Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 19, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    Satnrlay Evening, January 19,1889
tTITfcS JllTriVU, eiltora Hid Publishers.
Published every day Id lb. wrek.
Sundays exceplod.)
Buteroi at mo t n u j at Albany, Or
a aooo nil-class mail matter.
Dollvored by otrior por week ,
By mail, per yar
By mill, parmonMi
.eyear, inadrar.ce
ne year, at end of year.,
months, in advanue. .
..$ .15
. t oo
. .M
,.. a. so
.. l.oo
Funny Incident. A very funny Inci
dent happened in a deeping car on the Al
bany and Astoria or some other railroad.
It was In the morning, when the passengers
had gut out of their berths were drawn
tightly in front of still sleeping persons.
Suddenly a foot was thrust out between
two curtains. It was small, white, sy met
rical not more than a feminine No. 3
aud the merest bit of ankle In sight looked
soft and fine. The men glanced at it from
the corners of their wicked eyes. The wo
men deprecated the exposure. Then a
bald, brazen fellow went straight to the
pretty foot, grabbed the ankle, and flung
the whole member rudely In the berth.
"He wouldn't treat his bride so," said a
woman close by. "It must be his sister."
Then the head of a ten-year-old urchin
emerged where the foot had been, and a
sleepy, angry, boyish voice said : "Look
here, Sam, let me alone. Next time you
catch a-hold of my foot that way I'll kick
the gizzard outofyou," There was a sub
sidence of sentimental Interest and a risi
bility of mirth.
Via Albany One of the projects of
the Union Pacific is to build a railroad
from Ogden up into Oregon. Take a map,
put your finger on Ogden and run a line
up Into this state. You can't help making
it go through the McKenzie pass, and
thence to Coburg. Here the company
will buy the Narrow Gauge bed and run
directly into Albany, when It will gobble
up the Albany and Astoria railroad at a
round sum and end at Astoria, where the
ships of the world can find a harbor. This
looks fine on paper; but It Is difficult to
figure out anything else. Thus another
transcontinental line is to be built. The
Democrat is entitled to the secretary of
the board of trade for this electric idea, a
remarkably good one, and one we predict
candidly will some day be carried out.
This city Is destined to be the great railroad
center of the Northwest. It Is already In
n iau ill mill rcepCCt.
For two days an advertisement has ap
peared In the Democrat, signed by W. 0
asking for correspondents with a view to
matrimony. As this paper is a general
advertising medium It allows people to ad.
vertise for almost anything. The Man
About Town learns now that the advertti
er has been on a protracted drunk for
week, though he seemed sober when h
handed in the ad., and that he Is N. G
anyway, and advises people if they have
begun correspondence with him to drop
their pen. Men who get on .protracted
urmiKs are noi tne ones to nave matrlmon
ai yiews In connection with.
Albany is talking street cars. Right here
tne M. A. 1. would like to advise our cirl
zens not to do anything in the matter un
less they are willing for the small boy to
steal riues on tne rear platform. He will
do it anyway. Borr. in him, and can't be
gotten out. Salem Is already kicking on
the subject. Don't throw vour leva ant t
joint neighbors. No power has ever been
oiscoverea yet anywhere to keep the small
uu uvuuiii street cars.
In some respects this is the serious time
of the year. It Is the season of revivals,
the time to think of abetter life, and no
one lives so well that he cannot live better,
No enterprise that has been talked of in
Albany, seemed to be better received than
the effort to establish a Loan and Building
Association. As a lever for liftinir build
ng interests it takes the lead . As an In
vestment there i nothing much surer. Re
memoer the meeting at the store of Stew
art & Sox's Tuesday evening.
After Several Months. Our read
cr win rcmemDer tne trouble at Millers
Station several months ago between the
Co'.e brothers and seyeial young men
there. The matter was disposed of so fur
as all were concerned but Clint Cole, who
was not to be found. Last night Constable
Burkhart went to Millers and arrested Cole
wnne at a dance at his brother's home,
ihe charge was assault with a dangerous
weapon on Frank Malnev. Cole waa lnkfn
before Justice Humphrey and gave bonds
10 appear oeiore justice Humphrey,
. sui,bm, jan. at 1 a. m.
Quite True. Peter the ooet savs
Oregon's day of buying eastern produce
seems to be a long one. Why shjulU
farmers In the richest valleys in the uni
verse feel compelled to knock at the doors
of poorer valleys far away for pork, lard,
Deans and other groceries? We lay in
Chicago pork and Boston beans. And
that nothing may be wanting to complete
the feast, we must have Iowa vinegar and
Nebraska pickles!" Likewise the follow
ing, about government land generally in
Oregon: "Butte creek, to the south and
east of Keno, in Siskiyou county, is fast
settling up at' different points. Whoever
wishes to catch a government claim there
would better rustle. In a short time the
catches will be about petered out. The
home seekei will catch nothing but ducks,
a Daa cola, or summer trickles. He will
lind the U. S. lots all taken, the creeks
fenced In and Pilgrims' dogs barking
iiuuugii tuc rails at mm. uurry up.
Blown from a Cannon. The London
Times is of the opinion that a man blown
from a canncn's mouth suffers less than
one who Is hung. With all due deference
to the authority of the Thunderer upon
such a subject we'd prefer the opinion of
one who had tried both, modes. At the
same time it is a fact that men who buy
their groceries and crockery ware of Conn
Bros, never suffer any from being blown
up or out by their wivxs. Their goods are
nrsi-ciass ana always give satisfaction.
An E. O. Town A Union paper says
the following of a rival city: "La Grande
is known everywhere to be the 'poorest
town in Eastern Oregon according to pop
ulation,' and an examination of the tax rolls
will prove this to be a fact. A prominent
man, of Island City, speaking of this mat
ter, a few davt ago, said that he had money
to wager that one firm in Island City paid
more taxes and received morefrieght oyer
the railroad than all the men tn La Grande
The Bar. The bar at Yaquln Bay is
one of the best and least dangerous on the
Pacific coast. There Is an average of fif
teen feet of water at low tide, giving fiom
t to 34 feet at high water. Over the bar
the channel is straight, free of rocks and
'he bar Itself Is only about 500 feet across.
Inside of the harbor, which is perfectly
land-locked, with high bluffs on both sides,
there is fine anchorage for a thousand ves
els or more. Republican.
Must Meet Them. Mr. B. F. Ashby,
of the Oregon Land Company returned
from Portland to-day, where he has been
about a week. He Induced thirty-two im
migrants to come and see Albany and the
surrounding country. Mr. Asbhy informs
us that the hotels there are full of Seattle
and Tacoma real estate men, who use
every means to induce Immigrants to go
to those cities. They lie like troopers about
the Valley, declaring that it is under water.
ij that people here travel from place to place
in uiiBii, ctt. w nat AiDany real estate men
need is a man there all the time heading
pcujjic una wuy. w ny woman t It pay
them to pool together and do this, If It pays
each firm on the Sound to keen n. man
there. This is a better country than that
nu we must get in ana rustle as much as
Sound people do.
A Fine Horse. Mr. C E Barrows, of
Shedd, informs the Democrat that he will
have his fine stallion Multnomah in Al
bany two days each week next spring. This
horse is a full brother of Oneco, aiao,
and Pricement, 3 year old record, 2:35, and
is a very fine animal, which stockmen
should become acquainted with.
Thos Kay, of the Brownsville woolen mills,
will be in thj city the first of the week for
the purpose of further conferring with onr
citizens aod the committee in regard to the
establishment ol a wooleii mill here. Salem
Found A pair of gentleman's eye
glasses in case. Call at the Democr at of
For land madeharness go to E. L. Power
Hotel Arrival.',
Revere House. N G Freeman; F
Anderson; A S Kinsella, O P R RjJ King,
Portland; EL Collins; C I Frank. Mil
waukee; I lohnson; P P Snyder, f Quinn:
J B Weist; Frank Polin; H Thompson; C
Miller, Louisiana; I Sweeney ; W I Stew
art; C Macauley, S F; G F Russell and
wltc, Haisey; w u INIcnslsen, Ilarrlsburg;
B Conner; C f creamer. Chicago: Pres
Woodruff, Portland.
