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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1888)
Daily Democrat Wednesday EvBmng,DocembBr 19,1888 1YITM NUTriVU, EMir ami I'liblUhem. PublUtuul avery day in tho week. Sunday! exoeptud.) Bnterei at tlio Post Oill iuat Albany, Or an seoonri-chiHH mail matter. LOCAL KI2COIID. Want the World. Salem now wants the Agricultural College, and a paper there says It can have It legally. 1 there Is a law providing that State buildings shall all be erected In Salem it is nn unjust one. Everywhere eUe in the United States the buildings are scattered, as they should be all over the State.the Capital at one place, penitentiary at another, asylum ut another, etc., but our near sighted and narrow mind ed legislators have centered everything at the Capital. In reference to the Agricul tural College now at Corvallls, read the following from the Journal : "As the mat ter now stands no additional improvements or appropriations will be made by the State for the support or maintenance, of their institution. From all parts of the State petitions are pouring in praying that no more money be expended upon this College and farm, the title to which is clouded. Ringing resolutions embodying the same prayer arc being passed by the several farm ers' organizations and granges through out the State. By the laws of the State of Oregon the State buildings and institutions shall all be located at the Capital. As Ore gon must have an Agricultural College within her borders an effort is being made to secure the removal of this experiment station to Salem, where it rightfully be longs. The matter of the establishment of this College here is being agitated by the Salem grange which will be abl seconded by many of the granges and a majority of trie citizens tnrougnout itie state.' Needs Him Badly. There Is no question that of all places In Oregon Moody needs to go to As'oria most, and after reading the following from a paper pub lished in that city, the editor of which is the worst In the whole gang, we gladly give him up for the sake of the Salmon city. We admit that Albany is a respectable place when compared to that morally pu trid place. Here is the authority: "It Is very evident that a large majority of the people of Astoria take nn stock in lectures- There have been several lecturers of prom inence in Astoria the past year. An audi ence of one hundred is the largest ever known. Sullivan, the brutal prize lighter and booze annihi.ater, had an audience of eight hundred. A prize fight down in 1 aradise Lost, v ill drawn a crowd of five hundred people. A minstrel show, a dog show or a circus will draw crowds ranging iroin live Hundred to one thousand. A lecture will draw seventv-five to one hun dred. This shows the taste of Astoria peo ple. A large number of the older resi dents never attend cither, because It Is liable to cost them a dollar. They never go to church, because the contribution box is passed. They stay at home and kick themselves because they can't own the earth." MR. Kay. Thos. Kay, who recently tired from the Brownsville woolen mills has been in the city to day, coming up from Salem this noon. A woolen mill meeting was held there last evening and according to the account Mr. Kay and his associates will put $50,000 into the enter prise In consideration of a subsidy to de pendon the water power grant. Mr. Kay wants to start a mill on a big scale, and, be sides Salem, has in view propositions from Albany and two or three other places. As Albany has done all it can in the matter in view of several circumstances, all we can do is to wait for the band to play, or else turn something up that will Induce Mr. K to come here. A Devoted Husband. William Harris, the husband of the young woman who was brought here to the Insane asylum last week, having been rendered Insane by an idiot who told her that Mr. Harris had been accidentally killed in the Chinese shooting affray of the 2nd inst. in Portland, is said to have become an invalid himself since that unfortunate occurrence. He has disposed of the small business and property interests he owned In t'ortland, and will move to this city to secure employment, so as to be near his wife and make her as comfortable as her affliction will admit. Salem Stairs man. The people of Oregon generally would like 10 take a hand in iiivinir the idiot referred to not less than one thousand South Carolina lashes. Never Kick. Near Edgbaston, Eng land, is a pasture where a horse and goat grazed. Some rude boys amuzed them selves by throwing stones at the goat and beating it, and were having a fine time when the horse cantered up, kicked, struck and bit at the boys, and grabbing one young ruffian by the coat collar yanked mm clean over the hedge. People who Duy their groceries ol Conn Bros, never kick, and they have a very hne selection of nonuay goods, wmcn should De seen. Free Tobacco Seed. U. S. Senator Dolph has received from the department of agriculture his quota of tobacco seed for distribution, which is 300 papers. Farmers who wish to experiment with tobacco rals. tng can secure a package of this seed, free ot charge, by addressing Hon J N Dolph, in a a, Washington, u Moody Will Come. Mr. Jacks, travel' ling secretary of the Y. M. C. A, passed through the city this noon, and informed Prof. Lee, who met him at the train, that arrangements had been completed by which Rev. Moody would absolutly be In Al bany on the 2d and 3d of January and hold services fcr the benefit of the college stud ents of the state. Under this arrange ment entertainment will have to be furn ished for probably one hundred students. We are glad to report this program, and consider Albany fortunate in obtaining Rev. Moody if for only two days. Board of TrAde. Even the fear of a $5 assessment did not obtain a meeting for the board of trade last evening, only three members reporting as present. Evident ly the members think there is nothing to be done in Albany, and that we had better do like Micawber, wait for something to turn up. That isn't the way Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane Falls have been doing. Taste for Art. A good, live Interest In the study of art, will benefit a city, and we hope to have one cultivated in Albany. Money spent in this direction Is not thrown away. Young people had much better spend their time in painting or drawing than in frittering It away In nothing. In this connection we understand that Mr. William Wright, with Dr. GuIbs & Son, will soon organize a class in painting. The Y. B. The Yaqulna Bay, It is re potted, will be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday, Dec. 22, at 10 o'clock A. m. The investigations being make only confirm the fact that it is a wreck Manager Hoag came over to Corvallls on the morning train. His Lectures. Rev. Clark Braden lectured at the W. C. T. U. Hall last even ing to a small audience on the "World's Debt to Christianity." To night at the same place he will speak on "Chirstlanity the Basis of all life.1' Kiln Dried FLOORINO.-Good kiln dried flooring at the Springfield lumber yard In this city. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before Watch Meeting At a meeting at the Y's last evening It was deeded to hold a a watch meeting and social on New Years Eve., at the W C T U Hall. Such Interest. ing pastimes as taffy pulling will be indulge ea in, ano a nne time is anticipated. Selling at Cost Until after the hoi! days all my stock of felt hats and bonnets, baby hoods, plushes, fancy feathers, etc Special sale, call early. Ida M. Brush first door rast Strahan's new brick. A Bio One Mr. Isaac V.'healdon brought to the city to day a hog, which tipped the beam at 418 pounds, and hence was worth $29, about the price of a cow, Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing Co s. store, their German mixed tea is just wnat every one ought to ue, as it Is hrst class tea ana warranted to give satisfac uon. A Novelty. A novelty in Albany is a girl s tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's, We cannot imagine a finer Christmas ores uy all means at least call and tee it, ent. Clothing A large and complete lin gents' clothlr.g and furnishing goods at -v. B. Mcllwaln's. In the clothing depart mrnt he has a large line of pants, regular value, s, wmcn he win sell during til coming week for $2.50. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 25 per cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Our stork is all fresh, consequently wa can give yer ow prices. W ia Wide Indigo Prints A large invoice of the above goods has been received, and will he sold at reduced prices. I hey are de sirablc patterns and are a bargain. Samuel E. Young Auction. Auction every afternoon at M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old store, uoods at your own price, be sold. HOVE AND ABROAD Must Dates, figs, eta, at Pfeifftir's. Holiday goods at French' . Baby carriages at Stowart & Sox's. Bargain in silverware at French's. Fresh ehsstnuttat Franois Pfeifler's. Wheat dropped to 72 coots to day. Low prices prevail at the "Cjrner Jewel ry store." Goto P. J. Laportcs for your boot amlphoe repairiug. The bestcoufastioaary 111 the eity at Fraa c's I'feiffer'a Gold and silver watches. B'g baruaina in them at French's, Mr A Bush will builda large brick in Sal em in the spring. The riyer is about eleven feet above low water mark at this city- Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves and sells them the cheapest. Fresh corn meal. 3 cents per pound at Blodgett's Mill. Try it. Call and see those Early Rreikfast stoves and ranges at W C Tweedafe's. For holiday candies, nuts, ere., call at the Willamette Vackiug Co 'a store. Mr. A.-B. Slaasson, of the Poil'.and Ore- Ionian, arrived in the city this noon. A Salem paper rays: "More persous are scared to death tban die of smallpox." A LaGrande farmer, who owns a small farm, cleared $l,b'00 from bis place this year. You will save money by getting your p lumbing and job work done at Tweedale's, Isn't it about time the Went Shore illus trated Albany under its agreement with our ousiness men. There was a cood trade' in the city yester day atternoon, and Firt street aeemed full of people. If you want a tender chicken be sure and get one of those new style roasters at W C 1 weedale'a. A L McLaine. of Silverton. had $190 on deposits in the California National Bank, which has just failed. Katie Putnam is to be in Portland, and probably will be secured for Altaoy, where she is quite a favorite. Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to be found at French's 'The Corner Jewelry Store.1' Prices low- Hon. Lark Bilven. of Eugene Citv came down this noon. Mrs Bilyeu and son had preceeded him a day or two. Mr Wallace, the eee man left on last night's train for California, where Mr Top ham, his partner, is lying dangerously ill. Wm Wriuht. the artist, is making his headquarters at Dr Guiss A Son's, where he may be fouud by those desiring his services. Mr Van Winkle, ol Linn county, a Brad- uate of the Willamette university, and Miss Ida Hays, of Silverton, are to be married to. day. Mrs E W Langdon, of this city, one of the best vocalists in Oregon, will sing at tne open ing of the bazaar at the Congregational church at Salem to-night. fr - Last evenine F. Co. was formally inspect ed by Iospeotor Chambeilain. The Co npany is in fin condition and passed master with great credit. Makins a specialty of candies, nuts, etc. Francis Pfeiffer can do better than anywhere elso. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary. John Jack, the actor, who was recently in Albany, will live in Astoria during the win ter. Ha had a bigger house there than id all the Valley towns together. Mr W H Green, recently of Scott City, Kansas, is the gentleman to whom Mr Clark ha aold a half interest in his art gallery, He comes highly recommended as an artist. The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at r M. t rench s, "i ne corner Jewelry Store" and sea his stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices.which will be found very low. Martin Smith, of Mill City, is in jail con victed before Jostioe M L Eikew of assault and battery. His fine and the costs aroouut to $50. This he declined to pay and Mon day entered npon his commitment of thirty, one days. Journal. Col John Kelsay, of Corvallis, informed a Salem newspaper man that he would maks an aggressive effort to succeed Dolph. It would be Quito a relief to have the Col. in that position after the term of the aristocratic Uolph. The Braden-Underwood debate at Eugene last week evidently becime quite tropical once in awhile. Un one occasion Mr Under wood, according to a E'lgene paper said Bradn was an infamous slanderer and liar ; bat Mr B. kept cool. For the benefit of oar country readers who have obtained false impressions in reference to tbe amount of small pox bare, wa will say that there are absolutely only two eases. one of which is probably only the varioloid which originated togetner, and that a thor ough quarantine is observed. There is no 1 1 . i j .1 :. f - f V. - U&eiinOUU VI IVD .pieauiug i.tvu.1. "As you can only be a sister to me," he said, in broken tones, "will yon let me kiss you good night? Sne said she would, I hen ha folded her in his strong arms and, gently placing her head against his manly breast, he kissed her passionately. "Mr Sampson," she said, softly, "this is all so new to me, so so different from what I thought it to be, that if you will give mo a little time to to think it over, I I may oui nere me usa ocrat man sneaked from behind the eurtain. IN MEMOrtlAM. Hall of Harmony Grange, No. 23, P. of H. Whereas, God In His Infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst our dearly beloved brother, P.S.Veatch. There fore be it Resolved, That we truly sympathize with the bereaved wife and relatives of our de parted" brother. Resolved, Further, that the Hall be drap ed in mourning for thirty days and that a covy of thlj preamble and resolutions be spread upon the minutes and that the Sec retary be requested to furnish a copy to the bereaved family under the seal of the Grange, also that a copy be furnished the Herald Disseminator and State Rights Democrat for publication. A. B. Morris, . . I.Clem, Mrs. E. B. Thompson, Committee. A Prompt Co. A few wee ks ago Mr Burr M. Sloan insured with Mr. Oscar Marshall, agent, In the Bankers Mutual Re lief Association, home office at Portland Through an accident he crippled one. of his hands for several days. On Dec. 10 he received a check for $ 1 5 in full of his claim. This is a safe, reliable, home company, and parties wanting a policy in a prompt com pany should insure with Mr. Marshall in this company. Accidunts are liable to happen any day. Prof Samwell's carnival of novelities Satur- J day afternoon and evening will be a treat for 1 people interested io trained animals. By all means goaud take your children. COMING! COMING! Prof. Samwell's celebrated carnival of novelties, which attracted immense crowds every day for three weeks in Portland at Cort's theatre, will show in the Albany Opera House on Saturday, evening, Dec. 22nd, and give a matinee in the afternoon. This show has the finest and best trained animals in the world. The three famous ponies, the smallest of which is 21 inches high ; the great Blondin monkey ; the schools of trained dogs and trained goat, separately and combined perform such tricks as to excite profoundest admiration and wonder. Particular attention is called to Frank, the blind pony, and his marvel ous tricks, and Charley, the praying dog, who prays for all ; the leaping grey hounds, which, for long distance jumping, beat the world. Tickets, 25 cents ; reserv ed scats, 50 cents, for sale at Blackman's, Prices for matinee, 25 cents and 10 cents for children. Remember the date. ANice Christmas Present ! FOR VOUR I GENTLEMAN FRIEND Won Id be a box of Julius Joseph's fine home manufactured cigars or one of his fine meerschaum pipes. fCall aQ(Jiee his fine stock of SMOKERS ARTICLES. Holiday Delicacies. Picketed pigs' feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburger cheese just received at the Will amette Packing Co.'s store. A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. Delecate women wha complain of a tired feeling, pains in the back and loins, desire to sleep, dizziness, painful or suppressed menstruation, win hnd in Oregon Kidney Tea laitntnl mend, it can be rehed upon in every instance to give immediate relief from urinary troubles. Thousands of women are suffering every day from some disorder oflthe Kiaoeys or liver, who might be permanently cared by using Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold oy f osnay M asou. Highland, Clackamas Co., Or., March 20 I have suffered with a disease of the kid neys for 6 or 7 years and for the last two months have been laid np with a pain in my back. A friend sent me a sample of the Ore gon Kidney Tea, and having used it one week I can do a good day's work. I have derived more benefit from it than from all the medicines I haye ever taken. J. Q. Newbill. Sold by Fosliay ti Mason. CHRISTMAS ! Don't Throw Your Money Awaj buying silly little toys and gawgaws. Come around to our place , of business and get something that will be of utility, both use ful and ornamental. Look over this list and it may helpyouto make up your mind what you want, FOR LADIES. The very best grade of Shears and Scis sors, Lap boards, Pocket Knives, Curling; Irons, Skates, Knives, Forks and Spoons 01 all kinds.Cail Bells, Baby Carriages,Wrlng- ers, fancy sets of riat Irons, Kitchen Grindstones, new style Coffee Mills, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN. Carving Sets, Razors, Razor Strap and Brushes, the finest Pocket "Cutlery, Tools of all kinds, Revolvers, Gunn, Skates, etc.. FOR BOYS. Pocket Knives, Skates, Tool Chests,. Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Axes, etc. STEWART & SOX. F. L KEtlTOtl -DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices I and warranted to give satisfaction.; Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES') NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, AtBANY, OR. SALE. out their Albany usiness offer for sale without reserve at COST