Daily Pemocrat Wadnsslay Evening, January 3o,l889 IVlTfcS k NIITTINU, Editors and Publlihara. PublUhtxl overy dy in tba wrek. SuiuUrs excepted J State Legislature. SUBSCRIPTION RATES OeUrered by curior ier wok ... Bjr mail, jwr ycr HWM, By anil, permon'.h .,HHM RATES FJ3 WEEKLY : as year, in advance ne yuar, at end of year.... months, in advance...., .. .1 . 6.00 . .uO .ea.on ,. l.UO Enteral at tlia P-wt (Jlttoe at Albany, - an second-class mall matter LOCAL RECORD.; Searle & Dean Four mitt have re cent! been brought In the Circuit Court against Searle Sc Dean, In each case the firm's railroad plant having been attached. The plaintiffs are as follows, with the ap proximate amount of damages asked for : Fleischner, Meyer & Co., $1,100 j Giant Powder Co., (7,000 ; I R Dawson, $4,000; B F Brady & Co,, $4,000. As we do not know how much Is due the firm from the railroad nor as to the value of their assets it cannot be said what condition It will place time checks and other outside accounts not secured by attachment. We simply give the record. Each suit is for material used in railroad building. Street Improvements. The Commit tee on Streets and Public Property and Street Commissioner have begun cutting down First Street on the sides so as to form a rounding surface, one that will make a natural drainage. Side and crosswalks are being repaired and matters put in ship shape generally. It Is proposed to make the public highways in Albany an orna ment :o eur city. This can be done in a marked manner as soon as the cows go and our citizens can spw grass seed adjoining their residence property and keep it down with lawn mowers instead of grinders and hoofs. Lets us make Albany the prettiest city in the Northwest. STATU LEOISIiATORE Tuesday, Jan. 29. Two or three senate and house bills were read third time and passed, none of importance, one being to change name of Averill .o Bandon. Such bills always swim fastest. The bill for exterminating Canada thistles also passed lhesenate;alse bill providing that married women may acknowledge deed same as men; alsaabill providing that property of a wife shall go tw her husdand on her death unless other wise provided for in will. In the house the following were amonir new bills intro duced: Aiding Benton county to build a road from Alsea to tidewater. Amending school law, for public soda spring in Linn county (by Moreiock), annulling annual appropriations for agricultural college, amendhitf school law, for state board of im migration, punishing dog stealing, for hold ing supreme court at Pendleton and Jack sonville, protecting owners of ttallions and punishing change of marks on saw logs (by Meyers), amending school law (by Moreiock), allowing Halein & Astoria R R 0 to ouild a bridge across the Willamette at Saiemr Keveral senate bills were read first time and house Ml In second time. A Subsidy Getter. G. W.Hunt seems to be the boss subsidy getter. He is mak ing his offers right and left and they are not particularly modest. Here is one : "G. V, Hunt met the Dayton people Saturday. He made them a proposition to build his road to that place for a subsidy of $45,000, right-of-way from Waitsburg and depot grounds. The Dayton people pro pose to accept the oner, and have com menced work already." He has already got immense one) from Walla Walla, Un ion andother places, . Read This. Mr. W H Greenwood has purchased the gallery formerly occupied by Mr. L Y Clark. He is now prepared to do all styles of photographic work from a locket to life size ant can finish in oil, water color, India ink and crayon. Mr Greenwood is just from the east and is thoroughly acquainted with first-class work. He has come here to make this his home and cordially invites the public gen erally to call and get acquainted. He comes highly recommended as a first-class Lost an Eye. A very unfortunate ac cident happened to Mr. Al Green Monday, says the Corvallis Timet, which may result in his total blindness, Mr. Green was en gaged in grubbing en Mr. Beach's place, iust across the river from Coivallis.. While chopping a small twig flew up and struck him iust under the right eye, inflicted a gash and it is feared has destroyed the sight. Mr. Green has been blind in his other optic for a great many years, which makes the accident unfortunate in the ex treme. Chattel Mortgages. We mentioned recently the fact that an Eastern man grumbled at the number of chattel mort gages filed here. A Democrat man his examined the records and finds that during 1888 there were 230 mortgages filed.aggre gating in amount about $1 35,000. Wheth er this Ij very large or not we do not know ; but doubt if it is larger than in counties in the East of a like population, 'f as large People have to borrow money everywhere, and if gotten on personal security it takes a chattel mortgage In most cases. . Money in Dirt. Speaking of money made in real estate the following told a Corvallis paper by Jack Alphine, well known in Albany, is a little the richest : "Jack says that he knows of a Chinaman who has made more money dabbling in real estate than any other individual in the country. He was the cook at the tunnel on the O. P. extension. He made $1,000 a week feeding Jco men at $5 a piece, on dirt. Jack says he would have stood it without a .murmur, but the land belonged to the government."