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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1888)
Albany Market. Wlioat "2J Oats 2.V Buttor 23 itj per Ih. Hts-Mc Hay -0,00. PoutoM-.5 nir huitiHl. Ba'if on ' ml. :i .-.,pltn l 1 03Tit p ir bu. Pone - I 1 i psr P .re-issi. Uiim; - i i. li jj. mi'li'i, lit. . V. I 1 i I I I jir 1 -: 1 1 ,i i i . Fin i- -1. :' i ii 'Ulil f I 1 I -I II .)) In, III! b'n 1 - if 1 1 1 1. 1 1 p'ir tun i i-.i 1 1. . 1 1 1 1 :.,.2). Our . FOR SALE BY KOSHA.Y A MA!-'ON FOSHAY & MASON, TlPLiViil AND RHTAtl Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Aliloa'a publications, winou we sail p i'mitiar a pnoaa vrr.n pOStagOaiiJritl. ILIitW, OliKUMSJ. flew and Second Hand Store Owing to Ine increased demands or, our business we have L"een compelled to move Into a larger store aaii wo can no w be found next door to S, E, Young, whorl we will be pleased to see cur patrons. If you teed any stores, furniture, tiuware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, . fruit lars, tienks, books, roller skatei, saddles, saws, planes, eto and a thousand dif ferent and use ftticles you c-in nit do bettui his si 1 1 nf Siu Fraud too tua you can do with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albauy. Or. Jos. Webber Announce!) to his patrons And friends that he IS now located iq his new shoo m the bo bay & Mason Block and with able workmen Jl attend to hit customers at an reaaoname cesaaauy other shop. he has Vx e ath-rotms ro tug1 h tti-jra I 1 e waiting fo s. HOW TO GO EftSr. Go Eufc via Mouut Shasta llmite. Nice climate and nuenory at all tunas nf tliejyear. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Olen, Walt hake, Ujover. Finest second-cln-s cars made are run daily, Kuv ynur tickets of me aud save your 'iaro to tirtlaml. 1 m the ouly parson in Albany that cui sotl you a ticket from Albauy direct to any point in the United Status. Call on me foe rate. W. U Jemtkr. i).. lv. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. Al! w.irx mumnttnd. VA33ALL0 & THOMPSON. i uiitv Bank. COWAN. RALSTON & CO., tui'ctMsors to Cowan iS Ctialck.) Av. ANY - - - OREGON. Tit NS VCTSa nenoral banklntr biudnew. UtWHl 1 H ():tvKI'4ou Nj York, San Fran isci i.i I lrtUid, Oregon. LOAN MOXKYon apptoved ojurltj'. 1 KKCEIVB deno-ita buI Jl to cWk. 11. J. MlNfllOKM, I'tM. 11. a coos, ft c. Company Or.-a. i- - u tar it He of tmvinir and nellini r?il eujUv .v.l wrif 'ixj Will iiiutte Valley in all of the Iuauu. ;n -(h.ii t the United State, Kin ploy In if Kjtii 'i ,u is i airvci nome seuKura wine viini ett Viilley, and h .ma amenta in ati the principal towns of M.riou, Folk, Linn, Itontoti, CHokrtiiiM siul YamtiHI u.iiutie to riil in loc.ulntf iinniiirmntii. Oltij in the Tate UuvltUnrf one door wtit of fiteT art ,aox"i, HUDSON A DICKINSON, Managers. DR. C. U. CHAMBEUN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon dB-Ollioe corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, 03EC3H. BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART & SOX'S. rosM & mm. Holiday Goods. I Santa Clans Headquarters. u 8 lendid stock of 'Plush Goods, Toilet Cases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor surpassed in tin Vailfy. W, F, READ, FIRST ST AlBAFJY, OREGON The Leading Cash Dry GaiJs hm ofAlban di?r7 utrjrC.M.HENDKnSOX&CO's I'm jolly end fat, though 1 nuvdn't say that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of )air, but from shoulders to knees you can see I'm all there. I smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd nnver surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confass What yon never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you aa sweet as our sui;ur cured meat, makes you feel so content with the lucney spent that you're bound to feel glad , and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your tees. If you're fit or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mom, just give VV, & T. a show to eel! you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll wish you were fat to enjoy more of that For the fading's immense and you'll sLow your good sense by buying visions and crcckeiy of "W & T 1 S' t r !jiWi.ii my fill stock ml I can piv'e my cuMt u.i-is betferbar gains than ever whn ollVred in All'iinv Our stock is complete and 1 preppfe to kift it i I ir l'f utandard, thsU add all the new novelties a? fast, as thej are in Ihe mstltrt. Would c;.ll mptciHl utu-i u Wallace & 1 Flinn Block, FRANCIS PFELFEEPi, PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. And Manut'auturr! nt CHOICE CONFEUTIQNEEY, We are how orenared to cill at whnU sale, always fresli and pnro at PortUud prices to dealers. We also keep a J'ull line 01 Nnts aDttMronical Imii ' J CIGARS AND TOBACCO:!. V OBMaauljni I Bis G hw Riven unlver 1M1 MtlsfMtton In tb I mm of aoaorrbva and Ulert. I prcKNb. Hand 1 01 uf e In recommend lug It to All snfrrrtn. .l.J.STOXEB, .D., Decitor, III. rnioE. 81.00. Sold by DniffiUts. Fotkay 4 Maun. Whole ule Asrnt-, ison's Fat Mau, Albany, Or. Conrad Myer, --PROPKXIiT":t 0K- XlJLi IV li It 1. Cnriier Broadalhin and First Sts,, DEALER IN Canned Froita, Olasswar., Dried FrnlU, Tobacco", ' Soft-ar, Coflee. Etc,, Canned Tleata, Qnccusvrare, Vecetablea, Cigars, Hplcca, Tea, Etc., In fact everything that is kept In a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Dress Goods,lHushcs,Velvets,lIosier)T Jersies, Gents' Fiir&iasfiiniv Goods, Hlaukds, iiools aiui ' klioes. All lii-k is a tl.iioiili u J c i-1. i,l - bik. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXthAhCE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptlyatttndeJ to. W 1. READ, JULIUSJ ;:)::; t: PH, Manufacturer oiCif: -AND DEAl.lvK I FINE IMPORTED MM KEY WEST OALTFORNIA AND V -Vrj ''If..'