Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 22, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Democrat
Satmiay Evening.Docsmbsr 22,1888
HYITK4 tt NIITrl.MU. E.Mors and Publllhara.
fiitillahutl every day In the wrelc
Sundaya excepted.)
Entered at the Post OlUue at Albany, Or
an aeoo mi-clans mail matter.
Stranded. The Lll.lan Drew Comedy
Co. played to a llm audience at Rhine
hart' Theatre lat Wednesday night, and
wis a miserable failure. They again an
nounccdthey would play the next evening,
at which time not over ten people being
present, the show was adjourned sine die.
Then came the lun. The theatre owner
wantlnc rent.membcrs o the company de
manding lonn- overdue salaries, landlords
o a -
wantlnir oav for accommodations, and
printers asking for their hard earned bills.
All "got left" excepting landlord Watkins,
who captured the trunks ul the show.
Thiirulnvaomeof the members left by train
going north and south, while some yet
linger with us. Eugene Guard. Several
people in Albany will get left also, among
h. number, lack Warner, who has a bill
for Sc. the hotel for board of advanced
agent, who, by the way, gave the company
away, anu otners.
Your'e Another The Albany Demo
crat says that Moody will not visit either
Salem r Astoria, as he has to be in San
Franciso an January 6th. The Democrat
does not say who issued the mandate that
the great Evangelist should arrive In San
Francisco on the day mentioned, and it
looks very much like the wish was father
to the thought in this Instance. The Demo
crat man is Insanely envious of Salem's
prosperity and he cannot bear the thonght
of even a religious boom being started here.
All right, Mr. Democrat, Moody has
promised to come to Salem and his word is
to betaken In preference to that of an un-
regencrate Democrat evcrv time. If vou
will come here to the meetings Mr Moody
will tell you how to get cured of that hor
rible habit of lying you have fallen into.
statesman. All the same Moody is to be in
San Francisco on Ian. 6th. and likewise.
just as stated, we were Informed on reliable
authority that Moody would not be In Sa
lem, laikingot envy most of Itcomes
from Salem. There is nothinir ti be en
vious of on our part, and Hjlcso vou. Salem
and its Statesman men In particular need
iuooay 11 any one does outside of Astoria.
Down Hill, The Pendleton E. O.
makes the following startling statement
"It is time the people of Pendleton waked
up to a surprising and an alarming fact,
namely: This town is relatively going
down hill!" And then the paper shows
why, and again. "It seems at present as
though Pendleton proposes to have rest
and quiet and grass grown streets. All en
terprising efforts for the advancement
the town have died a natural death,
advise the E. O. not to iret excited.
takes time to build cities. Every place
cannot be a Tacoma and Seattle at big
lumps; but no doubt Pendleton and Al
bany and Salem and Eugene sometimes
need prodding. The rest of us claim posi
tively that we are going up hill, if only
Committees. The College Y. M. C. A
met yesterday afternoon and appointed th
following committees on the Moody meet
lugs to be held in this city on January and,
Our citizens will be solicited for entertain
ment for visiting students, and the meeting
promise to be the greatest ever held i
Albany : On reception W II Lee.Percy
Young, Will Galbralth.Anderson Cannon,
J V Wilson, Clem Irvine, Will McCormack,
Naoni McCormick, II and F Fisher, Claud
Vunk. On entertainment Ed Blodgett,
Lewis Lee and Ed Crossen,
Lewis Lee and Carley Sox.
Lewis Lee, Ed Blodgett, Will Cowan, A
Sternberg, Elliot Irvine,. Ralph Yantis,
Harry Uarrand Ed Crossen.
They Resolve. The Marion county
grangers have just resolved In the follow
ng emphatic manner: Whereas, There
exists in Oregon a combination composed
of the millers of Oregon, through whose
control flour has been advanced In price
not less than one dollar per barrel more
than is reasonable. Therefore, Resolved
That the attention of the next legislature
be cirected to the matter of extending the
law regulating tolls to exchange wheat for
flour. Resolved, That the fare on railroads
of this state should be reduced to three
cents per mile. Weconcurwith Linn coun
ty in the adoption of resolution In regard
to agricultural colleges. K -solved. That
we arc opposed to the legislature making
any appropriation to perfect the title of the
Agricultural college farm at Corvalhs.