- Shake. .It docs one good to see two friends meet and have a hearty shake. The two gents that met yesterday on First street, sheok so long that a bystander asked them what was up. They replied that they were congratulating each other on havim? found the cheaoest olace to buv groceries at the Willamette Packing Co.rs store. Skasonablc , That moans seasonable oyer coats. coats, a lare and flue stock of which has just beon received at L. E. Blain's. . Call early as the over-coats have begun going i. .-' Last week an Iodepsndenue man on a wa ger sucked three dozun eifgs at one stttinK, Curiosities. Some very fine perslin mons, Japanese oranges and sugar cane at F. H Pfeiffer's. 7 rv them. It will cost you nothing to see them. Where Is It f Where is Samoa any way, a great many are asking. After a desperate struggle we have succeeded in finding it. It is located at 15 degrees south latitude and 170 degrees west longi tude. It is about iooo miles southwest of the Sandwich Islands, is on the route from San Francisco toMelbourne,and is the same as the Navigators Islands. It is a small cancrrn and off a good ways to have such a wordy quarrel about. Quite a Spec Yesterday Messrs. Cur. ran & Monteith, of this city, sold to a syn dicate of Boston capitalists 84 acres of land three and a half miles from the Willamette at Portland, for $16,850. They paid $6000 for the property last June, uver 10,000 in seven months Is not a bad speculation. On a Sidewalk. Mr. Langford, an itenerant musician, was arrested at Leban on yesterday for allowing his horse on the sidewalk in mat city. Carpets, Finest lin of e carpets ever broueht to Albany just received at A. B Mrllwa'.n's. His Brussells and velvet Brussclls attract great attention, being su perb pattern:. , SQUARE New Line Of delicacies to tickle your palate, garlic, Swiss cheese, Milchuer her ring, mackerel, chow chow in bulk sold in quantities to suit, at the Willamette Pack ing Co. s store. Weather Indications. For the hours beginning at 1 3 o'clock, noon.. Clear. New Comers To oar city will find it to their advantage to pnee our RiOds beiore buying in their outht 01 groceries ana pro visions. Brownell s. Stanard. The largest, finest aud best assorted stock of groceries lu town can be found at Brownell & Standard's. NStice. To Eye, Ear, Catarrhal, Lanjr, Nervous, chronic or Rectal Sufferer : Dr, J, B. Pilklngton will tie at the Revere House, Albany, all day Tuesday, February 6th, 1S89,.and whl irlvo spenial free examination and nnininn tn ill afflluted ae above. Retort, to Mrs. Jae, U, vnrry, Unas, wanner, men iuuijk, hiu uwiD twenty others in una couuiy. Itapid Beating of the Heart. Whenever you feel an uneasiness in the .rmn nf lh heart, a llllllt DSin in the hnuldisr. arm. or under the shoulder blade, or when you find y.iurself short of breath when eaorciswg, oryonr neari n oerioda of beating fast, you have- heart disease, and should lake Dr. Flint's Rem edy. Descriptive treatise with eaon Dot tie i or, address aiaca irug vo., . 1, Hotel Arrivals, P. rvrr r House. F Grishain, Corvallis 1 Wnmhnrirrr. M Mayer. Portland; W 11 Sherman. Mehama; Chas Jones, A Peery, c, i..h. w T I-Vater: G Plnen Nana, Cal: J LLarsen, Shedds; Al Vernon and t wite, langem; anarcw iin-rcu, Francisco; Wm Murton, Roslyn; A Ban croft, Portland. St. Charles. D A Marvin, C J Reed, Portland ; J B Murry, N Y ; W J Mon teith, City ; J R Bryson, Corvallii ; G II Gaunner, II E Spurrier, Iowa ; F J Miller and family, Yaquina City. "Russ House. M E Hoab ; J E Hale, Neb ; C P Gregory, E Cassens, Los An geles M Farly, Wlllsburg ; W Gloven ; M E Hearn, Lebanon ; A McKission, Harris Station ; S Sanver. DOME A.HOARKOAD Barkbart ft Royee, job printers. Ray Metayer was in Salem yesterdsy. A full line of Child's bath tubs at G. W Smith's. A nail fa-story is to be started at Oregon City. George Westfall has returned from Csli- foroia. Choice Herkimer Co oheeae at Brownell & SUnard's. Rest artist's materials in the eity at Dr. Guise & Sons. If you want any kind of stove repairs caU on U. W. Smith. 280 bills have so far been introduced in the state legislature. G. W. Smith has the largest stock of sngar kettles in Albany. G. W. .Smith gives the white enameled iron ware with his fine coo It stoves. A fall absortment of brass kettles from one to eiuhteen gall-ins at G. W. Smith's. Flour delivered te any part of the city at $1.15 per sack by N A Blodgett. - New line of artist a materials at Dr. Guiss & Sons Coats nothing to see the.n. People at Salem are wondering why R H Dearborn is not coufirmed as postmaster there. A verv uioe sooial Is reported as haviDs been given by the W R 0 last evening at their hall. Call en G. W. Smith and get one of those Missouri Steam Washers warranted to do as recommended. To sayo money buy your stationary and toilet articles at the 5 and 10 cent counters pposite the Russ House. Mrs. Martin Payne is prepared to take hrst-cluSB boarders at her residence opposite the Congregational Church . Ala Harris, of YaquiDa bay. will soon move to San Francisco, where ne will go into the jewelry business with a brother. Get your job printing done at Burkhart & Royce's. Best work and most reasonable prices. Their facilities are complete. All the delicacies of the season received lily, cabbage, apples, turnips, beets, and parsnips, at the Willamette Packing Co,'s store. If you have any job wcrk to do call on G. W. Smith who is prepared to do it with neatness and dispatch, and as cheap as any one. Mr L Senders is home from a horse boyioff trip to r endleton. where be in res tea in thir ty -two horses, whioh he will take to San Francisoo. A. B. 'soodin and Robert Brewn start on the O. P. R. R- for their mines on the North San tiam to-morrow morning to be gone about three weeks. If you want the oheapest and best heating stove call on G. W. Smith, who is offering some of them at cost to make room lor bis large spring stock of cook stoves. There has been trouble at the Bush house and last night one of the inmates was rush ing around tor a warrant tor tbe arrest of some one for stealing various articles, You better not gn to the variety store op posite the Russ House if you have no small change with you, tor you will see such bar gains as yon never saw in Albany before. Two editors at Crawfordsville. O. have been fined for publishing lottery advertise ments. . There are several in Oregon who might be lined H the law was enforced. A cvosv woman at this city, about to be married, recently had a oeoklaco made of five dollar pieces. It took fourteen of them and they wero united by gold chains. For tune telling evidently pays. One of the finest stocks of clothing and hats ever brought to Albany has just been received at l K. Blain a. If you would see the latost novelties call at once. Geo Randall, the gentleman who had finger out off at J C Dillon's factory Mon uay, had another one cat on at she rama place yesterday afternoon. "It never u ins but it pours." Mi Robert Glass, nt Crawfordsville, who was in the eity yesterday, informed us that he had eiosed his store at that city. His son, Henry, has gone to Washington terri tory to locate, probably at Uoltax. John Wannamaker spends $5,000 a week for advertising. We know of men who think 5 cents a week is enough, riut then every body is not a John wannamaker, and J oh was not himself until he began advertising, Tbe weakness and debility which result from illness may be speedily overcome by th use of Ayer's Saraaparilla. This is a aafs. but powerful tonio, assists digestion, reeo lutes the liver and kidneys, and cleanses the blood of all germs of disease. A Prineville paper says: It is intimated that there is an organized band of horse thieves looatcd in the northern part of the county, who subsist by takiug horses off the range aid converting them to their own use. The best anodyne and expectorant for th cure of colds and cauhs and all throat, lung and bronchial troubles, is, undoubtedly, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your drnggist lor it, and, at tne same time, lor Ayer s al manac, which is iree to all. Mr Howe, a former Napa, Cal, friend of Mr E W Langdon, has located in this city. He recently purchased the Hautn farm, ad joining J W Propat's farm, and has great ex-rw-ot&tiona in reference to its inerease In value, as welt as of Linu county property generally. The indications now point to a verv Urge, healtLv. self-inspiring boon- in the Willatn ette valley the coming season . Let eyery man, woman and child prepare for it. Al bany will betheeeatial point of this happy welcomo visitation. 11 ner citizens pre pare to receive it with a hospitable welcome. A disiiatrh to-day from Orson City. Nor, reads: "Tho only bill which caused any de bitr. in tho Ji eislarure to nay was one impos in II a hue of S1U on any woman who wears hat at the theater over three inches high After a lively ngntinine nnnse, tne bill was ordered engrossed. " State legislatures ought te he in bigger buaiuts than dealing with sash questions. A KXAHATH LETTER. Yainaz, Klamath Co., Or. Ian. 1880. Editors Democrat 1 If you will allow me space in the col- mns of your valuable paper, I will give you a few Items from this part of Oregon hlcli may be of Interest to some of your readers, and especially those who are not acquainted with the plan upon which In dian Boarding Schools are conducted. A person who has never