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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1888)
Dally Democrat Moniay Eveaing,Decoinber31,1888 sYlTttt at NVTNNU, Editors and Publishers. PublUhed every day la the week. Sundays excepted.) Entered at the Post Otlloe at Albany, Or an seoond-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Delivered by candor per week $ .15 Ky null, per yuar , 5,00 By mill, par mouth , 60 RATES FOR WEEKLY : 06 year, tnadrance 92.00 i One year, at end of year 2.60 I Six months, In advance . ... 1.00 LOCAL RECORD. Last Day of 1888 To-day close. :8S8. ft has been 9 good business year in Albany. The city has forged ahead slowly. There ;jhas been no boom in building ; yet there Vhas been progress. Numerous residences have been erected, mostly small ones. Six brick stores have been built, and every thing is occupied, an Indication that we are holding our own and more than that. A healthy growth is what we want and are getting. A little more push and bustle would materially benefit matters during 1S89. We should do much more than dur ing the past year. Not until foreign capi tal comes in and materializes in brick blocks will we experience a booming growth. We must encourage this, for, undoubtedly we are on the inside track, and possess an advantage in the Oregon Pacific, which if we watch our chances must develop the city Into the leadin" one in the valley. Held Him. Hon. W. R. Bilyeu and Mr A. B. Woodin returned yesterday evening from LyonsviMc where they had been to look after the Interests of Mr Woodin and others in aSan'.iam minins claim iumnM by Dr E O Smith, of Salem. Saturday Mr iviassey wno had been sent by the Albany company to do work on the mine, was tried before Justice Lyons, at Lvonsvllle on th charge preferred by Dr Smith of stealine quartz. Although the Justice admitted that he was probably not guilty of theft he was held under rnn hnnHo rnau..!, .u- action of the grand jury, and of course the i?rand iurv wilt Hn ntMr... u.wi ut. b When Dr Smith gets through with this lit. iclnoe. 1ia ...ill C.J LI . ? .c win nnu nimseii uaneruuir from tha Hill. .1 I . I. 1 . . ? ....... cuu ui me norn. 11 is such men as the Doctor who evidently need being preached at by Moody. Moody at Salem Dwluht L. will come up from Portland Tuesday morn. inj ano will speak In the afternoon in the M. E. church and also in the evenine at 'the same place. Mr. Moody will (D. V.) preach three times in Salem on Werlnen. Jay and will also preach Thursday fore noon, lie will be in Salem just 48 hours being obliged to leave on the Thursday noon train. He will itnn nu- t T?. ......... preach once or twice and then go on the NguL nam iu oaii 1-rancnco, wnere ne be- rinx wnrlt !.inii-rv f.H. Th. i ..j xiibuuuutllg IIIUUC for Mr Moody in San Francisco will seat 10,000 people. Alter his engagement for about six weeks there, Mr Moody sail for Tnli IV.. " Gbnuink Elopement Quite a con sternation was created last Tuesday, ay the Union Republican, by the circulation of the news of the elopment of Miss Nellie Miles, of Big Creek, and Mr. William Davis, of Wallowa county. The plans of the proceedings were evidently well laid. Miss Miles came down from her home in company with Mr. John McLeod, of Sang er, to attend the ball, while Mr. Davis also made it a point to be here. The parties went to Telocaset and from there took the train to Wiser City, Idaho, where they were united In the ho'.y bonds of matri mony the same evening. This episode places Mr. McLeod in a very embarrassing situation, as he was entirely ignorant of the negotiations pending between the elop ing parlies and was somewhat infatuated with the charms of the young lady him self. ' A Serious Wound. C. Rogers, who 11 yes near Mehama, met with a severe ac cident that came very near costing him his life a day or two ago says the Statesman. He was felling timber on his place, when a rotten limb dropped from the tree upon which he was chopping, striking him on the head, cutting a deep gash and severing an artery. He bled profusely and fainted before he could be carried home hv nirh bors who were working with him when the accident happened. The flow of