Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 07, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Democrat -
Monlay Eyenlng.Januarj 7,1889
tYITKIt RIITri.MU, Editors ud Publishers.
PublUhad mty ixy in tbs .week.
Bundtys exoflutod.)
lHUrrl tT r WMk.,.. t -1
By mail, par yor HHM. , mm... 6.00
By tnUI, por muti'.h m...MHm 60
eyr, In lw. .?.
On yssr, at end of ymr. t H.MM ..-2,50
liix mouths. In advanos . ..... 1.00
Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or
. an second-class mail matter.
Eorn. -To the wife o( M'.i W. Parker,
Jan. 7, 1889, a girl,
The Mail Robber. B. F, Watklns ,the
ex-railway mail clerk recently convicted
in the United States Court for stealing; a
registered package containing I380 In gold
and greenbacks, mailed at Scio, Linn Co.,
or Portland, Is the latest arrival at the
ti .I--.. 'y.rian.
As Offer. We notice our Albany
photographers, Crawford & Littler, are ad
vertising cabinet portraits at $4.00 a dozen. cheap, but we will give this enter
prising firni $4 for a single portrait of Har
rison's cabinet. , That's a cabinet portrait
we'll wager they can't take even bv flash
A Fact It costs as little Jo live in Al
bany as in any place anywhere, and the
figures looking astonishing when com
pared to those of the Sound cities; yet no
where is life more enjoyable, nor business
more uniformly good. It doesn't take
spasmodic booms to make a city a good one
to reside in. '
Still Holds the Fort. Col. Lee con
tinues to hold the fort at the Indian school
and probably will until a change of admin
istration. Those in a position to know say
the children there obtain good treatment
nothwithstanding the contrary assertions
by a Salem paper that displays great vin
dictiveness in its attacks on the Col.
A Bang. In order to show just how a
matter can be mixed up and changed from
a potato into a red pepper we publish the
following from the SilvertonfjW: , Tne1
O P contractors have been attached for all
they are worth, and their, hands are left
without pay, at the front of the O P R
near menama. 1 ntur K K. seems to
have a deal of trouble with its .contractors,
Thosb Celestials. Yesterday morn
ing In taking a walk for hit health a Dem
ocrat man happened near the Oregon
Pacific depot just as the afflicted San Fran
cisco Celestials were eating their morning
repast. It was not a very wholesome sight,
squatted In little knots along the tide of
the track they were taking their turns at
potatoes and rice served red hot from the
kettle. These articles had been raised the
day previous by a subscription from our
citizens collected by Chinamen. Many of
the Celestials were barefooted, so Jar as
stockings were concerned, and they had
s'.ept on scarce blankets under the depot
almost in the open air, and did not seem,
to mind it much, such is the remarkably
fine winter weather, we have been enjoying.
We imagined them, eating ,beside a rail,
road traeic In the east and the mere thought
made us shiver. The sooner we get rid of
these Celestials the better for us. Their
own countrymen here are the ones vt ho
should feed them ; but they seem inclined,
to shr,k it on the city,, hence something
should be done expeditiously and to the
point. ! , . 1 , . .. .,( , .
j !!-k. 1 Ti.
j .Our. JHARDORS.-The Astoria papers
have felt very badly because we said there
hod been two wrecks 4jhe .'mouth of the
Columbia, ana one of them (jets down into
a coal mine arid says i 'we. are, a liar.; The
lR-niif,Hrn uin irtfitni .2ir.,4 '
and the ''Qiueen pi the Pacific," near en
ough to cause ah awful scare, neither on
account of the bar, though ; but on ac
count of sand spits ;. Now, we, think the
Columbia is the best .harbor . ri Oregon, it
I j t. t '.: 'j 'L ! '.: 1 j'1 .
wuuiu uc xuonsn 10 oenr impend, wc want
a road directly to it,, and will be' glad to
work with Astoria pa pes .to that tnd.hence
will not call them names for . .fabricating
about Yaquina Bay, which we also want
to help build Into, good harbor. ..When
we mentioned tne wrecks at, the mouth ot
the Columbia It was' simply retaliating for
their everlastingly throwing cold water on
Yaquina Bay. If they are certain it can't
be a big harbor what is the use of attacking
it repeatedly.
