Daily Democrat Monlay Evening, April 15, fTITISS A NIITTI.VU, Editor, .ml IPublMwr.. rubluho. every ,l.y In the; week. Sunday. eiceitl.) LOCAL RECORD. Two Mkn. Yesterday morning two men almost as rich as Crcwus, got off the overland train at this city, went to the Ore gon Pacific depot where a special train awaited them, steamed, in company with some O P officials, rapidly to the front; re turned, went to Corvallls, came back and took a optcial train for Portland, which had been telegraphed for. They were two of the leading directors of the Chicago & Northwestern, and the fact means that the O P has nil the backing it needs and that work will begin at an caily dav and he pushed with great rapidity during the coin ing year. Coming. Once more wc are favnv.l with a visit by the renowed Rny- Lansing Musical Comedy Co. This ccm: pany, it will he remembered, made a do -in ed success on the Pacific coast aluui en year ago. They return from the east with an enlarged company of the best talent that could be obtained, and their program is far superior to any that has been presented by them during the past nine years. Their present season cannot fail to add thousands of friends and fresh laurels to those al ready gained. And we advise a 1 those wishing to enjoy an evening of refined music and comedy to secure scats at once. Santia.m Minks. "E L Wheeler ar rived in the city yesterday from Rock Creek, Linn county, ile gives very en couraging reports of the development being made In the silver mines in that section. He says that the Clarrcn Rros, of the re duction works at Portland, are pushing the work in the Galena tunnel, having niw reached 275 feet, and are now running three 6hifts,and that they are also at work on the Brightenbush mine, in Marion county. Henlso states that the Canal Foik Mining company, of Portland, will soon resume work In the Canal Fork mine, in the White Bull district, In which they have already invested about $50,000.'' Statesmen. Two Rumors. It Is the province of a lewsj-ijier to nublish rumors and run the risk of their hitting the mark. Sometimes hey strike, and sometimes they do not. One . tha the Oregon Pacific and Chlra- 1 go&NW'have bought the Narrow Gauge R R, and will make things hum In the Willamette valley. The other U that the Brownsville Woolen Mill Co have sold their Brownsville plant, Including the ma- chlnery at Albany, and will order entirely . new machinery tor Albany, This stands f a good chance of being true. Fast Driving This forenoon a farm er from Brownsville precinct was arrested for fast driving. It seems that he came to the city, took on board too much whisky, turned considerable of his money over to the saloon keepers and made his horse spin around the city. He had $54 on his per son when arrested. It Is claimed he atari ed out with double the amount. Sober, a good citizen and neighbor, the Democrat refrains this time from giving his name, hoping he won't do it again. i Tint Chicken Business. Mr Fred Hoffinnn and family, former neighbors of Dr Guiss, in Kansas, have arrived in the city and will make Linn county their home. While here a few months ago Mr Huff man bought twenty acres near the city, on which he will reside and run a hencry of good dimensions. He brought along some fine chickens as a starter, has ordered an Incumbator and proposes supplying the market with large and plump fowls. 1 A Distributing Point About the liveliest place in Albany is the S P freight foam . The business being done is in keep ing with the life of Albany. Since the Irst of the month 500,000 pounds of freight nave been transferred from the Orecon Pacific and the river boats, and the direct traffic was considerably more. Albany is already quite a aistnoultng point. (, 3 Seal Rock View. This fine property, cated eight miles from Newport near le famous Seal Rocks, Is very popular id is eoinir ranldlv. Chas Metzeer & Co If this city, have the exclusive agency for fcveral nicely located lots. 60x135 feet, 15" a lot, payable in five monthly install ments without Interest, make them a bar tain. Call early and sec plat. i: Hotly Contested. The matter of juildlng a new court house at Dallas, Polk unty, was brought up