visited, or had ex perience in one of these schools, has not the least idea as to how they are carried on, and what a vast amount of good they are doing for the "Red men of the forest." There are two schools here on the Res- rvalion, one located at Klamath Agency, id the other at this place. The school but'.diug here is a large and commodious structure suitably arranged for Its purpose the school-rooms, boarding-rooms for the pupils and living-rooms for employers are all located in this building. There are at present 84 pupils In atten dance at this school, The Inclii.'B several tribes of Indians, among which are Hie Klamaths, Modocs.Snakes and Pitt Rivers. We have pupils attending from the age of years to 34, most of whom can read and write exceedingly well, and some are very Intellectual and bright for the chance they have had. Their studies include reading, writing, spelling, geography, arithmetic and U. S. history. Our school session con sists of 3 hours in the forenoon from 9 o'clock to 13. The afternoons are devoted to industrial work, the boys are taught the ways of farming, caring for stock and many various other things necessary to a civilized race, the girls are instructed in the things pretaining to house-keeping, etc. The school at prevent is under the super vision and management of Prof. I W . Brandenburg, who is doini? a vast amount of successful work in the way of educating training tne pupus ot wnom he has DEALING AT BROWN day, Is not the Indian of twenty years ago. No, not by any means, he is far superior in every respect Instead of their savage and roaming habits they are becoming perm anently settled, and are pursuing the occu pations of industry. In this line as well as several not mentioned it Is a noticeable fact, that they are making rapid and marked progress. In passing over the Reservation one will notice quite a number of neatly constructeddwellings, well furnished. This was not the case a few years ago. But what is the cause of all these changes in the modes and habits of this race of peo ple ? I say it is the education they have received, and the training in the pursuit of industry that has been taught them is the means by which these changes are brought about. And I truly believe, the only, and successfal way of civilizing the Indians is to educate them. This is being done at a rapid rate and may it still continue. A. W. Mosis. Babies. The finest line of baby carri ages In the Valley just r selved at Stewart Si Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri ages. Pure Milk. Mr. Henry Stewart has established a milk route in this city and asks for the patronage of our citizens. Tickets for sale at Brownell & Stanard's. E. F. Sox, Pres. C. H. Stewart, 8ec. and . charge. He is an energetic and influential instructor ana tne Yainaz school is flour ishing grandly under his able management. This is a Government school, and every. imug ia lumisnca tne scnooi oy tne gov ernment. Here we have a vast store-house of provisions for school use, which are laid in for a years time. Clothing of all kinds Is also furnished the pupils and all that is for the advancement and civilization of these people is being done.. .Many of the Indians of this Reservation are well-to-do, and in good circumstances financially, (con sisting principally of stock), and quite a good crop of wheat was produced by some who own tinaoie lana. lne Indian otto- Albany IRONWORKS, .Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES, CRIST AND : SAW MILL MACHINERY, IRON FRONTS, AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. Special attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns Made on Short Notice, persona ed to tho XTOTICE TO DEBTORS. All 1 II knowing themselves indebted lata flrnu of R Glass A Son are requested to os 1 1 ana settle at once wim rt, uiass, at Crawfordsville, either by cash or note. All accounts on our ledger mnat be closed right away. January 20th, 1883, R. Glass ft Son. Albany Furniture Co. NEW GOODS in the oKl furniture t'od opposite Stewart & Sox's Hardware Store. W desire to mako known to progressive people that we carry in aioclc such goods as will satisfy a rnfined tastt-, and as the dtmsnd may require will add to our supply. We cordially invite the people to come and see us and we will take very great pleasure in tbowinz OHr goods- SPECIAL NOTICE. I desire to call special attention to our PREMIUM SAM I purchase this soap in large quantities direct from the factory and thus secure it at the lowest price. Each box contains 20 bars full weight, and it never fails to give satisfaction. Since introduc ing this soap the demand for it has constantly in creased. The present price is $1.10 per box. I endeavor at all times to keep on hand a good assortment of Groceries, Confectionery, Frnits, Etc, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the public Very Respectfully, F.L. KENTON ELL & STAKARD S.