jar, aw'"hiwit .iptifm''"" Albany Market. Whe 7 0U-2.V Butter -25 its per lb. EK-25c Hy -9,00. Potatoes -15 ots psr binhnl. , Beef -on foot. SV ..pples -4) oents par hu. Pork 6o per l1 ireaaed. Baoons a as lilo. shoulders, 14o. sides 14 o. Lard 15.i par lb. Flour 4.25 per bbl. flhlokens S 00 per dot. Hill Food brau, 14.00 per too) shorts, 10. middlings, 20. Coor- "20. New and Second Hand Store Cinrai Myer, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA- . Southeri. Pacifia Company's Line. tub nr. amsTi soars. Tims bstween Albtny anl Sa FnncHoi, 5 hours oiuroasiA unm hum Una hilt Between Portland aud Francisco. South - 4.00 r. H. I Leave Portland 8:18 r M Leave Albany 7:15 a a Arrive Sail Fraoclsio North Arrive I 10:45 a a Leave 0:4- a a Leave 7:00 r a ao-ial, rassisosa T-aiss daily except Sunday). Leave 12:10 r a I Leave 8:40 r a j Arrive Portland Albany Eutrene Arrive 8:45 r a Leave I 11:35 a a Leave I 9 00 Owing to Ue Increased demand of, our business we have keen oouipelled to move iuto ajarger store aud we can now be fouud next door to 8. E, Younir. when we win oe pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stores, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit Iars, tirnks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, etc anil a thousand dif ferent and use a-tides you oan not do bettor bissijjnf Sati Franol ico than vou oan do with us on a purchase or exohange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany. Or. ST A El IUKKLIY, Cnruer Broad ilbin and ' First Sts., DB4.LKH IN Cauattd Fruits, Glassware. Dried Fruit. Tobncco. Sucar, Coflee, Etc., iiwanril Meats, s.urenHware, VegrtablvM, s'lirars. Nnlees, Tea, Etc., In fnt everythinn that is kept in a aen r-. variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for HO TOG 3 E4ST. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Go East via Mount Shasta Rnnr- Ki climate and ssenery at all times of the year. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Oj;den, Salt uao, iseuver. rinesE secona-class cars made are run daily. Buy vour ticket. f m and save your fare to Portland. I m th- only person in Albany that oan sell you a ticket from Albany direct to any point in the United States. Call on me for rates. W. L. Jestek. Agent S. P. LOCAL rASaBSOBa TRAMS DAU.1, BXCBFT SUND1T. 8:20 F M 1 Leave 9& r a 1 Arrive 12:50 ra I Leave 1:38 r a Arrive Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Arrive Leave Arrive Leave 0:30 A a 5:45a a 2:45 F a 2:00 F aj PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars Far Accommodation of Second-Class fasten cers. attached to Express Trains. West Bide IVlTlsloB. BETVTEE POU.ri.lXO XSO COBVALLIS Tans dailt (exxpl Sunday,) r Alia 12:2.' r a Leave Arrive Portland CervtUis Arrive Leave 8:20 r 1:30 sxraass T&aiss nalLT (e-cjpi Sunday. 1:50 ra 8:00 ra Lei re Ar.i-e Portland McMiunville Arrive Leave 0:00 A u 5.45 a a Through Tickets To all points SOUTH EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. For full .ufor-oitior. reyardiny ratej, mE.pt. etc., all on ''ftmnanv'ti Airent at Aiu v. R, KOKHLER, E. P. ROGERS, iUeiiiaer A -- . 'i' Aflf THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Eailroal. Lian "Vnnly Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Successors to Cowan & Cusick,) ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a goners! tanking business. DRAW STOHl1 DrtiCNnn V-. V.,.1, . r Isco sad Portland, Oregon. ' LOAN MONEY on approve securttj. i itctKiVB deposits Bubjeot to check. . S. Cook, S. c."' B. Moorks Tieas H. J. Mintiiors. Pra. 8. Farrak, Vioa Frej.. TlieOregon Land Company Organized for the purpoie ol buying and selline; reil estate, adver.limg the Willimette Valley in all of the leading newspipers ol the United State.. Einplovinir Eastern agents to direct home seek-.-, ti.. tni .? ette Valley, and home agents in all the principal Invmnl Uirlnn P..11. I inn d . ...i.r. v Cn, 7- ' uoiiMju. viacaamas anu Yamblll eountiee to aid irr locating Iramirranta. OIBce in the Tate Building mi. Ar o. art 4 Sox's. " HOUSON & DICKINSON, Managers. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 1883. First Term Opeas KVpieniber lllh, 1X88. A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. JTCourses of study arranged to mept th need of all grados of students. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition rangns from $5.50 to $13.19. Board in private faml'ies at low rates. Rooms tor self-boarding at small AX'cnxe. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents awav from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the President. BKV. ELBUKT N. 01IT. Albany, Oregon , - ft:inr ihan the Chc-pcrt iv COLLEGE. Portlsnd. Oregon. lMri: ,:iiin.i.". i ' ! !iKMi!iLiin L.icrl riiiut:i!i..i',.i ... ,.,iii;:i:iruy. Business, ihorthant,' Cimmjt Wl.col cud Ptnmaashln fipnntt monts. Brin!iuH :iiuii:tc.l ut any time, t.'atn- iv:e ni. I si.e'-'in":s vl ini'm:ujflhlp sent free. -. A. H-C Sot'i. A V Arin;tONG.l'rl.. gon Development Company's Steam' Bmp ijine I I Sell MphuiIM Ml Vnn. VmI. aV nvWIW abww una. 225 NULES SHORTER. H. F. MERRILL, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. San Francisco and ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sisters of St, Benedict This Academy is incorporated and au thorized by the State to confer academio Honors. BOARDING SCHOOL PEfck TERM. Board and tuition $40.00 Music, insrtumental, theoretical and vocal with use of piano and orgau 15.00 (Juilar 12.00 Zithern 12.00 Drawing and painting 8.0O Fancy wort and menr".ng free to boarders, , , Tuition in select day ecb o ranges from ?o to $iu. Normal instruction of a-niranta for teacher's certificates a ' tscialiy. Graduating fee, $10. For further particulars apply at the Academy, W . F. READ, FIRST ST ,, ALBANY, ORECON The Leading Cash DryS ah Reuse cfAlben C.M. HENDERSON CO'S" .tLtariaitu bouts a snots CHICACO. V""1f- S -W;. tfcjtK WASSlZSSli, than by any other route. First-class through passenger and freight line from Portland and all points in the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco, Cal. Willam8tt3 River Lina of Steamers, The "Win. M. Hoag." The -'N. S, Bent ey," The "Three Sisters" are in service for both passenger and freight traltio be tween Corvallis and Portland and inter mediate points, leaving Company'!' wharf, corvallis, ana ftiewrs. nuimsn ac yjoi wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Port land, three times a week: as follow : NORTH BOUND. Leave C rvallU, Mjn lay. Weiuelavs and Fri- dtveatda.m. Aibmv. y. 1) a. m. Arrive, at Salem -p.m. LJtve S.lem Tae.Jiv, Tnur.iiy and Satuo uy ..UN. i. niiiia.. ( ui uuii o.o i p. u t. SOUTH BOUNU. Leave Portland M mdays, Wedncadaye and Frid saysatoa. ni. Arrive at aale.n at,:ld p. m. Leav ttalem Tuesd.7, rhur.l.y and Saturday at tf a. Arrive at CorvallUat 3;3J , m. Boats make close connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon Fauitlc Railroad TIME SJHUHL'LK. (exjept Sniutav..) Lorve Albanv, 1:0) p. a, Leave C.Mvalfn, 1:1) r, a. Arrive Yaquiua, i:M r. a. Leave equina, 0:45 a.M. Leave Corvalli.,10:3.r a,a. Arrive Altnny, 11:10 a. O. A C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains conuectnt laquiutwith the Oregin Development Couip toy's Line of Steams'iiips between iaiuiaa and San Frauciscj, MlILl.VU DATE!) . ra.is ets rsAvciaco. raos TAm;ia WilUmalte Valley, Tliun, Dee. 6th Wed. Doe. 1 AiiUmctM t.illey, Mou. Deo. 17th Mjn. Dec. .ith tiuxnieite alley, sun. Dec. SOth. ihe Company jryes the right to cnanice sailing dates without