Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Democrat
Wednesiay Eyening.January 2,1889
tYITks MHTTHU1, Editors and Publishers.
Publishod .very day In loo week.
Sund.ys excepted.)
Entered at the P wt OlUoe at Albany, Or
a aeooud-claaa mall matter.
Oellverod by rnarlor per wook I .15
Kr malt, par ywr .... 6.00
By mill, permonMi W
Oh yesr, In id ranee
One year, at end of yor
Six months. In advance
... 2.W)
.. 1.00
Jabbering. Nearly two hundred Celes
tials who have been working at the front
under the Meyer's contract, arrived In the
city to-day and have been making Rome
howl with their jabbering. Considerable
excitement prevailed for awhile around
Jim Westfall's establishment, caused by a
large number of angry Chinamen gather
ing there and demanding their money
from their bossyman, a Celestial, who was
also present. From the manner in which
they shook their fists around Jim Westfall's
face it was surmised that he was interest
ed ; but he Insists that it was none of his
affairs. From a few days to several months
wages were due them, and they wanted
some kind of a settlement so they could
return to San Francisco, where they re
side. If they could get passes to that
city they would be satisfied. As the con
tractor has not received his pay the pros
pects were not very good for their getting
any money. The amount of noise made
was not necessarily an indication of the
extent of the trouble.
Leadisg Countiss. Qrunt county has
the most horses and mules of any county
in Oregon, l6,S;5. It also leads in cattle,
with 47,1 1 S. Crook county is at the head in
sheep, with 221,756. Lane county is the
greatest grunter, with 7625 hogs. Of course
Multnomah county has the most property
and the biggest indebtedness. The least in-
debtedness is In Maiheur Co.,$io7,333. After,
Multnomah Uma'.illa has the most money,
notes, accounts and mortgages, $1,702,693.
Linn county has the greatest wealth In
land, $4,594,358 ; Multnomah in town lots
and Marion county next, $1,343,716.
Inciiease in Marriages There were
according to the list published in the
Democrat 132 marriages in Linn county
last year, which of course only includes
those getting licenses in this county. This
number is just twenty more than the rec
ord of 1887, which shows a healthy growth
in the right direction. An examination of
the records for a great many years shows
that there are more weddings in October
than during any other month, owing prob
ably to its being just after harvest.
More Arrests. Dr. E. O. Smith, who
is alleged to have jumped a mining claim
belonging to Messrs. Woodin, Rhodes,
Read Massey, Mart Bilyeuand others, and
whoa few days ago had Mr. Massey ar
rested for larceny of quartz from the claim
has had Mart Bilyeu and three or four
others arrested on the same charge and
the case will be tried to-morro before
Justice of the Peace Lyons, of Rock Creek
On the Face of It. According to the
last assessment the total Indebtedness in
Linn county was $1,633,025 in Marion
county, $2,533,289. The number of polls
in Linn county was 1748, in Marion county,
1402. This simply indicates that they
must have had "a stick in the mud" for an
Assessor in Marion county. Probably in
no county in Oregon was there a more
honest assessment made than in Linn Co.,
considering the present system of doing
the business.
Want It Repealed.
The following petition Is being circula
ted In Benton county by Thos. Read, a
very unique gentleman, well known In Al
bany. It was gotten up by Mr, Read, and
rather caps the climax In the mitter of pe
titions ; yet, as It were, it gets there all the
Benton County, Or., Dec. i, 1888.
To the Honorable Body to Meet at Salem
to make Laws for the lolling reopie 01
Oregon, Greeting:
We, the undersicned farming Children,
ask and Demand that you repeal all Laws
In regard to the protection of the so called
imna pheasant and oner a small Bounty
for the head or scalp of the hateful, skulk
ing, troublesome Bird, which destroy our
grain, demoralize our gardens and con
taminate the Chicks of our domestic fowls.
A Stockholders' Meeting.
At the meeting of the stockholders of the
Albany Farmers aud Merchants Insurance
company this afternoon G . F. Simpson, Chas
Monteith, D B. Monteith, J L. Cowan, J,
W. Cusick. Chas E. Wolverton. I. O. Writs-
man and J. K. Klderkin were elected direc
tor?. A partial report showed a mattering
business for the yar.