blood was stopped by the application of home rem edies and he is now doing nicely, although his head is still very sore from the terrible wound. Four Out of Thirty-Nine. A year ago we commended thirty-nine young men here to the tender mercies of leap year privileges. Of the number only four have been captured, to-wit : Fred Burkhart, Geo Henderson, H Hays and John Robson. Several others of the number we are re liably informed have been spoken for, and it is not our fault if there are any mistakes In the following, our authority being Dame Rumor : O A Archibald, Geo Cald ell, Harry Day, Lake Dorris, George Fish, Merrill Phlllipsjames Powell.Oley Wood worth and A W Thompson, with several others among the probabilities. Ticketed for Ashland. This morn ing a strange young man was picked lip on Washington street, where he had fallen and medical assistance sent for. It was as certained that his name was C. A. Sum mers, and that he bad a severe case of hem- orrhage of the lungs. In his pocket he had a ticket from Nova Scotia to Ashland and that was all he did have, being penni less. He had left his satchel somewhere for lodging, and was altogether a pltlaole case. He fell again about noon this side of the depot, and took the noon train south. Not Coming. Our spirit is lnimh!-d. I After all of our wild anticipation over a visit irom Rev. iXoody he is not coming. A letter from Mr. lacks to Prof. W. H. I Lee received on Saturday night's train con- Iveyed the tidings. Our rival neighbor down the road, soon to be the scene of a big meeting of republicans, get him most, and I..-. uuuui uccus nun worse, itisno doubt a feather in their cap, for there is only one A Good Resolution. A -rood rrnnln Hon to-morrow would be to say good bye 10 Thomas and Jeremiah. They are not cood friends, and will lead any one astray ccps mem company, it is not pop ular with some people for a newspaper to beOultPfin nnnnol kiit lt.a ...!- -.....a hurts. -"-- - Skatinc-, Yesterday several Albany -oystook time by the forelook and skated on chunks of Ice near Hackleman's grove. wrnie not thick ic held them up and they pronounced it alcnilnir A. -,.-- only a few inches thick none of them were drowned or account of Sabbath breaking. For Sale The undersiened has a first- class piano which he offers for sale cheap. 1-rof, w. H. L.EE, Albany. Baby carriages at Stewart k Sox's. Montetih & Sei thsir IMMENSE Call early before Weather Predictions. Prof, Blake, the great Kansas weather prophet, gives especial forecasts of weather for Oregon and the coast. He says our temperatur for December will be normal and rainfall less than usual ; for January, temperature normal and much larger than usual; for February, colder than usual and moderate rainfall; March rathercoolandwetinmore northern parts. He says for the whole United States January will witness the greatest snowfalls known for many years, beginning the last of December 01 the first of January. A Tumble. The weather prognostica tor says It will be clear with rising temper ature until 12 o'clock tn morrow. That is what it said Saturday and yesterday ; but the mercury last night took a parachute tumble. It must have gotten down to fully 25 degrees above zero. Holiday Delicacies. Picketed pigs' feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburger cheese just received at the Will amette Packing Co.'s store. Superior. That is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Monteith & Seitenbaoh's great closing sale will enable all to buy any line of goods fully 50 per coot, less than any other store in tho valloy. J25,uuu Worth of Pried Fruit Wanted. And I must have it. Having made con tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby saving commission and adding the same to the prire of your fruit. No offer made en fruits unloaded and placed in any other house in my line In the citv. If you be .ieve in the doctrine of buying in the cheap est and selling in the highest market and have no conscientious scruples about party or religion, you must come to see me or be untrue to yourself and family. To satisfy yourself, call and get my prices. Yours respectfully, P. Cohen, Albany, Or. Thompson & Overman keep the best harnesses. A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro DOME AVDABItOAD Dates, figs, etc., at Pfeiffer's. Wheat goes up some in Chicago. Salem has another real estate agency. Fresh chestnuts at Franois Pfeiffer's. Ei(gs are fifty cents a dozen in Astoria, Go to P, J, Laportes for your boot ami shoe repairing. J. P. Wallace, Physician Mid Surgeon, Al bany, Or Will New Year's oalls be made to-morro w in this city. The best oonfeetionary in the eity at Fran cis Pfeiffer's. An exohange says New Years calls are now out 01 tashion . There are several oases of smallpox in Spokane Falls. Another case of smallpox at St Louis iu Marion county, Hon J D Lee, of The Dallos, also wants to be U. S. Marshal. An Oregon land agency is to be established in San Francisco, Claud Strahan, of Salem, is in the eity spending the holidays. The largest stock of nuta and candies in th valley at F H Pfeiffer's. Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves and sells them the cheapest. Call and see those Early Breakfast stove, and ranges at W C Tweedale's. For holiday candies, nuts, etc., call at the Willamette Packing Co's store . 600 Chinamen are said to have left Port land since the Second street atfray. To- night the bells' deep tones will peal the knell of the departing year. Mr Mose Neugrass was in Eugene during the unpleasantness at Corvalhs. Mr Isaac Hays is lying dangerously ill at his home in this city, of liver complaint. Dora Blake, a Salem oourtesan. committed suicide yesterday by taking strychnine. o U Dorris and family, recently of Crook county baye moved to Lafayette to reside. The Methodist church at Lebanon was formally dedicated at that place yosterday. You will eave money by getting your plumbing and job work done at Tweedale's, Lew Johnson's minstrels arrived in the city yesterday and will hold the fort to- ight. If you want a tender chicken be sure anil get one of those new style roasters at W C Iweedale'a. One of The Dalles jewelry stores, it is claimed took in $2800 during the three days previous to unnstmas. It was a Portland man who said he didn't put anything in his girl's stocking beo.use there was no room. This afternoon a scarf owned by Mrs C C King was rallied off, and Mrs J M Holman was the lucky person. Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to be found at French's "The Corner Jewelry store.' fnae low. Mr Juiin. Gradwohl is making arrange ments to add a grocery department to his crockery and hardware business,. , . Don't forget the eclipse to-morrow begin ning at about 12 o'clock. Reserved seats free. Admission, apiece of smoked glass. Remember the watch meeting at the W. C. T. U. Hall to-night. There will be a taffy pull and a good time generally. Making a specialty of oandies, nuts, eto. Francis Pfeiffer can do better than anywhere elso. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary . Railroad work will proceed on the Oregon Pacific just the same, and in the spring there will bo a rush for Boise City that will aston ish people. The Oregon RtgitUr is to be moved from Lafayette to McMinnville, in order to be at the county seat. This leaves Lafayette without a paper and gives McMinnville three. R B Vunk, who has charge of the opera house, requests us to say tbat those who leaye umbrellas, wraps, etc, at that place during entertainments, can obtain tho same by calling upon him. A Poitland man who called two women "ohippies,'1 was dismissed fn oourt. Web ster defines "chippie" as a small bird. He omits any synonym for a big bird, thus mak ing game of the "chippies." Meyers h Co's indebtedness to Thompson, Dellart & Co. transpries to have been only about $8,000.It is possible arrangement will be mado by which Meyers & Co. will resume work and finish their contract. It ia t be hoped this ma; be dose. As was anticipated Mrs East and Mrs Daybeck, whe bad been attending to James East, were Sabbath evening pronounced as having the smallpox or varioloid; but having been vaccinated and dieted for the occasion it will probably be light with each of them. Some of our exchanges have been speak ing about President-elect Harrison. Technic ally this is incorreot. Ho will