VOL. I. ALBANY OR.,SATURDAY,DECEMBER 39,1888 NO 203 H. has a splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of a nloe selection of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETO, Gold Headed Canes. New assortment all kinds of jewelry. REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. Cash Go GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Loimj Way4at Jaiim C, J, DILLON & CO., DEALERSrxM LUMBER, FLOORINC, RUSTIC, ETJ, General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc, MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rdstio flooring', clory at loot of tyou Street. THE PLACE. Bjrall means sill on Parker Brothers, Successors to Mil Fox, 'or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc", reanab?8 "r0 th b0" "nd thc,r Pr,cos FRANCIS PEEI.FFER. PROPRIETOR OP- Albany Soda Works and Manufacturers of CHOICE. CONFEUTIONERY, We are now prepared to noil at wholt. salo, always ft, sli and pure at Portlind prlc to doa:or. We also kuep a full line of Nnts and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO; HOW, TO CO EAST. Go Eait via Mount Shasta licmto. Nice climate and scenery at all times of the year. See Monnt Shasta, Sacramento, 0den, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest second-class cars made are run daily. Buy yoiir tickets of tne anil save your fare to Portland. I am the only person in Albany that can sell yon a !??t 'rom A'n"y direct to anv point io the United State. Call on me for rates. W: U Jetei!, Agent 8. P. FOSHAY & MASON, srf Mriuii axi asrin ' Driiggistsand Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alrten' publloatlona, blob we i sell at publisher's prioaa wita ostageadiad. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEFOE & ROBSON have made arrangements for k.,,.1.,,. goods direct from the factorlea In irm. and will sell at wholesale nrr.tn k ' than any where else on the Pacific Coast. ine lonowing are some of my cash r.tai prices : 3St6Zen "nhandledtcacuP nnd saucers, cen,St unh""iledcoffeecuP nl sail. 'A dozen handled enf?.. j cers, So cts. ' u cts SeVC" 'nCh dinner P'a'es, 45 These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaner p-raHe rtf nrxnAm tm i , ' o h"""". ncscpnces are for 30 days. Iulius Gradwoiil. A fine lin.nF hni;1i a-i. t . - 1T ,,,r uur croca ery department and marked very low in 1 - Wallace Jc Thompson 1 m m CHI'ietM. Cheaner than vm, ran h,... tu t r 1 land. Will sn a iron,! t n (3 " fiiwvi. ml uiusseis iki uu cents; a neavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets from 40 cents to 50 cents. Carrie large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. B. McIlwaiu Winter wraps, are not ressrved in the great sale. This will be the greatest oppor unity over offered to bay a stylish wrap at low price. Moxtktth &-Seitenbach. Kiln Dried Floor iNo.-Good kiln dried flooring at the Springfield lumber yard in this city. - ' Dandruff im nmh.K!i. . t l . , . r- .j uin uiviie II1KSL mm" cult diseases of the scalp to care; but Da- . i,mg uovor tans to remove it per manently Soreness after shavmgisinstant- Masou 0S' S'A by Fo,hiy KEEPFOftib fVbeat, 70 cents. New fall goods at Read's. See those new jersies at W. F. Read's. New ribboa all shades and styles at Read's All lines ot bovs kilt suits at W. P Read's Fine line of bread kneading pans at O W Smith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & Ot 1 1.. ubauaru s. A large stock of liftiog force pumps at Q W Smith's. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts win ue aepc ny crowneu at otanaru. IrO to A. K Mollwain a and auk tn aM those $6 suits for men. In a calm sea everv man is nilot. Tn Jrv goods Vf. F. Read is leader. If Vrtn Vint (ah.. fnwn 1 A f. nv . liir unllv l W f TJ 1 Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thoa. Jones. Buy your tickets through to the East W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor stovi at Q W Smith's, no better in the valley. The cheapest place to buy men's under wear in ine state is at A. B. Mellwain's. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheauer than anv house in Alhanv. Pull an1 seo for yourself. All the latest nnvaltiA in milliner-,, nmul. at E and C Howard's. Oall and see them, No trouble to show goods. The line of Pacific and Royal Argands at G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook stoves made. See them. Goods not sold for less than cost, soods not given away. But good honest goods Hold at reasonable profit at W. . I .it, Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver ware, of which he carries a large and select stock. HimilvAr wimii 1 17 P I) u: . - i . - - i "'k uiw, uia .buca of crockery is the best in the market and his line of dollaand rihilHrAnV nl.n hin. ally is complete. , His prices are the lowest on tne coast. H RNITURE! FURNITURE! Thos. Brink has thoost complete lin of furniture in tlia oit; consfcUng of Parlor Suits, Upholstered Chairs, Bad Chairs, Bed ovfl lets, Walnut Center Tables, Walnut Ex- r tension Tables.Dining Tables,Tin Be3 -T-wingeis, Single Whatnots, Carpet Chairs, Folding Ohairs,Fine Mirrors from 75c. to SlI'ine " " Wicker Wood Baskets, Fine Wicker Work Baskets, Cornice Poles, Gilt and Nickel Door Mats and Rugs in many Colors and Sizes, and. Window Shades, Etc, Etc. and f am selling Inc., at tlin verv l.,wPSt Bed nock Prideg and goods or no axle The secretary of the interior has. rendered decision in the C&SA of. the fttnts of OrfKrnn the United States, in which is invalvrrl atmnt 9. 