Its Origin. Jump-off-Joe, the name of
a stream in Southern Oregon, received its
name from the trapper, McLeod, who led
the first white expedition overland to Cal
ifornia in 1832. They camped one right
on this stream, but Joe McLoughlin, who
was out huntinz.dld not come in until after
dark, and, not knowing that the camp was
on a bluff, he stepped over the edge of it
in me uaricness, ana tell quite a distance
below. He received injuries that could not
be cured, and died in a few years, but from
this circumstance the creek received its
Jumped Into the Fire. A correspon
dent of the Yaqulna Republican gives the
following peculiar incident that happened
at the front on the Oregon Pacific : "Fri
day a man running from a blast, took ref
uge behind the very stump that was being
blasted out and under which there were
two boxes of Judson powder. You may
iudpe of his nstoniKhmpnt whti th hlact
went off, tore his hat into fragments and
bnl.-.l u: ... u 1.... jm 1
"nuvneu 111111 biuiu, UUL Uld HDI injure
him as he was at work again in the afternoon."
In Hot Water. Mr. Jim Westfall call
ed at the Democrat office to day and re
quested us to state to his friends here, many
of whom he has known for sixteen years,
that he will pay them in due course of time
all that he owes them, Through several
bad contracts he has lost nearly $4,000. Of
this amount $2,500 were sunk on the Mey
ers contract, lie is in heap hot water ;
but expects to get cut all right.
The Ball. One of the most Impromptu
affairs ever gotten up in Albany was the
ball given last evening at the Opera House.
Several enterprising gentlemen did the
business, furnished the music and paid all
the expenses, everybody dancing who
wanted to. The attendance was large and
the enjoyment great.
Montetih & Sei
Call early before
Will Be Astonished A letter from
H. M. Chase, of Wa'.Ia Walla, ex treasurer
of the O. R. & N. Co., who is now in New
York, to the Walla Walla Statesman, says
that from his observations he is satisfied
that the Northwest country has passed
through its hardest days and that It has al
ready entered upon an era of development
that will astonish the old moss backs and
old settlers generally.
Have twj Croup Last evening Mayor
J. L. Cowan, Capl. E. Ji Lannlng, John A
Crawford and George Humphrey attended
the ball at the Opera House,caught severe
coldion account of too violent dancineand
to-day are laid up with the croup. It is
mougm gooa treatment will bring them
out an ngni.
W I HP kntfinPoivra A ln..
or me aDove goods nas been received, and
will neui m iir rtiiiimi rtrr-t ,n elm
sirable patterns and are a bargain'
Weather IvnirATinvn Vnr it,. it.
nours Degmning at 12 o clock, noon.
Curiosities Some very fine persim
mons, Japanese oranges and sugar cane at
F. H Pfeiffer's. Try them. It will cost
noining to see tncm.
Thompson & Overman keep the best har
A Pleaslnc Sense
Of health and strength renewed and of ease
and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Fins,
as it acts in harmony with nature to effec
tually oleanse the system when costive or
bilious. For aale in 50c and f 1 bottles by
an leaaing araagists.
Worth of Dried Fruit Wanted.
And I must have it. Having made con
tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon
Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby
saving commission and adding the same to
the prlne bf vour fruit. No offer made on
fruits unloaded and placed in any other
house in my line in tne city, it you be
.ieve In the doctrine of buying in the cheap
est and selling in the highest market and
have no conscientious scruples about party
or religion, you must cometo see me or be
untrue to yourseit and lamiiv. To satisfy
yourseii, can ana get my prices.
Yours respectfully,
P. Cohen,
Albany, Or.
Go to P. J. Laportes for your boot and ih. e
J. P. Wallace. Physician Mid Burgeon, Al
bany, Or
There are (28,000,000 deposited in Cali
fornia savings banks.
Mrs L V Lonsway. of Seattle, W T, is in
the city visiting friends.
Ten or fifteen Albany people went to Sal
em to-day to hear Moody.
There is a big 8nht raging in Umatilla
county over its division.
After alt oar expostulations a great many
bills are being dated 1888,
Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves
and sells them the cheapest.
Call and see those Early Breakfast stoves
and ranges at W C Tweedale'.
The real estate "tales in Marion connty
during 1888 amounted to 1937.344.
The students of the agricultural college
at Corvallis sow wear uniforms
Dr Folev. one of Lebanon's robust physi
cians, has been in the city to-day .
You will save money by uettinc vonr
plumbing and job work done at Twedale's,
If vou want a tender ohicken he sure and
get one of those new style roaster, at W C
The oast was a very prosperous year in Al
bany, though the amount of building done
was not large.
The city has been full of dacoes with time
checks for aale. The prevailing price baa
been 25 per cent off.
Mr Fisher, lately from Dakota, will short
ly open a tailor shop second door north of
the Democrat office.
At a family dinner vesterdov at S E
Young's twenty eight were present. Not a
bad showing for one family.
Ed C Phelps, of the Medford AHvertiter,
ccompanied bv his son. who resides at Jef
ferson, is in the city visiting friends.
Mr Phelps, who is in the city, has sold the
Medford Advertiser, and the name of the
paper will be changed to the MaiL
Smallpox is spreading in the north end ol
Marion county. Two or three new cases
have developed in the last week.
Dr. Tanner, the famous faster.iasoon to Ve
married to a daughter of a Parisian million
aire. Who wouldn't fast for forty days?
The sold headed cane Dr Maston carries
when he wants to pat on style, was present
ed him by Rev. Prichard as an Xmas prea"
A man fell thirty feet off the baLk near
the relic connty end of the balera bridge yer-
terday and lived, owing to a heavy load I
corn juico on board.
The trade of Portland last year ia placed
at 11)0,000. the amoaut invested in improve
menta, 13,500.000. The real estate salfi
footed up $7,035,866.
Cherry k Parkes are paeking their ma
chinery preparatory to their removal to Ta-
coma, where Mr Unerry now la making ar
rangements lor its receipt.
Dr W H Davis, recently of Harriabnrg,
ha located in Albany for the practice of hia
profession. Hia office ia in the Strahan
block. fc . ,
Invitations to Harrison's inaugural ball
hava already been reeeived in Oregon. For
some reason or other the General has over
looked na.
Rev. J. G. Burchett will preach at the
Baptist Cnareh. Friday evening, Ueo. 4th
All are invited to ooine, Preaohing each
evening this week.
Miss Annie Godley who has been spending
the holidays at her home at Halsey has re
turned to Cbemawa to teach the little red
men how to ahoot.
There were 139 marriages in Marion coun
ty during 1888. Six ahead of Linn connty j
yet that county pays taxes on $1,000,000 lass
than Linn county, uan t understand it.
Two ballots were cast in Kencneky for
Belva Lookwooil. and a reward has been of
fered for information which will lead to the
detection of the guilty parties. The two
voters persist in keeping in tne dark.
Among those who were sent from the East
to California to view the eclipse was not.
Lewis Swift, who has charge of the Roches
ter. N. Y. observatory, lie was stationed
at Nelson and got a fair view. Mr Swift
was once a mere nardware man, running a
little store on Lake Avenne, in (be city
mentioned $ but now he is the greatest
eomet finder in the world perhaps. The
writer has ofteu seen and heard him.
The following resolution was introduced
in the House last week which says : That
Jan. 15th, 1888, immediately after the read
me of the Journal, be aet apart lor the) con
sideration of H B 3319, entitled "A bill to
provide for postomce buildings. Thia will
give Mr Hermann tne longaongni ior oppor
tunity to get in on the Salem postoffice build
ing. Journal. t
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. In this line w
have always shown the very best goods to
be found in the markets of America, the
knife will be put to goods in this depart
mentas they must go. Call and see for
Monteith & Seitknbach.
We Want, Your butter and eggs and
will pay you either cash or trade for It.
Brown ell & Stanard.
this 1
Christmas was observed here by the
voung people, two large trees were put up
In the U. P. Church and many valuable
presents were distributed.
Mr. Holstien.of Puget Sound, has been
looking at the farms in this vicinity. His
obiect is to local,. . l.. t ...,. ...
- BlllUil HIUWCII.
He is hlL'hlv lik .l.. .
ind Oakvllle. 3
The U P Sabbath school held their an-
ciecuon last Sabbith. Mr G S Ach
was elected Superintendent.
Why does the Sheriffs of some counties
this Ca,.. 1. .
.,i men to report on the r
iluhknn, l.llll , r .
-t.., ft,lllng i.ninese pheasants t
J '7 "PP01"' the men that do the
a "c nopeine snerllt of Linn Co.
'"" any nelp in carrying out
UniUSt I.1UT hilt If hm A ! 1 1
' - " - "V UWCB, mm IIC Will
select a different class of men to do the re-portlr,g-
Look Here.
We anc'osin? O'" our stork of hnoisnnH
shoes, and to show you that we mean what
we say quote you a few of our prices
Ladies' best French kid button shoes at
1-35. regular price, $5.50, none better in
wn ; ladies' extra quality French kid, but
n at $3 75,recular mice. rnn.
good French kid, button, at $3, regular
ft. ungnc uongoia,
regular m-lf i 1 tia.
