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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1888)
Albaar.Markrt. Wheat-78 Oat J5v Slitter 25 its par lb. Cgge-2ot Hay -0.00. Potatoe 15 ets por baiio't. Beef-on foot, 3 !i , ?plM-40 centi per bu. Perk 6'A6 per 1' iressed. Baaonc uvui lliJjO. shoulders, 14). 8lJ Ho. ird 15) par lb. Flour 4.25 per bbl. Chicken 3 00 par doz. Llill Feed bran, 14.00 per tim', shorts, 1U. middling, 20 Chor W. Conrad Myer. ,-PKOPKlrJ.T''.t OV- STAR BAKERY, -Unraap ' Broaialbiii and First Sts., - Canned Fraud, GIuDsirare, Dried FmU, Tobacco, Soicar, Coflee. Etc DEALER IS CuaarA Meutv, Queenswure, Vegetables, Cigars, Spice. Tea, Etc., In fast everything tha1: i kept ii a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL Km OF PRODUCE. Lisa 'unty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., fruecessora to Cowan H Cuaiok,) ALBANY - - " OREGON. TRANSACTS a general baukinff buaineaj . Da.WStGill l tVPTi-Ji Njv Yurie, Sia Fraa . isoaoi PortlanJ, Omjoii. LOAN MOKEYon ip:o'cil ccurltj. RECEIVE deposit subject t chck. H.J. MlSTHORV, PfJ. 8. F&aRAft, ia fro B, S Cooh, S- c.'' ThftOteffon Laud Comnany A v v o Cr?nizctiforthopurpjsoorbuylnjC and telling reil mUtA, advertising .he WilHmette Valley in all of the leading newsji .pent o( the United States. Employing Ewwrn agents to direct home seekers to the wlllam ette Vallev, and h nie agent In all the principal towns o( Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid In locatiuy ImmicTant. Orftco in the Tate Building ono door west of trow art 4 Sox i, K0D3O;J 4 dicKINSOH, Manareii. M and Second Hand Store Owing to lae inoreaed demands or) our business wo have been compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found noxt door to 8. E, Young, when we will be pleased to seo our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinwaro, crockery, clocks, carp6is, pictures, fruit fars, tttnks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, ptanes, etc and a thousand dif ferent and use articles you can not do bettor hissld3 of San Fraucuco than you can do with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. HOW, TO GO EAST. - 1'... rAnnt !tAnfn 1 : ... - .. .1 .,,... .f .11 flmna nf tha vr. UUIll.WIUuwj ....... ... ..... j bee Mount Shasta, SacramcDta, Ogden, Salt Lake, Danver. Finest second-claaa cars marln are run dailv. Buv vour tickets uf me and save your fare to Portland. I am the only person in Albany that can sell you a ticket from Albany direct to any point in 1119 UQlEBtl J1imU8. VMM "u ma lum. V. L. J, Agent S. P First National Bank -OF ALBIXI, OKEUON. .TwMeat L. FUXN Win PrejiJeiil S. E, YOl'NU Cailiier .UEO. E. OHAMBKItl.AIN AM'lUihiar JAS. K. IV WELL TRANSACTS A OKNERAHwnkinjliUJluew. ACCOUNTS KEPr subject to .heck. SKlitT BXCIIANOE and toloirnihlo trnlcr, lol mi New York, Sun Francisco, Chicago and Vol COLLECTIONS MADE on lovoraWe toraa. ' oiaecroM. w fc ... R. Yorxo, Oho. E CfiAHDsai.41 - . 1. K Buaiv. h. Flikm, WI.1K E TfRHSLL, A G. L. SLACKMAN, Successor to E. If. .;: ?Jon, DEALF.B IN ORUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. New Wash House. Lee Chinaman, who lired in this town for many yean ami was so well liked by every, body has returucd and will open up a new wash house the lint of September, one'door south of the Revere House. Lee doesjood work and wants everybody to get their washion done bv him BABY carriages AT STEW A SOX S C - r I'm j.illy ami fatj thnm;h 1 netvi..'t sty that ; lor a glance at my &izo utid a look in my fy, nui you jilainly can see there's no lliea upfin me. I'm a little hit sbor. both ot breath and of l.air, but from rhoulders to knees you chii see I'm all there. I Smile and I lauh, I joke and I cluff; I refuse to hp nail and 1 never get mad. But you'd never Hurinme vhnreny happi nesa lie, no I'il up am .confess what yon never couid ffR. A aA thini; to eat is always a u-at, which will iiihke you as ewcet as our su' ir o-ired in-it.makus you feel 80 oontent with the uitney jnt that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't g aim though a man just ai thin us a rail or a pin w to pull at your ncse or tread on your toes. If you're f it or your'e lean, if youi'o pleasant or mean, just, give W. & T. n show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentmeut until you'll wish you wnro ft to enjoy worn of that For the foeliiig'a i'nmene and you'll slow your goml stso by buyitla; groceries,pro viior.N and crccbeiy cf W it T ITT- 7r m Wallace & Tlioiupson's Fat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. mm msm, Holiday Goods. Santa Claus Headquarters. W . F. READ, FIRST ST - - ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash Dry Goods House of Ufa i rr'-- ZZZZ CM. HEN DERSONACO'S N,v r.MiWti mr fli .tl lot. -at o .' '"' gains than eVcr was offarod i i V. ny; Our stock is tomplete end 1 propofo to keep lit fnp to the htsndaid, .hall add ull the new novelties as last as tuey are in me iu" Would call esptciaf attention to the following lines press dooSs,Flttslies,Vchets,Mosieiy Jcrsies. Gents' Goods, Blankets, Boot and Shoes. AllIatk is a thorough intpectiuu i.f stock. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mailorders promptljjattcnded to. W I, HEAD, ; id; 1 Vic'i of Plush Goods, Toilet Oases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor Mtqwi-rad in lb? Vailey. X'IM::.'j V? parrj.n1u tain nam H. F. IVIERka.Ll, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. TSell exchan-fe on New York, flan Francisco anil Portland. Duy nowd, Hiare, county snu c:iy warrantl Ke ceive riopoflits lubject to check. Intvroat allowou on Collections will recatre prompt attention. Flroandd e com Revere ; House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON' CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR.' Fitted up In flrsr-clasa style. Tables supplied with the best In the market. Wlce aiMping apartments, Sample rooms for commercial trareiers, irCFree Cuek ! a4 the iel.a M. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Otllce oor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. .CLARK, Portrait Photographer. S'tunio corner Second aud Ferry Streets near Opera lions. Ground floor. Children's pictures a soeclaltr, 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Pain tors, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing;. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (SacccMon to Henry SatMni.) JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer olCigars -AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cgais, Ping annSmpkinK Tobaccos, Moerscbaui.i and Erllr Plpes,"and a ! llneofSmoktra' Arteles, Also dealer , OALTPORNIA AND T 1 1 ?1 1 il, 3