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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1888)
Daily Democrat FACTS TO UEMKMUEK. Alabama contains 51,250 square miles, was settled in 1 71 1, and was admitted into the Union December 14th, 1819. Arkansas contains 53,850 square m'les, was settled in 1685, and was admitted Into the Union June 15th, 1836. California contains 158,360 square miles, was settled in 1768 at San Diego, and was admitted into the Union September 9, 1S50, Colorado contains 103,925 square miles, was settled in 1850, and was admitted Into the Union Auaust :6t, 1S76. Connecticut contains 4,990 square miles, was settled in 1633 at Windsor.and was ad mitted into the Union January 9th, 1788. Delaware contains 2,050 square miles, was settled in 1638 at Wilmington, and was ad mitted into the Union December 7U1, 17S7, Florida contains 5S,6So square miles, was settled in 1565 at St. Augustine, and was ad mitted into the Union March 3rd, 1845 Georgia contains 59,475 square miles and was settled in 1733 by James Oglethorpe. Became one of the United States by adop Hon of the constitution January 2nd, 17SS Illinois contains 56,650 square miles, was settled by the I rench in 16S3, and was ad mitted into the Union December 3rd,iSi8 Indiana contains 36,350 square miles, was settled in 1690 at Vincennes.and was admit ted into the Union December nth, :Si6. Iowa contains 56,025 square miles, wa settled in 1833, and was admitted into the Union December 2S, 1S46. Kansas contains 82,oSo square miles, was settled in iS27at Fort Levenworth,and was admitted into the Union January 29th, 1861 Kentucky contains 40,400 square miles, was settled in 1770 at Boonesboro, and was admitted into the Union June 1st, 1792 Louisiana contains 48,720 square miles, was settled by the French in 1699, and was admitted into the Union April 8th, 1812. Maine contains 33,040 square miles, wa: settled in 1630, and was admitted into the Union March 5th, 1820. Maryland contains 12,210 square miles was settled in 1634, and became one of the' states of the Union by adoption of the con stitution of the IT. S. April 2Sth, 17SS. HT I. ... . niuisacnuscus contains 8,315 square miles.was settled In i62oat Plymouth, and was admitted into the Union February 6th, 17SS. Michigan contains 58,915 square miles, was settled in 1670 and admitted into the union January 26th, 1817. innesota contains 83,365 square miles, was settled in 1846, and admitted into the Union May nth, 185S. Mississippi contains 46,810 square miles was settled in 17:6 at Natchez, and was d. mitted into the Union December ioth,i8i7. Missouri contains 60,41c sauare miles was settled in 1755. and admitted into the union August 10th, 1821. Nebraska contains ?6.8cc sauare mlli was settled in 1854, and admitted into the Union March 1st, 1867. Nevada contains 110,700 square miles, was settled in 184S, and admitted Into the Union October 31st, 1864. New Hampshire contains 9,305 square miles,was settled in 1624 at Little Harbor, and was admitted into the Union June 21st, 175s. New Tersey contains 7.81 sauare mllni. was settled in 1620 at Elizabeth, and was admitted into the Union December 18th, ?S7. New York contains 49,1 70 square miles, was settled in 1614 at New York City, and wasadmittedintothc Union July 26th,i7S8. North Carolina contains 52,250 square miles, was settled in 1650 at Chowan river, and was admitted into the Union Novem ber 2 1 st, 17S9. Ohio contains 41,060 square miles, was settled in i7SS,and admitted into the Union November 29th, 1S02. Oregon contains 96,030 square miles, was settled In 181 :, and admitted into the Un ion February 14th, 1S59. Pennsylvania contains 45,21 square miles, was settled in 1643 at Phi ladelphia, and was admitted Into (he Union Decern ber 1 2th, 17S7. Rhode Island contains 1,250 square miles was settled in 1636 at Providence, and was admitted Into the Union May 29111,1790. South Carolina contains 30,570 square miles, was settled in 1670 at Ashley river, and was admitted into the Union May 23rd, 17SS. Tennessee contains 42,050 square mile, was settled in 1757 at Port London.and was' admitted Into the Union June 1st, 1796. Texas contains 265,780 square miles, was settled In 1692 at San Antonio,and was ad mitted into the Union December 291(1,1845. Vermont contains 9,565 square miles, was settled In 1725 at Fort Dummer.and was ad mitted Into the Union March 4th, 1791. Virginia contains 42,450 square miles, was ettled in 1607 at Jamestown, and was admit. ed into the Union June 26th, 17SS. West Virginia contains 24,780 square miles and was made a state June 20, iSSj, by carv ing its present territory out of Virginia of which up to that time it had Iwen a part. Wisconsin contains 56,04cyni.ire miles; was settled in 1669 at Green liay.and was admitted into the Union May 29th, 1S48. The light for the post office in this city goe quietly but vigorously on. The friends of Mr. Kenton and of Mr. Watts are respectively, ac tively engaged in promoting the interest of their candidates. Complicating matters still morc,a new candidate appears in the field in the person of Mr. Alfred Wheeler. It may be, gentlemen, that Mr. Harrison will conceive it to be his duty to follow out his implied pledge that he would apply the spirit and purpose of the civi 1 service law in making all executive appointments 'o the end that the dangers to free institutions, which lurk in the power of official patronage may be wisely and effectually avoideded. In which case Mr. Thompson the present incum bent would be permitted to serve his term out. It is to be hoped that Mr. Harrison will follow this least to the extent that President Cleveland has, not because it would retain some democrats in office, but in order to break up the unseemly scramble for office following each presidential election. Bahii'.s. The finest line of baby carri ages In the Valley just received at Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri ages. We Want, Your butter and eggs and will pay you either cash or trade for It. Brownell & Stanard. ANice Christmas Present -FOR YOUR GENTLEMAN FRIENDS Would be a box of Julius Joseph's fine home manufactured eigara orone of bis One meerschaum pipes. "Call andjsee bis fine stock of SMOKERS ARTICLES. Superior. That is the name of the siove ai u. w. smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. ftew raisens. earrents.citron, lemons and oranges received'at Wallace & Thompson's. Skatks A full line of new skates just re -ceived at Stewart & Sox's. Just the things for Chrismas presents for the boys. Holiday Delicacies Pickeled pigs' feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburger cheese just received at the Will amette Packing Co.'s store. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 25 per cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Our stork is ail fresh, consequently wecan give yerj 'w prices. W F Head. Wide I.vdigo Prints A large invoice of the above goods has been received, and will be sold at reduced prices. Thev are de sirable patterns and are a bargain". Samuel 'E. Young. Auction. Auction every afternoon at M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old store. Goods at your own price. Must be sold. TFv(Ul,nt.l..H..Jfl 1. , J. Josephs home mad white labor ciea Pa.i.1. . . : j 1 . . - "j uiufl. uoaiers ana at Joseph's factory. Holiday AND Artists M A. T E It I A L S AT DR.CUISS & SONS. CLOTHING For Fall and Winter -AT- L E, BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoes OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea Jackets-Chinchilla, Astrachaii Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. inter Cloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. List but dot least . largs stock of CLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS Xt-JE3 BXaJSLXRTc RECEIVED FOR THE HOLIDAYS NEW SMYRNA RUGS AND PORTIERRES. NEW TABLE COVERS. LINEN TABLE SETS, NAPKINS TO MATCH. k LARCE ASSORTMENT OF LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. TRUNKS AND VALISES. SILK DRESS PATTERNS. COLORED AND SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. SILK UMBRELLAS, Boot and Shoe Department. I ADIES AND CENTS FANCY SLIPPERS. LADIES AND CENTS FINE SHOES. MISSES AND CHILDRENS FINE SHOES AND SLIPPERS, FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. CHOICE NOVELTIES IN DECORATED CHINA TEA SETS. FRUIT PLATES AND SAUCERS. DECORATED BEDROOM SETS, LAMPS. SALAD BOWLS- FANCY PITCHERS- FANCY CUSPADORES CAKE DISHES AND A LARCE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES IN CHINA FOR THE HOLDAYS- Samuel E. Young. Albany, Oregon. BARGAINS ! T'irflt .Mafia CHIArJo at KntfAm hmaa. lm tt rm t s w. kiivco ,o warn, me puouc wants 1D686 1 nave -v "v wu8u nnitrupc saies i can sen naystocK or General Merchanise consisting U dress goods, gents furnisbing goods, clothing, etc., AT COST. ElCaahGrJgoodsjwill be i.aid.for all kinds of country'produce. 0 W SIMPSON, Albany, OregcB. A. J. ROSSITER. V. S. Iraiuata of Ontario Veterinary liouege, and msmbftr nf th nnt..:n Society. Is prepared to treat diseases of all domestic auimsls on scientific principles. Residence and office two doors east of Optra House, Albany. DR. G. WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. fOffioe opposite the Democrat Office. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD hll lllMABarillln - 1 w-rui awu yrit ui a tvi- b nnrM. to tti vj "I "a A HV. ..- i , - iJ- w tuuuw riipreora in renra w rins ings innuire of Wm. Peterson, Dw P- Wt , ' ""u,n i Joan nam man, anw Wolverton. Albany : Sam Gaines, Bcloj i iu. ruwr, rrmevui. l practice vewr loary m(Mictna In Albany and ooantrf 6th and Waahlngtoo Sta. Veterinary Surgeon