. -o r f uicb uncut 1
Uongola, button, neat and good, $2, reeu
lar Drice 7- Inii-c a 7
ular price. $3; ladies' American kid, $1.25
iiiiic, senna s oil grain button
:hool shoes, from Si to $1.20; a few pairs
: ladies' ruhht - r..,. . . .
men s rubbers, 50 cents; also a large as
sortment of men's boots. Come ami see.
Brownell & Stanard.
Disturbance of the Heart.
Heart Hlnmiaa la lllra . 1- l , ,
... al( a.s.iii, w 11 1 c 11
creepj upon you in the ilarlr. nH irik.a
Vrn nkM . . I
j nuDU unaware, inereiore, ao not ,
it. i. - 'j, . ,U'' lu luB region OI
tne heart 01 disturbance in Its action, but
. wr. i-iim-a Aemsay, ue-
TintlVA trnnliua ail,K A.AU .... . .1
, - -- - c,ii uuih , ur, Ma
li reus Mack Drug Co. N, Y,
Superior Thnf ic t
- v iiauic ui lUC
stove at G. V. Smith's attracting so much
attention. It is a splendid cook stove.
tenbach having
STOCK of Gen
the stock is bro
All kinds of vnnlan ,1 .... n c
mo pCr
cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Our
- u an irein, consequent! weca i ve
yerj ow prices.
W F Read.
For Sale. The undesigned .has a first-
class piano which he offers for sale cheap,
I'ROF. v. 11. LEK, AIDnny.
Baby carriages at Stewart & Sox's.
decided to close
Summary of Meteorology for Dec, 1888,
from observations taken at Albany.Linn Co.
Oregon, by John Briggs.vo). observer for the
Signal Service, U S. Army.
Highest barometer on the 30tb, 30. 19.
Lowest barometeron the 12th, 29.30.
Mean barometer for the month, 29.78.
Highest daily average of bar. 30.18.
Lowest daily average of bar. 29.38.
Highest temperature on the 16th. 58,
Lowest temperature oo the 31th, 25.
Mean for the month 53.49.
Highest daily range of ther. on the 31, 20.
Lowest daily rangeof ther. onthe 22tb, 0.
Mean temperature at 7a. m. daily 40.
Mean temperature at 2p. m, daily 48 8.
Mean temperature at 9 p. ni. daily 43.31.
Prevailing directions of wind, S.
Maximum velocity force, 3.
Total rainfall or melted snow, 4.28 inches.
Depth of snow at end of month, 0.
Number of days on which .01 inch or mora
rain fell, 15.
Nuinbor of days of cloudiness average $
scale of 10, 10.
Of 93 observations 25 were clear, 22 cloudy,
6 fair, 17 foggy, 11 rain, 5 hazy, 7 overcast,
0 smoky.
Frost on the raoriings of 23d to 31 in
clusive Temperature, f2 40 on aerage of 10 years,
Kainfall-4.44 on average of 10 years.
Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon
Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or
Monteith Si Seitenbach's great closing sale
will enable all to buy any line of goods fully
50 percent, less than any other atore in the
All parties knowing themselves indebted
to the firm of Thompson Sc Waters, either
by note or account, must come forward and
stittle the same within thirty days, as there
ia going to be a change in their business.
Brownsville, Or., Jan. 1st, 18S9.
Thompson Sc Waters.
HOWE-MARTIN. In North Brown.
He, on i Dec, 30, i8S8,atthe residence of
aim oy K.ev. operrv, Mr. Chas. J. Howe
and Miss Mary D. Martin all of Linn
H -Wature Is faultless and so Is that
noble discovery, containing only Na
ture'a own remedies. "The"
Jtisa benefit to the human race. KEEP UP
YOUTH, HEALTH, VIOORby the use of
PFUNDERL8 Oregon Blooo Purifier.
Quick and Compute Cere of all of
the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It
checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieve.
Const! p.tion,Dy.pep.ia and Biliousneaa,aad
put. fresh energy Into the ayatem by makJae!
New, ItlcU Ulood. Takeit in time, rightnoS:
as it cannot be beat as apreventative ofdiaease.
Cold and used everywhere, ti a bottle. 6 for Is.
F. I.
Choice Family
Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco
All goods sold at the lowest cash prices.
Hand warranted to give satisfaction.
Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods,
Subscriptions receive for all the leading
out their Albanybusiness offer
for sale without reserve at COST