St. Charles. J B Campbell. Mo: CE
Hunt, E O Samuels, Z Job, Corvallis ; C
Hurley.N Y : John Michel, lohn SienhaD.
Wm Cunningham, St Louis ; K Beabout,
Kelleyville ; John Dogan,Ed Dumphey.O
PRRlH Folear and wife, Portland ; E
Griggs, Cal ; II Diamond.AT Wa'.er.Miss
Scott, Salem ; Harry Clark, Harvey Mat
hews, S E ; A R Creigh, Chicago ; J B
Maher, Ed Sernton, Bustlctown.
Russ House.R I Mothorn ; I Camp.
bell : J Morrison ; N Morrison ; Chas
Young ; Y Salhorland ; E Bergund ; T
Dlnn ; P Hartnett : I Hart 1 F Padltch :
J Smith ; J Lake ; Sr Wlrkkalo ; J John-
son ; a iure s L. Waobo ; T Waclo ; F
Parker ; A H Wrleht : A Thomas : G
Thomas : G Nato ; F Nap'.e : R Dickee ;
E H Burnham ; J J Graham, Miller's ; J
M Gurley, Huntington ; B F Hyland ; R
W Newland ; 1 1 Davis ; B Madrierano :
G Nardi : G Thomas : A Dccicco : R
R Marlnso ; A Baroue : G CaDUto : Gio
Our hotels are crowded.
Judge Strahao it in the oity.
Burkhart k Kuyee, job printers.
R D Wilson, of Peadl.too, is in the oity.
A full line of Child's bathtubs atG. W.
Choice Herkimer Co cheese at Brownell &
Klamath is aaid to bo the coldest county
in Oregon.
If you want any kind of stove repairs call
on O. W. Smith.
A new barrel of sauer kraut just reuoivod
at F L Kea ton's.
G. W. Smith hu the lartreat atock of anr...
etiiiea m Aloaoy.
Another general meiehandise store U to
M started 10 Newpoit.
The Columbia canning company at Astoria
uis lanea ana assigned.
Tommy Dorlire draw the line album r.fll.H
on to-day by the Sisters.
u. W, Smith gives the wbita enameled
iron ware with his fine 000k stoves.
A full assortment of brass kettles from one
to eighteen gallons at ii. W. Smith's.
Flour delivered to anv Dart of the city at per sack Dy A uiodgett.
Mrs. Dr. Divia aud mother. Mrs. Hfiw
drex, west to Harris burg to-a ay.
i here is 22 cents in the eitv treasury and
toe city is somewnere near f4UUU in debt.
Kustlinor Bob Hendricka and wife of th.
aalem statesman, passed up the road to-day.
Dr W II Davia, of Harrisburg has located
in this city. See bis card in another column.
This moraine's train waa delayed an hour
or two on account of about two teet of snow.
Found On the 7th inst a pair of ear riniri
on 'lhird Street. Owner call at this office.
The ball nit-en at the St. Charles Rntat
last evening is spoken of as a very plnaaaut
Theie are said to be 9 cases of smalinox at
Amity, iu Yamhill county, and 20 more ex
posed to it.
MeKniaht Bros, have just purchased
another line 2 year old, Celilo, a full brother
to Altage.
Call en O. W. Smith and set one of thnaa
Missouri Steam Washers warranted to de as
E H Flatu. formerly of the St. H.l.n'.
Mitt, is talking nf starting a weekly Demo
cratic paper in Salem.
J Carroll McCaffrey, secretary of th
Franklin Building and Loan Association, of
Portland, is in the city.
A deek hand on one 01 the Columbia river
steamers five years ago waa worth $150,000.
It is all gone. Suoh is life;
The largest, finest and best assorted atnnk
of groceries in town can be found at
Brownell & Standard s.
