us.'iai Albany Market. WhMt-CdXo. per lb. Ems )5t Hiy-9.o. PouU -23 cts P ,r ' Beef -on noin i' pples 75 oeutu par tin. Pork 6o per II .,ressed. Baoons hi. us 12 J. shoulders, 10. sides 10o. Lard lOoperlb. Flour 4.25 per bbl. Ohickeus-S 00 per dm. UUl Feed bran. 14.00 per ton ; shorts, lti middlings, 20. Chor ''0. OVERLAM TO CaUFGWA, -,VIA- Southern Pacific Company's Line, THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. lime betwiwn Albany and Sat. Frwcisc?, 85 hours OAUFORSIA EXPRESS RlTS DAILY Bttvreca forlUimtl nntt Kan frauclsco, Soug I North 100 r. M. Lv Portland Ar 10:45 A M 8:18 ru Lv Albany Lt 6:45 a M 7;15 a u Ar San Funciaio Lr 7:00 F M itOnALrABSBNQKRTauet DAtLT Except Sunday). 8i00 i x Lv Portland Ar 8:46"p"m 15:40 pm I Lt Albany Lv I 11:35 a h j :40 f m Ar Eugene Lt ft .-00 a m LKBAMOlf UiXL'U, 8:20 p M I Lv Albany Ar 6:30 a U fl-nS ph Ar Lebanon Lv 6:45a h 1150 pm 1 Lv Albany vr I 2;45 P H 1-36 f M Ar Lebanon Lv S:0U P it PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, tar Aeemmds(i .1 aeeond-CIaas riinii - cert, attacked ta Express Tr.laa. TheS. P. Co's ferry mikes connection with alt the guUr train, on the East Side Division Irom loot ol t HtkI, "-rUand.i Tet Side IVlvlsloD.l TtWEB POUTLaSU ASD COUVALllS, Mill, Tails BAUT (Expt Sunday.) 7:30 a M I Lv U:2f t m I Ar Portland Corvillis Ar I r a Lv 1:30 r a XrRISI TS.A1N DAILY (EXCjp'. Sunday. 4:50 1 H I Lv BiOOmi Ar Portland McMinnville Ar I 9:00 A a l,v 1 5.45 a a Tickets To all point SOUTH .JSTXJ EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. For nil liihrmltlon rerardinj rates, nun, etc., all on Oomoinv'e Agent at Aliany. R.KOBHLEB, E. P. ROOERS, Manager Ase't li. F. and P. Ar THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad gon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME Jhan by any other rt Jte. First-class through passenger and Irelght line from points la the Willamette Valley to and from ban jTranciaco, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Uoag," The -'N. S, Bent t " The "Three Bisters" are in service foT'botb passenger and freight tralno be ween Corvallis and Portland and .mediate points, leaving Company ' wharf CorvallisVaud Messrs. Hultnan & Co s wharf, NOS.20U and aH Front -land, three times a wtek as follow . SOUTH UOU.SU. Laara orratlia, Man lay., Woiueslay. ana davT.t i a .n aW. v-il a. n. Arrives at Salon. 71 ,n lTv8a1. iWv. Thursd.y aniBuiur oav'al'oaP.u. Arrive at IMruaad SM p. m. SWUlll BUUO. Uav. Ponlaud Monday., Wednesday, and Frid aar.ataa.ia. Arnv.ataaw.fl ati:lS l. in. waie Anir.atoorvallUat3;30p. m, Boats make close connection at A t ban ivittt trains of the Oregon Pajill'J Kailroad. Tl 1 15 SJHItOULB. (oxjciH aundays.) Lerve Albany, 1:00 r. M, Leave CVrvAlila, 1:10 r.u. -Arrive Yauuiiia, 5:31 r. a .Leave Yaquin;, 0:45 A s LeAvo Corvallis, A. Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. i O X U. trains eminent t Albany and Corvallis. The aoovo trains counectuf. Yaquina with the Oregon Uevelopuwnt Company's Li ue of btuamships between Yaquina and -lan Francisco, MAlblXU UATKH . ,.kaus, tom a nucico. raos tahuika illamette Valley, Thura, Ueo. Oih Wed. Ueo. 12ih illanwtt. Vail. Mon. Ow. 1.111 Mo.l. Dec. 24lli Wl'lamette Valley, Sun. Deo. SOlli. The Company '.rvea the right to ihange salliug dates without notice. . N. B. Passengers from Por.Uno and Willamette Valley points can make c m onnectl.Mi with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albnv or Corvallis, and il des tined to San Francisrt should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening bm.iri' Ute of sailinit. neiltr aad F.elaht Uatc. alwitya l rorlnt..r.natlon apply lo U Ji!;"r,.,Fr,.1',h,i.n.? ticket A,ent, Albanv, or lo O 11 '"..Jr;. 