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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1888)
albaarlHarket. Wheat-70 Oats 25e Butter 25 its por lb. Eirga 25c Hav 9.00. Potatoes 15 ots par busbal. Beef on foot. 3V4 pples 44 cents psr bu. Pork 6'Ao per II iresseJ. kU)om ai ai 1'5,'iu, shoulders, 14n. sldei.Uo. Xilrd 15) psr lb. Flour 1.26 pr hhl. tlhiokens 3.O0 per dor.. Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton shorts, 10. middling, 20. Ohor- "30. Conrad Mayer. PROPKiaTf l OF.- STAR BAKERY, Comer Broadalbin and. First Sts.,1 -DEALER IN Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried FrnUs, Tobacco, Sugar, Cofltee. Etc,, Cunml Went, Qaeenswnre, Vegetables. Cigars, Spine., Tea, Etc. In foot everything that is kept In a Ren ral variety and grooery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Liaa unty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Successors to Cowan A Cuslck.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAWSlOHl Dll VT3o:i Now York, Sun Fran Isco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOtfE Yon apptoved aocurlty. RECEIVE deposits subject to check. II. J. MiXTiiORX, Prjs 8. Farrar, Via rr j k' ii. MjJttm Tieas ThftOrftffon Land Company Organized fot the purpose of buying and " estate, advertising the WilUmetto Valley in all ot the ucw.p.peXi ot the United States. Kmpir Eastern agents to direct home seokers to the illam rt" Valley! and hms aentsin all the principal Swns o! Marion, Polk, Linn. Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid in locating immigrant". Office in the Tate Building one door eat of Ehw rt 4 Sox's, noDSO;J 4 dickissoS, Manage. New and Second Hani Store Owing to lae Increased demands or, our business wo have Leon compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found next door to S. E, Young, whei") we will be pleased to see cur patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clooks, carpels, pictures, fruit (ara, ticuka, books, roller skatei, idles, eaws, pianes, eto and t.iousind dif ferent and use o Holes you cn n t do bettor h is si i of San Fraud mo t!in you can dr. with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Stroet, Albany, Or. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varrmhing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Sacoeswri to Henry FOH BALK liY FOSHAY A MASON G. L. BLACKEN, Succrsfor to E. W. .mi rdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES1 CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTOltNEY AT LAW, AlltAXT, OKr.bU.1t. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OP THE Stat. Special atteutloo fivan to oolleeuont and robale tier. I'm jolly and fat, tbouijh 1 needn't say I list ; for a glance at my size and a look in my nyi-H, and jou plainly can bub therh'H no flies upon nie. I'm a little hit Bunr1-, both ot breath and of l.air, but from shoulders to knees yon oao see I'm all inure. I smile and I laugh, I juke and I chaff; I refuse to be Had and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confess what yon never could giifss. A good thing to oat is ' always a treai, which will make you as sweet as our augur (imd mi'ut.iiMkHs you feel so content with the money spent thc you're hound to feel glad; and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're f it or youi'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mean, just give VV. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll wish you were ft to enjoy more of that For the fwling's immense and you'll nLow your good snse by buying visions and crockery of W&T 55535" Jr. Wallace 4 TIaoBHpson's Fat Mam, Plinu Block, Albany, Or. FOSH&T &WM, Holiday Goods. Santa Claus Headquarters. W . F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, OREGON The Leading. Cash Dry Goods House ot Mban "bttsT C.M.HENDERSON&COS. " - eiicBaAno boots s shoes ' . Ann C II j.n.'r ail Ian 'I :i ' 0 no u !"'' '"'" gains than ever was offered in Albany : u.o .nrl 1 nronose to keep Eit fop to tl.eljstandard, thall add all the now novelties as fast as they are in the market. Would call especial attention to the following lines Dress Ooods,PlusUcs,Velvcls,lIosiery Jersies, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Blankets. Boot and Shoes. AU'.Iabk is a thorough infection of stouk. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR C00DS. Mail ordera promptlya:endo4 to. W J. HEAD, :lnJ.dr..i't Plush Goods, Toilet Oases Al- bums, Perfumeries. Books Etc., Etc., nor MirpanseH in Iht Valley. FOUND. Tn.t flit nljtnA tn nrnfe rmuil thinoi n'man and nico.ia the latest art,i af honks, tripod?, tV.nrtnnmnr.ara lmnnnr rniiK inil hftt friiirlr nr crowns pa.oted to order. Nice oil paintings on hand, just the nicest thioi; you cnuld se lect for a present. uu ana m e lor yourself ATI US. D. UYMAM S First door east of Young's Ad stand, New Wash House. r r-kinm.n whn livftd In thia tnvn tnr AnJ ...a mn ivmII lilfnH hv v.ra. muny yoi. - j- body has returned and will open up a new wash hoase the nm oi oepiemuer. oneunor oath of the R.vere House. Leo dors'iiood work and wants everybody to get their washing don by him BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART & SOX'S First National Bank OF A LB AN 1, OREGON. Pre.lrlent L. PLtNN Vice PrniMeiit 8. K, YOI NO Cashier OKO. E. CHAMBUHLAIN Ass'tCaihicr JA3. F. POWELL TRANSACT9 A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT fufejeat to eheck. SIOHT EXCRANOE and teleirraphle transfer, tol on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and 101 Olefin, COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. DIHICTOM. 4. R. Torwo, ' Oao. E CniHBBaai t' L E Bum, L. Kuu, Waltsr E Tnaaaiib, m AHniM .at MW m eiaMSlrUun. " EX HriMiTb-dM V'tlnilCismlotlOe. Big ii hM given anivor sal satfsfftction In ths cure of Uonorrb&a And Gleet. I preKiitwltaDd feet safe In recoinmend Inr it to alt sufferert. 1 4. J. STOKER, B.D., Uvottur, III. PIlICB.tli.nn. 8c Id by Druggists. rothny A Mason. W hoi rule Agcats JUL.IUSJOSEPH. Manufacturer 01 Cigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C'gars, PlugannSmoklnp; Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Brv Pl)es.3and ' line of Smokers' Armies, Also dealer - 0 ALTPORNIA AND T a 3 ?I3 1 C ?B,mV&