A Possibility, Among the possibili
ties, if not probabilities, in Albany, Is a
large brick hotel at the southwest corner
of Lyon and Second streets. An eastern
gentleman, representing a large company
has just been in the city, investigating the
matter, and was very favorably impressed
with this city as a location for such a
structure, which, if built will be as large,
if not larger, than the Chemekete at Hal
em. We mention the factmordcrtoshow
that this city is attracting attention from
outside capital, and to inform our business
men that just at this moment Is a good
time to display enterprise generally in the
ma'.ter of building up the city. . The possi
bilities are unbounded. Let us have some
about the O P,
A Loud Complaint.'; gentleman of
this city complains that small boys with
There appears to be something rotten I f""!? avocations in life are in the habit
A Whopper "A curious illustration
of how far dust is carried is afforded by 'the
fact that when the east wind blows con
tinuously, as it has nearly ever since
Christmas, appreciable quantities of fine
alkali dust from Eastern Oregon blow down
the Columbia and out to sea. On the
lenses of the lighthouse at Fort Canby it
gathers and settles and has to be wiped off.
Astorian .
of picking up small things, ' such as old
hatchets, axes or any other second hand
articles and selling them for a few cents to
uy cigarettes with . He says there are a
number of boys who steal various articles
in this wav and sell them to second hand
dealers. We know nothing of the facts In
the case,but public duty requires us to warn
the boys and such buyers, (if there Is such,)
ot tne evil consequences ot tins practice,
Can Get One If the Oregon Pacific
R. R. people really want a seaport for their
trans-continental line they can get one, not
on paper, but in realty. The Astorian has
no words of censure for Yaquina Bay ';
facts speak loud enough.. Astoria' is the
point to which they should look, and to
ward which they should build. Their mis
lake was a costly one. They can, even
now, rectify it. Astoria.
A R. R. Meeting. A citizens meeting
has been called for to-night at 7:3oo'clock
at the office of Stewart & Sox to consider
the matter of building a railroad from A
toria eastward to Albany, to connect with
the Oregon Pacific. A move wilt be made
which will make such a railroad an assur
ed fact. Coming through Dallas and In
dependence.crossingon the' present Oregon
Pacific bridge here, thus saving two large
bridges, there is an advantage for this city,
which ourcitizens are grasping and propose
10 maxe count, me matter will-be thor
oughly discussed and a railroad cornora
tion probably organized. Everybody should
Scholars Take Notice. We submit
to the students and scholars who read the
Democrat the following composition,
which shows the great Importance of
proper knowledge of punctuation. This
may describe a very good man or a very
bad man. Punctuate It : "He is an old
man and experienced in vice and wicked
nes he is never found in opposing the
works of iniquity he takes delight in the
downfall of his neighbors he never rejoices
in the prosperity of his fellow-creatures he
is always ready to assist In destroying the
peace of society he takes no pleasure In
serving the Lord he Is uncommonly dill
gent in sowing discord among his friends
and acquaintances he takes no pride In
anoring to promote the cause of Christ
ianlty he has not been ne?lli?ent In endear,
oring to stigmatize all public, teachers he
manes no effort to subdue his passions ne
strlveshard to huild un Satan's kingdom
he lends no aid to the support of the gospel
among the heathens he contributes largely
to the devil he will never go to heaven go
where he must receive the just recompense
For a Few Days Anyway The coun
tenance ef Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain, re
cently Cashier of the First National Bank,
may be seen behind the counter uf the
Linn County Bank, where, it is rumored, it
will remain permanently. Mr. Chamber
lain is one of the most popular men in the
valley ,and it is universally desired here that
he will continue to make Albany nis nome,
A Foot Race Cameron, uf Corvallis, and
Loveland, of Portland, ran a 100 yard foot
race at the latter city yesterday for $250 a
side. Loveland won with ease, and Corval
lis sports are out 9500. For the benefit of
Portland papers, wbo always make Mr J ot
Albany, we will say that the gentleman does
not reside here except duiing firemen's tour-
A Reception. To-morrow evening, at
the Congregational ohnrcb, a reception will
be tendered Rev Rogers, tke new minister,
The Dublio generally will be welcome.
