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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1888)
lbr.Mrket. Wheat-70 OsW t5o i BuKer 25 its per lb. ; Hay-B.OO. , Potatoes 5 ola oar builnu Basf on foot. 8!v ..spies 40 cents par bu. Pork 6a per 11 tressed. Bsoon &vm I'S'io. shoulders, 14 ). . lido l4o rd 15 j par lb. Flour 1.25 par bbl. . Ohiokans a 1)0 per dm. Mill Feed bran, 11.00 par ton shorti. 16. middling, 23. Cnor W. Conrad Meyer, (PROPKllT':t OF.- STAR BAKERY, Cnruor BroaialMn anil First Sts., -DEALER IS Cnne' Mets, Qneenaware, Vegetables. Cigars, Spices, Tea, Ete, Canned Fruit. Glassware. Dried Fruit, Tobacco, SuRar, Coflee. hrf xrarvthlnir that Is kept li gen ral variety and grocery Rlore. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. L'ma nnty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Succmsori to Cowau & Cnslck.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. a woiivra . ...inl hmkinfr hUfl.nCU, boaai Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on appiofed security RECEIVE deposits subjcot tJ check. if .1 Mivtiiorx. PfM 8. Farrar, Vis O a. M aa8 Tieas ThftOrpcron Laml Company r.P " . ..l iner W.I Or;nizeaioTtneparp;. mu"j " - EMtern ea " direct home ek.r. to '"o '" SiM P?"ben?; CUck. ma. and Yamhill count!., to U in locating immigrant Office in lb. Tate BuiUUnj on. door t ol ? on- art sox H0M05, 4 DICKIjS0S, JUiiTi New and Second Hand Store Owing to toe increased demands of our business we bave been compelled to mnie Into a larger store and wo ran now be j Annr t s E. You n it, whori IUUUU . we will be pleased to see cur 11 you need any stoves, fjrniture. tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures fruit lars, ttenks, books, roller skates. d.ilei, saws, planes, eto and a thousand dif ferent nd use a ticles yon ci-i n t do battel hlssliJofinFraa2liottn.-i yon oan dn wltU us on a purchase or exchanss L. COTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers, Piano Varnkiilng. All work guaranteed. VASSALLQ & THOMPSON. (Sicceison to Weary ii)-!i-i.) G. L. BLACKMAft, Successor to E. If. LaiiJott. PEA.LEIVIX DRUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. Yr k W . F. READ, FIRST ST ,, ALBANY. OREGON I'm jolly slid I'm, thotii;h 1 neodn't say lht ; for a glance at inv hiza and a look in roy eye, and you plainly can see there's mi Hies upon mo. I'm a little hit nhor". both ot breath and of Lair, but from .boulders to knees you can sea I'm all there. I Senile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lie, b.i I'll tip and couf.'ss what you never could gifss. A (rood thini; to eal is always a trai, which will make you as sweet as our sugar cured raoat, makes you feel so content with the money ;eut that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldu'c get tend though a man just as tbin as a rail or a pin whs to pull at your nose or tread on your tees. If you're fnt or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mean, just give V. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentmeut until you'll wish you were fitt to enjoy more of that For the feeling's immense, and you'll slow your good sense by buying groceriee,.to vihiotiN and crcck-eiy ot W ft T The Leadingl Cash Dry Goods House oUfa -.. v- -TT BUY CM. H EN DERSON&CO-S Now r . .I n ' at t ill ' - 1 1 1 , . ... ... . .. ... .. fl.,-nil in Alhaliv man ever - - gams Wallace & Tiioanpson's Fat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. , FOB SALE BY FORHAY JA.-OX Santa Glaus Headquarters. nr slock is complete sua 1 proper ,o p tit y ... ,1,11 , , I,, ,.lf.ip. as fast as they are in Hie mat aeW. Would call .iteuttoD to the following lines Dress Goods,PlasUcs,Vclvcts,Hosicry Jersies, Gents' Furnisliing Goods, Blankets, Boot . and Shoes. Allllabk is a thcrough'.insl ection of slock. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptly JatlendeJ to. W .F. HEAD, lei i- u' Plush Goods, Toilet Cases Al-g bums, Perfumeries. Books Etc., Etc., nor surpassed ii tl.3 Valley. staescrcrrrr-.- FOUND. Just the place to get Xmas thiniCi-'in and nice, in the latest art.Maf hnoks, Irsitotl, thermometers, banner rods tnd hat mark a or crowns painted to order. NcC oil paintings on hand, just the nicest thini yoit could se lect for a present. Call and at e foi nursclf a Mr. B. Hvman's First door cast of Young a. )ld stand. New Wash House. Ioe Chinaman, who lived in this town for .ml u.a . mn .11 lil;Ait hu uvurv. many yei. body has returned and will open up a new wash house the tirst of September, onej.liinr south of the Revere Houte. Lee diiesjtfcod work and wanU everyoouy v gel metr washing don. bv him J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC) kTTOKNEY AT LAW, USUI. orf.;on. WILL PRACTIOS IT ALL THK TOURTS 0FTI1K State. Sptci-l .tUntion trlvn to collections and .oht tor. First'National Bank OF ALB1X1, OREGON. ITi-.M-nt L. FLIKM Ash, 1'it.lli.r.. , 8. B. YOl'.NO ..Oh'O. K. ClOMnKKI.AIN J Mi. F. I'OWELL 13ABY CtVERlAGES AT STEW ART & SOX'S TltAVWACre A OKXERAL banking buatneM. AMOUNTS KEPT snbjMt to .heck, " r KXtMIAKoK and teleirmphlo trwwfer, lol i, ;w York, San Fntnclwo, Chluso and Tot !-". ei M.KtTIOMSMADEon l.Tonbl. terms. DisscroM. K YotTfO. ' OSO. R ClUHMSTiit I' L F. Rum. -. FWS, Waltnk Z Tuhrsll, Illl. O baativen nnlver. Ml aatleUetloa in tb. cure ol Uonorrbcea and (licet. I prexrlbe Hand f eel mate in recommend In. It to all mflerors. . . t. J. STOKER, M.D., Deeeear, III. PRICE. (1.00, Sold br Dnintatt. Foakar t Maun, vTholreale Azratl, C.M.trTO P l TO & DATS.I Jt Amium4 ,n 1 Wm OMMSUiMan. 1 E3 nr.Mirkrae d'llnu Cbemletl So. JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer ot Cigars -AND DEALER IK FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C-xa:a, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaiiu nd Briar Pipes, V0' " line of Smokers' Armeies. Also dealer i-, CALIFORNIA. AND P t ") ? C J V j ? .IttVJ