Resolved, That the state of Oreeon own
and print its own school books, and that the
law authorizing the change of all kinds of
books by the several county superintend
ents ne repealed.
j scheme ine standard un Co, is a
gigantio monopoly and business enterprise
that is continually looking out for new
territory. Its latest move is to purchase
property In Salem, Albany, Eugene, Rose-
burg and Medford and build small ware
houses for the storage of oil. An agent of
the company, which by the way is incor
porated under the laws of Iowa, was in
Eugene the first of the week and purchased
the triangular piece of ground on the north
side of the railroad crossing at High street
from Mrs. Macey for $22?. The switch to
the Farmers' warehouse will be utilized for
shipping purposes. A warehouse 20x30,
sheathed with sheet Iron, will be built on
the premises. The buildlne of this ware
house will obviate the neccessity of our
merchants carrylne laree stocks of oil.
On badge . Guard. The gentleman has not vet made
kju welcome . arrangements in AlDanv: but no doubt will
De at the cruet railroad center in time.
Wheat The wheat market is demor
alized just at the present time ; but it is
generally dull during the holidays. V.'e
have been quoting for several day s at 72
cents, which has been the market price
here. To-day we have to drop to 70 cents,
which Is the prlceoffered at the warehouse
and mills. There Is no business though.
Several Albany buyers who paid 75 to 78
cents are somewhat confused as most of
the wheat is en their hands, one buyer, we
are informed having about 50,000 bushels
undisposed of. It Is not anticipated that the
price will remain down, and a rise li looked
for after the holidays.
Saw the Flag. Mr. Hayes, of Corval
lis, the gentleman who discovered gold at
Gold Hill, in Southern Oregon, was in the
city a day or two ago on his way to the
scenes of his mining experiences. While
here he discovered the signal service flag,
and not being used to such modern im
provements in Corvallis, stopped in con -sternation
and cried, "Another case of
A Bao Bank. Mrs. Wells, of Ashland,
distrusting banks, kept her wealth In bags
of bed-ticking until a few days ago, when
an employee an her farm found a bag con
taining $3 and started south with it. He
was followed and brought back ut her ex
pense, but escaped again, though Mis Wells
secured the money and deposited It in a
National bank.
Bihle Society The annual meeting
of the Linn County Bible Society will he
held this evening at Dr. G. W. Gray's office,
to which all members are requested to be
present. To-morrow evening union servi
ces in the interest of the Bible Society will
be held at the M. E. and Presbyterian
churches. Rev. P. C. Hetzler is in the city
and will address both meetings.
Montetih & Sei
Call early before
Big Failure. Jacobs & Neugass. ef
Corvallis, have failed, with very heavy lia
bilities. They will make a general assign
ment, but as the same has not yet been
completed neither their assets nor liabili
ties are known. They had a contract with
J. R. Meyers for fifteen miles of railroad.
and It is asserted they hare lost heavily on
It ; but there are probably other causes. On
account of their general business relations
with uenton county people the failure has
had a depressing effect there.
Oneco. Mr. B. Knight, owner of the
fine trotting stallion, Oneco, has just re
turned from Oakland, Caliornia. While
there Oneco made a record of 2:2y, the
best record ever made by a Linn county
horse. Lovers of rood horses will be crlad
to learn that Oneco will be kept in this
county and wll make the season here next
The Y. B The Yaquiua Bay was not
offered tor sale to-day. Mr Pope, the in
surance underwriter, now haa charge of the
boat, and will consult with the several com
panios interested before disposing of it. He
is said to have-an itching notion that some
thing can be done yet, but probably a mis-
taaen one.
Dates, figs, etc, at Pfeiffer'a.
Holiday goods at French'.
Bargains in silverware at French's.
Fresh ohastnuttat Franois PfeifTer'x.
You might begin practicing 00 1S89.
Low prices prevail at the "Coruer Jewel
ry store."
The "Saata Maria" baa arrived at Ya
quina Bay.
Go to P. J. Laportes for your boot andjshue
Col Eeelesen. of the Oiegon Pacific, was
in the city yesterday.
The best oonfeotioaary in the city at Fran
cis Pfeiffer'a
Gold and silver watches. Big bargains in
them at FreDoh'a,
Boats now run on the Willamette from
Harrisburg dowo.
Mr Ed Goin, Scio a merchant miller has
been in the city te-day.