4k P. Agt,, Oregon IJevelopmoi.t Co,, 04 Mwi.tfouwy 6m t'rancisco, Oal. t, t. uuui a, .. r. an IP-, Or Paella It K Co. Corvallis PIANOS. TUnss wishing a flr-t-class lustrum mi t should cil at Mrs, B. E. llyman'a and ,.nn of those Caleurated Hemme . :u planoes, exoei.ent rlcb lone. F.s : ., mviesud adtd to stand the :i ii.Montba PaciBij Coast, Erery tilauo j y uai,iuteii fur 5 years. The li.lwt hi mtiKio for sjle. Music and painting i' hiiis niv. o there. Also the place to got nswShWldg Machine. Fauoy work tn I irpss making done to order. First . or .asi of Young's old stand, Albany, r .ii. DR.J.L.H.LL, Physician and Surgeon, OUlco oor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON. DR. Gn WATSON MAST0?J Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat. ONKGO, 8461 . Vi H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. iarOffloe up stairs In Strahan's Block. May be found at his office aay and night. DR. C. U. CHA.BERL.N, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Special attention to diseases of the eye. at)fflce corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, ORECON. FOSHAY & MASON, AMD MTAlat- Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, bich we soli at publisher's prices witl aostageadded. ALBANY. OttEOOS. G. L. 6LACKMAN, Snecesvr to E. W. Latifdon, Di'ALER IN riPllfiR MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SO uum do ETC. J ! K. "WEATHERrOED, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) tTTOBNEY AT LAW; ALBANY, OBECON. (Tril L PRACTICE IS ALL THE COURTS or Tllb W State. Special attention given to collections. W K BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW . And Solicitor- in Chancery, tLBANY. - OBEGOS. r-.-.tia-.Hr,n nrnmt.tlv made on all pont Loans ncgoticted on roasonable tormti a J. WHITNEY, ittorney And. ronnsellor At lav ND IVotar Public. OREGON, VV111 nraii!39 I all of the Courts misstate. Ail b iness intrusted to bi will be promptly attended to. 0, R. PI. BUMBIJRJJ, Attorney at Law Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - ORECON, T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary PuMic. First National Batik OF A I, It AM , OREUON. Preldcnt L. rUXS Vice 1'rc.idelit 3, E, VOL NO Carhier E. W. LANUDON. Ais lCn.hicr JAS. . POWELL TRASPACTS A CENERALVaninnifbmlnen. ACCOl'NTS KEPT sulijoet t.. check, t-.n - v " x.;i-, ,,,,1 1-1 raphic transfer, sol .1 . i :i ec ii':ijo and Pol 'I'll favrali'o terms. aK."IoM E V,, Lanodox, a. P. Vi, s-,. L E Ilai.v, I,. Flimn. V'ALtw: K 'lYttasi (,, Lmd CcsiiUy Uank, COWAX. RALSTON & CO., tuccowora to Cowan A Cuaick.) ALBANY - - OREGON, TRANSACT8 a general banking buaineat. OMWSIlllll DJtfn-iu Nw York. San K.-au co ant Portland, Oregon LOAN MOcfEY on appiove aeenrlty KET.EIVEdeiioiilwiub eo. to check. . Record , 2:20-34 ... T. MERRILL, BANKER, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Hell exaStrtg-j o.i Hew York. San Francifro and rortiana. Bur nrttoi. at'. cmnty aij o'.tv warrant. R eetve depoHiia aitbjectto cbrck. 