hays : When 1 was a i'ir HI 17 1 "a1 a l""i " mi' .l"""! ?. '"' A"'r's 1 ":"y ''t"r"' ""r'1 mo I liavo rcemiiiiii-iidi'd this preparation ii, Kims el similar eases. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, iwwwl by TT. .T.C. Ayir ft Co., Lowell, Mum. iffilby LruggHt.. I'rlco 1 J .lx hottles, i 'ox Pros C. H.' Stewart, Sec Albany RONIWORKS Manufacturers of- (TEAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW (JILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. toeclal attention'oal! o repairing ill tinua oi maciunery. Patterns Made on Short Notice.Q Iti P9st Htock of 2nd XV comls in the V il.ainl the moit reasonable prloss, both nuiiylng anil ssl 11 lr. f hiva on hand II kinds or FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC , ETC. '18 ilorrjwaai of -S, K. Young's old store L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First Street, Albany, Or The LEADING Grocery Store I WANT ItCSY MANHATTAN ISLAND. "IS- Wallacc, Thompson k Ws. NO BONUS. except your patronage, A J. ANSLYN, Carriage Manufacturer. AT P. Willsrt's old Stand, on 2nd St., Af 1ANY, OREGON. Painting and Trimming. FINE SHORING AND GENERAL . BLA CKSMITHING. FirsVClass fork Made to Order. PRICES, nEVOEfcSE eooBs IS WHAT KEEPS JHEM IN THE LEAD. Tliir Stoclc of GROCERIES! antl PRODUCE is always Complete- RedCrownMills SOM, LANSING & Q PROPR'S. SEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR IOB FAMJMES AMD BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Siphest Price in Cash fo Wheat It is doubtful if there is a busier spot in the world of the same sie than Manhattan Island. With the year ending with Sep tember the elevated railroads of New York city canied more than 170.ee D,c x passen ger!. And that is a passenger traffic only four and a half million lets than the whole, traffic of the German empire for the same time, with its 18,000 miles of roads ! In Franc?, where there is more travel, the record is 205,273,340 passengers carried aver her 20,144 miles of road, which is about 15 per cent more than w.ent up and down in New York and wandered to and fro in it during the same time. In this country during the same time there were carried 428,2,513 passengers over the 149,912 miles of road ; but in this were in cluded the 170,000,009 of New York's in tramural record. So it appears that this traffic was about 40 per cent of the traffic of the whole country, and it was carried on 324 miles of track. TELEGRAPH h KWS Tacoma KfrHion TACOMA, May 7. The city off to-day, and the democrats . 8. Coot, 8re. , B. Moqrbs Treas IH. J. Minthorm, Pres. 3. Farkaa, Vice Pres. rhe'Jregon Land company Organized fo; the purpose of buying and Belling real estaU, advertising be WilUmette Valley in all of the leading newspaper! of the United States, Employing Eastern agents to direct home tec It era ,to the Willam ette Valley, and home agents in all the principal towns of Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Clackamas au Yamhill counties to aid in locating iiumisrrants. Ortlce in the 'fate Building one door west of fiiew art & Sox's, HODSONJA DICKINSON, Managers. tm m WW1 Hi m 131 WILL BROS, Dealorn in nil thn lutc.U i mnrovod PUn Organ, Sowing Mauhinos, Guiih. AIho mm line ol warranto.! Ka7.org, Kutclier mi focket Knives. Tha bost kind ol wins matthina oil. nnndlpH and nxtniN. for all maishinoa. Ail ici'tujh neatly land reasonably done. Conrad Mver. PROP HllC'I'f X OK. ST A II BAKERY Burner Broadalirin and First Sts., e-DKALr.K ITS lianiinl Frails, . Cuimoil illentri, Niiw ktokk. m:w goods Micthell & Lewis Co., -DEAL CFlS IN Agricultural fmniciiiciits 1 he Orcgonian is consistent and persistent in one thing, if in nothing else, and that is its deep-seated purpose to slander every promin. ent democrat alter his death. Ghoul like- its editor watches the field of the living uniil the reaper, death, cuts down some prominent dem ocrat when he smacks his lips and chuckles with demoniac glee as if to say here is food to satiate my desire to slander and abuse. When the defenseless dead is placed under the sod then it is that this ghoul begins his work Happily most neople know him as a man with a