i4EH THIS! Ayrr SnrKnpnrllla rtnl ra bottle worth II vo dol-amif aiiv man's buoy, Klther as a Tonic nr lilood-mirliUT. tier's Snrsanarllltt has no pmi.il ! Ur. Jnnu'H H. Stone. Tappan. Olilo, wvi : know of no nlh-ratlvi' that vivo- so iiiiieli bisaction ;w A vim 's Sarsapai ilUi." yer's SarsapariUa, pared hy Ir..T.f!. Aver & V., J.nn-,-11. Mig. ice 1 ; mix bolt kit, if 5. "VVorih . a bottle. SOX Pr-33 C II. SiKWAur, Sec Albany OMWORKSl -Manufacturers of AM ENGINES GRIST AND ISAW t MACHINERY IRON FRONTS7 AMD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN : IRON ANO BRASS . CASTINGS. M attantionpsJd o rewiring ill Items Made on Short Notice. oumi Haver. I PROPKllfiTra OK. All BAKERY .pr Broaaalbm and First Sts., Jt DEALER IN eil FrulU, Cnnueii IeiU, mwarc, 4caeenMwiire, Vied Frail t, Vegetttbiett, Tobacoo, C'lgnrM, Sugar, Nrlu, Coflce. Tea. Etc,, Etc., "ct everything that in kept In a Ron variety and grocery store. Highest It prloe paid for KINDS OF PRODUCE Br Store ; stock of 2nd goads In the V.. id t'ia mit r.nmaolo prion, botli 'Ini a-ii silll l : I hiv.i 01 hand ids of JITURE, STOVES. TINWARE, JIUNXS, B30XS, PICTURES, CLOCKS. CROCKERY, ETC , ETC. r w3V!r i. E Y-j:i:is' "Id "tore f , GOTTLIEB 123 First Stoot, Altany. Or, BsV TO Q$ IE AST. i: vii f i.mh S i u! II vit.a. Nii'O Cl'l BJU'l'll jT 1.11 (lit HIS J " U.IU J ... til,.ot. S! ...lTynnf i O filnn Silt I)jnvcr. Finest second-class cars rua daily, nav your ttcKeis oi me f,M ftn P,u-flam1. I m the fson in Albany that on sell you a rom Albany nirecs to anv mas id HI urates, -uan on nia ior raw. W. I,, ,rKSTKU, 84 s. r Poultry Wanted, llitn aF niMiK.'V. nllvA nr ilrAH.flll. ht the Will notta Picking Com ftoro, Albany, Oregon. aCrownMills I-ANNING & C PROPR'S. P FLOUR SUPKMOR OR FAMIMK AJTO BAKERS USE. STORAGE FACILITIES. Jt Pric in Cash fc Wheat fry r.v,f m The LEADING Grocery Store -is- Wallace, Thompson & Cto's. IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. Tli-ir StockofGROGERIES and PRODUCE is always Complete. 4 "-'"i: v. UM.-iA iMti WA JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Goiden Rule Bazaar.. i 5 HI stock a, been enlarged so that It eqnali any on the Coast, and oonsiets of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Chine and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriages, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. FAMILY GROOEf?IEvS. Is Ag?nt fjr lnsnrns;o3Jiinljs witli t ,m:U1 B-;;re,-Hiii3 jrj.ODJ.OC-. ' iS-IcI on parlo Francals. Hler winl iloutcli puspr.wlion.-tea I HAQ Af 1?T7P17D jII,, LU. IV 1 Ulb'Jl Real Estate, fmplpen and Insurance Agent , A.l commuloAtlo.15 piomptly a,kJre , , au..in or Enlil!ll) UFFICE! ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FIRST ANO SECOND STREETS. ALBANY OREGON. 0, K. Paini Shop. House and Carriage Painter, Acquirements of aStenog "aphep. Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishing1. All work guaranteed. C B. VASSAL! 0. (Sucoeaaorto FenrylSoeient i n succeed m a stenoRraplicr, one must 1 no JU rurute tn horthuml, nk tiled In typo U i-ltiiitr, a good poiiinaii. n competent hip tnpomt(nt, Iti the Shorthand Department ot the -PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE- XOPOUOH TEAOHINQ in Shorthand, DAILY PRACTICS type-writ ins, carcful instruotion tn penman ship nnd abundant orill in correspondence amply iiinhfy ttudentslor positions always open to those luily prepared to fill them. Send forcataloRue, A. I1. Armstrong, Pbin., - I'ortlanu, orkgos. linft of aims and huuou.wuvoaue.wi ime or uuns ana fiHApMn SLOCK 01 AOimuni- ,rr.irir.iT-frpn cuwivn - CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DBYOE ROBSON'S. NO BONUS. axccpt your patronage,! Carriage M tnufaclurer. ATjJ F. Willupt'B oil Stand, on 2nd St, OREGON. Painting and Trimming. FINE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHING" . FirsVOlass Work Mad8 to Order. the Place. ;.r all means esJl on PaiKe Brothers, Successor) to John Fox, lor your. Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Their (roods are the best and thelriprices reasonable. WILL BROS, Dealers In all the laU.t improved Fit. n us Orgittp, S-iwini; Maohinos, Guus. Also a full line of warraatel Razors Butcher and Irocket Knives. Tha bet kind of fewing tnanliino oil, noedlp and extras, for all maohines. A) if rvvlofcfinoatly and reasonably done.: H. J. Minthorx, Pres. 3. Farrar, Vice Pro. B. S. Coor, S c O. 11. MooR&i Tieas TheOiegon Land Company OrjAntwd for thn pnrp-nn ofbuvtnjr Rnd nelHnp red esuu, idvuKlslnir the Will vtnette Vulley in all of the lefullng npwur.iporB of the United States. Kinnlovintf Eastern aa-euls to direct home Bookeru to the Willam ette Valley, and h'.mo airenta In all the principal towns ot Marlim, Polk, Lhm, Benton, Claukomaa an. VanitiiH counties to aid In locating: iramitrranU. Offlp in the Tate Huildtuir one door went of Stew art ft Sox's, HODSOX& DICKINSON, Managers. sal satfsractlon In tho J cure ( f Gonorrhoea and B Lileet. 1 prescribe ttacd feel safe tu recommend In It to all stirrer era. I. J. STONE It, H.D., Decatur. HI. PniCE, 81.00. Sold by Druggists. Potior Uaoa, WoleRle Agcnt.r SOurantMd not ioj Wrdonljby tb9 IllHuChxluCe. Otoeinnatl,BQ Thompson & Overman keep the beatfhar ne e?. BREEDERS, ATTENTION. The imported French Coach St ll lion, Vin-iitHt'ir. will make the season rT 1839 nt. lhe fitllotvinc; p(aco : Ifrownsvillfj Mondnys and TtiewUvft J HhIh-.v, Weil, ntiys and Thuriulftva ; Tbunnn. Fri' days ami Nntnrduvs, Hre U an opIor .unity forl.be farmers of Tj?nn rounty to et the service of the only French coaob horse ewr bronbt t Orefron. He .! imjiortecl from France by Thwi, Skillnmn and by him hrmig;ht to fMs in!o. The French coach horse hc- nn sitraftintz great attention tlironboi the 4Hrern States the past few years nnd are being lmporied from France In urent numbers. Vindicator is aline representative of Hub famous bro")il ol horses, standing 17H hands hliih and weiirli.njr 1 5( 0 lhs. He hsHtakfn premluir.' over Cleavland bays wbf rover shown. This stallion represents (he general purpose now so much needed h 3 re. He will be allowod mares at ?2rt, to insure a mare In foal. Keep jour eye oujhis dates, McKnioht Bro., Prop's. W. C. Westi.akb, Agent. XAEALTH Without Health can. not 1 i enjoyed. It is the h-.ac LvirerUi llf-thh nnd i..lu.i'-Jt cure oti r.;;!i. 'm ,1 in i tor nit di tons-.-a the S; : n.'. I. in .r. Ki'-!' J3 : i.d hl::ii. I cures k.; t. m:i, M.tl.i:.i, Cm'.io.'I Ti;nTUc and 11 end .u h.-, i-ii.'vr i. i.pstij'-.-it.i.n, liiiiuLs ;ess atd IysTn.-;,s:.i, drivi s nil in.p.:: 'tirs out ot h .- I)Uod ami :lriet:p cM Sores. 'I I: IU!:iners men Imy it. the Wot miiktu-ii use it. the Ladus tRl:e i', the Childr-n cry t-r it nnd tlu l-'armeri say i i their hest health ir s-.-rvtr. ol i everywhere. Ji..-o Umit; i for J.oo- SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW SOODSAT I) hi VOri & ROBS0NS New good at W F Red'. F. M. French keep, railroad time. Bargains in boot, and ahoes at Read's. Fresh garden and grass seeds at Stewart & Sox't. A full lino Children's ,bath tubs at G. W Smith's. J. P. Wallace, Physician end Surfcei.n, Al bany, Or For a Sterling nr Eratrsoa piano ca!l on G L Blackmail. G. W. Smith has tho Invest stock of tuiar kettles in Albany. If yon want any kind of sieve repairs call on G. W. Smith. G h Rlackman is agent for the' Wcler piano. None better. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. G. W. bmith gives the white enameled iron ware with his fine cook stoves. A full assortment of brass kettles from one .i.tucu guiions as u. v . smith's. Buy your tickets through to the East of T I, Tester and save fare to Portland. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear m boots and shoes. Call early at W F Read's. The Western Cottage and Packard are two ' the bet organs made. fi I. uui...K sells them. Call on G. W. Smith and get one of.tbose M issouri Stoitn Wash era' warranted tofdo as recommended. A fine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and opboUtored. bes stoek in this part of Oregon at FurtniUIcr & Irving's. If yon want a clean and fine smoke ask for I. .Tnqpllll'ti hnma mail. n.Uii-. I-1 -.