1 titer et allowed on lime aeHJtiu.; JQCollectiont will receive prompt attent'on. CorreniKmdence Pollclted. Fire and Marine Iniurance companies. II. J. Mtmioas, Prja. A. Fahrah, Vtoo fra. B. S. Cooa, Sic. U H. Muukm Tien ritc')regon liiiihl Company Ori.AnizM fo trientirn i o! huvlnir and ellintr ml eauV, ad.'vr.leiii; .h WilU notte Vitl'ey In all of the taktimif nwi. hir of tlie Unite I Statu. K.nployl-ix Ka-UTii aifonu to direct home icktir to the tVlliam it VnUf, and h me ajftmti In all the print'lpal ftw.s r Mnon, rota, luhi, Bemon, i;isi;Kamas ait YitinnOI ouutlo to aid in ImaiiiiK immigrants. nirVo In the Tate Building on duor weat of Sttrr- ait aox't H0D3OS A DICKINSON, Manaere. Oregon's Greatest and Uatnest Racehorse, vi&h a Record of 2:29 3-4 tlrst. season after four yeas retirement, operfornaance never before equalled by any horse on the North Pacific Coatt, Will bn nt Alhsnv IVI.I iv n.l ,r.J,,,. f ii, I ,lfni rill f irul. 'I )! 1 IVi at ll "n, Tuesday. Wediiondav and' I'liurs lav.iroinn bv wv ol .1 ul'-rs in an l TnmorH Station and allowed to sorve a limited nuiiiliT mares "iwn was sired by Altamont, wagon road, 2:.'t iu 8th hea. Dam HoIIm Hrine bv Koble a )M (a yars reeoru 1-.WA, fastest ti the world f ir 4 vear.) s in .if ii in ) I Vr old euor.J 2::iHJ, fast ed in the world for 14 years) The grandeur "f ' iimci's'(n the past nea- snn ot nreaKmx and defeating the must de'Hrmma I "iiiiioiiiaiioiis wmen suian,. ...t... and able niauiptilHtnrs with fast horas devl-w I t dnfat him, are still fresh in the memory of all bnrsHii.dii ; but would remind ilioiu snain to-1 bo was the sensational trotter both as a 2 ami 3 year old, liiweiluv in turn both records and tnus assuming the iinperia' purple of Juvoiilln Klna of lbs N'oriliwost His bull dint tenacity, novel falling courage, indomitable will.and biKh stiunc temperament will not brook defeat and bis present record is at yet no inour,. of his speed as 'I w.vs in l ie in tho mud and under t: e most adverse circumstancus At throi yer old bo sire 1 6 omt in all. Three of theo were trained at two yerr ! t tliu end 'r uu u iys wora, oreKiiiK nd traininir, anv of them could sho v a 3 minute u lit. Forfeit was pii I f 2 of them 1 .. 1 .ii i i 1 l.u ln.ur txf Inlitnil ..lllllirfl u wnwu inn), .t Aiuiuy, .uu later Oil HMO ruv, ll ma . ,- stakes at The Dalles for 2 year olds, nnd the following season won the 3 year olil race at Seattle These are all that nave been bnik-n an I h ive changed hands and brought the sum ol fciOOO. A glance itOuivvi's pedigree will with a fair oonsidera lion of his performances ouuviwe the m is", prejudioad th lie will tranauiit as he inherits his great speed and unflinching gi lioness. Tonus, $50. .LTaoo.-3 yens. ild reioi 1 3:12 by Vu mi'.. iiJ Dttit. M ,'' vrnM. vi:i he kept at Corvalli aad ndnia i Isn n. r r m, 41 )) " Insura. GDAAKn RilRlrr -Pull tirsMitr lo leu I r.url 2:11 l a:l:ocupinV OA t XT i:.kl, ,,..iln',. Wi.l tlktl lllsn- ure 11, showing the horses any diy, euip. S to is. j ir extenl-J prodig farther particulars address. rae ot MCKNIGHT BROS., Albany or CorvallK ALBA3STY FUTNITURE CO. NEW "GOODS in the old furniture s'utid opposiio S' &Sjx' llaidwar. ..,re. dssire to mako known to progressive neojili! 'tut v i oirrv t so uods as will sattifv a refined tastf-, and as tliu dtiu'i- l utiv r-ii our supply. We Cordially invite tlio ienile to and see os in I take very great (ili-amiro in i-bowirir ottr gootla ALBAKT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 188Q. rirst Term Opens September lllh, ISSS. A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL ' CLASSES. Courses ot "tudv arranged to moot tb need of all grades of students. Special tuaucements offered to students from atnvad. Tuition ranges from $5.50 to Sl'.'