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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1889)
I. VOL. ALBANY OR., SATURDAY, JANUARY 5,1889. NO 209 C. J, DILLOK & CO., DK.VLEKSJtN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETo General Job fork, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustio flooring, Factor at iot of Lyou Ntreet. I Pol J. T. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on band bear, mutton, park, veal, aausage, etc,, the best moats anil largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all klndof fat stock. D, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law. JOHN BRICCS, FLORIST ALBANY ORES Roses a Specialtv. emetery planted sad attended to For haud maileharaess go to K. L. Power, K M. French koeps railroad time. tfVOVEB 6,000,000 Popl twlievo that It a , ii i ly bent hi buy heeds of tha largest and must tuiablo house, and uwy uiu Ferry's Seeds M. FERRY 4 CO. am aekuowleddod to be too Largest Seedsmen in tho world. D M. FfcnnT A Co'B UI'iMratod. Descrip. ti?e and Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1880 Will bo mnilori FRCP to all applicants, and 1 1 KM I. iiur'a miiiliitnnpi Without nftinrinir it. ntviti. In I ,i,0d d for ,t AitdrMs D.M.FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. THE PLACE." By all moans sill on Parker Brothers, Succtssors Io Join Fox, for your Groceries, Produce, Bake! Goods, Etc., Etc. Their goods are the best and their, prices reasonable. FHANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEliTIONERY, . U'e are how prop -trn;1 to poll at wi(b sale, always frnnh and pure at Port li ad f trices to doalern. Wo also keep a full ioe of Nnts and Tropical Fruits, . CIGARS AND TOBACCO; WILL BROS, ""Dealors In all thn I tt Improve I Pianos; Oriru:., swina: Mfhln'M, Uiini. Also a full line of warranto I Itasin. Rntoher and foo'tat KilivHi. Tho) bait kin I of Hewlnir ina'diin oil, nindltM and extras, for all iii-vfiino Ail repairing .noatly and reasonably dona. RedCrownMills ISOM, LANNIXO & CO., PROM'S. NET PROCESS FLOOR SUPERIOR fOR IAMIMKS A!n BAKERS USE. BEST STOHAGF-FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEFOE & ROBSON Orace.OddJFellow's Temple, ALBANY, ORECON. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La7 Notary Public. ALBAS?, OREGON, liiMK010- A,1,b-ineBii Intrusted to him will be promptlya';tended to. FAULTLESS! iVVature It fault leu and so Is that noble discovery, containing only Na- ediea. Th, ture's own remedies, "The1 mm mm P P 1 1 M ri F D'Q Tfi'i 1BLTJ j -a -1 UttflE It is a benefit to the human race. KEEP UP YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by the use of Pfunder'8 Oregon Blood Pikjieifq. Quick and Complete Cure of all Diseases of tne 8kin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousneas,and Ruts fresh energy into the system by making w, ltli li Ulood. Take it in time, rlvht now, asit ennnot be beat as ft preventative ofdisease. told anil used everywhere. Ji a bottle. 6 for it TAKE IT NOW. KEEP POSi w Wheat, 70 cents. ' New fall goods at Read's. See those new jersies at W. F. Bead's. New ribboa all shades and styles at Read's All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F Head's. Fine line of bread kneading pans at G V Smith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & Stanard's. A Urge stock of lifting force pumps at G W Smith's. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell & Stanard. In a calm sea every man is pilot. In dry goods W. F. Read is leader. If you want to save from 10 to 25.per cent by your goods of V . tr. Head. Six shaves for a dollar and a elcan towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Buy your tickets through to the E W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of beating and parlor stovi at Gr W Smith's, no better in the valley. Farmers, if you want the beat harness all and msde, i E.L. Power, next to Oem crat office. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any bouse in Albany. Call and see for yourself. All the latest novelties in millinery goods at and C Howard's. Call and see them, No trouble to show goods. The line of Pacifio and Royal Argands at Q W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook stoves made. See them. Goods not sold for less than cost, goods not given away. But good honest goods sold at reasonable protitat V. . t . i Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver ware, of which he carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery is the best in the msrkot and his line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the (lowest on the coast. raw -DEALER IN - Choice Family GROCERIES Confectionery, Cigars and Toll acco All'fgoods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken io Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MACAZWS NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY.SOR. Hevere House; albany, - - - Oregon; CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted tjd In first-class style. Tables supplied with the best In tbe market. Nice sleeping apart ments, Sample rooms for oomuierolal travelers, tyFree Caaeh t an J fr.m tta Mitel.Tl TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OK ALL KINDS AT DEY0E1& ROB 13. F. &1ERK3LL, bia it k: b le, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. Rii i( on Sew York. San Francisco and Portland. , Bay notw, StVe. countv and e'.ty warranti. R noli.. rirwMiLi aiiMnct tA rhtftflt. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections will receive prompt attention. Correspondencs) solicited. Fire and Marine InsurAnt companies. KINGING WORDS. Governor Hill in his messsige to the New York legislature used the following ringing words for which he is entitled to and will re ceive the commendation of every honest man : 'The necessity of some chance in our elec tion laws, whereby the increasing cormntion which has become incidental to our elections imperative. It is believed that the late Presidential election was the most corrupt of any in the history ol the country, so iar as me direct use of money was concerned in influencing electors, anil public sentiment is naturally awaked to the desirability of some relief. The peculiar causes which induced this immense corruption are apparent. Anxiety to suDserve seinsii ana private advantage rather than the general interests of the public natural ly led to the campaign being conducted upon alleged business principles,whereby it is assert ed that electors were lxmght and sold like goods ana chattels in open market. It is claimed that at least $100,000 were expended in the Twen tieth and Twenty-fourth Congressional Districts in this State, in efforts made therein to elect Congressmen and to secure an election believed to be favorable to the policy of fostering private interests. So successful have been the recent efforts at corrupting the ballot that good citizens were led to doubt whether the full and unbiased sentiments of the people would not continue to be nullified through corruption whenevei and as often as it appears that the interests of the people conflict with those of monopolists, who, profli gate with their money, are intent upon resisting all interference with their selfish and arrogant demands." Governor Hill recommended that by joint resolution the Legislature urge Congress to adopt constitutional amendments regarding the ' Presidential term and provision for ex-Presi- 1 dents. Governor Hill's recommendations are: First That the term of office of the President I and Vice-President shall be six years. Second That the President shall be ineligi ble for re-election. Third That the President shall, Immediately j upon the expiration of his term, become a mem ber of the United States Senate for life and re ceive an appropriate salary. This amendment shall apply to all living ex -Presidents. There is some likelihood that congress will pass a law repealing the preemption and timber culture land law and leave all public lands to be disposed of by homestead entry only. Wonderful Cures, DUtvt &:,, .Vui.ium .it 1 1 nil Druggists, ot Rome, Ga., tinvs : Wo hove been ffjlintr Dr Kin'a New Discovery. Elec tric I'-i'tors and Buckleii't. Arnica Salve for two $ ears. Havo never handled remedies that sell us well, or jitve suuh universal tuit isf action. Theru have been some wonderful cures effected l.y tlmve m?dicitt! in this city. Several caaeH of pronounced consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a few hotel' of Or King's New Discovery, taken in connection villi Klfctriit Hitters, We Kuarautee tiiem always. Sold by Foshuy & Mason. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT 'DBYOB oc ROBSON'S. Is the olden and moat popular scientific and mechnnlcnl pnper published and has the lancet fiirculation of unjr pnper of Its cIom In the world, tully Illustrated. Heat class of Wood KnjtrnT ItiRs. Published weekly. Send for specimen codt. Price 3 n yenr. Poor months' trial, 1. WUN.V & co PuBLisnRKs, 801 Broadway, N.T. RCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Sntnntifift A marl on rr u Ktx-ni biscctm. r.ncn isbuo contains eoiorca llthotrrnphte plates of country and city residen ces or public bui Minus. Numerous encravinpn and full plan and specifications for the use of such its contemplate hull dine Trice tl-M a year, 25 cts. a copy. aiL'NN A CO., I'UliLISllEitS A LATENTS may bo seenr ed by apply ing to ii I' N M h Co., who hnvtthnrt OTpr am yonrs' experience and hnvo made over vmm itpfillciitinns for Amerlcnn and For elun pnlcnt. Send for Handbook. Corres pondence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In rune yonr nmrk Is not registered in tho Pat ent (Mtico, apply to M v s A ( o., and procuro luimedinte protection. Heud for Handbook. COPYRUillTH for hnokn, charts, maps, tc. quickly prucured. Address IHUNX & CO., Pnlrnt Hollcllora. Qenikal Orricx: 801 Uuoadwav. N. Y. FOSKAY Sl MASON, t WOLIYUS AND UTAH.- Druggists and looks?liers, AHt.tMfor John R. Ableo's ptibllctillnnt. pOStktgDa.lJa. DEYOE & ROBSON ARE AGENTS FOR THE NEW Mi:1,;! V!IH PAVI VERTICAL-FEED SEWINti MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Had Nerve. San DiKSoJan. 4. Mrs, Benjamin Biddle's ner.e is the wonder of the town. While run ning a press in her husband's Drintinir nlRrhr ler1f00t cauEht in ,he 'readle and the upper joint . 10c was tasen on. uiddle went for a sargeon, but none wonld dress the toe for less thar 12. CO anrl sh cni.l s"ch bilL She took a razor, cut oft all the shreds of flesh, picked out the splintered bones and dressed the toe herself. She is now run ning the press with her other foot. Death of Mrs. J. Quinn Thorton. Salem, Or., Jan. 4. Mrs. N. M. Thorntmt. relict of the late T. Ouinn Thornton. HiiH nf her nome in this city, at 4 o'clock this afler- uwu, me .uvancea age at 72 yearsr An Immense Fraud, New York, Ian. 4. The Evening Sun. prints what it calls an almost incredible tsle of gigantic fraud. It staies that the Eleciric .t... ixv.imiiig company nas been duped to the extent of that its whole "secret poocess" turns out to be a humbug of the most bare faced kind. Montana's Mine. Helena, Jan, 4. It is estimated that the total output of the gold, silver, lead and copper mines of Montana for the , hpMn $80,000,000 and 85,000,000 and increase of $10,000,000 over 1887. Talk of Your Boom. Kansas City, Tan. 4. The Times h.iJ vices from Springer, Oklahoma, that the mar tial law order of two years ago has been put in force.and the squatters are decamping. Spring, er is a little over th u L e i j 1.... u-r yesterday it had a population of 300a The sutuicis aic vigorously enforcing tne order, and settlers are obeying it with alacrity A Itint. Seattle, Jan. 4. The trouble which has been brewing in the Newcastle mine for some time culminated this morning in a riot-in which one man, Wm. Ruston was killed. Spokane Falls, W. T., Jan. 4. A terri ble tale of woe, suffering and unhappiness was revealed to-day at an inquest oven the body of A. Ii. Cooke, of Portland, by a letter written by the wife of Cook the day before he died. Cooke was a clerk cmyloyed by G. L. Demert, a druggist. He came here two. months ago from 1'ortland, where his wife and child now reside at 20 Stark St.. Kor some time past Cooke has been despond ent, and on the receipt of a severe letter from his wife was pluuged into tne "blues." He got $35 from Demert but finding he could not tele graph it to his wife, went on a spree and spent all but 65 cents. Then he committed, suicide, the coroner's lury decided.. We will sell vou groceries chesper than H3y one else. Brown ell 4 Sxanard. Dil. ISO Sf-Kt in his new discovery for Consumption, suc ceeded iu producing a inediciue which ij ac knowledged by all ta be simply marvelous. It is ex'jHudinty pleasant to the taste, per fectly harnilese, aud does not sicken. In all cafes of capes of Cousuinption. Coaghs, Colds vvnonpinK Coiu'tb, Oroup, fironchltis, and Fains 111 the Chest, it has L'iven universal satisfaction. Dr lto,auko'8 Cough aud Lung syrup is sold at Sit cents by Dr Uuisi Son. Pino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob- son's Special bargains Itchiuir 1'ile, art) known br uDiir.tiro )iko l'?sp iwt producing . very d'sagrcftttble itching after ing w.rm. Thisfurm ss well aa Blind, Kleedins; trotrudinjr Piles, yield . l oiKae to the ennlnatiwl r. llorankn's Pile renwdy, waieh iwts directly u the p.rts slfectod, ahiirbin the tu nors, adaying tnteniw itehirn; .ml .freeing s ner'nitie"t cure cents. A'JdTvu 1 tie ur ltwanki VM.eme Lo , r O. bold by Dr. d'tiss.nd Son. A IMcanlni; Sense Of health and strength renewed and of esse aud comfort follows the ueof Syrup nf Figs ss it acts in narnmny witti nature to ettej- ttiaily cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c. aud $1 bottles bv all loading drut;uit. Dixturuaure or the Heart. Heart disease bi like an assaasln, which creepj npou von in the dark, ami strikes you vvlieu unaware. Therefore, do not overlook any unea'.inesa In tbe region of the heart 01 disturbance in Its action, but at nni-e take Ur. Flint's Kemedy, De vriptive treatiHH witb esoh botte ; or, ad dnas Mack Druit i'i. w, Y, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she erled for Castorla, When she became Miss, she chins; to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE- 7 3 I & ROBSON