-. - w t..u v iiivo moor cigars rorsalobv mnnfc oiirnr i u: vuncU a IUVVUI J. J arjuovld, aseu; SinortManufaotnr ingiJo., oppDsita OJd Fell owsfe mule, Al bany. Dr WriKht8man's Sovereign Palm of Life, for dieeasea peculiar to women, at Deyoe & RobMrn's and Brownoll & Stanard's. 1 J Baltimore, agent. to. oft Wricht's Com ijoti nd svruo of SarFunarill can bo relied upon for ail blood diseases, shin aiieciionK, etc. dot a by troshayJc M&soa. ttcbi:i t;ie i.r-3 knif 1 l t .i4 t ,1 ri ic , tun . pru.liainr rcry lujmilila itchin - afirif inffwarm. TUU to: n. ai well ai Blind, Uleed;nif iirotrufiinjr Pilej , .ldat one to the apnlicatio Or. IlosaukoN .13 retnndy, waich acts directly thf parts tjctetl, abs-irhiiiflr the tunnrii, aua'-n ntense itcMinr and eiTeetinjr a pormanent oul cents. Addrctw The Ur liofwnko WMiclne Co..ro . bold by Ur, Cuius and Son. CRE FOR SICK HE AO ACHE, Do you want ft remedy fVr B'liousnen, Pimples on the face, a d a sure cure for lick headache, ask Dr. (JuiM and 8i, the Druiite, for Dr.Ger.ni's Live PiU, try a dos , raiuplvs free full box 25 cent. Dtranyementof the liver covers n multi ude of nilmeiitK. Iu.ill cases where the func inns ot tha liver nre interrupted or disturb, ed, aud the bile, it constituent Becietion, left eirculsiiiijr in tho blocd, some disorder will f.Uow. I)i :ieu!ov'a Dandelion Tonic will re tore the liver to Ha natural duliet il l urotnotn the secretion of bile, thereby prvet tint; jaundice, dyspepsia. bilHousnets ma other aUuieiiis. Sold by ronhay & Ma TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Gambling Affair. Walla Walla, W 1. May i. On Tues day it Centerville, Or.,Wils Coyle, a notorious sport, won $80 at poker from Thomas Hart and Ben Anderson. Coyle caught them cheating and remonstrated, whereupon the later drew revolvers, one of them firing, the ball grazing Coyle'i cheek. Immediately they made Coyle give up the money won, and they ran out.took their bucev. whirl. wn hhrh,i u 1 escaped to this city. The men were arres'ted tins city alter a desperate resistance, f Wriyht's Arabinu liorve Liniment, an in valuable rMnedy for sprains, bruises, lame- npps and all atioetion of the skin, muscles and join$S tn which horses and cattle are sub ject, oohi tiy tohay & Mason. Wright' Syrup Tar and Wild Cheiry Try it ami yon will use nothing else fo. cobj;ip, cold and all affections of the throat and lungs. SdKI by Foe hay & Mason. criC. flfO-H-tX-fiiO iu'liis ne-i;i yivry fr I-Mittiiir.ption, n O'eriud in 1 ;ui,i!-tf a fncHent which 1 m knoHttdiit d t: a i to l'i- Aintpiv nriive'finr. It m t!.-i it'tiv'.V '''";,,,r- : t-h- ttc, iw -t- I acin '.; , Mot d'-es f.'t ickt-n li c: e-; of 0 ,'t Ciiu'-Jifiipi Oi'tiiih-,C' !f't Wli...ipMiy C-'ii.-h, Ciouj, Hr(iii.hitic. 1110 Par " in the l h; wf, it linn tivt-u iitiivrcl sans (ivti'-n. Or Ht-sanUn's C'ntgli anil L;rg Syrup ''dd i-t )() een tii by Dr Guii Sz 'en. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dl.gnla.d that It b. taken, llljre.ted, and assimilated by th. mo.t sensitive stomach, when th. plain oil cannot b. tolerated and by ibe om. blnatlon of th. oil with th. hypophM. ph&te. is maeb mor. .fflcaelons. Braurkabla u -i esh predicer. Persons gala npldlf while taking lb SCOTT'S EMTJL8I0N is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa. ration in the world for the relief and cure ot CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY. WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CKRONIO COUCHS. Thi ijrent rmnly for Omsumptian, and Wasting in Children, Sold by aU Druggist im WARE ANO HARD WARE Of ALL KINDS AT Uclntcd, Yon Know. I'ort Town-send, W T.. Mav i Frank McKee, brother of President HaHson'a law, has been appointed deputy collector, vice Walter liowen. William