before the county urt at that city last Thursday. Hon N L utler appeared for the petitioners and Ion W R liilveu, A this city, for the re- onstratora. The latter asked for further nie and after a hot contest got the case fljstirned for one eek. The whole conn- is worked up over the matter. Disappeared. This morning one of pc dray tuams of F E Allen was standing In the plank approach to the south side of lie Oregon Pacific wharf warehouse.wlicn je of the horses suddenly disappeared. A tarch being made he was found ten feet eloir in the excavation, the rotten boards hving given away and let him In. Very t'.e damage wns'done. It took hard woik, ough, to get the horse out. Wild Oats. Ed Bangs, a Eugene boy, wis In the city sowing his wild oats, " arrested yesterday for being drunk and orderly. Tw? policemen had a run of rcral blocks before thev could catch the ""gster. lie was fined $10 and cost.and Sll.-llil.l ..Vl. j,n --.I r.,.1 Mn. If OMR AND ARKOAII Wheat, OGJ cents. Towd Talk. Town Talk. New style jewtlry at FVenuhV. It cost $12,730.33 to run Eugene City latt year. A leaond.hand organ for sale cheap at Mrs Hymans. Buy your watches at French's. Big bar gains. Finest hoe of rucrs io the citv iist received at Fortmiiler & Irvings. Blains is the nam of a W. T. citv and it already has a First National Bank. Kenton's Premium Savoq Soao is first- class and all it costs is $1.00 per box. Lee Dnuulaa. of Harrialiur?. will start id his now figuring mill alinut the last of this wenk. Suow may be sosn alonir the foothills froir this city, a fact which tells ltsown little icy story An elegant line of siik table spreads, io beautiful designs, just received at Fortmiiler Irving's. Tho McKaulass ministrel troup Wednes lay evening. Ouo of the best troups on the -.ad. It is always a treat to hear them. iet your bakinu powder at lUrilun & 'J'.dnrwoou 8. With erery can of White . ..us yon get a line piece of 'Chios ware. Try "iih of it. A l oy born on a Southern Pacifiu train 1: tlr-r day was named hy the passengers, vl 0 took up a purse for him, Uroyer Harri son. Will he liye under sucb a name. One corner of Jas V Pipea meat market is beinn arranged for a real estate cilice for F. A. Hiirahart. Room is so scarce in the city that such things have become necessary. The Ladies' Society of the Presbyterian Church, will give a booiahle at the residence of Mr John Althouse or Thursday evening. April 18th to which all are cordially invited to attend. Now there is a rubber trust repnrttd. That is the kind of a trust the newspapers of Ore gon are engaged in. It Btretches from aoar into fivo before "after harvest'' coino, that is once in a while it does. A poor sailor in Astoria picked up a $3 piece and asked a man passiug by if he had lost it. The man hadn't lost it, but he lied and said he had. The n-ior sailor handed over the money and got 9'1 for his trouble. The $3 piece proved to be bogus. Col Parker, editor o'. the Walla vValla Statesman, paid 2800 f r tome Seattle prop erty several months ago, which he has just sold for $10,000. Whare under the tun did he get the J'-'SOO that is the question . A man from the E 1st has been in the city with a view to opening an exclusive boot and shoe store here, but being unable to obtain a room, or even a bouse to live in left for some place with mo- empty stores, Salem we be hove, Hon. Jeff Meyers, of the real estate firm of Mey.ra & Bro., of Seattle, is in the city. Like many others Mr Meyers has struck some gjod things in real estate speculations there, and is watching the balloon go up with a great deal of interest. To-day the Mitchell & Lewis Do. begin business in the Vance block, on Second street with a large stock of wagons and ag ricultural implements. They haye a splendid line of buggies, phaetous. aurrys and upring WAgons, which the people of Albany and Liun county should see before buying. SOCIAL AM) 1-KUSONAL. Mr John Duncan, of Prineville, is in the city. Capt. E. J. Lanning weut to Portland this motning. Mita Laura Vance spent Sabbath in Turn er the guest of an aunt. At Morris, brakeman on the Southern Pa cific, is in the city, laid up for aeyerai weeks with a "banged up" hand. J. P. Schooling, of Harrisburg