Uogors seems to be a nice leilow, anu oar
oitizens should make him feel as if this was
jast the place he was cut oat for.
The Astoria k Ibsny Railroad. ,..(.,
The old Council formal! goes out to night.
Mr S 0 Irvine, Newport's live real estate
man, has been in the oity several days.
Mr F L Suob, of San Francisco, is in the
- : ti .- .
Will H Parry haa retired from the Salem
Oo to P. J. Laporte for your boot and shoe
J. P. Wallace, Physician and 8argeon, Al
bany, Or
Hoa Kirk Price passed through thk city
to-day tor Salem. ,
Bids are advertised for carrying mail, to
and from theO & C depot... ,.,.,, . . i
Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves
and sells them the cheapest. , .
Call and see tliose Eirly ' Breakfast store
and ranges at W Q Tweedala's. -,
Salem has a married peoples dancing club,
none of the small boys are admitted.
Mr Hi Eckerman, formerly of this city, is
now looatedat Bally, Malheur county.
You will save money 'by! getting' your
plumbing and job work done at Twsedale's,
The Boston..' Comedy ! Company : pissed
through the city to-day for Corvallis wnere
they will play to-nigut. ,t ,; , .
Mr William Faber has returned to Albany
from his trip to Germany; after an absence
of several months.
The canvass of the vote on the (.hange of
school books haa been made t Salem ; but
will not be made publio until next weak.
J L Killian is the name of the Justice of
the Pease at Vansycle. Be is somewhat of
mixture of both J L DuKivan and iulraio.
Probably 100.000 people located in Oregon
and Washington Territory during 1888. The
nurcber will be doubled tne coming year.
Mrs Mallov. the revivalist, who was it
em ly married at Halsey, hoe began work at
oalem. Mrs Malloy only takes in the (mail
er places like Halsey and Salem. ,
The Portland Welcome is probably the best
weekly paper published in Portland. It
shows that a paper can be lrely without be
ing vulgar and obscene like some of its neigh
The regular quarterly meeting of the W;
T. U. will be held to-morrow.-. Jan. .8th,
at 2 o'clock p. m, to bear the quarterly re
ports ot tne officers.
W B Barr,.the railroad contractor spont
Sabbath ia the city. .He reporta a prospect
of having cars running on tne street railway
at aalem within ten days.
It was rumored to-day that the Oregon
Pacific's carpenters and bridge builders had
been called m for the winter; bat cannot find
the authority for the rumor. -. . : ;i ., , ,
The Salem papers have begun asking how
about that woqjen mill or some other woolea
mill. Oar experience here is that sucb
questions indicate a big hitch somewhere.
It is stated that 00 the evening of the
gnat fight between Jackstn and MaAnlil in
San rrancisoo, the oelored people .held a
prayer meeting and asked that their colored
pugilist might win. He woo.
Hon R A Irvine went to Corvallis to-day
on behalf of onr citizens, to make arrange
ments with the Uregon raciho for the con
veying of the destitute Celestials to their
homes in San Franciaco. -
Two young men from Iowa located in In
dependence five years ago, without any
worldly wealth at ail, now they are worth
oyer $5,000, a modest sum, yet enough to
snow wnai young men can do wno aie soner
- 3 1 1 M.t
anu inuustrious.
Week of prayer this week and next week
the State Legislature. The contrast is great f
yet the latter no doubt will be benefitted by
the former, and it ia to be. hoped will give us
some good laws, and not spend tbeir time
Mr. Chas. Metzzar and J. J. Dorns nave
associated themselves together in the Insur
ance and lienors! Brokers business, their of
fice being on First Street, opposite the Russ
House, Albany, Or. The firm wili be known
after this as Chas. Metzgar & Co-
First street to-day is a credit to the city.
and shows what a faw dollars will do. The
cost is very small compared to the benefit
resulting. The privilege of orossing a busi
ness street in a rainy country without affect
ing DiacaiDg on your snots u a great one,
The Albany fire department has instituted
a move for obtaining the passage of a law
changing the time of exemption from aevea
to five years, and for facilitating the tranafor
from one company to anotner. every com
pany in the State will be asked to assist
securing the passage of such a law.
