Daily Democrat Wednoslay Evening, March 0,1880 tiff! SWTrlHU, Editors and Publishers. Publishe. ovory day in thOjWtok. Sundays excepted.) WASHINGTON STKEET. The City Council Order an Important Ininiov-ment. CIItCUlT COUKT. Entered at the P.wt OlUne at Albany, Oi an second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Delivered by oarlor per week mall, per year. in ill, per """'" " PATES FOR WEEKLY : .11 .... G.o W) evear, In savin" "voir "?' raeutl.s, In Klv"c0 ' ...ri.oo .... 2,M ... 1.00 HOME AND ABItO.VIi Br Irvine is i tho city. New-tyie'ry"'"''- That cow ordinance sh.ul 1 be passed now. Buy your watches at French's. Big bar- DTthick. of the Forks, who has been . t; ,1 homo to-dav. I The' Elflric Light his lust been started ,t Portland. Another Siflingi Mut. ; :.l l la f..1 nf .ti-nro- err, principally on account of railroad work. President Harrison's cabinet is just as an .. V .... :.. )!, ,lianat(!ees vestordiy. . D'D ... .... linrB tn St:Llcm H Thero wore o. - woolen mill subsidy, making an average if 56- . . , ., .-. How that tho Narrow GauKo suit u dccid sd wo may look for the road to come into Al bkay. . . i 1 W.Hor mnr.lfrpit Monday a nenn uuuiCTi - hiswifoin a brutal manner with a razor near Helena. Buy your spectacles at French s and have thenproperly tittcd by Johnston' Dioptrin Kye Meter. An official count is beinR mado in Nevada on the vote to lioenso lotteries, so cloie was the vots. Mr, Julius Gradwohl oarries a fine stock of standard (jroceries, a fact our citizeuB should rememoer wnou uuj-.u8. N T Moore, S W Reece, It Fox, Z T Bry jot ana J w iteeves, u ......, day lor tha Santiam whora they have taken upland. J6000 i to be spent at Tacoma in termi- nil improvements uy m and that is why that city thinks it is no whero near high water. .-ill.- 1 nnl Loaf, hnntinc It you wane mo uimupijD- - n stove call on G. W. Smith, who is Joffrriiijl somenci tnom as cono w ... 1 !n atlr nf finnL StC large epi, . I .1 11.-1 - nnnrananal. tnaf Major Milton saiu mv u-.-i. would nublish and advertisement for a saloon . . . . tt. ... Us .a. I ku oratnmara nan wasnm, in j - ..,.- r,.aii; Tim. respeucnnio inuiw. ........ - ' . . . . ... . ...i.i if A iiurknart, real nutw ", day to Mr F H Roscoo, lots 5 and 0 in block in ftl&fitnn X unamoenaiu b h,,ihim . Albany, the consideration being $300. Beal Gather has taken charge of the Si letz agency. J S McCain will bo supenu tendent ot instruction ana aim m, .n,.wUu. The latter two left Albany for there to-day. He Caught Them. This forenoon the dray team ol F. E. Allen, driven by James Hail, was standing on the O. P. dock when a boat came In. The whistle frightened the horscsand they ran outof the building and up the street.knocking Mr. Hail down in the meantime. Turning at First they were making at a rapid rate west along the street,when a young man named Eels.who arrived In the city from Calirnia on the morning train, ran.juinped on the dray.and reaching over on to the heels of the horses caught both lines and stopped the team at Broadalbin Street. He did a splendid job that most men would shrink from. Mr. Allen awarded him handsomely in a pecun iary manner. A Sage's Advice. Mr. Thos. Alphine, the Sage of Millers, and a pioneer of '47, informs the Democrat that in 185G it never rained from March until afcer harvest and the crops were splendid. In 1S47 it only rained ten da s in June. He pronounces the moon a dry one and says it will not rain in March. His advice Is for farmers to sow their spring wheat at once.for if we have late rains it will then be too late after wards, and if continued dry weather now Is the only time. March will be a month of light but not killing frosts. If fruit Is In jured it will not be until April. Mr. Al phine considers the crop outlook a fine one for this season ; but thinks the National government will be run for awhile like the last legislature and then look out. The special meeting of the City Council last evening for thepurpese of considering the matter of grading Washington and in tersecting streets was attended by all of the Councilmen, Mayor, Recorder and Marshal. The Council as a committee of the whole reported unanimously that they had care fully and thoroughly examined both, and considered both the petition and remon strance, and would respectfully submit the following improvement of said streets, to- wit : ist. We recommend that Washington street be graded and graveled from Water street to Third street, according to the es tablished grade now on file In the Record er's office. 2N. That the alley In block ten between Ferry and Washington streets be cut down and graded so that the same shall corres pond witli the grade on Ferry and Wash ington streets. 