very nasty, dirty tongue. His recent attack only lowers him in the estimation of all decent on Samuel J Tilden truthful people. c e Hon came have elected S A Wheel wright mayor by aljout 1 50 majority. The cou-ts in the Second and Third war Is are progressing very slowly, hut so far indicate the election of Charles T Uhlman, rep., for coun oilman over Louis E Post, demo- rat, by a cood majority in the second wa.d. In the third ward J M Dougon, democrat, is elected over J B Cromwell.republican, by a considerable major- uy. in tne tirst ward there is a tie for coua cilman, between Conway, repuhlican.and John N Fuller, ex chief of police' democrat. John norsiau, acmocrat, is re-elected by a large majority for councilman over Baker, republi can. So far the count indimtn th r the remainder of the republican ticket: W II nneii, city attorney; 1 C ArmHiong, treasurer: C O Bean, surveyor, and J P Hodgins, street commissioner. N'onTnalions. Washington, May 7. The president made the following appointments to-day. A L 1 nomas, of Salt I.ak riiv of Utah. " "'v Ellsworth Daggeit.of Utah.surveyor en-ral. Perry Johnson, of Maho. office at lilackfoot, Idaho. William H Oanielsnn. Idaho. r moneys at lilackfoot, Idaho. Joseph t iiennett, of Ncw Mexico. nrni for the Indians of the Mescalero agency.New Mexi CO. The president this eveninu annointed Frank W Palmer, of Illinois, to be public printer, and ineodore Roosevelt, ufNew Yoii,, and Hugh S Thompson, of South Carolina, to be civil service commissioners. KKEP POSTED. t'm! Fruits, J 'l'j (!(, ofT,ee. Kl.o H in I . Ten. Km. mid VcSiicks A full lint cnrrmtl t enr brunch houo C ir ALBANY, C03VCE PIANOS. Those- wl ihina a first-class instrument should oall at Mrs, B. E, Hyuiau'g and see one of those Caleoratsd Hs-mme A Long planoes, excellent riob tone, Es pecially made and adapted to stand the climate on the Pacific Coast, Erery piauo r.tUv imtiiaiitead for 5 vears. The Ir.lest aheet-iuusio for sale, Music and paintinjj lessons given there. Also tue piano 10 get your new Sewion Machine. Fancy work and dress makiug done to order. First door east of YoiiQrf's oid tand, Albany, Oregon, Jud The BUYERS' GUIDE Is issued March and &ept., 1 each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur. chase the luxuries or tho necessities of life. Wo ean olothe you and furnish you with all tho necessary and unnecessary appliances to rido, walk, dance. Bleors eat, fish, bunt, work, go to ohurcn, or stay at homo, and in various ciz-.-s, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do oil these thincu COMFORTABLY, and you oan roako a fair OBtimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will bo sent upon roceipt of 10 eents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. New goods at W F Read's. F. M. French ke;ps railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Head's. Fresh garden and grjss'seeds at Stewaqt Sox's. A full line Children's balli tubs at G. W Smith t. J. P. Wallace, Physician und Surgeon, Al bany, Or , - - For a Sterling or Emerson piauo call on G u mack man. G. W. Smith has the largest stockjof sugai settles in Ainany. in fv;t eVHrvtliintr thi.t k;pt In A iteu ral variety and arocorv si-oro. Hiffiiesi I" rket prlco paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. THE PLACE. iyull uieaija e-ll on PaiKe. Brothers, Successors to John Fox, or yonr Groceries, iProduce, Baked Goods, to. Etc. Their frnoda are tho hest and thrlr prices Reasonable. Pine line of Guns and feood stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob- son's spaaiil ba,riin3 -A.3SI ID SEE TJS, 2ii-i hiuI Ellsworth, S s. OREGOi'J. 0 ' CHAS. METZGER,, Real Estate, Fmploymen and Insurance Agent . A.l commuloatlojs promptly aa8v,are;1 ln German or English OFFICE: ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS , ALBANY, OREGON". ITIORSALE.-Six 1 its in Block No, 41, V Albany, from fl25 to fi'i per let, 'lliese are the cheapest lots in the city, ess than ID minutes walk from P. O., Mahandr. Willamette Valley Land Agency, y S :truirz dt He.idebson. 0, K. .Paint Shi. House and Carriage Painter, Decorator and Paper Manger Piano Varnishing. Alllwnrk guaranteed. G B. VASSAL! 