Daily Democrat 'hursiay EvBning,DBCBml)Br 27,1888 SYITfc at SWTrWli, Elltors and Publishers. Published erory day in tho wi-elc. Sunday excepted.) Entered at tlis Post O ill 3 at Albany, Or a seoond-class mail matter. " SUBSCRIPTION RATES : DalWorwl by coarlor par week.... 9 ! By null, per year ........ 6.0(1 By mill, per month &0 BATES FOR WEEKLY : One year, in ail ranee . . . 1- 00 One year, at end at yoar. 'jJJ Six month:!, in advance LOCAL RECORD. Red Paint. It was quite lively (or awhile around Miss Lord's establishment on Second street last night. Lewis Taylor was the principal actor. After firing a shot at an inmate he rushed out doors and be gan firing promiscuously at the house. Deputy Marshal Hoffman appeared and arrested him after using his club tome, in the course of which Taylor's revolver was discharged. lie was placed In the callboose. This morning he was fined $ to ami costs for shooting in the city limits, and then was again arrested on two charges of assault with a dangerous weapon and taken before Justice Humphrey. The case was adjourn until 9 o'clock to morrow morning. He paid his first fine. Crook County. Following are the new city officers of Prineville : President of Council, Arthur Hodges ; Councilman, Percy B Davis, John Claypool, J A Dout. hit and Ed N White ; Recorder, M II Bell ; City Attorney, E Barnes ; Treas urer, John II Templetou j Marshal, C M Char'ton .... Stock men 6ay that the grass is growing finely, having already attained a height of over two inches. It is also said that the late abundant rains have furnished pools of water all over the desert. . . .There exists quite a small pox "scare" in Prine ville at the present time. There is really little or no cause tor it. We have grave doubts of the existence of a case of smalt pox in Crook county, and if there is one, as has been reported, we see no cause for velline before being hurt. ... Born, at Warm Springs Agency, Dec. 12th, i8S8,to thewiteof CV1 Walker, a son. Mother and child doing well. Newt. TUB O. P. TKOUBLK. This Oregon Pacific trouble is becoming very Intricate, and there are so many rum ors afloat It is difficult to tell how the wind is blowing. Several hundred of J. G. Mev- er&Co.'s men are in Corvallis demanding their pay, and that city is having a worse spell than smallpox. Job & Hamilton's bank is said to be guarded, and as well the O. P. office. Neugrass is said to have left last night at 5 o'clock, but this !s not au thenticated. At the front the laborer of Smith & Allen, sub-contrators, have quit work, the members of that firm having fled, one to California and the other north. They were owing thein $4000, Searle & Deane had $1000 of their monev to meet this with. Rumors in reference to Searle & Deanc are mostly exaggerated. Mr. Mahar, representing them, reguests us to state that the item in the Herald to the ef fect that.they had been attached bv several creditors, including Stewart & Sox and Wallace & Thompson, was untrue; but we find that so far as Stewart & Sox are con cerned, it was correct. Other attachments were issued but not applied, and theirs has been dissolved; it is believed that Searle & Deane are all right; but there is an uncer tain rumor that they will make an assign ment, probably not reliable. lost any kind of a sensation may be looked for in reference to the matter So far as the O. P. is concerned it is said thev havenald nil their contractors. Sheep TiUF.VES.The Corvallis Times ha3 a long, labored article on the subject of the proclamation issued by his Excellency, the Mayor of that city, requesting people from other towns and cities not to attend the second annual ball given by the mili tary company of Corvallis, for the reason that grave fears were entertained that small pox would be spread in that city The Timet after saying a great many hard things about Albany, as a petulant boy will when he loses his temper, says : "Perhaps there was no danger of spreading the dis ease, for it has been well said that a man that would take the small pox from an Al banyite would steal sheep." Now let us see. The Mayor and people of Corvallis were so fearful that small pox would spread in that city that the Mayor made a puuuc request xnai panics irom Amany should remain at home. None but sheep thieves would take the small pox from an Albanyite, therefore the people of Corval lis are regarded as sheep thieves else their Mayor would have had no fears about small pox spreading. None but a Corval lis paper would have thought of placing Corvallis people under such a cloud as this. The Times 's unfortunate. Grange Elections The Tangent Grange has elected the following officers for the ensuing year : Master, J H Scott overseer, Henry Freerkson ; steward, C B Knighton J assistant steward, Alfred II j Freekson ; chaplain, John Luper 1 treas-. urer, R L Smith ; Secretary, W H Loon ey ; gatekeeper, Charles Anderson ; pom ona, Eliza Scott ; flora, Elpha Looney ; ceres, Lettle Iseedham ; lady assistant steward, Ada Knighton The Knc t Butte Grange has made the following election : Master,F S Doughton ; overseer,E Fisher ; lecturer.M H Wilds ; steward, M Morris ; assistant stewardjames Archibald ; chap lain, M Miller ; treasury, S Conn ; sec retary, P B Marshall ; gate keeper, Elmer Conn ; pomona, Minnie Marshall ; flora, Fona Marshall ; ceres, Hester Austin ; lady assistant steward, Annie Wilds. Will Stand Anything. J, W. Craw ford yesterday received an order from Monmouth, Illinois, for a pair of Mongo lian pheasants to be turned loose on the prairie as an experiment to 6ee if they can stand the winters. The birds will be ship ped in a few days. Statesman. Illinois will hereafter take a back seat as a wheat and corn state. A Surprise. Quite a numbe r of young ladies and j oung gentlemen, friends of Win Stites called unexpectedly at the residence of the laUer's parents in genuine surprise fashion last evening. The evening was passed in games, social chat and hearty holiday good cheer. Home Agaix Walter East and Mr. Cuzzins arrived in the city to day from the Eastern suberbs, where they have been stopping for about twelve days. They are enjoying guod health. Mr John Bryant whowas boarding at the same place will remain several days longer until he is pos itive his friends are anxious to see him. The V.L's. Mrs. Race will entertain the V. L's of the Baptist Church and their invited friends at the St. Charles Hotel to morrow evenim?. A nleasant time is anti cipated. Bby carriage at Stewart & Sox's. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Qall early before A Fatal Fight Information was re ceived here yesterday of an affray at Ger- vais, says the Statesman, which will proba bly icsutt it the death of Robert Krebs, one of the participants. It appears that Krebs, whose home is near Brooks, a few miles this side of Gervais, was drinking in a saloon at Gervais with Charles Atwood a section boss on the O. & C, when they commenced disputing with each other over their respective physical prowess,each claiming to be the "best man." It was fi nally decided that they should settle the matter at once bv going outside of the city limits and fighting it out. Krebscame out ahead ; but afterwards three men In the crowd attacked him, and one named At wood 6tabbed him, probably fatally. A Challenge. "The Albany paperi are bellyaching and poking fun at the re quest issued by Mayer Lee in regard to the military ball. The Herald says all sorts of funny things and calls us tender feet, while the Democrat sarcastically says: 'Varily they have some very brave soldiers at Corvallis.' If you think 'E company hasn't got some fighting metal. they might meet your brass buttoned gen try halt way and hght you to a finish just for practice." Times. Come on and we will agree to fumigate particularly for the occasion, and if there isn't some fun along the Wiilamette then our name is not Den nis. The First Siirrife. Yesterday in re ferring to the death of Mrs. Isaac Hutch ins,we mentioned her husband as having been the first sheriff of Linn county. We learn that we were mistaken. The first gentleman to have that honor was Mr. Jason Wheeler, now a resident of Albany, who was elected in 1848 and served for two years, taking the census of the county in 1850. When elected there were about 300 votes cast in the county. Mr. Hutchins was the second sheriff, being elected in 1850, serving one term of two years. Superior. That is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so mud attention. It is a splendid cook stove. M.tnteith & Seitenbach's great closing sale will enable U to buy any line of goods lolly 50 per cent, less tban any other store in tl: valley. HOME AND ABROAD Dates, figs, etc., at Phifler's. Holiday goods at French's. Bargains in silverware at French's. Fresh ohestnntsat Franeis Pfeiffer '. Will New Year calls be mads in Albany' Stuild & Burke begin roviv al meetings in Salem to-day. Low prices prevail at the ''Corner Jewe ! ry store." Go to P. J. Laportes for your boot andjshoe repairing. The best confectionary in the city at Fran cia Pfeiffur'a- Gold and silver watches. Big bargains in them at French's. TbeGurneylcabs will be placed on the streets of S lem. The larcest stock of nuts and csudies in th valley a t F H Pfeiffer's. Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves and sells tbom the cheapest. Call and see those Early Breakfast stoves and ranges at W C Tweedale't. For holiday candies, nuts, otc, call at the Willamette Packing Co's store. Corvallis' military bail waa duly held, and there were no outsiders prcieot either. You will save money by ly-Urns Vonr plumbing and job work done at Twaedale's, The common council did not meet last ight; but propose to do so on Friday even ing. About 140 reserved seats have been taken for ''Hazel Kirk" at the Opera House to night. A suit between two Celestials yesterday for laundryman's wages was decided in favor of the defendant. If von want a tender chicken be sure and get one of those new style roasters at W C iweedale's. 'Hazel Kirk" will b placed before the public to-night at the Opera Honae instead of "Solomon Iraaca." , Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to be found at French's "The Corner Jewelry Store.1' Prices low. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, etc. Francis Pfeiffer can dobetter than anywhere elso. kemember this in getting your holiday confectionary. The Y's will hold a social aud watch meet ing at the WCTU Hall next Monday even ing. Social will begin at 8 o'clock p. m. All are cordially invited. Mr Janewav. father of the Soicer azent who helped himself to some registered letters, has sued Jas M Holston. who hd him arrest ed for perjury, for $5,000 damages. The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at F. M. French's, "The Corner Jewelry Store" and see his stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices, which will be found very low. Prof Samwell, the doz show man, was ar rested while in Oregon City for stealing a valuable dog. The hue and costs agaiust mm amonnted to 4z. Lew Johnson's B. B. B. Minstrels opened last night to standing room only.- Every seat Deing sold Detore tha doors were opeoed.ana gave general satisfaction. The company will appear again to-night and will produce an entire change of program. Cincinnati -en guire. A skating carnival waa aiven at F. Co's armory last night under the auspices of a couple Salem boys. There were several good cosinme 3. frizes were received, by Al Long, r rank Hoiman, Ueo (javbart. Misa Nellie Triscon, Jennie Cunningham and Bertha xnscon. A man named Andrew Ferguson yesterday afternoon, on examining some gloves at A B Mcltwams tned to hide a pair under hta arms; but was discovered before getting away with them, arrested, tried before Jos tice Humphrey;last evening and fined $20, in default of which he went to ja.il . Albany Opera Hoase, Monday evening, ueo. .list, Lw Johnson a "clack itooy Day colored minstrels will give a performance which will excell any thing of the kind ever before produced here. The company consists of 20 brst-elass performers, who are all ar tists in their profession. - They are well rec onnected by the press and public. Reserve seats for sale at Blackman'a DrugStore, Mr. Gurney, inventor of the Goroey cabs, is in the city trying to arrange for the intro duction of his cabs here, under the system of running tbsm yon pay 20 cents a mile for riding ia them. While at the present time they would probably not pay here aa the number who would patronize them is limited, it is possible they wonld in time. We should have street cars and be done with it. A. ma jority of people do not mind paying five cents for riding a mile ; but very few would pay 20 cents after the novelty wore off, except for special purposes. Sarcastic The Corvallis Times In a long article attacks the O. P. road in a savage manner,among other things saying they have purchased the press to be silent. The road may possibly runtwoofthe Corval- !is papers; but it doesn't the Democrat: at the same time we appreciate what a great service u nas oone lor the vaitey, and are willing to overlook some of their big faults, for they seem to pursue the same course taken by railroads and people generally, that is, get all they can for the leist price regardless of means. Looking Out For No. 1. -We used to think it was Portland against the rest of Oregon but the following makes It look as if it is to be Astoria against the rest of us : "We hope Cleveland will veto the river ind harbor bill. It Is a useless waste of money trying to remove the sand bars near St. Helens and in the Willamette. Every June freshet will undo the work of a Slfle.nnn annmnriil!nn Th. : .... . can be deepened as long as these freshets occur. There is no need of ships going any farther that Astoria to load, Portland has seen her best days as a shipping port " Another Fraud. School directors throughout the state are warned of the ar rival of map swindlers. Two maps worth one dollar are sold for five under a pre tense that a new law compels the directors nave maps nung in the school house, lere Is nn snrh law anA nhrm Alt- will do well to watch out tor the schemers. Hot.IDAV HRMPinirc P;Vlo nTe feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburger cheese just received at the Will amette Packing Co.'s store. AH kinds of woolen dress goodsare 25 ner cent cheaper than they were a year 'ago. Oar stork is all fresh, consequently we can give yery -w prices. W F Read. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just 'what every one ought to ue, as It Is first- class tea and warranted 10 give saiisiac-tion. Selling at Cost Until after the holi days all my stock of felt hats and bonnets, babv hoods, plushes, fancy feathers, etc. Special sale, call early. Ida M. Brush, first door east Strahan s new brick. HAItltlKI). A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro KNOX WALLACE. In this city, on December 26th, 18S8, Mr. Layton Knox and Miss Wallace, of near Lebanon, Rev. H. P. Webb omclaltng. GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. letter List. Following is the list at letters remaining- in the Post Office, Albany, Una county, Oregon, Dec. 27, 1833. reraons calling for these letter; must aive the date on which they were advertised : AdK)ns,J C Barker, C 7. Boner, S W Bush, Chnrtes R R man Barker. Chas Cook.W E Dolwrty, Waa C Gren. Oley Standlih, Urs Verllnda Hendricks, a x 2 Jones, R F Livingston, C H McDonald, Mrs James McCulloch, John Robeitwm, D O Siyer, Geonre Sherlock. Charlie Straui, A White, Louis Alklre, JD Bowen, Shelly Briscoe, J H Bel I, AH Btick. Urs Bell Carson, Andrew W Dyer, Cbaa W Goodelt, John Prop'r Minnesota House BTadden, AD Letts'. W r. More, Ed M Waver, Louts Porter, Harry Battery, Mrs Catherine Shannon. J W Soerry, Hiss Joeia ireaster, Kmeraon R. THOMPSON, P.M. Tangent Christmas passed very quietly. We had two Christmas trees heavily laden with beautiful and costly presents nlcelvfarrang ed. After a short program the "distribu tion 01 presents commenced when the ciiu drens faces showed what was in their minds. Before the trees were stripped of their beautiful plumage a close observer would say that there was a little too much ostentation. Mr S II Moses, of Alsea Is spending the holidays with relatives in Tangent. The directors o this school district have employed Miss Minnie McFarland to teach the public school for the next six months -A good selection. School commences after the holidays. fz5, 000 Worth of Dried Fruit Wanted. And I must have it. Having made con tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby saving commission and adding the same to the prir of your fruit. Ho offer made sn fruits unloaded and placed in any other house in my line in the city. If you be .ievein the doctrineof buying hi the cheap est and selling in the highest market and have no conscientious scruples about party or religion, you must cometo see me or be untrue to yourself and family. To satisfy yourself, call and get my prices. Yours respectfully, P. Cohen, Albany, Or. New raisens, cnrrents,citron, lemons and oranges received at Wallace & Thompson's. Albany Opy Hones. ' ONE NIGHTONLY Monday Evening, Deo. 31st, 1888. LEW JOHNSON'S BLACK BABY BOY MINSTRELS and ELECTRIC BRASS BAND 4 GEEAT MEIIT 4 20 Renowned Artists 20 Introducing an entirely new and dot el performance. Grand Street Parade Headed by tha world's greatest Drum Majors. MR. J, C, CARR AND LITTLE H, General admission, 50 cents. Reserved seats, 75 cents. Children under 11 years, 25 cents. Reserved seats for sale at Black man's Drug Store. f. l. mm -DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES. ConfectioDery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS ND MAGZI NEAR! THE PQSTOFFlCEf ALBAMY,QR. SALE. out their Albany businessofib r for sale without reserve at COST