3k. That Second street be cut down to regular grade from Ferry to Washington streets, the same to be graveled. Also that a running grade be made for the present between Washington and Calapooia streets, the same to be graveled, the work not to be commenced until the Washington street grade is finished. 4TH. That the alleys in block 11, 14 and 15 be graded at present sufiiciently to make an eay running grade for travel. We recommend that the work shall be commenced within 15 days and completed on or before the expiration of three months. We also give notice that at the next meeting of the City Council, we shall rec omrnend that certain streets and squares be filled and graveled. On motion of Councilman French the report was ordered adopted, and the prop erty owners, on motion of Gradwohl were ordered notified, to begin work on Wash Ington street and alley 10 within fifteen da vs, work to be done under supervision of Street Commissioner. On motion of Councilman French the petitions were ordered published. Here they are : FOR. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Albany, Oregon We your petitioners, property owners and business men, adjacent to the street be low mentioned, believing that the interests of our locality are materially effected by the obstruction caused by Washington street being ungraded, and that the beauty and healthfulness ot our city demand uni formity of grade in our streets, would ask that your honorable body order said Wash ington street, between First and Third streets, also such cross streets as may be necessary to make a unttorm grade, cut down to the grade as established and now on file in the office of the City Recorder : (Signed.) W C Tweedale, Mrs E Sumer vllle, W T Hearst, E N Condit, B W Cun. diff, W W I'arrlsh, C Meyer, N T Moore, F P Nutting, H F Merrill, John Morrison, S E Young, E F Sox, C H Stewart, J M Irving, C H Spencer, Mrs E Murray, Mrs 0 McFarland, Martin Payne.Peter Schlos er, George Dodder, M Sternberg, E Race, Wm Forttniller,MSMonteith,J W Blain, C E Brownell. N A Blodgett, J F Backen sto, Mrs J M Fish, S A Schiffler, L A Mrs E Blain, Louis Miller, J L Hill, G W Smith, W H Greenwood, W S Millcrjohn Briggs, D L Crossen, AGAINST. To the Honorable Mavor and Common Council of the City" of Albany, Linn county, Oregon : Understanding that a petition will be presented to your honorable body asking that Washington street in said city, and, as a natural result, other adjoining and inter secting streets, be cut down to the grade heretofore establiscd, we, the undersigned citizens of Albany, some of whom are property owners in the immediate vicinity of said streets, respectfully remonstrate against such action as useless and unjust. We do not object to a reasonable grade of said street or streets, but condsider the grade, as proposed, unreasonable, incquit able and unjust,and as an absolute destruc tion of some property on said streets, rend ering the same wholly useless and worth less, without the expenditure by the own ers of such property of as much or more money than the property is now worth or would be worth afler such grading had been done. Respectfully submitted. (Signed.) A VI Marshall, A Cohen, 8 Gourley, O P Dunnnls, Benj Johnson, T Brink, A J Hunt.G F Simpson.N H Allen, S W Johnson bv Curran & Monteith.agents, D B Montelth,"E D Barrett.John Schmeer, liveryman, W H Huston, W H Garrett, D M Jones. Prodahly Walked. A patent mud turtle, plainly labeled.sentby express from Minnesota to the daughter of the local edi tor of the Democrat, for a Christmas present, has just reached Its destination, after a trip of ten weeksduratlon. It must have walked all the way, else the Express Co. supposed to be the most efficient of all transfer agencies is getting terribly careless and lax in its duties. SV.soxaiii.e That meant seasonable oyor coats. ooats, a large and line stock f which has just been received at L. E. Blain's. Call early as tha oyer-coats have begun goiug Weather Indications. For the n nours beginning at 12 o'clock, noon. Clear, BAntES The finest line of baby carri. ges In the Valley just n celred at Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carriages. We will sell you grooories oheapor than any one else. IBrOWKKLL Jt 8TA5ARD. GOLDEN MJl.E BAZAAR- Cash (lacs a Long Ways at Julius lirailwhril's I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 cts. dozen unhandled coffee cups and snu. cers, 45 cts. 4 dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. yi dozen seven Inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goodc are all Ironitone China and not a cheaper grade of goorls. I have also added 1 good stock of groceries, which I ask people tacall and examine and judge for themselves as to quality and prices. Tulics Gradwohl. New Comers To our city will; fiod it to their advantage to price our gcods before baying in their outfit of groceries and pro visions. .Brownell & Stanard. Following is the calender for the court 0 mvening next Monday in this city: 183. I' J I'ortcr agtj C Elder, etal. Par tition. 