notice. N. H. Passengrtrs from Por.Unti and Willamette V'ailev points can m:ike olose connection with the trains nf the Vaquina route at Altnny or Corvallis, aud it' ties tinod to Sin Francis so should arrange to ti in ii mu u veiling uei.ire o.ite ui auiuug. :casrr aud l'.el.ht Rales always-Lvweaa. r or Inform ition apply to O J Stnart, Freight and ricket Ajent, Alhanv, or to C II llaewcll, Jr., 0. F. A P. Ajt Oreiron Developneiit Oo., sot M nt.omery A. il. V. and P. Atent, Orsriu Piillc K It U i. Oirvailie Revere House; ALBANY, . - . OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted no In first-class atvle. Tables supplied with the best In the market Nice sleeping apartments, .Sample rooms for commercial travelers, ITTm Csaes t as I fre.-a ttae Haiel.aa Buy note., Sta'ft county and c!ty warrants. Re ceive deposits subject to check. Interest allowed on tune deposits. Collections will receive prompt attention. Correspondence solicited. Fire and Marine Insurance companies. first National Bank OF ALBAN. , OKEUU.V. rresment. L. PLIN.N ice President m. r v.i-v; Cashier..... .K. w. LANuDO.V. Asst Lashier jam. i- poh-ki.i. TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subjeet to aheck. SIGHT EXCHANGE and t'rraphlo transfer, sol i New York. San Pranci-nA. .lnav.. ... ' Oieiron. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable tonus. Diascromi .. B v-i, Lwooox. L E Blaik. L. Fuss.l WAtTKaE TcaasLL, g. l. Bi&zmm, Successor to E. W. Landon. DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINESa CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, ovMiro UUSVIcSS. ETC. L, W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Studio rornor Second and Vnrr M.. nn . . IT .. . ' nuu. urounu no.ir. Children's pictures a sneclalty. . FOK KALE BY FOSITAY AMAyOX Now receiving ray fill stock and I cm give my cmtotiiHru bnttorbar gains t hsn tver bb t (Tin d in A ll- 1 1 j Our sire!: is complete and 1 rc'( i e io tiiip , fr,. li. il t m 1 oi.ii', .lull add all the nt w Dovelties ae fast as tltej ttte in th natkct. Would Call enjreclal atteotiou to Ike follofticy lines Orcss Goods,Plushes,VcIvets,IIosiei,y Jcrsies, Gents9 Fiiruishing Goods, Blankets, Itoot and Shoes. Alllask is a thorough inercctioD of stock. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mail orders (iromptlyJattendeJ to. W J. READ, WKBILYEU, a J IOHNEY AT L VV And Solicitor- in Chancery, ALBANY. - - OREGON Collections nrnmrtr.lv mirl. .... 1 ! nni r ":r.r.;-r:' -vnu. ueguuaieu gu reasonaoie terui. i nig O has given univer sal satisfaction 111 lb. cure of Gonorrhoea aud klleet. I prescribe Hand lcel safe In recommend. Ins It to all sufferers. i A. J. STOSEB, M.D.. Decatur, III. rRIOE.Sl.oo. Bold by Sniniata. Foshay t nates, Wholesale Aaeats, r f 1 TO ft DATS. C-f HrSMirbyUM IlsTU,ChiklCe. Canelrinati Jan Mm. Fortrailler, -FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse i"Afler business hours os.ll at residonn corner Fifth ami Baker streets. Ja J. WHITNEY. itoriuy And Oounsellor At La? sb ND- IVolary Public. ALBAHV, OREGON. Will prootios la all of the Court. his State. All bJariness Intrusted to him ill be promptly a.tended to. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The tlndsrsirnn.l is nrsnuad tn A-, .n f kinds nf work In his tins in flrat.nl-,.. -.- der and with promptness. Address P. o' ..i ak uoraer wi vtu ana Alanie treats, I. N, Sscrrit, DR. J.L. HILL Physician and Surgeon, Offlee-cor, First and F.rry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. 'ssaWi.aa-;i. -j;-; s-ssOasrSSI JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer oi Cigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AMD KEY WEST ":,',PlDg"D"ffi-?fte -a . re OALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS 4