Corvallis is entitled to the Agricultural
college whoever runs it.
Hon R C Miller and wife, of Lebanon,
were in the city yesterday.
Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves
and sells them the cheapest.'
Rev Moody is to be in Salem and Eugene
on the afternoon of January 3.
Call and aee those Early Breakfast atovea
and ranges at W U Tweedale'e.
For holiday candies, nuts, etc., call at the
Willamette Packing Co'a store.
The two banks at Indepenuence are to be
transformed into National banks. '
Mr aod Mrs H A Standard went to
Brownsville to-day to spend Christmas.
Second class nasseneera are bsing carried
on tne IS f from at rani to rortianu lor tM.
Rev. Clark Braden will preach at the M .
E. Church, South, to-morrow at 11 o'clock.
Yon will save money by setting your
plumbing and job work done at 1 weed ale s,
Coll Van Cleve. of Yaquina City, was it
Albany yesterday with hia pockets full of
Both the college and pnbho schools have
closed for their regular two weeks holiday
vacation .
Judee Nesmith. of Mew Hampshire, was
a Harrison elector in 1840 aod is a Harrison
elector now.
If you want a tender chicken be sure and
eet one of those new style roasters at W C
F M Mitchell haa closed hia school near
Lebanon and is now teaching in District M
near this city. ,
Mr Peacock brought to the Albany mar
ket to-day green oniona and parsley, a re
freshing aight.
Finest display of Christmas presents in the
city, is to be found at French's "The Corner
Jewelry Store." Pricet Ion.
The Willamette valley is a scene of great
activity. Salem, Albany and &ugeue UHy
are all going forward with great rapidity.
Umpqua litraut.
Making a specialty of oaodies, nuts, etc.
Francis Pfeifier oan dobetter than anywhere
else. Remember this in getting your holiday
Mr Henry Maine, who baa been working
Ok the Newport News, returned to Albany
to-day. Ine JStwi baa suspended punuoa
tion at least for the present.
Alfred Wheeler is a candidate for the Post-
office in this city, and a petition is being cir
culated in hia interest. There are several
others who would like to have it.
We hear that Mort Lollia, who is well
known around the bay, is about to marry a
rich widow in Portland, and will be here on
a visit abent Christmas Newport Republi
The citizens of Albanv and vicinity are in
vited to call at F. M. French's, "The Corner
Jewelry store and aee his stock of cnrist
mas presents, and examine pricea,whioh will
be found very low.
Among those who lost by haying shipments
on the wrecked steamer was Mr u u xtrusn,
who had eight hair els of wire on board.
valued at $'200. Three barrels weie thrown
overboard, and the others were rusted so aa
to be of little value.
An Astoria paper saya there are aa many
cases of smallpox in Poitland aa ever, that
the Dest house is lull and new cases aie re
ported every day. Our experience here ia
that there is some tall fabricating on such
The Newport Republican saya : "The
Yaouina Bav' has not changed a line yet.
All her top works forward of the after cabins
to the main deck has been washed away. We
believe the ship will yet he got ott and re
paied. and run on the bay. The underwriter
agent arrived this morning and stopped the
work of stripping. He says the vessel will be
got all and repaired.
U'hat should be done If Bill Nye should
visit Albany this winter, as is rumored he
may. Whether a strict quarantine should
be issued or "F" Ce. gotten out is a grave
question. 6
If you think you are real -ahum nnd
know just how things are going, the Man
About Town suggests that vou borrow a
pencil and write down Harrison's cabinet,
then he 11 wager you his last years over
coat that over half are wron.'.
It Is "confidently expected" In almost
yery crossroad town in Oregon which has
a newspaper that the great evangelist.
Dwlght L Moody, will favor them with a ,
visit, says a paper up the Coast. That's Al
bany ,and as nearly as the Man Abaut Tow 11
can learn after walking from one end of
f irst street to another, this is the only city
that will really get Mr Moody for even a
day. We don't brag about it ; but It is a
mattertheieisagrain of satisfaction In,
for there is only one Moody in this big
world of ours, and he is a very plain, short'
squatty fellow with a large neck and care-
.. o-prance ; out he has a big heart, a
comprehensi ve mind and hits the nail on
the head right along.
There is, after all, some difference be
tween the holiday season with snow and
drifts and piercing winds as an elemenUhe
program in the East, and the holiday sea
son of Oregon with mud and a mild atmos
phere in the lead. Santa Claus simply puts
on his big boots, takes off his fuis, using a
gossamer, gets a boat wagon and sails
ahead, and we enjoy him just as much and
have just as big a tumble with the kind
hearted old fellow who loves Webfoot
children and knickerbockers just the same,
and we do believe he carries a bigger pack
here and that it takes more gunnisacks for
Pure Teas. If you want a first-class
article of teas go to the Willamette Packing
Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just
........ trcij unc ougnt to ue, as it Is first
class tea and warranted to give satisfaction.
The Concert.
Below we give the program for the con
cert to be given at the Opera House next
Vuesday evening. It speaks In harmonious
tones for itself. The admission will be 35
cents ; reserved seats at Blackman's, 50
cents. The concert is to be followed by a
social and refreshments :
Part 1.
Anthem, "O Lord Most Merciful" from
Concone, by octet.
"From Every Stormy Wind that Blows,"
Stowell, by quintet.
"All for Jesus," Halton, soprano and
tenor duet and chorus.
"Sing and Rejoice," chorus.
Part II.
Trio, "Come to the Sea," Mrs Geo E
Chamberlain, Messrs Prichard and W H
Tenor solo, selected, by Rev Prichard.
Soprano solo, Mrs E W Lan?
don. ' s
Duet, Maying, Mrs Chamberlain and
Rev Prichard.
Trio, Mrs Langdon, Mrs Chamberlain
and Rev Prichard.
Chorus, "Victoria," by octet,
A Novelty. A novelty in Albany is a
girl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's.
Wecannot imaginea finer Christmas pres-
n. uy mi means at least call and see it.
Selling at Cost Until after the holi
days all my stock of felt hats and bonnets.
baby hoods, plushes, fancy feathers, etc.
Special sale, call early. 'Ida M. Brush,
iiibi. uwr crast airanan s new brick.
The Animal Show. Prof. Sam well's
trained animal show at the opera house
this afternoon was a good one, and de
serves a good house to-night. The dogs
and horses are thoroughly trained and do
some excellent tricks.
Married, At Brownsville, en Wednes
day, Dec. 19, 18S8, at the residence of the
brides parents, by Rev. Sperry, Mr. J. H
Waters, of the firm of Thompson & Waters,
and Miss Florence Brown, daughter of
John Brown, both of Brownsville.
"E'1 Company. "F" company, of this
city, haa received a very polite invitation
not to be present at "E" Co.'s ball on Christ
mas eve. Verily they have some brave
soldiers in Corvallis. We understand, though.
the request is made by order of the mayor
and is also sent to other companies outside
ot trie city.
Surveying. Mr. E. T.T. Fisher Is pre
pared to do surveying of all kinds at lea
sonabic rates. He has complete copies of
field notes and township plats In the coun
ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn county
Baby carriager at Stewart k Sox's.
Kiln Dried FLOORINO.-Good kiln dried
flooring at the Springfield lumber yard In
I this city.
tenbach having
STOCK of Gen
the stock is bro
decided to close
Clothing A Urge and complete Iin
gents' clothing and furnishing goods at
B. Mcllwain'a. In the clothing depart
ment he has a large line of pants, regular
value, $5, which he will sell during the
coming week for $2.50.
Don't Throw Your Money Away
buying silly little toys and gawgaws. Come
around to our place of business and get
something that will be of utility, both use
ful and ornamental. Look over this list
and it may helpyou to make up your mind
wnat you want, , (
The verv best crade of Shnm and eli
sors, Lap boards, Pocket Knives, Curling
Irons, Skates, Knives, Forks and Spoons of
all kinds.Call Bells.Babv Carriages, Wring
ers, fancy sets of Fiat Irons. Kitchen
Grindstones, new style Coffee Mills, etc.
Carving Sets, Razors, Razor Strap and
Brushes, the finest Pocket Cutlerv. Toola
of all kinds, Revolvers, Guns,. Skates, etc.
for boys.
Pocket Knives, Skates, Tool Chests,
Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Axes,
etc, .
F. L KtffiOL
Choice Family
ConfectioDery, Cigars and Tobacco
All goods sold at the lowest cash prices
( and warranted to give satisfaction.
Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods,
Subscriptions receive for all the leading
out their Albany business offer
for sale without reserve at COST