0. (Suocessorsjto Henry Saasen. DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVlS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE j A. AET tlTANTED,- T V Uslid t the Willametti Vai lav Affpnoian OffipA In Rt ni. u'. nowi diock, Albany . Or., a large list of lands and farms for gale, also olty prop erty. r HcHuirs, Oohcltz Hendeksoh. licqirementsofaStenog apher, a T n Succeed ns a stennRrapher, one must i t ,10 U cumto In shorthand, skilled hi type writing, pood prnman, a competent cor 'jhlniiilnt. In the Shorthand Deparlmcntof Ihc -PORTLAND BU6INC69 COLLEOE .orouoh teaominq ill shorthand, DAILV PRACTICS t l)-pe-wriling, oadepul instruction in penman hip and abundant drill In correspondence amply nuHluyatutlentslorpo.itlons always open to llioie lully prepared lo (ill them. Send fur catalogue. A.l. Armstronu, Prin., - Portland, cirfoon. PAINTS, OILS. AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE v, FvOBSON'S. BREEDERS, ATTENTION. The importarl Krnch Coach a'a'1;0'1-ViU'ii-.'tator, will make the season of at the following places : Brownsville Mondays and Tuesdays i Hslsey, " od nAKdivs and Thurndys : Lebanon, rl. iln and Hat.urds. II"' ii an oi-pir- act the siervice of tlie only French coarli horse evur broiixht !- Oregon. He was imported from France by Tbeo. Skillaian. and bv him brought to !ais mate, The French coach horse hit "en pttractiug t-reat attention throughout the Eastern States the past fcw yearn and are being imported from France in great numbers. Vindlostor is aline represenlatlva of this famous breed ol horse", standing 17! hands high and weigh.ng 1600 lbs. rU lias taken premium over Oleavland bay wherever shown. Tbif BUillion represent noml niimnue now so much needed lure He will be allowed mares at 2il, to insure a mare in foal. Keep your eye on'his dates. MoKniobt Bro., Prop's. W. 0. Westlkb, Agent. If yon want an ri'piirs call on (. W amun G L Blackman is scout for the Weher piauo. None better. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. G. W. Smith cives tho white enameled iron ware with his floe cook stoves. A full assortment of brass kettles from one to eighteen gail jns at G. W. Smith a. Buy vour tickets throoc'i to the East of W Ij Jester and save fare to Portland. I have rediiced oricpa on all heavy wear boots and ehr.es. Call earlv at W F Read's. The Western Cottatjo and Packard are two of the hest organs made. G L JJiack nat sells thsm. Call en G. W. Smith and eit one of'those Missouri Steam Wafehers warranted to do as recommended. A Hoe line ; all kinds of furniture, t-lniu and upholstered, hes tock in this part of Uret(on at tortnuller &, Irving s. If you want a oinau and fine smoke ask for i. JoKetib'n home made white labor citrnrs For salp bv most cicar dealers and at bis Joseph's factory. J V r.jhihU I, Hent Singer SManufactur bany, Dr Writihtsnnn'tt Sovereign Palm of Life. Mr difcaf ff-cnliar to womon, at Utyon x n-;...,-i rrn.-. ncll htiii nru i J Ualtimore, iip- nt. N'toue i.Tio- in fifty arrives at the ape f ff-rv, who is not troubled wiib kidney or nriunry ooinplainis in some form. To those ainioted with pain in the back, 1 on retention f urine, nervous deDiitty, paimui or sr. - irescftd tnenstruatmo, we can cnera remedy that ha been in constant nn oyer twsnty years, Oregon Kidney Te. This preparation has done more lor sunering numanity man my othrr medicine iu the market. Sold by Foehay & Mason. EALTH Without Health can n 'lt I s enjoyed. FORE USE fjALYM fiSTORfl. JKnS USE 171 It is the b.t huipfrt lo Hi'ulth uml Ui iuu:ci,t cure on Mn: tli. l'!rit in lime lor nil diseos-s o ihc Sioni.u!:, l.ivvi". Kn:ti.y and Skin.' I nirca Kiuuim lifin, Mussina. Coaled ToriRue H cad. i 1.1k.'