Mr, Shaw-if on his way to, Ohio' on
special business. ; He contemplates, buil.l
a woolen mill in Albany.. -Sunday's Or-
If the report is true Mr. Shaw means
usiness and Albany will have a woolen
mill, an Institution we have long wanted
here.. The bonus asked will be a reason
able one. This is an enterprise our citi
zens should hack.
Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon
Alrany, Uregon. 1 Jails mane in oity
All kinds of woolen dress goods are 23 rer
cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Uu
stork is all fresh, consequently wecau give
yerj ow prices,
W F Read.
8. 8. 001 cent.
The following Sabbath School officers
were elected in this city yesterday for the
ensuing year. : . .
Congregational A. Brownell. Sunerin.
tendent : W R.BIain, Ass't Superinten
dent ; Miss Catherine Althouse. Ortranist:
Miss Annie Althouse. Treasurer. F f. Km.
ton, Secretary ; Geo W Keeney, Financial
Secretary ; W R Blain, blackboard illus
trator ; Mrs A Brownell, Chorister.
u. 1'. ueo W Gray, Superintendent ;L
E Ulaln, Ass't Superintendent j S E Young,
Treasurer ; 0 11 Stewart, Secretary ; F P
Nutting, Recortinir Secretarv M ia fit
dred Burmester, organist.
Card of Thanks.
On behalf of my destitute countrvmen.
ho found themselves in Albanv withnnt
any money and full of hunger, I wish to ex
press thanks to the good citizens of Albany
who have assisted thm in ,,,,.;.. t 1
- - - S"--'"(S w
keep them from starving.
Hotel Arrivals.
Kiln Dried FLOORiNO.-Gb6d kiln dried
flooring at the Springfield lumber yard In
this city.
7 Oiks cures rheumatism, nsuralgia and
toothache. Foshay Mason, Agents.
Superior. That Is 'the'naW of the
stove at G W. Smith's attracting so much
attention. It Is a splendid cook stove.
Curiosities. Some very fine persim
mons, Japanese oranges and sugar cane at
F. H Pfelffer's. Try them. It will cost
nothing to see them. '
Nursery. J. F. Backensto is the ac
credited agent of Vancouyer Nursery. Ap
ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at
AW'.r, Oregon.
Revere House. S Goldsmith, W ' E
Slack, Portland j C C Cherry and wife, G A
Walker, Albanvjj K McL-'oy, is ai Fool, J
Beck. M Knight, R C Way, M A Tones, O
P R R; L Stern, S F; J- Haves and wife.
Corvallis; WH Chambers, bllensburg; l
Price, Linn Co;R V Randall, city : A Loo-
man, Cincinnati ; Eugene Cable, N YjO S
May,sciO;j Fierce, rcacme, wss j oey
more. Salem : N K Price, S Price, Tolo, Or
L Walker, M R Stevcns; R Coleman, Ra.
cine; F Chase, Boston ; A M Frank, Wis-
St. Charles. VVW Parrish.Sodavllle
I Sarger, St Louis, Mo ; Miss L Adams
MISS IS ACiams, Kr ucnan, n uiumhiii, i
Wallace. F Colbert. M B Sissonk, I I Wi
I Hams, E C Pavson, Peck's Bad Boy ; 1
li Mnhr, V Brasier, P Holder, E Sulliva.H
McAUen. O P R R I C Krooplin, Seattle ;
R S Strahan, A W MarksJ A Crawford.A
M Thompson; W V t ortmmer and wne.M
Kortmiller, 1, E. uray anu lamuy.
Russ HotsE. J Nordstour ; A Lacy,
n'nn riir i W Clark : F McCurtain
and son. Texas : F Polk, Rock Creek t G
Robbins, Cook's City, Mon ( C Dean ; A
L Cooper ; K V Millard, Eugene ; j oee
P Rafferiv i M Kelly ; A Nelson and
fnmllv. rtievenne I A Madrlgo i F Boggs
I I Knigtt i H Redfleld ; T Dittenhoeter,
NY ; P Gobbcrt ; W C Duran.l, W IV
Murphy", R E Tohnson.Tolcdo ; W A Snl
der, (JorvaiHB ; a i.onncr , u o
A Derthlck, Scio.
Look Here.