Street cars now run from the Chemeketa to
the depot in Salem, and it ia thought the
una win pay permanently.
The "Yaquina Bay" couldn't be muoh
more of a wreck than it is. Its machinery
uan neany an oeea taken out.
Mrs. Martin Payne ia rjrenarArl tn t&Un
first-olasa boarders at her residence onnosit9
mo vongregauonai lnurcn .
E B Piper is now oity editor of the Seattle
Post Intelligencer and W H Perry, formerly
of Corvallis, senior reporter.
The wheat market at Albany is ahnnt
nun as a noe. IU centa continues to be naid
or ratuer ouorea, ior no one sens.
All the delioacies of the Beaaon received
daily, cabbage, apples, turnips, beets, anil
parsnips, at tne Willamette racking Co, s
If you have any 10b wcrk to do call on G.
W. smith who is prepared to do it with
oeatnesa and dispatch, and as oheap as any
one. ,
A man named George Thomas at Taco na
reoeived a check for $450 a few days ago and
suddenly disappeared. Probably returned
A very remarkable thing is the fact that
the prononn I doea not appear in Governor
Pennoyers message, perhaps the first Instance
on reoora.
Yaquina Bay wants some Kansas boomers.
and the paper there aaya that country haa a
oetter opportunity man Tacoma or Seattle
yer had.
Prof G F Rnssell and wife, of Haisey pre
cinot,are in the city tn-day. Prof Russell baa
Uunht six terms in the same place, which
speaks for his populsnty.
If you want the oheapest and Lest heatinu
stove can onu, w . omitn, wno is onering
some of them at cost to make room for his
large spring stock of cook stoves.
The farm of Basbor X Williams, encased
in tne mercantile ousinesa at uoiu mil, Las
been dissolved, Mr A A Baahor, formerly
01 opicer retuinng.
A lady in Walla Walla keeps a scrap-book
In which she pastes all deaths and crimes
manatinff from atronir drink and such.
She roust have very little time fcr housuhold
' It is said that Williamson, the Philadel
phia philanthropist, who has reoently ao
munifioently endowed a manual training
school lor boys, haa carried the same um
brella for eighteeii years.
Ten yean ago Tacoma had 1200 inhabitants
and Astoria 5000. To-day Tacoma haa 15,
000 and Astoria 5000, the same as in 1880.
One is the result of enterprise, the other the
icsult of lifeless lnactiyily, Pioneer.
'A lease ef 990 years, made in the days of
King Alfred, haa just expired in England.
Tne land waa leased by the church to the
crown, and reverts now to the Church of
England after a millennium of years.
The Marshal's and Policemen's new beltr,
hats, badges and clnbs, arrived in the city to
day. The suits will be made np at L. E.
Blain's aad the whole arrangement will shine
forth beginning about Februaiy 1st.
A eraisy fellow named Harry Curl, now in
Salem, says he shot Frank Avery on the
oars, aa he thought he wanted to hill him,
and then jumped off, bruising his face con
siderably. He haa tto marks to show for it.
MV T D o. . . .
j ot.wart, or Haisey, is ia the
Co.. of Sanger.
in n'"'i.r"K 0,"nu.P. o' 90,U00
Mi.l about our Santiam mines we may look
h n"o;,i,Hnilb'n he W. predicsomi
where l A' anown nearly every-
l,v H. "g00'l "T ' this y.l
MarshTlMuTe .."hT !?'
ceos. .from him,J u,Cl.r,e.l
-JJ''D"ii,ia A,hl"d Present
fTliot r"' I' strange tbi.
lellow doesn't change his name.
ciW !iowTT- 40 bein h
wouM .rlhTh'h i'J' Pbli how aoon
"t OUt an?. yi!W,y"the Wh01" 0O0n"-y B"d
.5:: uloky ouid b. kick-
BL nnff L- 00 108 r0& i but he
can pnffnp hi. city day after day and sing
nUP.?." ,n "7 """- "d some peof
hia ht d 01 tol"'0'it- Think nothing
fart m i Tt"'"'' . Yot ' of
fi e?t!'.RJ th""f be,?in,to oaamuch
lora city , prosperity a. it. newspaper.
