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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1888)
Daily Democrat Firiay ETening.DecBinbBr 28,1888 fTITfcft A MltTTIMU EJitora and Publisher. Published every day in the week. Sundtyi excepted.) Entered at Che Pwt OiUie at Albany, Or u aeoond-clasH mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Delivered by curler per week., By null, per ymrIWM By mUl, per mon'Ji RATES FOR WEEKLY : One year, In ulrance.. One year, at end of year tlix montbi, In advauce .. .15 . 6-00 .ti.00 .. 2,60 ,. 1.00 LOCAL RECORD. A Fat Office Then. Mr. Jason Wheeler tells the Democrat an interest ing Incident In connection with his ex periences as sheriff from 18.1,8 to 1850. In the spring of 1849, every county oflicer but himself got the gold fever and went to California. He had incurred an expense of $40 summoning a jury, but never re ceived a cent of it as there was no court to allow it During his term of oflice he only made $1.50 in cash as sheriff, a sum which would not, of course, suit the sheriff of the present day. To Let.- -"That suggestive sign, 'To Let,' Is beginning to appear on several handsome buildings in Pendleton. 'What's the matter with Hunt's railroad for a rem edy?' Echo answers: 'It's all right.' Property owners should ask themselves the above question as they pass by these va cant buildings." E. O. Any town to pros per must put its hands down in its pockets, even if it hurt, and that is the trouble at Pendleton. The wealthy men wont do it. The Muddiest When we get to feel ing dubious about our own muddy streets and a few sick cases around, we should read such items as the following written from Spaknne Falls to an exchange : "This Is the muddiest place in the North west, and very unhealthy ; no less than lour or five being planted every day .though the papers are very quiet about it. The principal disease Is typhoid fever, although there are a number of fatal eases of pneu monia. There is one case of small pox." A Bio House. The play of "Hazel Kirk" was presented at the opera house last evening to an audience of nearly five hundred. It was well rendered and the acting was complimented by nearly all who attended, iney demonstrate that it Is not necessary to charge an enormous fee In order to do good work. To-night "East Lynne." Admission 15, 25 and 35 cents. Settled. Corvallls yesterday is said to have been a diminutive Chicago for awhile. Over three hundred railroad men were there holding meetings, proposing and threatening. The matter was finally settled late In the afternoon by the railroad agreeing to pay the men and the work of cashing time checks was begun and com pleted this mernintr. With their pockets full of money, about $10,000 being paid out, they painted the town red, as It were, the sa loons reaping a big harvest. Men who cried the loudest for their pay by this time have sunk eyery cent of it. What strange mortals men are. The railroad company is entitled to great credit for the manner in wnicn tncy settled the matter. Had it eone unsettled bridtres would per haps have been burned and oronertv een erally destroyed. Held Mr. Lewis Taylor, the railroad man who painted the town red the other evening, was tried before Justice Hum. phrcy this morning on the charge of an as. sault with a dangerous weapon, and after a hard fight held to await the action of the grand jury under 250 bonds. This after noon he was tried on the second charge of assault with a dangerous weapon and held under the same sum to await the action of the grand jury. Mr. Taylor has been run ning a pack tram. He had $127 when ar rested , and we are informed a certificate of deposit for $1300; but this is uncertain. Right here it may be remarked Albany doesn't propose to be painted red, or green or any other color, and it will pay for strangers 10 noia meir peace. Will Move To Ellensburg Mr Oley Woodworth, druggist at G. L. Black man's, has bought the drug store of Dr. Henton at Ellensburg, W. T., and will move to that city to reside in a couple weeks. Mr. Woodworth is an experinced druggist, understanding the business thoroughly, and has a remarkably good opening at Ellensburg. We understand Mr. Al. Long will go with him. A broth er of Mr. Woodworth will succeed him In Mr. Blackmail's store. Spelled Wrong. The name of Mr. Knox, whose marriage was given yester day in the Democrat, should have been Leighton instead of Layton. He was named after Mr. Leighton Blain, of this city, and was by that gentleman hand somelv caned on Christmas. A gold head ed cane and a good wife at one time ought to make any young man happy, and this one and his estimable wife deserve all the happiness to be obtained. The Agricultural College. The Board of Directors of the State Agricul tural College met In Corvallis yesterday. The Board resolved to ask the legislature for an appropriation of $20,000 to purchase nPHPKRnrv huiMinrra ftr In tr rarru j B, , j out the provisions of the Match bill, and $10,000 with which to purchase 200 more I acres 01 land, also to continue the suit with ( the Southern M E Church. Principal Topics. At the present time the Roseburg papers are quarrelling about a poor farm contract, the Pendleton papers are kicking at the lack of enter prise of their citizens, the Salem papers are agitating a woolen mill, the Astoria papers are trying to have commerce stop at their doors, the (oruallis and Albany papers are full of Oregon Pacific matters, and Port land papers of Moody. His Influence Moody was in Astoria one day, will be in Slem one day, and like wise in Albauy ono day, so all this crow ing has amounted to nothinr. Already we notioe a very calm and serene tone in our Portland aril Astoriacontemporaries.and when the great Evangelist, who loyes every body, has passed on to California, we predict such a spirit of fellow love between the cities of Oregon that never again will the hatchet be raised. Didn't Succeed, Mrs. Cheadle in forms the Democrat that while at Shcdd her brother In-law, Mr. Schaeffer made a desperate effort to keep possession of her adopted daughter, Minnie, resulting in an interesting episode. Mrs. Cheadle came ut ahead, as is her custom, and we under stand came very near giving Mr, S. a black eye. Wouldn't Stand It. Last evening In the gallery of the opera house a couple Al bany boy. were teasing a strange boy with a crooked nose, when the stranger sudden lr showed his metal by giving one of the youngsters a good pounding in short meter, and to the satisfaction of the spectators. LONG. On Thursday, Dec. 27th, 18S8, at his home between Halsey and Shcdd, Mr. James Long. Baby carriages at Stewart & Sox's. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before? Not Serious Information received here yesterday from Croston Is to the ef fect that Uncle Lewis Pettijohn is recover ing from the effect of the injuries he re ceived from a fall at Lebanon the other day and that, although he Is still confined to 111s bed, he expects to get out again in a icw nays. orarcsmaf. Another Effort to be Made Mr. Hoag, with some more of Whlteliw'a wreckers, Is on his way North,for the pur- nose nr mn Iclntr nnnlhap alTn. ..I.. u sunken "Yaqulna Hay," which he seems to think can possibly be done. The chances i5 Hgaiusi 11, iiiuugn. Pure Teas. If vou.wnnt a finst-Hnci article ot teas go to the Willamette Packing to s. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to ue, as it is first- -ib ica nnu warranted 10 give sattstac nun. Surveyi.-mg Mr. E. T. T. Fisher is pr pared to do surveying of all kinds at lea sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn county Nursery. J. F. Backensto is the ac credited agent of Vancouver Nurserv. Ad ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at nrs urcgon. Superior. That Is the name of the stove ai u. w. amnn s attracting so mud' attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Monteith & Seitenbaoh's great closing sale will enable all to buy any line of floods fullv 50 per oent. less than any other store in the valley. J. P. Wallaoe, Physician Mid Surgeon, Al bany, Or HOME AND ABROAD Ejgs are eggs at 27 cent. Dates, figs, etc., at Pfeiffer's. Holiday goods at French's. Bargain! in silverware at French's. Fresh chestnutiat Francis Pfeiffer's. Moody is to bo in Eugene on Jan. 3rd. Low prioes prevail at the "Corner Jewel ry store." Qo to P. J. Laportes for your boot andshoe repairing. The beat eonfeotioaary in the city at Fran cis Pfeiffer's. Mr and Mrs Soell returned this noon from a trip down the road. Gold and silver watohes. Big bargains in them at French's, The largest stock of nots and candies in th valley a t F H Pfeiffer's. Twsedale carries the boss beating stoves and sells them .'he cheapest. Call and see those Early Breakfast stove, and ranges at W C Tweedale's. For holiday oandies, nuta, etc., call at the Willamette Packing Co's store. Five miles more and the Oregon Paoilio will be at the siimrnit of the Cascades. Mr Cook, of the Oregon Land Company, of Salem, was In the city this nmruiu. jfl A fine new Congregational Church is to bo dedicated at Ashland on next Sabbath. You will save money by getting your lumbing sad job work done at Tweedale's. If you want a tender chicken be sure and get one of those new style roasters at W 0 Tweedale's. Distance lends enchantment to the view and most booms are larger away from home than at home. E B Pond, democrat, baa been declared duly elected Mayor of San Francisco, by the Courts of that city. There is nothing that shows the enterprise of a city more than the manner in which its business men advertise. Finest disnlav of Christmas presents in the city,'is to be found at French's "The Corner Jewelry Store.1' Prices low. There is a fraud somewhere in the land selling a patent wheat binder, which is only a stick with a slot in the end. On account of the awful smallpox scare at Corvallis a local barber offers to shave the entire community for 25 cents a shave! The most sasacious Deoole were those who presented their boys with Waterbury watches. It takes all their time to wind them. A cir! was recently born in New York with seven tongues. A girl with one tongue will talk most men erazy, let alone one with ven. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, etc. Francis Pfeiffer can do better than anywhere elso. Kemember this in getting onr holiday contocMonary. The Y's will hold a social and watch meet ing at the W C T U Hall next Monday eveo- lug. Social will begin at 9 0 clock, p . m. All are cordially invited. Rev D C McFarlabd, of Tangent, was in the city to-day. sporting a new watch. whiob his congregation at that place donated bira as a ijnnstmaa present. Mr. Lonnei Ralston and wife, of Gilliam county, are in the city, the guests of Mr. William Ralston. They will spend several weeks here, perhaps the winter. - Last evening the first anniversary of ihe wedding ot Thos Jones, tne Darner, waa ceie brated at his home in a becoming manner, a party being given in honor of the event. The citizens of Albsny and vicinity are in vited to call at F. M. French's, "The Corner jewelry Store" and sea his stock' of Christ mas presents, and examine prices.which will betoanavery low. , ' . Sams neoDle can't understand how Har rison could lack 16,000 of having a majority in Indiana ; but it i easy enoughif yoa will only do a little figuring and not jamp head first at conclusions, ' There is a religious seot in Ohio which Re lieves that when human beings die they turn into cats. Doesn't it make' a man ' shiver, though, to think that perhaps he haa been slinging boot-jaoka all winter at hia wife's grandmcther. .... ...v.. -. ,.v The F S D Co has received a Jot of trick from Albany to finish the fines in their new building. We should bare a kilo burnt here earlv iii the coming summer.- v Home indus try, enterprise, interests, ' and a few more rustlers is wnas nuiiua op a wwt-nroo month Obterver. Taw Johnson's colored company appeared at the Opera House last night in one of their cencert performances and entertainedY their andienee in a pleasing anu natieia.ui.itry -way. They caused considerable merriment and were frequently applauded. They are aure to please all who may attend. St. Louis Qlobe-Dcmocrat. The next legislature will be presented with a petition about 100 test long asking for a more stringent law in reference to killing deer. As about S500 were killed in one Val ley in Southern Oregon just for the hide? the past year sucb law is evidently need ed. Albany Opera Honse, Monday evening. Dee. 31st, Lew Johnson's "Black Baby Boy'' colored minstrels will give a performance whioh will exoell any thing of the kind ever before produced here. 1 he company consist) of 20 tirst-olass performers, who are all ar tists in their profession. They are well reo omended by the press and public. Reserve seats for sale at Blackman'a Drugstore. Rev Rogers, the new Congregational min later is expected in Albany in a few days. He is said to be a young, active man, just oucn as me cnurcn need W S John has taken a big grubbing con tract near the Calipooia and refuses to hire an Indian under any circumstances. He says he is absolutely done with them. The church on the little islands in Atnfa. in the south seas, inoludeft all the adulta on me island. 1 he places that need mission aries are right t home. When the revovler of Lewis Tavlnr waa accidently discharged yesterday near the Star Brewery the bullet went direotly into u uoor 01 u u vnerry a residence. v rans Oscar, vonnaesfc eon nf M anrl Xfn John Stauff. aired 2 veara. 10 rnnntha .nH 7 days, fell overboard from a raft on which he was playing, close to the family residence, at North Bend last Tnoadav and waa lminl- Coos Bay Neica. Too young to be riding 00 rafts Solomon W Hardestv. .of Needv. Clack amas county. Or., has just scoured, a pen sion on account of disability, with arrears amounting to $12,811.25. This la one of the argest sums ever allowed on pension ac count. Hardesty lost both eyes and was shot through the thigh in battle. 'No presents" is now a fasionahla remind er on wedding invitations, and thus the cold, unsympatbio breath of etiquette comes to blast the business prospects of the merchant who has a largo stock to rent aa wedding present displays. In the mean time we are anxiously looking for such an invitation. New Leaves. A large number will be turned in this city next Tuesday, and right here we advise some to paste theirs down before they flv back. If everybody would resolve just simply to respect the laws we have what a change It would make if the resolutions were kept,not saying any thing about moral laws. Then the saloons would be closed on Sunday, liquer would not be sold to minors or habitual drunkards, nor licenses granted to immoral men. Men would pay their debts. Our iails and cal- ibooses would be empty. Our night's sleep wouia not be disturbed by discharging re volvers. The sidewalks would be kept up. I me sugar wouian 1 De sanded, f armers wagons would be safe, and w ell It might be a little more quiet ; but it wouldn't hurt business anyway. KEALESTaTX sales. As recorded In the Recorder's oflice for Linn county, Oregon : J R Ellison to Allen McDonnell, 160 acres, 12 w 2 $ 3 Wm McLeod to S J Mayer and H Fleckenstein,66x35 feet, Browns- ville 35" Hugh Rogers to the D M & T I Co several pieces of land and lots In and around Halsey 1 D M & T I Co to J A and Henry Tyler, about 120 acres near Halsey 1168.50 C H Younger to Henry F Archi bald, 53-ico acres, 13 w 2 T J Cline to John Charles, 1 lot, blk 22, li s 2nd A, Albany. Lloyd Magruder to James McPheleln ami wm Mcraii, mining claim, Santiam Lloyd Magruder to Oleus Jelduess, mining claim, Santiam Jas Beyce to O Jelduess, mining claim, santiam.. Lloyd Magruder to Jas Boyce, min ine claim, Santiam Jas Boyce to Llody Magruder, half interest In mining claim.santiam E O Smith, Golden Ridge mining claim by virtue of $200 wortli of work 800- Selling at Cost Until after the holi days all my stock of felt hats and bonnets, baby hoods, plushes, fancy feathers, etc. Special sale, call early. Ida H. Brush, first door rast Strahan's new brick. H! In A V TlirTiniMDG PI.1.I.J r.t1 feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburger cheese just received at the Will amette Packing Co.'s store. All kinds of woolen draaa ontiAmAT OK r. cent cheaner than thev'wArA a im n.i stork is all fresh, consequent! w 1 eta gi ve yery iw prices. W F Read. DIED. RICE. On Dec. 26, at Harrlsburg, Miss Retta, daughter of Thos. Rice. 'i id 'M New raisens, currents, citron, lemons and oranges received at Wallace & Thompson's. Albany Ope.a House, ONE NIGHT ONLY Monday Evening, Deo. 31st, 1888. LEW JOHNSON'S BLACK BABY BOY MINSTRELS. and ELECTRIC BRASS BAND 4 GHKAT E 1ST 3D aVEEllT -i Renowned Artists 20 Introducing an entirely new and novel performance. Grand Street Parade Headed by the world's greatest Dram Majors. MR. J, C, CARR AND LITTLE H, General admission, 60 centa. ' Reserved eats, 75 cents. Children nnder 11 years, 26 cents. Reserved seats for sale at Black man's Drug Store. f. l. mm -DEALER IN - A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise Choice Family GROCERIES. CoafectioDery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices l and warranted to give satisfaction, i ' Butter and Eggs Taken Ehange . for, Goqds, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MACAZIHES HEAR' THE POSrOFFlCE, ALBANY.SOR. SALE. out their Albany businessofler for sale without reserve at COST f?.;vy -i.