We are closing o" our stock of hoots and
shoes, and to show you that we mean what
we say quote you a few of our prices
Ladies' be6t French kid button h.
AC. regular nrlm t r Pr 1 . . t
town; ladies' extra quality French kid, but-
, regular price, $5.00; ladies,
good French kid, button, at $3, regular
price, $4; ladies' bright Dongola, button, at
3 75. regular, price, $3-5. ladies bright
uuuaii, iicai anu gooa, 2, regu-
i,wt'i" nmencan tia, 92,recr
.1 i c--. 1 ,: , . . . ; . o
ni ihuics American Kid, $1.25
:goir price, a; cniio s oil grain button
:hool shoes, from At tn c . ,. x-u. :
of ladies' rubbw "c cents to, 40 cents;
me. 1 jsurai, 50 cenis; also a large as
sortment of men's boots. -Come and see.
auction Auction every afternoon at
M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old
store. Goods at your own price. Must
be sold.
For iiff TK n A--. ; 1 1 . .
class piano which he offers for sale cheap.
P,nv W TJ T 'All
.. . - - o., rtiurtity.
Cash Goes ILong Ways at Julias Uradwhol'i
have made arrangements, for bujjng
goods direct from the factoriea In Europe,
and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the. Pacific .foast.
The following are some of my cash retail
K dozen unhandled teacups and saucers,
i dozen unnanuieo conee cups ana sau
cers, 45 cts. j. .
yi dozen handled conee cups and sau
cers, 50 cts.
H dozen seven men dinner plates, 45.
cts. .
These goods are all iron stone China and
not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices,
are for 30 days. r.n
Patent Granted.
To citizens of the Pacific - Ktntes. dnrina-
t'he past week and reported for this paper
by C. A, Snow & Co. . Patent lwers, Opp.
U. S. Patent .Office, Wshfngten, D. C'
S Colling, Oa'kiand, CaJ.', battery cell for
electric belt Q II French, Hol'WrrCaU
pipe wrench, i R W HenU Sajv F.wncisco,
roller bearing j rW A Knp.wlea, .Alameda,
Cal. dental engine ; J N Miller, San Fran
clsco, grain harvester ; Fred Ottj Estrella,
Cal. .car coupling. Alex Watson.San Fran
cisco, automatic fire . alarm ; G Werntz,
Placerville, Cal., candlestick.
We Want, Your butter And .eggi .and
will pay you either t-uh or trade, for It. .
Browijell & Stanard.
. 4 SS ... II .1 .
Wide Indigo Prints. A large invoice
of the above, goods has been received, and
will be sold at rtductd trices.. Thev are de-
I sirable patterns and are a bargain.
, . . . OAUEL b. Y.OUNO.
Weather;. lNDiCATioNS.-For,.,thc 24.
hours beginning at i 2 o'clock, noon.
Babies. The finest line of bby - carri
ages in the Valley just rr celve'd at Stewart
& Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con
sidering the superior quality of the carri
ages ... .".
.T A A -fVlih,f? an n. Ci r, If -1
. v.ugv . ,.,uuiwjur
ing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany,
'. SANDISRS.-r jhW.SAf At tv
residence of the bride's parents, McMinn
ville, Or-," Wednesday, Jan. and,", .ijSo'i'.liy
Rev. W. T, Jordan, iss, ,Lpra, flun.aaker
and Mr. A. M. Sanders, both of McMian
vllle... The grponi Is a, son 9f Hon'. J. R.
Sanders, of Amity, and a member of the
firm of Martin . Sanders, of this city. The
brlde'is a da'ughter-ofjRev.'AVj. Hunsaker.
This young couple belong to the best fam
ilies in this county, and begin life together
under the most auspicious circumstances,
and their- many, friends, join in - wishing
them a long and useful life. , They, were
the recipients of many nice and valuable
presents McMlnnvllle Register.
At the threshold
' we begin bnsioefV witb NfiW'tnergy, NEW good and NEW prioes.
Oar stock ; always
Mve Par
in quality and quantity, but
We cater to all the good trade in the oity and BurrooDding country
and sell gocds cheaper than any house ia the city.
Wallace. Thompson & Co.
Suocessora tn Wallace & Thompson.
Plinn Block, Albany, Or. .