Htrong Language
Yaquina Bay's only paper has a corres
pondent at the front on the Oregon Pacific.
In speaking of the Meyers failure he fi
nally runs on to Searle & Dean and savs :
when they are due, as have all of Searle &
Znoltl Butn"me. theme,
Eln.i l U,,.e- 0c Albany
tract? r. "i?' U?plie' UP here.the
hr i. whenthor''' anything which they
monJj ,T.eI.UrCtfSed th"4nd the very
moment that trouble was rumored only all" me,r:,h,,nt" of tnat -g clubbed
their little c a ma tn..i,- " t ,
about five thousand dKnd of IbaT
estate'fi atTMV "S,igned them to real
estate firm. This real estate firm proceed
Wl St ?i" " ?"achment, without asking
Searle & Deane for their accounts or other
wise investigating .and but for Mr. Searle's
nlw y Mpe?r!ce aJmongst them, when he
pa d up the trifling demands,it would have
delayed work indefinately. This little
transaction ouphttr. .
all men in business. Don't buy from the
Albany merchants unless you pay them
,"'!'?' y "?ut haie, as otherwise
fn. ' ' be )umPed "''bout warn
ing on an idle rumor.
The above is a mixed up mess and en
unjust stricture on our Albany merchants,
than whom there are no more
business men in the State, one Searle &
;eane themselves would not countenance
Albany merchants like cash ; but thev ar
also as reasonable as any in the matter of
t.-eating debtors. ,
Thompson & Overman keep the beat h-
OashGoea a Long Way. at Julias (iradwhol'e
I have made arrangements for buying
goods direct from the factories In Europe,
and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the Pacific Coast.
The following are some of my cash retail
prices :
H dozen unhandled teacups and saucers,
35 s.
dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau
cers, 45 eta.
lfy dozen handled coffee cups and sau
cers, 50 eta.
li dozen seven Inch dinner plates, ac
These goods are all iron stone China and
not a cheaper grade of goods. I have also
added a good stock of groceries, which I
ask people to call and examine and judge
for themselves as to quality and prices.
Iulius Gradwohl.
Pure Milk Mr. Henry Stewart has
established a milk route in this city and
asks for the patronage. of our citizens.
Tickets for sale at Brownell & Stanard's.
Auction. Auction every afternoon at
M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old
store. Goods at your own price. Must
be sold.
We will sell you groceries cheaper than
any one else.
Brownell i Stakaro. 1
Curiosities. Some very fine persim
mons, Japanese oranges and sugar cane at
F. H Pfeiffer's. Try them. It will cost
nothing to see them.
PhysicUn and Surgeon.
ae"Ofrlco no stairs In Strahan's Block.
May be found at his office aay and night.
I7OR RENT. The store formerly co
pied by Monteith it Seitenbaoh, n
B'irst street, opposite S. E. Yonng't, splen
didly fitted up for any business. For
particulars inquire of
Skddbrs & Stebnbubq.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office opposite the Democrat.
Having now been established in business one
year, I desire to thank the people of Albany and
vicinity for the very liberal patronage with which
I have been favored. It has been my aim to keep
goods of the best quality and to furnish them at
the lowest cash prices. I shall always endeavor to
please my customers, and respectfully solicit a con
tinuance of their patronage and hope to secure
many new customers during the coming year, j
shall at all times keep on hand a full stock of staple
and fancy groceries, confectionary, etc. The pub
lic are respectfully invited to call and examine
good and prices. I receive subscriptions fcr all
the leading newspapers and magazines. Also take
orders for rubber stamps of all descriptions.
Very Respectfully,
F. L.
You want Ihe best and moat durable furnltureth.tllMmanufaotured In thecity go I
Thomas Brink.
Keep, almost ever thing in the furr,tui..i,ne th,tJi, kepln , g.