800 acres of land in the Lakeview land dis trict, comprising what is known as swampland list number five. It annears from, the reroniK that these lands mured to the state as swamp lands, under the act of September 28,iS50,and as extended by the act of March 12, l86o Prior to certification, the trreater naat of these miius were sow oy tne state to various parties in large bodies, and upon reports of special agents of the department.certification was final ly made. Subsequently it was renorted to. thi? dnnrt. ment that the reports of Special Agent Ankeney and State Agent Whittaker were false and fraudulent.and! that a laree part of the land de scribed in these reports as swamp were really high and dry. An investigation vu nrrViwi and Special Agent Shackelford was directed to make a personal examination. Mis r.rt shows that of the 90,800 acres comprising list ao. 5. not over 34,000 acres can be classed as swamp, and that of this latter amount ovmt20.- 000 acres are situated on hills. steeD mountains. or sage brush deserts. This renort was htlwii-;fiof1 an.l n nPAi hearing ordered, in which the state was rep resented by counsel. The secretarv reviews in details the evidence and law applicable to the case and finds that the certificatio tary Teller was procured by fraud, and that had he (Teller) known the facts in the case as they have been developed certification would never nave been made. The secretarv orders thi rcriifii-iitinn cat aside, and directs the commissioner of the gen eral land office to prenare another list which shall contain lands known to be swamp. As to other lands, an investigation is order ed, and such lands in the list as are found to be not swamp are ordered to be restored to the public domain, suhiect to anv riohtc u.hlr.1. may have attached to them under the laws. Look Here. We ars closincr O"' our stock nf hnn nnri shoes, and to show vou that we mean liot we say quote vou a few of our prices Ladies' best French kid button shoes at $4-35, regular price, $5-50. none better In town ; ladies' extra quality French kid. but- -""1 J 3, icguiar price, 515.00; Indies, good French lid, button, at $3, regular price, $4; ladies' bright Dongola, outton.at 2 75. regular price, $3.50; ladies' bright Dongola, button, neat and good, $j, regu lar price $3; ladies American kid. .reg ular price, $3; ladies American kid, $1 . 25 regular price, $2; child's oil grain button school shoes, fron Si to $1.20; a few pairs of ladies rube, cents to 40 cents; men's rubbers, 50 cents; also a large as sortment of men's boots. Come and see. . Browneil & Stanard. TELEGRAPHIC NEWs" ItlVer and! Barber Bill. Washington, Dec 28,-1, i, d hm that President Cleveland hns. mvM nmi .1 . 1 ... --" i'uiiuc iimi ne 2 'he " and Renresenta. . ...wiain, 01 lexas, went up to call bir. him with a partvof,,,'., A.i.."" on. D"n' na city, and they were-told very plainly ,hat Housrn.Wellt0brinS a to lhe White ot th?Z asePar,alet"c. and not as a part 01 tne nverand harbor bill. A Collision. Denvm, Dec. 28. A spectalsaystworreiEhtsonthe Rock. Island, ranninrr hvmitn : i ... . shim ,nj a ' "'ua-an n0"1-. collided in a sharp and deep cut near Tipton, earlv this .ratr3S-nSho,h. engines ininrt Tn .1. 1? 1 .". received severe thev win " T ' . ,ne neau' andlt 15 fared j j.iu.c utiai. An 1,'necinal Contest. Cincinnati, Dec. 28A Commercial Gaz c"e special from Sabina, Ohio, says a fox drive to place near there : to-day, in which nearly 400 persons, men and boys participated. Only two foxes were scared up and both escaped. A Big Shortage. BosTON.Dec. 28.The Bosion Commercial bulletin, in an annual rennn of ih. i u Cts of the ITnlt. c.-. ;., . .v... . 1. ana, win snow to-morrow tnat the present supply of wool is 62,000,000 1 10,000,000 pounds at thesame date last vear. or a r .0 pounds as compared with 1SS7. Dr. M. H. Kllis; physician and surgeon Alhany, Oregon. Pall made ic city . eennrry, " ' THOS. BRINK. Fttt I1IE"J. Itchuiir iMcir. It.i3:) k at Man,' Hi. vPir loll nrmlucinir . ,.r, i)iu.m..k. 1 iliU warm. Till, fomi as well ai Blind, Uleedir and inwuuinir riiM. yield at once tn the ipi.licati-jii f , . , rue remray, w.neti acta Uirectl, uikid the ptw affccteil, abl .rbiliu the tumors, iavint iho 7. o . ' ur Bownao H-Lcine Co , Pino v. awn ojr itr, b'ltssana oijii. Highland, Clackamas Co.. Or., March 20 1 have suffered with a ilitup nf tt.n 1...1 neva fnr (i n. ? . ...j 4 .1 .... ... , j...,. ,ur bllH lnsc j,iVO nnnths hive been laid up with a pain in my vn. menu .cm, me n nam is ni the (ir... gon Kidney Tea, ami having used it one week I i-nn ,1n .1 .1 . 