.SO. Board in private faini'les at low rates. Rooms lor self-boarding at smalt A carefnl supervision exorcised over stu deutsawav from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars aud full particulars address tne rresiiioni. BEY. ELKEBT N. . OMIIT. Albany,,Oregon Artistic !iraintiiu? BANNERS, SIGNS, DESIGNS, Wtjotl I'uKavin ftiwlM:)!) fit 1 LETTERING A SPECIALTY. R k.ui- 8 and fl F'v.ti-r ll!o-!, ACADE3IY OF B0ur Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by tho Sisters of St, Benedict. This Acadomv Is nccrnoratcd and eu- thorizod bv the State to confot academii- honors. The course of study is comp.ete Mathematics, Literature and Musio mic specialiies, as also the Normal Instruction ol aspirants lor teacners' cenmcates. in dustrial drawinc, vocal music in class and all kinds of noedlewoik form, no extra charge. The fli:.clplir.e of the school is gentle but lirm.t: onjeci iioing to rorm not only refined young ladies, but noble and useful mombers of so:!' ty, I'll pile admitted at any time and charges propor tioned. Pupilsof any denomination re ceived. Tuition in select i!ay school ranges from (5 to $10. For terms of Hoarding Sch ol or sny partici lars apply at the Academy, or ad dress Bister Superioress. Fortmiller k living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse MILLER BROS., -DEALERS IN - Field, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, BEE AND POULTRY SUPPLIES, riarden Tools, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc,' 209 Secoa.. Street,bet. Salmon and Taylor, PORTLAND, OREGON, jk"!5ond for our catalogue FOR NALh 1JY FOSHAl A NAHON bave bought the largest andjlbest stock of DRY GOODS ever brought to Albany, and I would respectfully nvixa every one to can ana iook; throueh stock. Illy DON'T FORGET we carry a full line of Oc M, Henderson & Uos BOOTS AND SHOES. The Red School House Shoes are the best in the world. E N DERSDMrii vuuiiaou oouia a anuts CHICAGO. II ton ilk ti tne tin A Pr. B-P, j lajj ron( m Look out for Bargains in the next 30 day. W. F. READ, ' "Qu nd le nd "J 8 tisr 1 Pr The Leading tta&li Dry CQ0lsStoit f C ST Onrae V 0, K. Paint S:m; House and Carriage iVii..ji Decorator and Paper Ha;i or Piano Varnishing-. All wr.rk ;uiraiHui.d. C. B. VASSALLO. (S,jccear"jr to IK'iiry Suw. u.) SOLD OUT. Having sold ni it Ii r. n li, it . Morn.f general merchandise i, f ihe tiini i f t o shew A Cable to C, K. Htananl, 1 wish lo call the atlantion of all who know them selves indebted to C.s.iow a Cable to o I and settle at onco. J laving soid out on account of poor health i expect to change climates lor awhile, and all ae.oi.unts uot lettled before I get mady to leave Browns viH will b. left with an olllcer for collec tion. A word to the wio i-anmnient, O. KCositow. 15 A BY C:KRIaOES AT STEWART s SOXS RedCrownMills S0M, LANXISG Ci)., I'kOPR'.N. saw raoctis fuc supsrior i-jb rajtiMK.- Ann bakers cue. BEST STORAGF "aCILITlEiS. Highest Prica in Cash for Wheat Can a, (41a. JULIUS JOSEPH Manufacturer i Cigars AND UBA Mil I3 FINE IMPORTED AIID KEY WES' Cgi:, Plug aon -Smoking Tobaooos, Uaaranhaui-i and Itr .cl'f" line of Smokers' Art.les, Also dealer l ! In fs -. ;ra! wii In rk"t All i i I FR. Alb OH tVii an pale, ulw Jiooof Snl CIGA OALTPOAMIA AMD TR0PI3:U. $3$ rr jKequir Vft Sucre I U '11111 -PORT HOROUOM typc-wri 'up and At llialifvHui ully (ircpai - r. Arm? T 5 W 15