not be entitled tothattitlo nntil the 401 electors meet next month, when he has the inside track on get ting a majority. One of the funniest of occupations (to an Oregonian) is that of herding geese in the Saoramento valley, California. The wheat growers of that region are tormented by flocks of destructive geese that pull up the sprouting grain and do expensive damage. The farmers employ men who are paid one dollar a day "and grub." Mounted 00 horses they ride around the wheat fields and shoot geese from before sun up to dark. The fe.there of theeeese just about pay for the a nmumtion. bx- GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. t rfl.rv8ern 0f SearIe 4 De,i in the city contract. ' tnrougd with its If Dr Smith, the Salem man.doesn't get all ine nntnriDtn l.. . r . . . . wauie lor lumping an Al bany claim then it won't be the fault of Al- things01"'- W9 t0ethw " vJilrlLn?. J? . McDonald, of Bridal j.Mr,'j S Soha"9'1 died at Astoria last AlbanvV8"1164; He W" ""nt of Albany for several years previons to 1866, when he .moved to New York City. Return mg in 1876 he located in Astoria. withr!alZd'ai'1 ' got Alb" efd with Salem, hence the mistake. The conius- r,0-fUnate on, for Albany and we feel.the humiliation. We hope Mr Moodv tTninnI,rbie0ti0,, t0 Albny people ting 00 the fence and seeing aim fiy be cause really our cariosity .t b'ghwaUr "Thih'' W York dnmaker yi . 1 1.1 J6 S: A11 tn "inter gowns &Jfc,8 bustl. Th. J. K " ,l? tne heoe of the of th. hlHP ddl?? whiQk ke. the place together kind." "-"OM notB"n ITit lie., "Upon Harri. AiZ Z ,.fl8 '""asm. Mr a.hnlTbe"rn9.."ith,heepitPb' If the farm Uer.,nu ,, ooinion th,," 7.'" 01 ' nl it -u.j, meiaw is already re pealed. The sportsmen did it Tangent Note.. The Christmas tree was largely attend ed. Declamations and recitations were rendered by Daisy McFarland, Anna Bry. an and Minnie Sibbets. A beautiful song was sung by Katie McMuIlin. Old Santa Claua was present in person and distributed some rich gifts. Bennie Wltzel has been spending a week with relatives In Southern Oregon. Ql-Kwtt An.-. T-. .. l . . wtiiB jaiiumy ym under me management of Miss McFarland. People are waiting to see who will be the new section boss in place of Mr Ryan. Health good here. Road supervisor is puttintr onr roada In repair. O P Sr-nlt and fnmltv !,. k.. ..:.!.! with A. Barnes the last week. Hunters thick. Scribe. Disturbance of the Heart. Heart di'seana la 111- . , . . I of , in 11s action, bnt ? .? take Dr' Flint' Hemody. Do- 5.ptMe 'i'89 wlth "oh botte ; or, ad dress Mack Drug Co. N, Y, Albany Ope.a House. ONE NIGHT OSLY Monday Evening, Dec. 31st, 1888. LEW JOHNSON'S BLACK BABY BOY MINSTRELS- and ELECTRIC BRASS BAND 4 GEEAT E 1ST ID MEN 4 Renowned Artists 20 Introducing an entirely new and novel performance. Grand Street Parade Headed by the world's greatest Dram Majors. NR. J, C, CARR AND LITTLE H, General admission, 60 cent.. Reserved seats, 75 cents. Children under 11 years, 25 cents. Reserved seats for sale at Black man's Drug Store. All k!n.f l. j, --.. ..., wuuien areas good, are 25 ner sktT; th;n they Were I'" SO Our stork . .11 fresh, consequentl wee w "e yery ow prices. W F Read. DIED. SMITH. Near Lebanon, Dec. 28th, 18S8, Rial Smith, of pneumonia, aged 20 years. Son of P. M. Smith. g FAULTLESS! " A-Wa.ture la faultiest and to It that noble discovery, containing only Na ture'a own remedies. "The" It is a benefit to the human race. KEEPUP YOUTH, HEALTH, VIQORby the nWof r runucri a UIICUU BLOOD fURlFIER- Quick and Coraplate Cure oiall dCi "t the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checka Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousnesa.aad Sru.w iMhn.irEyjnSt,he,,,y"ten by making New, Itlch lilood. Take It in time, riKhtno3; asit cannot be beat as .preventative ofl disease. old and used everywhere, ti a bottle. 6 for . TAKE IT NOW. F. L EEBTH -DEALER IN - Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices hand warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Tab in Exchange fof Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES NEAR THE PQSTOFFICE, ALBANY.IOR. SALE. out their Albany businessoff er for sale without reserve at COST