was in the oity to-dav on his way to appear before the U. S. Grand Jury at Portland. Dr Cornelius, of Portland, returned to hia home Saturday after a visit of a week here, the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs D Van 1 1 urn. Mr Geo Caldwoll, now a clerk with MoAV len & McDonness, of Portland, spent Sab bath in the city. Tho Democ rat has a par lieular interest in this firm as Mr McAUen was once a compositor on the Democrat, and another Democrat compositor, well, we wout give the matter away. Isaac. Blum, long and favorably known throughout the Northwest and California, is ahout to engage in businss in Albany, Or. Mrs Blum an estimable lady and au artist of superior merit is finishing up her work in San Francisco in order to rnllew shortly. Oregonian. Mr. Blum will he ready to be gin business in this city on Thursday. Another One. How those Astoria papers do love to pick at Yaquina bay They almost turn night into day hatching up some new hit at the Oregon Pacific's harbor. Here Is a late one from the Asfor. fan: "Captains are thick In Astoria. You can't throw a stone on the street without being likely to hit a captain. Talking to a captain yesterday, he says: 'I see there's another wreck at Yaquina. Yaquina al ways was the darndest place for wrecks. Fourteen years ago I spent $160 and three months' time, I and my partner, down there, putting up snuer kraut. We put up 300 barrels and shipped It from Yaquina, hut the vessel that we shipped it In was wrecked and the whole caboodle, Jco bar rels mighty fine sauer kraut, was strewed along the beach, and I and my partner were out all mat money ana worn. Great Things in Store. It seems to be pretty cerlain.says "Note and Comment" In the Oregonian, that the Chicago .V Northwestern road Is furnishing money(or its heavy men arc) to finish the Oregon Pacific road through to Boise City to con nect with their rond running west through Wyoming to that place. Boise papers say that 'he Manitoba road will build a branch to their city. If these things prove true, Boise Citv will be n railroad point and middle Oregon and this valley will be In direct communication with the great world. The Albany journals claim the Astoria road will branch from that place, while Salem feels assured it will be the connect ing link with Portland and Astoria. OLD OKKtiON. Medical Lake, April 10th, 1889. Editor Democrat t We are now seventeen miles from Spo kane Falls and a little southwest of that place. This Lake fur several years has been known to possess many healing qualities, and hence it has been a general resort for the afflicted. The Lake Is a mile long we should judge, and a quarter wide at the widest part. This may be a liberal descrip tion as water bodies are deceptive to the eye in a cursory measurement. Around the Lake are residences scattered, and a good road nnd fine landscapes. On the northwest end and near to the Lake, there is a cold spring of fresh water, as if from an ice house, sufficient to support tens of housands with its refreshing draught, and these springs abound in this vicinity. There is no difficulty in getting good water. Wa ter from the Lake is used for treatment only, except in obtaining its salts by heated evaporation which are sold everywhere; and to make toi et soap of its salts. Both of which are a complete success. Boats ply on the Lake for amusements, and there arc hath houses, with hot or cold baths here and there on the borders of the Lake. These baths can be had at the hotel Alsa. The water has a soapy or alkili taste, but it docs not take long to like the water, which contains so many curative properties. As a lady remarked, "anyone would like it if fond of soapsuds." This Lake has been a fayoritc resort f"r a long time, and a regu lar line of stages has accommodated the visitors, llireclly east, one and a quarter miles is Silver Lake, four miles long and three quarters wide, containing fish. This is a clear and cold body of water of a great depth a short distance from the shore. A steamboat will soon plough its waters, and every means will be added to benefit the public. On the cact border of this Lake there are farms ; and beautiful locations for