210. J P Schooling agt T S Thompson, In junction. 231. Assignment, W,B Price. 213. Geo H Fletcher agt J S Cochran. To recover money 235. J P Schooling agt W K McDaniel 25S. Assiirnment. Shane & Lonsway. 2U3. Mrs M J Ouoener agt Vaughn & Weddle. To recover money. 2C4 T B Wait agt Chas Sliaeffer. To set aside deed . 2G8. T E Hoag agt Thos Monttith. Eject ment. 287. Assignment. Hay & Ashby. 289. T E Herren agt D II Halstead. Fore cloao C M . mi'Jl Wm Baker agt Nelson Bennett. To recover money. 2!I5. Delia Fields agt W H Fields. Di vorce . 207. Martha Houston at Josie Timmer mun. To recover money . 299. 0 F Barton agt Nelson Bennett. To recover money, 300. O F Barton agt Nelson Bennett. Damages. 331. Thos Jefferson agt G S Montgomery. To recover money . 341. J F Backensto agt I F Conn. Ac counting. 343. Cedar Mill Co agt C J Dillon. Dam ages. 344. J B Cornctt agt John Vickizer. To recover money . 34fi. J V Cjsick agt A A Kees. Foreclos ure 347. S A Adams agt R H Rutherford. Foreclosure. 350. Assignment, Abertina Kriosel. 351. G H Liggett agt EC MoClain. Foreclosure. 352. T L Dugsrer agt J F Whiting. Fore- clasure mechanic's lien. 355. Lucy M Russell agt A S Bassett. Foreclosure. 357. G J Brauer agt Gentry & Ruther ford. To recover money. 303. O.-ogon agt Geo Maley, Selling li quor withou license. 364. Oregon agt Jas Pitsford. Selling li quor without license. 307 Oregon agt H P MoGuire and C E Potter. Libel. 309 Oregon agt Geo Maley. Selling liquor without license. 370 Oregon agt Geo Maley. Selling liquor without license. 373 W II Queener agt N Bennett. To re ooyer money. 374 J Van Orden agt N Bennett. To re coyer money. 37G J C Johnson agt H M Derthiok. To set aside deed. 377 I R Dawson agt J W Ellison. To re cover money. 378 I R Dawson agt H B Kenniaton. To recover money, 379 I R Dawson agt J W Eliison. To re cover money. 387 Fleischner, Meyer & Co agt Searle & Dean. To recover money. 383 Krause & Klein agt Searle & Dean, To recover money. 391 J II Peery, Adm'r agt J W Gaines, Ex'r. Equity. 392 T J Black agt Carl Reinhart. To re oover money. 293 J E Carter ogi F A Burkhart. To re cover money. 394 Maggie Beaty agt W B and J Donaca. To recover money. 396 Geo A Whiting agt W S and Florence Waiker. To recover money. 397 H Newman agt L M Herren. To re cover money. 393. H Newman agt R A Titus. To re cover money. 400. J A Arnold agt Sarah GillhrUt. Fore closure. 402. I D Miller agt S VanHorn. To re cover money. 403 Giant Powder Co agt Searle & Dean. To recover meney. 401 B F Brady & Co agt Searle Dean. To rocover money. 405 I R Dawson agt Searle i. Dean. To re cover money. 406 Martha J Osborne agt A Osborne. Di vorce. 407 Monteith & Seitenbach agt 0 B Mar shall. To recover money. 408 J M Home agt W R McDaniel. To recover money. 409 Monteith & Seiteubaoh agt W E An derson. To recover money. 410 W C Nicholson agt J P Schooling. Foreclosure. 411 Senders & Sternbnrg agt F M Cum mings. To recover money. 413. Geo II Dodge agt Josie J Dodge. Divorce. 414. School Fund Com agt Philip Grlsby. Foreclosure, 415. Assignment J W Ellison. 416. Fleckenstein & Mayer agt Ad Har mon. To recover money. 417. I R Dawson agt John and Alice Raich. To recover money. 418. W I Van Schuyver agt Ad and E Harmon. To recover money. 419. John Montgomery et al agt R F Montgomery. Partition. 420. Jonn Smallmon agt Peter Powell. Equity. 42L Linnle Watson agt V II Caldwell. Specific performance. 422. W W Yantis, assignee agt John Smallmon. To recover property. 423. J W Pugh agt S P R R Co. Dam ages. 424. A T Workman ngt Etta Workman. Divorce. 425. Mooney, Valentine & Co agt Maggie White.. To recover money. 42G. Jas Berwick et al agt E Berwick. Partition. 427. S P Co agt Arvllla Fuller. Review. 428. TDilenhoefer agt Perry Smith. To recover money. 429. Smith Cox agt Valego Cox. To re cover money. 430. M V Bilyeu et al agt E O Smith. Appeal. 431. I R Dawson agt J W Ellison and W W Yantis. To set aside assignment. 432. W II Watkins agt S P Co. Dam ages. 433- HJ Maple agt E B Maple. Divorce. mtOWNSVII.I.E. March 4th, 1889. The friends of no. P. Cooley will learn with sorrow that'he is seriously 111. Thos. Kay returned from Salem Fridav evening with the bonus required by him for the establishment of woolen mills there assured. This communitv learns with re. gret that Mr. Kay will leav- it, yet all wish him abundant success. Mr. Goodrich has moved his residence from Spicer to this place. Messrs. Moyer Bros., are now running their saw mill on ash, maple and oak lim ber. The dry season makes the outlook for obtaining saw logs from the head of the Calapooia very dubious. Mr. McCare has moved his family and effects hi the Sound country. Mr. S. Wilhoit returned last Friday from an extended vUt to California. Sunday the 3rd Inst.. Mr. CH. Elswick. of this place and Miss Eya Chance, of L-rawfordsville were married at the resi dence ef the bride's parents. Mav success ana joy auena tnem throughout life. O. P. C'oshaw, Ir.. has sold his house and lot in ?.orth Brownsville to Rev. LeRov. Consideration, $600. There is considerable talk of establish ing a fruit cannerv here with local capital, Alo the starting of a real estate agency. Both of these are desirable institutions and should bv all means be Immediately put into reality. Messrs. Waters Bros, have bought the stock of goods formerly belonging to the Brownsville Woolen Milll Co. They are two enterprising and industrious young men anu will certainly meet with the sue. cess they deserve. At the annual school meeting Monday, K N Ihompson was elected Director, to succeed C. H. Cable.and Hon. A. W. Stan- ard, Clerk, to succeed himself. An ad iourned meeting will be held Monday even. ing at 7:30 o'clock in the City Hall", when the advisability of voting a $iuu tax will be taken into consideration and voted upon. It is to oe hoped there will be a large at tendance and a full vote, andth.it the '.ax will be voted. Nothing so Improves tewn or city as good schools. Changes in business seem still to be the order of the day here. Since our last writ ting including those already mentioned in this communicat-on, the following changes nave taken place : Waters Ac Morelock, the owners of our excellent grist mill have consolidated with the Brownsville Woolen Mfg. Co. and the new company style them selves the Brownsville Mfg. Co. C. E. Stanard bought the interest of O. P. Co shaw hi the firm of Coshaw & Cable. O P. Coshaw retiring from business. F M Jack has bought the stock of groceries, to- Dacco, cigars and notions belonging to C E. Standard, There are rumors arloat of still more changes to take place in the fu lure. Already nearly every important business in this town has changed owners this year. Times seem to be looking bet ter too and we predict some lively changes in real estate soon. Because of his change In business to the regret of the community, C. E. Stanard has resigned the Postoffice. This is mak. Ing lively times among the hungry "ras. cals" In this community. By noticing tlie tnirst that exists among our Republican friends for this office one would think it is a handsome paying business. So far there are three applicants in the field : viz J singer, U A Dysen and A lack Adams. There is a lively fight being made between the three latter gentlemen. The fact that Mr. Dvson proposes moving the location of the office injures his prospects some what, as the office is now centrally located. It speaks well however ot the retiring f ost master, Mr. C. E. Stanard to sav that had he not resigned there would have been no enort to have taken the omce away trom him, though he is a sturdy Democrat. Not a business man in town would have signed a petition to remove him. ON THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY. Mrs E T W illouchby has rented her farm to Mr Lodgou, of Diamond liill. ( J . Q Vaughan has bsilt nice new fence around his residence. Wilkius sold their beef cattle last wee'e prices ranging from $36 to $50. E J Willoughby sold about thirty head of mutton sheep to Mr Snodgrass for $3.50 per head. More land buyers in the neighborhood last week. Walter Cochran, of Eugene, had them in tow. Mr Morrows hi-s a visitor from Texas, look' nig for a location we suppose Mrs Kauble, who was so severely injured last fall by being run oyer by a nack, ro eeived another hurt the other day which will greatly retard her recovery. Walter B-iruer has returned home from Monmouth where he has been attending school. There will be a twenty-five cent show at the Jiarger sahon' house to-nicht and at tha Sommerville school house to morrow nightt Miss Mary Ward and Mra Jessie Wil loughhy were visiting their aunt, Mrs Davis, at She. d, the first ot last week. Rev McFarland preached at the Soinmer vine school house yesterday. Mr Jamej Buzman has rented the Hayes farm of the Cyrus heirs and we believe has already taken possession. A subscription has been taken for the relief of T J Vaughan whose house was burned, considering that Mr Vaughan owns one of tho best farms in thia seotion and pays more taxes ihsn aluiost any other man, it seems to us that charitable people could have found a more neody and just as deserving an object, without going out of the neighborhood too. Me Got It. The man that was running all over town hunting horse radish yester day found a nice lot of fresh grated at the Willamette Packing Co's store. KEEP POSTED. Wheat, 70 cents. New goods at W F Read's. F. M. French keeps railread time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Read's. Fresh garden and grass seeds at Stewart & Sox's. Afull line of Child's bath tubs at G. W Smith's. 4 J. P. Wallace, Physician And Surgeon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Emerson niano call on G L Blackman. Dr. N'.'iilti remc-vts owners without the kuife or uuiu. P.ust artist's materials in the city at Dr. Guins & Sons. G. W. Smith has the largest stock of sugar Ketlles in Aloany. If you want any kind of stove repairs nail on u. w. omitn. G L -Illaokuiau is afcent f,.r tho Weber piano. Is one better. Plant some of those tilver skin onion sets. for s.t!e at Stewart & Sx's. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to ovory customer, ct Thos. Jones, G. W. Smith gives tho white enameled iron ware with his tine cook stoves. A full assortment of brass kettles from one to eighteen gallons at G. W. Smith's. New line of artist's materials at Dr. Guiss &. Sjns. Costs nothing to see theia. Bjy vour tickets thronirh to the East of W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A floe seven-eighths short horn young calf for sale. Inquire of N A Blodgett. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear m boots and shoes. Call early at W F Read s. The Western Cottage and Packard are two of the best organs mado. G- L Biackinan sells them. A fresh supply of horseradish and a barrel nf very fine Bauer kraut received to-day at F. L. Kenton's. Call on G. W. Smith and get one of those Missouri Steam Washers warranted to do as recommended. The largest, finest and best assorted stock of groceries in town can be found at Brownell & Standard's. A tine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bee stock in this part of uregon at e ortnulier a Irving a. If you want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white labor cigars e or sale by most cigar dealers and at his JoBeph a factory. If you have any job wcrk to &i call on G. W. Smith who is preriicv to do it with neatness and dispat -v and as cheap as any-one. J A Arohibald, agent Singer Mannfrotnr ing Co., opposite Odd Fjllows Temple, Al bany, When on Tonrlsls, pleasure bent k MOCK DOWN ARGUMENT. That is the kind of argument we "V ing, We propose to mane sub "" nriiwa mmlo In thla town anl WO Will ul- count the best figures that any other mer chant can or vill make. This Knocks Down Competition and gives ns an undisputed precedence In our neia ot business, wo wu. vj w-- vince every one that they can oe ue served In our store and we propose to POUND IT INTO PEOPLE by our low prices until the fact Is univer sally recognized that for high grade goods, and the lowest living priced 'no one can touch Brownell & Stanard, Cor. Broadalbin and 1st St., Albany, Or, "ITT ANTED, -Three T T housework. stria for e-eneral Extra wages. Inquire or Chas. Metzger fc Co. , . NEW CARPETS For 1 EN to TWENTY per cent les than Bold elsewhere, same quali ty and NEW; SUGAR. In order to equal thecoa! oil trade of tie city 1 will tt sugar as follows : H LBS DRY GRANULATED - - - - 16 LBS EXTRA 0 - - - 18 LBS C - - - - - - - - And otber groceries and poods generally at reduce! prices. $1.00 1.00 1.00 Nice line Ladies Dress Goods just received. A B MC.ILWAIN. or business, should take on every trip a Dottle or nyrtip of Flgo. as It acts most pleasantly and ef. factually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other fovms of sickness, For sale In 6O0, and 91,89 bottles by all leading druggists, WE ARE NOW IN THE FIELD FOR BUSINESS for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of Groceries, Confectionery, Etc. we snau enaeavor at au times to serve our cus tomers in the best possible manner. Wo always; aim to purchase goods of the best quality and to sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to our grocery business we receive subscriptions for all the leading newspapers and magazines Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps seals, etc. We cordially invite all -who have not done so to favor us with their patronaere. wa i, - by fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a continuanee of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, Very Respectfully, F. LKENTOM