F Learned has been appointed inspector, vice Thomas Dclancy. A Good Month, Astoria, Or., May i. For the first rim in many years no fatal accidents have ocrm) among the fishing fleet in April below Tongue 1 oint. 1 he rainrall here m Anril was 5:50 inches. The mean temperature last iconth was 52.6 degrees. A I'onihination. Ottawa, Ont., May i.The Canadian ' Pacific, St. Paul & Minnesota and Manitoba r: ?rf about fo'ne a strong combination, llill.of the latter iwwl u.ll .1 1: 01 the Canadian Pacific at a meetingto be held i Vic 1 -.?" jTOrge Stephens and Sir Docald Smith will become directors of the St. Paul road. The Western business will go to ancover, B C, via Winnipeg, while the East bound business will be handled via Sault Ste Mane, this amngement being made as a result of the aggressive policy of the Northern Pacific. Caused Excitement. San Francisco, May i.During the cen tennial exercise at the paviUon last evening, while Frank M Pixley was delivering the ora tion, a scene of confusion occurred that almost terminated in a free fight between the Ameri can and foreign population present. In the course of his oration Pixley used the sentence foreign immigration is becoming the curse of the nation At that place he was interrupted by a loud burst of applause from several hund red persons congregated in one spot at the rear of the hall. Long did the noise continue, and Mayor 1 ond s appeals for decorum were in vain. A Dig Sale. Wai.la Walla, May 1. On Tuesday a lump purchase of 25,000 bushels of wheat was made by a buyer here; price, 55 cents, the regular market being but 52 cents. The het family remedy is undoubtedly Plunder s Oreuon Blood Purifier. It may he safelv given to the infant as well as the adnlt, jnd it will give relief where other medicines failed to do so. Keep it in the house. Many ycunn ladies are ruining their com plexion by the- coutinued use of poisonous osmetics and so nailed face washes. The greater nurrber of these preparations contain mineral poisons, that in time, nhrivel up the kiu and give the appearance of ditsination and old age. Dutard's Specific is not a paint but a sreat besuiititr, in as much as it re moves all hlemi'hes from th. skin, instead of coveting them. It cures chapped hands with one application. Sold by Foshay Mason )o er have pains in the back and ifi udo. sltiDd tolhcm l ow, don't 'Ms cie .In limuo. N.p the dieeasa , ludi'i d taveji ur health and doctor'. A liw ;!oms will pietnt P.rigl,t'dis . ' lid I .ure j in hralth, rrtrfoit atd hap . Sold by l'oi-b.iy A Mason. "Bouittact" is the largest and protubly the bent Perchercn horn in this part of the state. Will he at the City Feed Stables, 4th "trect, Alliany, Thnrtdsjs, Fiidaysand at- U'dnyi, Be pure and Hen tha imt.nri.j stallion, Bonittaut," at City Feel Stables. 4th street. The imported Percheron italpon "Bouit tant" may he fonnd the last of each week at tneijiej F u.t - . lei, on 4th street, Albany Wrinht's M.vrth tooth osp. Fragrant, cooling and ref resiling. Heals sore gum. and preserves the teeth. Sold by Foiluy It Mason. Advice to lluthem. Mm. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup, for chilllron tAAthlncr I. Ih. - one of the best female mire and Dhvsi- .l.n. In Ilia TT..I. A t-' ...... .- . . w.. vxuru .-iititin. hi.h nas Deer! used for forty yesri. with never Mlinir sueeesi. hv nid'ilnn. r ,nnl.n . . . . children. Durlrg the process of toetbinv IU v.hi. la I.....l....k1. 1 . 1 . -tiij V V- ""leaves inn onild rrom pain cure, dysentery and clltr collo. By giving health to the child It mumci, x-riue ioa a oottl.. Progress. ' It lavery Important in thin sg. of vst mateii.l .rogre Hint a remedy be pies a. Ingioihe taste ml to the eye, easily tak'-n, areptshle to the stomach and he Jay In Its nature nnd elleots. Pi(.. e. li.g these qtislitles. syrp Qf piR, , the one ix.rfeci lxtne Midmost gcntla diuretlo known, 11 SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM-. PLEMENTS ty DE YOE & ROBSON