. itucvfs v oiiflipauon, bmioiis- ss antl Dyspepsia, drivts all impnrlles outol 1. lT-.d and dricsi-.o old Sores. The Business men l)y it, the Vorkini;inen use It.the Ladies Itilte i Hie Children crv Ut It antl th 4-armera say i ;s ihcir best health preserver. So. i tverywbeie, 1.00 bottle; six for $5.00- SECURE PRICES. NO 1 ROUBLE TO SHOW .700DS AT ) 4 ' , I ) : - ) T Bad Weather, San Francisco, May 7. Tro b'.e from landslides is feared by the Southern Pacific Company along the Shasta division, where rain was falling heavily to day. Some small ulidea occurred, and the loosening of the ground has been so general in the cuts that much oamage is threatened. Snow has fallen to a denth of two feet on the Siskiyou range. The Southern , .u-uaj- uiai lour ana a nan feet of snow had fallen at the summit of the. Central Pacific railroad, and that it was still snowing. A Iiir Storm. Bt. Paul, May 7. It had been blowinp- hard all day yesterday and last night in the Northwest, . The wind to-day increased to 1 gale and consider.! jle damage was done, At r aigo, jjak. , some buildinin were blown down. Reports are coming in from the coun try of damage to building and crops. At Buffalo, in this county, the storm reached i's greatest severity, heat in many places being blown out of the ground by the wind. In other places it i." buried so deep that it will never come up. Take Possession, New Orleans, May 7. The Timet Demo crat's Lafayette special savs: Four hundred armed men, under General Alexander Declautte ot St. Martin's parish, rode into Lafayette this nuiiiing, iook possession ot tne town, and de manded the resignation of a negro justice of the peace and negro contstables. The latter had disappeared, but the former complied with their demand. If you are nervous or irritnl.!e,feel languid, dispiiiied, or if you have kick headache, sil l.iw O'lniileii.ilv.r .tl-n.-iv- hrvath.theu v ,nr liv-r is out of order and needs rousing. " Dr. neniey s uaiHiolion ionic restores the liver to healthy action and tones up the eutiie sys tem. SuH ny Foehay & Maion. Portland, Or., Jan. 12th. Havintr a ntivtre hack ache last summer, I tried the On gon Kidney Tea, I used one can, which elected a radical cure. I would rec ommf n.l ,,:J-vh-i are affl otc-1 atvicf r. ;,,i- ! . . 0I.IC8 Acil. So'u ly Fit ha. & ''laon. A gentleman whohad suffered gieatannoy mice and pain from barbers itch, and who had been treated by the best physician, without 'clief, says that two bottls of Dutard's Sp-cifio onred him and Ifft his face perfect'y month, without a tear. It neverfails inskin diseases Sold by Foshay & Mason. V dry, Iiuokid ; o, Ufjh keeps the bronchial t ibis in a state i.f constant irritation, which, If lint .needily rrrnieil, may lead to bron chitis. No prompter lemedy can b. had than Ayer's Cherry Pooioral. which is both an anodyne and expectorant Wright's JSyiup Tar and Wild Cheiry Try it and you will use nothing else fo. cougup, colds and all affections of the throat and lungs. Ssld by Foshay & Mason. 7 O-.ka enres rheumatism, neuralgia nthache. Koshayr Mason Agents. watohmaker and l K.Eert, practical Iei. CURK FOR NICK HE OACHE, Do von want s remedy fnr B'llouimeM, Hmpleson the fsi , il sure ear. for sick headache, salt Dr, Ouin snil 8"". the Dnif(lls, for Dr.Oei.nl. Liv. Pillii, try a dos , sample, free nill box Sfi eent, Wright's Myrth tooth soap. Fragrant, cooling and refreshing. Heals snr. gums and preserves the teoth. Sold by Foehay Mason. TIM WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DE0E & rOBO Wright's ('oiiipiiuiiii syrup of fsrsapaiilla can be relied upon for a 1 bio d d states, skin affections, etc. Mold by Foshay Mason. UK. 4 n-KO is new di-cov, ry for ConsumntioD. suc ceeded in prodiioi'14 a metliciue wnioh ijae- snriwiedufd hi a'l to tw sunplv nistveloos. It is exceedingly nle.Mant to the taete. per fectly harmless, and does not sicken. In ! casoa of cares of (Vnauiuiiiion. Cout h. Colds Whooping Coiivli. Ciimp, Bronchitis, and Pains in tie Cliest. it. has civan nniv.,eal satisfaction. Or H..nnl,..'. Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at 50 ceuti- by Dr Gnisi 4 Son. fUK flu AS,. Itchiaif" lii.i i-i ,, ni loll (in) liioinv a vary t i ;rn1 Ivihlna sft t lug warm. Till, lo a. well a ll.l, HI, edt I protruillnir Plloi , lo t oaoo to the ap, Ilea 10 Ir. U-wanko s - reme-ly, w,i.-h arts dheot t Uieprtsi owil. nh rtihar h tucn.ir., aila-,a InteiiMtlilnitflnd pljwig . perijnn-. ll cut. Atlilre.. The Dr Ittnaok , M-Ucli Co., re II. S.1M hv Dr. f, n, -I .,. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON