Albany Market. Vheat-72tf Oats 2Se Buttar 25 as per lb. Etnrs 25t Hay -9.00. Potatoes V nts Pir tv.ishpl. Beef -on fjoc. 8; ..pples 4'l cent pir bu. Porn-tf!i) par U .nrtiei. Bin u - it u 1 1 a s'l lirs, 14 1. ill). II). uar 1 l"i i o r li. Flour l.Ji nir ti!)l. nhiokins J ')1 ptir l'. Till t'ajl iimii, 11.0.) par too 'inrts. itj. mil lu iri,,'!!. Caor 'A. G. L. BLACXMAft, Successor to E. V. Lan?t!on. DEA.LERJIS DRUGS, MEDICINES1 CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. FOUND. Just the place to get iimvi things cheap and uice.iu ihe latest art.waf hnoks, tripods, thermometers, banner rods .iml hat marks or crovrus p-ilntea to order, ou pamimgs on hand, iust the nicest thiuL' you could se lect for a preseut. Call and at e foi yrurself First door east of Young's old stand, . FOB SALE BY FOSHA.Y MASON FOSHAY & MASON, TlsLiiils im nun Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, wnlcn we sell t puonsner a pnoss win postageajJAti. ALBANY, OKEOOili. Jos. Webber Announcea to his patrons and friends that e is now located in his new shnpiu the Fo il av & Mason Block And with able workmen Jl atteud tt his customers at as reasonable ces as any other shop. As be has tiree at h -rooms running?, no tinra wil be waitin ; t r baths. HOW TO GO EAST. Go East via Mount Shasta Koute. Nice climate and ssenery at all tioiss of theyear. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Orten, Salt Lake, Danver. f inest eecond-cla.s ears made are run daily. Buy your tickets of me and save vour fare to Portland. I am the ouly person in Albany that can sell you a a ticket from Albany direct to any poiut tin the United States. Calljon me for rates. Y5 1 V. L. Jkstkh. Axeiit s. r, 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Paintors. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (3'Iikwwom to Henry Siios-hi.) ' Lim iinty Bank, COWAN. RALSTOX & CO., eucceuon to Cowan Cusick.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a goners! banking business. DKVWiUHUI ItiUPMen Na York, San Isjo .ui Portland, Orogon. LOAN MO.VEY on appiored security. RECEIVE deposits subject tj chock. K. J. Misnicm, Prjs. V. FARKAa, Vijj Prj. U. S Coos, s c.J O U. Mjj.tts Tieas The Oregon Land Company OryAiilzj.i f,w Wm purnw of buying and linir iril cstat. (ivor:.siit hs Will .motto Valley In all of the lea'linif iwwr- ttwn of the Unit! State), Bmnloylnr ette Valley, t h .me asrent in all the prinarul ifinr, tvik, I.II1U, tfenion, uiscKama and Yamhill count It to mid in locai'ii? immltrranta, OthVJn this Tate liurtMiiijr one door et of Slav' HODSOH & DICKINSO.V, Managers. DR. C. U. CHAM3ERLIN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon rofflco corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON, FOSHl&l mm, Holiday Goods. f Santa Glaus Headquarters. W . F, READ, FIRST ST ALBANY. OREGON a 81 lendid stock of Plush Goods, Toilet Cases A1-, bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor surpassed in tha Valloy. I A o I'm jolly and fat, though 1 neodn't say that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees yon can sea I'm all there. X smile aod I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness liea, so I'll op and confess what you never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar cured meat, makes you feel bo content with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just ai thin as a rail or a pin whs to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if yout'e pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a show to eell you right low, jou will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll wish you were fat to enjoy more of that For the feeling's immense and you'll si.ow your good STise by buying visions and crcckery of W S T 43 The Leading Cash Dry Goods House ofin . "-SSiy;- -tw BUT C.M.HENDEnSONACfjfS"J !?2II,a52?fStw CELESaAIiD BOOTS X SHOES i r rerjivinj ray fallj stock and I can give my cnstcnina tettettsr gains than ever was offered in All any Our stock is complete and 1 propose to kpcp ! it 'tip to llirirstandard, shall add all the now novelties as fastaB they are in the market. Would oall especial attention to the following lines . Dress Goods,PhisItcs,Vclve(s,lIosiery Jersics, Gents' Furnishing G coils, lilankcts, Bo ! and Shoes. : AllIauk is aitboroughiospection of stock. ii PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANCE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptlyfattended to. W"J. HEAD, Wallace 'tt Thompson's Rat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. 5FHANCS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF; Albany Sod Works. And Manufacturers of choice oomunomi. alo, alwaya fresh and pnre at Portl. nd priced to dealara. We also keep full i09 Of Nuts and Trouical rrnits.T CIGARS AND TOBACCOS I Conrjid Meyer. PROPlKTT3 OK- STAM BAKERY, Dnmer Broadalbln and First Sts,, DEALER IN- BABY C4.URIAGE3 AT STEWART &. SOX'S. m ybunaieatd sol tea sVV M WBM fltHsMauv. 1 Ef MraeBibytke raSaLrtl UlffO hM.tven nnlTnr. sat satisfaction In Ui. cure ot Gonorrhoea and I Uleet. I prescribe It.nrl feel sal. In recomm.nd liif It to all mifftrsrs. A. J. 8T05EB, B.D., O.estar, III. J-iiiuE. ai.oo. Slnlil ttv ttral.t. Mas.n, Wholeaale Afrnts, Conned Frails, ' lasware, ! Dried FrolU, Tobacco, S"Kr, Coflee, Etc, Cnnneil Heats, Qaeensware, Vegelablea, Clcfarn,' Spices, Tea, Etc, In fact everytjilng that is kept In a gm ral variety and grocery store. HlsheM market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. J ULtU S JOSEPH,- ManuiHcittier oiCigars .. AN0 iAlllSR IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C'int:, Plug ann Smoklns; Tobacco. Meemchaniui and ' Brir Ptpes.and a to. line ofSmokers' Artflos, Also dealer dALTFORNIA. AND T R.0 PX J A.L " 1 i ' f . .' J