1. t 1 ----- - . n.TK. 1 nave acrivou more nenettt from it than from all vue iiieuicincs 1 naye ever taken. c , , , i- Newdill. Sold by Foshay A JIason. WILL BUGS, Dealers in all the latest improved Pianos OrgniK, Sewina; Maohiuai, Guns. Also a full lino of warranto'! Kazorn, Hutoher and rocket Knives. The beil kind of sowing uiaohlu oil, needle and extras, for all maohinos. Ail repairing neatly and reasonably done. DR. C. U. CHAMEERL1N, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon fSrin&vo corner of Third and Lyon St. ALBANY, OREGON. CARPENTER AND JOINER.- Thi nnaefsfgria.'l Is prspsrei to do (all kinds or work in his line in flrst-olass or. der and with promptness. Address P o box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Manlo treats, 1 , - . , r. N. Smith. f . ' 1 ' .' v -i ' TIN WARE AND HARD- WAKE OK ALL KINDS AT DE0E & R0BS0V DEYOE & ROBSON' ARE AGENTS FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVI VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE; BEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Farmers, it you want the best harness all and mule, g.i to K.L,.- Power, Uext to Dem orat officii. Bloody Fisht. FREDERicKsnuao, Va., Dec: 28. A bloody battle between whites and blacks is reported as having taken place at Tackett's mills, Stafford county, on Christinas even ing. A political discussion led to a wran g.e between a white man named Bennett Miner and a colored man. Both Indulged n persona Ities. whih ...ul. . A general riot was the result. Hitler was shot and instantly killed. His colored enemv was also. Eh -p . - . cniy ueopie are reported as dangerously injured. A Heavy Tax. SACRAME.NTO.DeC. OS Th. ae. of Ih. Southern Pacific Comnanv for 1SSS-S0 amounting to $521,679.70, 'were paid, into the state treasure tn..lnu Tt .1 . , j - t i.iw. uiti cua- urers force several hours to count the mo..ey, which was contained in sacks of $2O.0Oll each. The nln !.' .U w... vu1Wo in.v 111 treasury at an opportune time,as. everything auamst the upn...i r.. i J..... , Br Carver. MiKNHAt.oLls,Dec.28.Dr W F Carver has made 49,000 targets In his great ball I i frTT Up to "'cl to'nlght.He has U,ooo targets to make to-morrow to DR. ICO-1 t!V-KO in his naw di.enveew fi.f. f.n... ..: , , 7 J v....u,ji.i.,ii, buc- oeedcit in produeiriu a inedioine whlnh i,..-. knowledired hv nil t.. 1. .i,nnl.. m I -- -n - - ' B.t.ipir III. I VHIIIUH, It is exceedingly pleasant to the tnte. per fectly l.annIesK, and does not sicken. In ail caea of utrea of dmsumptinn. Coujihr.t'ulds "nooping ionjn, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pain, in th. (Thu.t i, 1. : i .....rv, . ,,na ki.ii uuivereal satisfaction. Dr Kosankn's Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at 50 oi:iit by Dr Uuiss At Son. We will a1I i m. any store in town. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE oc ROBSON'S. Delaratn wnm.t. .Ii.mmJ... t . .: , ...,.,!., , m ,,rru feelinir. pains in the buck and loins, desire to aleer. dizziness, painful nr .n..nreB.a.l menstruation, will find in Orenn Kidney Tea a faithtul friend. It can be iwlwd niton in every instance to give immediate relief from urinary troubles. Thousands of wnmen are suffering every day from some disorder oflthe Ifinna... n. II.... ... L. . . .1. . 1. . '.. win. iinkiiv un termanenily cored hv using Oreuon Kidney Tea. Sold by Foahay & Mason. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob sn's. Specfal bargains We Want,-Your butter and eggs ami will pay you either cash or trade for it. X.KOWXELL it STANARD. Drijss Shoes. A fine job lot of men's shoes, ioo pairs, all different, No 7's, best in the city, at G W Simpson's. Thev range in price for from $1.50 to S3.co about half of the regular price. No such bargains anywhere. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. -Tn fhl. i; ... have always shown the vciy best goods to be found in the markels of America, the knife will be put to goods In this depart ment as thev must r-.n f yourself. ' " w"" u"u sce MONTEITH & SeITENUACII. groceries cheapi-r than Browhell Stanard. HoW is Vnnr nnnatita A ....... . 11 . a " nioy.ii nervous or irritable ? Are you suhjeei to bdliou.ness t l)r Henley s Dandelion Tonic wo-k wonders. It makes the weak and sickly s;iong. builds up th, whole system and puts new life ard eujjery in yoo . Mc 1 . i IMWTSAXD SHOES Call nf A TJ J. iliM Ilwain 1 sand sec the ladies kid nnd pebble lunner price Sj.co A Democrat man I... . .ul t s 3 . LK0rmeCren1i" re'"ark:,b hP 'URI3 FOR NirisC nrm. .., - KV'4.BmE.ai the nuV ..:.r ? . B .'n nmpie, on SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE & ROBSON