residences o" the retreating hilU. Fine resident locations are numerous on the west border of the Lake, as welt as south and north. The surroundings are yery picturesque. It was on the hill on the east side of the Lake that General Wright had his battle with Kamtakin, in which the In dians suffered a loss of men, several thou sand horses, and a complete defeat. These Indians, Spokane, Palouse and Yakimas, had become aggressive after the retreat of General Steptal, but General Wright took their conceit from them at the battle of Medical Lake and Kamiakin came to terms, Lake street 90 feet wide runs from Medical Lake to Silver Lake, and as stated is one miie and a quarter long, on which a motor engine and cars will run. This is the busi ness street and property Is rapidly increas ing in value since last fall owing to two railroads coming into Medical Lake ; the town taking this name ; the North Pacific runs through here to Davenport and the Lake Shore and Eastern to within four miles of that place. These roads tap the Big Bend country and run daily. There are two depots at the Lake, near Stanley and Hallet streets which streets cross Lake about Its center. Lake street runs east and west, Stanley and Hailett streets north and south. Of course here is a boom. It is safe to say that there is not an unsold lot on Halle street as there were but four a few days since. Railroad companies have fixed excursion rates, and now the town Is filling up on Sundays, and quite so on week days. it is estimated tnat 5000 people win sum mer at these Lakes, double of the number of last year. The North Pacific will plat their land lying around Silver Lake into town lots and throw them open for sale and da all it can to build up the town. There were three hundred people residing hcie this spring early, but it is estimated that there will be 2000 in si. months. One hundred houses are promised and more if material can be had. On the summit of the hill that raises on the west of Medical Lake and a short distance from it, the In sane Asylum Is being built. It Is 416 feet long with ail modern conveniences. The foundation and hall twelve feet high are built of beautiful granite blasted out on the asylum ground. And the clay of which the brick are being made Is also taken from these grounds all are taken out not two hundred feet from the foundation of the building. The site is lovely. From it look- easi ,t.ie t wo L.ai e are con r ected t rg.'th. er with a fine range of country extending to Cpokpne Falls and beyond taking in the Mica mountain, and snowy peaks as tar as the eye can reach. On the west and north lay the level plains that lead to and include the Big Bend region. Here is land and nothing to obstruct the ylsion from it but the distant horizon and the tops of scatter ing distant timber belts. There is no town in this countrv having more, if as much surrounding arm land and stock range as Medical Lake. It is a pleasure to visit this grand picture of nature itself. Every pains will be taken to make Medical Lake the grand resort of the entire country. A sprightly newspaper, the Ledger, Is pub lished here. It has a good future before it. Hotel accommodations are excellent ; and there are good livery sinblesto meet the wants of visitors, Railroad officers arc taking a lively interest in opening up this section, and though these railroads have been built this winter, the country already shows their benefit In imparting life to the business and commerce of the country. At no period of our history has there been as much attention paid to real estate invest- inrms anu interest ihkcii 111 ucvi-Kipiug uic ivhnli rnuntrv. Pomil.ition Is ranldlv In creasing, and "while we find Western Ore gonians and Washingtonians here and there the new comers from the East are so numerous that the old hisloiic settler men tionedis the stranger after all. The climate seems to satisfv everyone residing here. This town promises to become a city of several thousand. Asa place of residence for business men of Spokane Falls it has its preference. Itinerant Till: HORTICULTURE BILL. Many inquiries have been made as to whether the hortlcu ture bill passed the legislature or not. The following letter from the secretary of state to R A Irvine shows that the bill passed and is now in force : Dear Sir: In reply to your favor of the 13th Inst., I beg leave to sav that the horti culture bill passed a-nl was approved Feb. 5i ,s09i and having an energetic clause is now In effect. Veiy truly yours, Geo, W. McBride, Secretary of State. By E. C. G. How Is It Spelled The schoolmaster asks the newspaper man how the name of tho creek that empties into the Willamette river at Albany is spelled. It is spelled "Calapooia." Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper in an Immense number of patterns at Fortmiiler & Irving's, the finest line in the central Willamette Valley. It is an art gallery to see it all. Tins Week Only. For cash we will Weather indications. For the 11 lours beginning at 1 2 o'clock, noon. Rain, nearly stationary temperature. Summer Wraps. Novelties in beaded and stockinet jackets just received. 'Samuel E. Young. Horses. Greenwood has some fine pictures of horse show on exhibition for sale cheap, at his fine Art Studio. We will sell you grocories cheaper than any one eUe. Browne & Stanard. ' Salmon.- -A nice lot of f esh Chinook salmon received daily at Schultz Bros., KAiy Market. Struck Oil At $1.2? per c eallon can best Standard f oil, at the Willamette Packing Co. s store. Hotel Arrivals. Revere House. F Lewis, Salem, Mass; A L Morris, S P K K; O C Taylor, Junc tion City : W I Holman, Salem ; Andy Hol- man, Corvallis; W V Shannon, R M Don avan, Portland; A B McRae; W H Ray- mona, c uarorest, u JYictinignt, city; E. Collins, Memphis, Tenn; J Myers, Scio A Hvde, Tacoma ; D B Mcknight, Corval lls ;j"R Forest, N Y. St Charles G Chandler.L D Tomp- son, Z D Morgan, H M No)an,M Misamir, Portland ; (j M tteeler.Salem ; I A Allen, N Y ; II fllark, Wm Caster, J B Morris, S F ; W W Parrish, Sodaville ; M Bumgart and family, W Garrett and family, L E oray and family, city ; M O Dav,c. C.an olan.Seallle ; Mrs McConnell ; S'Y Gould, F McNair, Chicago j H McCrag, L M 1 urner, r Koberts, corry, 1'a. Russ House. G W Stokes,Reno,Nev ; O H Hart, A K Harrlngton.East Portland; C E Henderson, A Skaar, IF Wilson, J O Morris, H Bryant.city ; T E Herren.Turn er ; E M Beak, J Simpson,Salem ; C J Mo- 1'herson, ivugene City ; K r uoothby, J L, Grigg8i Independence ; J Campbell. Dan Etmire, J G Powell, Lee Brown, Mrs Wil liams and tamllv ; J 1 lhlnooK, K A urn nook, Hudson, Wis ; A V Swanson, Neb ; a A bandford.Millers ; L P Manning, Ya quina ; J Bryant and family, Oakland J L Bosquett, Junction City. SOUTH ALBANY. A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center of business. Compare the size, location, view and access to and from these lots.and you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home before the advance in price. Apply to tweedai.e aj kedpi eld, Agents. First door south of Post Office. Just Received. F L Kenton has just received by last steamer a good supply of very fine California full cream cheese which will be sold cheap. Also received a new barrel of choice mixed pickles. He keeps a fiist-class stock of groceries and confectionery, and when in need of any- iiimg in iu! jine you wm ao well to give Dr. J, J. West, the old and rollablo phvslolan, has locat aj permanently at 196 East Mxlh 't where be la prepared to trat all kindj or disease In a careful manner. He readily LOCATES A DISEASE, and gives its name and origin by exam- . , . 1 1 . , . anA IOTA ining six piBGPB on me uibm - - under the shoulder blariea. He manu factures his own medicines and gives cons-i ltations and information free. Call on bim for experienced treatment. him a call. Results of War A war with Ger many would increase the value of the Ore gon wheat crop, but it would not increase the price of millinery at the new store of Mrs Marie Davis & Lo. These ladies are doing a remarkable business at remarka ble prices. Call and see the new styles and latest novelties. Everything new and of latest ucsign. Sealed Bids, WAIT FOR THE BEST, Opera House. ONE riGHT. TuMay, April 23rJ, 1889. 3 TH SUCCESS brines YEAR SUCCESS 0 YEAR 9 1 uvea Second. Transcontinenal Tour -OF THE FAVORITE Koycii & Lansing MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY. "WE HAVE The Funniest Comedian, the Brightett of snuDretts. lull Manrio'ine Orchestra, tu So' id Silver Swiss Bells, the Spanish Troubadors. Vocal and Ocarina Qnartet,Gnitar.Zither, Vio lin and Banjo Players. Schnbert String Quartet. Manic, Burlesque. Opera and Comedy all la one great program. flayal Royce is only equaled by Sol Smith Russell. New Orlecus 1'icaynnc. Press and publio uuanimous in their praise. Crowds turned away nightly during the Ssn Francisco engagement Secure scats early. Xo advance in prices. Premium Savon. F L Kenton has just received another large shipment of Premi um Savon seap direct from the factory. This soap is put up especially for Mr Ken ton and is warranted to give satisfaction. It is now being sold at $i per box. New Comers To our city willfind it to their advantage to price our gcods before buying in their outfit of groceries and pro visions. ;Bbownf.i.l & Staxahd. Babies. The finest line of baby carr -ages in the Valley just rr celved at'stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carriages. Sealed bids will be received by tbe Board of Directors of the Albany Street Railway Company of Albany, Oregon, up to and in cluding the 22nd day of April, 1889, for the construction of a street railway in said oity. Separate bids will L4 received on each prop osition aa follows : 1st For all lumber nsed in the construction of said road. 2nd. ror all rails aad for iron material nsed in con struction of the road bed. All material furn ished to be delivered on tbe line of the pro nos".d road aa directed bv the Superintendent uf the Company. 3rd. For grading ana1 bulttiiiig said road ready fortherollingatocK. il' material to be furnished by the Com I'-n.. 4th. For furoishing all material, urk and labor necessary to complete said r....n ht-d ready for the rolliiig stock. All the n ma furnished, and the work done to be voiding n the plans and specifications now i. n.e iu the oflioe of the Secietary of Raid Company where they can be seen. Con tractors will be required to give bonds for tbe faithful performance of their contract. Tbe Company reserve the right to reject any or all bids. All bids should be addressed to tbe Secretary at Albany, Oregon, and marked "Bids for tbe construction of the Albany Street Railway." By order of the BoaH of Directors. C. G Bcrkhart, Secrttary. F OR RENT. Ball over F. M. French's jewelry store. Inquire of F. M French. NEW CARPETS For 1 EN to TWENTY per emit less than sold elsewhere, same quali ty and NEW, -O- SUGAR. In order to equal i be cor1 oil trade of tbe city 1 v. in fell sugar as follows for cash : 13 LBS DRY GRANULATED 15 LBS EXTRA C 17 LBS 0 - $1.00 1.00 1.00 Tltese Sugars are California American Refinery and full weight. Any merctant reporting to contrary does so falsely. And other groceries and goods ienprally at reduce! prices. Wasted at Once Highest market price paid for five thousand pounds of Li t. ..i i-i - 4.-. .J1L1111. Albany Opera House, -ONE NIGHT ONLY Wednesday, April 17th, 1889, The Urot and Only MC'KANLASS, scppoptkd nt- MRS, A. L. SALES, Tho Favorite Fwentrln Comedian, and FirHt Class Company of Ladies and Uentlomen, Including Ibo Man Voiced Woman, MISS SUSIE GUIFFIN. Ke-p your eye on the date j end romem Niceline Ladies Dress Goods just received. A B MC.ILWAIN WE ARE NOW IN THE FIELDIs FOR BUSINESS for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of Groceries, Confectionery, Etc. We shall endeavor at all times to'serve our cus tomers in the best possible manner. We always aim to purchase goods of the besfquality and to sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to' our grocery business we receive subscriptions for all the leading newspapers and magazines, Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps, seals, etc. We cordially invite all who have not done so to favor us with their patronage. We hope by fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, Very Respectfully, F. L. KENTON. CHAS.. METZGER. J. J. DORRIS Chas. merger & Co., : Real state, Employment and Insurance Agents, . All oommulcatlons piomptly answered In Oeiman'or English. OFFICE: ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS.