j. VOL. ALBANY OR., MONDAY, JANUARY 7,1889. NO 210 THE PLACE. By all mean sill.on Parker Brothers, Successors to Coh Fox, or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their goods are the boot and thetrlpricea reasonable. C. J, DILLON k CO., DEALERS IS LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC. ' ETT. General Job Work, Dressing and , Sawing Lumber, Repairing, ' Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF i- . FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring-, Factory at lost of Lyon Street. FRANCIS PFEIFFEB, PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of OHOIOE CONFECTIONERY, We are now prepared to Mil at whoU sale, always fresh and pure at Portlcnd prlots to dealers. We also keep a full line of fiats' and Tropical Fruits, CIQARS AND TOBACCO; WILL BROS, H Dealers In nil the latest I rnproral Pianos Organs Sawing Maohions, Quns. Also a full line of warrant 1 Razors, Butcher and Pooket Knives. The bait kind of sewing rat-ihlne oil, nsedles and extras, for all machine. Ail repairing neatly and reasonably done. First National Bank OF ALBiHI, OREGON. President L. FLINN Vic PrMldeiit 8, K, YOCNO Cuhl.r , ..UEO. K. CHAMBKRLA1N AM'lCMhier. JAH. F. POWELL TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking builnees, ACCOUNTS KEPT aubjMt to heck. 8IOHT EXCIfANng anil teleirraptilo transfer, 10I on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Xui Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable tonus. DinacToaa. J. R. Yocso, Oao. E Ciusata-j.tt L K. Blair, l. Fuss, WaLISS B TURSSbb, G. L. BLACXAN, Suaessor to B. IV. Lanjdon. DKA.LEKIN DRUGS, MEDICINES1 CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, JE3SOAPS COMBS ETC. rVOTKR G.OOO.OOO brikw that ft - i ' Ptytt txtrt to btiv Seeds of the. lfcrgeu oiia luit ixliablQ fioiute, aad tlvj uso Ferry's Seeds y-nSWrV FKKRY A CO. am --II.. , .i vj n and rrioea SEED ANNUAL 1(189 mfiilml rOtC IMilicantu, and without (,rrlirinaT It. JmiiIh. in zlnio. I ,b, nrt fo, ,t Adrtren O. Rfl. FERRY & CO., Detroit. Mich. SECL7HE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEVOE & I10BS0N H. F. MERRILL, bia. nsr ic e n", ALBANY, - - - ORECON. PortLT""' York' VrmnGlaKH ud nil nntm D.. v- ... . Um. feu. jKt 10 cS"0l- l"tr,," Collection, will rac.lv. prompt attention. Corre,ion(l.nc. aoIiciUid. Kireaud Uariu. Insurance companies. J. J. WHITNEY. ittorney And Counsellor At La? 1HD- IVotarF Public. ALBANY, OREGON, hK!pra0A1?,9u,n of "e Conrts iiiih?'"' A1'b"oeM Intrusted to him will be promptly extended to. J. Z. WEATHESFOfiD. (NOTARY PUBUO.l iTTORNEY AT LAW ' ALBANY. OKCa W'sif J.W A.LL T.HB COURTS OF THE abat. it.. -"""" Si n w collection, and JOHN BRICCS, FLOBIST, ALBANY OREC Roses a Specialty. emetery planted and attended io Palace Meat Market. J. 7. PIPE, PROPELETOL FIS5T' " " ALBANY, OR. will keep constantly on hand bear Sen.nPH0f,C V6aI' t" the beS meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all klnds of fat stock. KEEP POSt t, Wheat, 70 cent.. New fall goods at Read's. See those new jeraies at W. F. Read'.. Now ribboa all shades and styles at Read's All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F Mead Fine line of bread kneading pans at G W soma's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Psownell & bunards. A large stock of lifting force pa i at O vv Bmita's. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell St Stanard. In a calm sea every men is pilot. Ia dry goads W. F. Read is leader. If yon want to save from 10 to 25. per cent I ' . ... T. .1 1 vy your gooas 01 vv. r. xveaa. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at ihos, Jones. D y your tickets through to the E W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor stovt at O W Smith's, no better in the valley. Farmers, yon want the best harness all and made, E.L. Power, next to Dem crat office. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any house in Albany. Call and seo for yourself. All the latest novelties in millinery goods at E and C Howard's. Call and see them, No trouble to show goods. The line of PaciKo and Royal Argands at 0 W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook stoves made. Soe them. Goods not sold for less than coat, sooda not given away. Bat good honest goods sold at reisnaoi prancaii , Ai 1.. Julius Gradwohl ii now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods snd silver ware, of which he carries a large and select stock. His silver ware ia 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery is the best in the market and his line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prioes are the lowest on the coast. F. L UTON -DEALER IN. Choice Family GROCERIES. CoiifectioDcry, Cigars and Tobacco Alljfgoods sold at the lowest cash'prices1 and warranto'! to r,;- OOiUJOLctUlilUIl. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPER? AND MACAZ.MfS NEAR THE POSrOFFICE, ALBANY..0R. Rovere House:. ALBANY, .-. OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER MOPRIETOIl! .. Fitted no In first-class stvle. Tables nnnllul ullh I U V. . J .V , Nice sleeping apartments, Sample rooms CTFree Coach to ae I fr.im the H.,trl.-gst TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OK ALL KINDS AT DEY0E& ROBSO EedCrowriMills (SOU, LANNINfi & CO., PROPR'S. ItKW PROCISS VLODR SUPERIOR fOB FAHrMGS A XT) BAKKRS ITSI. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES." Hisrhest Price in Cash fo Wheat PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT fDBYOE . o5 ROBSON'S, CanVntl irnioinaanw a!f m.inf fKeif .! snaLa "iiajarair TELEGRAPHIC NEWS There it no reason whatever, why any one should mffer from indigestion, dyipepaia, torpid liver and loss of appetite, when Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic, which every one knows is a certain cure, can be so easily ob tained. Sold by ?ohay 4 Mason. Nasal Catarrh is probably one of the most disagreeable ailments tlat a person can be afflicted with. If Dutard'e Specifio ia oatd with a (louche or even snuffed up the nose, according to directions, morning and even ing, a radical core can in most cases ba ef fected Sold by Foihsy Mason. Wonderrnl Cares. DHoyl&Ci., WiMlimle il Kit .it Druggists, ol Rome, Ga., says : We have been sellinr Dr King's New Discover'. Elec trio Biters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal sat isfaction. There have been some wonderful cures etfeoted Ly these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold hy Foshay & Mason. FORiPlLES. Itching- Piles are known by molaturo Uk. f.-p lot, producing; a rery diaajrrMabl. itching- altar Ins warm. This lorm a well a. Blind, Uleedirg protruding- Pile., yield at one to th. application Dr. Boaaiiko'a Pilo remedy, w.ilch acta directly u th. parts affected, abanrbing- th. tumors, allaying Intense Itching and effecting- a permanent our. osnta. Addreaa Th. Dr Boaanko Sla4icin. Co , P O. bold by Dr, Culas and Son. A Pleasing Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts ia harmony with nature to effec tually oleanse the system, when costive or. bilious. For sale in 50c. and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Notice of Final Settlement. ( Notice is hereby given that the under, signed Administratrix of the satate of James Garrett, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the Chanty Court for Linn county, Ore gon, her final account of said estate and the Court baa fixed the 9th day of February, 1889, at 10 o'olnck, a. m. for hearing objec tion! thereto and for settling said estate. ! Thia "ib dy of January, 1889. F. M. Garrett, Administratrix of the estate of James Garrett, deceased. J, K. Weatherford, i Attorney for Admioutiatrir, : D, R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, ORECON. - FOSHAY & MASON, TIOUaiAil AJTO MTAIIp Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, rhlch we sell at publisher'! price Wits aosiagoaddftd. ALBANY, OKEflON, DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Pine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob-son's- Special bargains It Will be Dramatic. Los Anceles, Jan. 6. The revival of in terest in the identity of Murchisoa of Pomona by the connection of Governor Sheldon's name therewith has caused those holding the secret to relaxa little, and it is now intimated that Murchisons real name will be given with dra matic effect on March 4 next. Murchison is to BO On to Wflshino-tin .L. ... " &.u..,.Hnw iu me inaugural ceremonies as Murchison, and then he will be ...wcu iu rresiaeni riarruon under his proper name. Plenty of Laborers. San Francisco, Jan. 6. Speaking on the agitation of the question of the nlleonl r;, of laborers in California, Ex-Governor Perkins says: the question is very clear to me. There is enough white help in this state at aU times to CUODlvall HpmnnHc Tf .U. t . - -. - men wno are clamoring for more Chinese knew how to treat mc ,ca men- work would be better done and the ceneral result im cti.i... 1 wa.a..uiy, a can no out to-day and get loco men, men who are able and willing in u 1. Come to Oregon. Farco, Dak., Jan. 6. News comes here of a pitiable state of affairs among the Norwegian, farmers of Walsh countvr It it tii.l ,hr .r. about fifty families almost destitute, The only , uuiiciicc mey nave or nave had for some time is ennkino thiV r- ...1 . . fc IIIMCU WIICUL into a sort of porridge. The live within the belt where early frosts did the greatest damage and had relied solely on this season's crop to tide them over the winter, but this calamity left them with ot,cnl..Al.. .u: ' Given a Dinner. Washington. Ian. A i..t,. i r J " -jH.a.a Wt.aaa Ul Portland, Oregon, is in the city on a short visit and gave a dinner porty at the Ebbitt on Fri day evening to Senator Mitchell and a number of friends. MooJylnS.K. San FRANciscoJan. 6. Dwight Li Moody the evangelist, to-day began a series of meet ings in this city. Three services wereTield.two or them being in the Mechanics pnvilion.a large area of which had been enclosed especially for teis purpose, The seating capacity of this im provised trbemacle is 6000, and during both the afternoon and evening meetings, not only was every seat filled, but also the aistes. while hundreds were turner' - . j away. Hunt Talk. Walla Wai .1 V. T.. Tan. a .... - , . , rttamass meeting tins afternoon J. W. llunt spoke. He said he hnd not built the O.&W. T to sell out; that his syttem was independent of all otherroads and that he intended to keep whh Th.VL?ad S my-ye" traffic fl"men t .,N.0rmPad,'c'anl lfore was IeaVnf ra' "wn'btnationsand joint rti v?1, mPani- had made this A. J. H0?" terff his system and would build a ri.. T , " cretl" 10 this oranyother city, and pay for half the necessary depot grounds. He had M.hli.u 1.:. uA...Z Zty- P"01;""1 home here and wasex peeling to reside here henceforth. A Careless Boy. -Marvsvillk, Jan. 5. -At Yuba City this afte.noon a boy named. Wallace picked up a Slutlfim from u'h... 1,. l. 1 t over his shoulder without noticing that it was rnrk.,! t:. . " . . - iiun was aiscnargeil, the load entrinn iu. 1 . . . , .... u.ni u, M uoy nm- tfd Grot-nig, near by, inflicting a wound later mucr cited twenty minutes We -Aiilnell jrou groceries choapr than a-iy out, uhe. BrownkllA Stanarb. i.:it(n,Ko in'liis uew di.oovry for Cmieumption, tno. o led 111 producing a modimne wliich iiao kn.,wdgl by all to be simply marvelous. ItisoxMMlin.ily plrasant 10 the ta?te. per fcPtly Irarinlear, and does not siclun In all oaaesof c,esof Cunaumption. Cmith,Col.ls Wh,,p,g tmiBh, Croup, Broncl.lt.,, , and 1 ail., in th. U,t, it hM Klvou unjve , atisfaetiini. Or B.,Mnko's C.ngh .1 d Lung Myrnp is o datoOwnt. by )r tJuiM Aj son. N. ..ni.u. .... , . . ..,, vU,rmui,i:iuon, iimonscd or1a rnccived at W.l,w Jt Thompton'a. tX'RK FOR KICK IIEtD.lCIIE. ?W"?"tmnm"t"' '""-, Pimple. 01V .u cure itir .ick headache, ajtk ir . 1 ' Wl nni, SuRVKvisoMr. E. T. T. Kls'uer is pr pared to do surveying of all kinds at ica somibic rates He has complete copies of held notes and township plats In the coun tv. Adrcss-Miller's Station, Linn county SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON