A VOL. I. ALBANY OR., WEDNESI)AY,DECEMI3KR 19,1888. H. has aap'.eudid ossortmontof gooJs for tha Holidays, conalstlnu of a nice seloctlen of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Canes. New assortuiont all kinds of jswelry. j REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. C.J, & CO., (.'OLDEN HUMS 1IAZAA1U Cusli ;oes a hong Ways at Julia Urailwaul' I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : 'A dozen unhandled teacups and saucers. 35 t. 0 'i dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 cts. ' dozen handled coffee cups and sau ccrs, 50 cts. '3 dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goode are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are for 30 days. Julius Gradwohl. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them In Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets froir 40 cents to 50 cents. Carrie u large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. U. McIlwaix If you want a clean and tine smoke ask r J. Joseph's home mads white labor cigas For sain by most cigar dealers and at Joseph's factory. UEA.LKKS IN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advaruago to purchasers) of rastic flooring, Factory at loot or Lyon Street. A splendid stock of library and hanging lamps just received at Wallace & Thompson's. THE PLACE. by all meant sill.on Parker Brothers, Successors to Jckn Fox, 'or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their roods are the best and their prices I reasonable. How is your appetite ? Are you nervous or irritable ? Are you subject to billiousness ? Vt lieu ley 8 Dandelion lorno works wonders. It makes the weak and sickly strong, builds up the whole system aud puts new life and engery in you . A flae Hue of holiday ti'io U for our crock ery department aud marked very low in price Wallace & iiiwpoh KKKIW'OSk Wheat, 72 J cunt. New fall good at Read's. See those new je rules at W F. Head's. New ribbon all shades and styles at Head's AH lines of boys kilt suits at W. F Read's Fine line of bread kueading pans at G W Smith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Browoell & SUnard's. A large stock of lifting force pumps at G W Smith's. Goods at cost at M. J. Monteith's, at the old Young store. Go to A. B. Mull wain's and ask to see those $G suits for meo. In a calm sea every man is pilot. Ia dry goods Y. F, Head is leader. If you want to save from 10 to 25. per cent by your goods of W. F. Head . Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Buy your tickets through to the EaiS W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor stoves at G W Smitn's, no better in the valley. The chapeat place to buy men's under wear in the state is a A. B. Mollwain's. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any bouse in Albany. Call and seo for yourself. All the latest novelties in millinery Roods at E ana C Howard's. - Call and see them. No trouble to show goods. The line of Pacific and Royal Argands at G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook stoves made. Seo them. Goods not sold for less than cost, fcoods not given away. Bat good honest goods Bold at reasonable protit at W. t . Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver ware, of which he carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery is the best in the market and his line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. BrTHfflW Fine horses, We bave just brought from 5 its )regon,a lot of fine work roisea ti e will sell ou tnroiH to unit the ti Die I moot them nrttsomx proinisin" vuu Iriyets (rom Onoco, Mason Chief an award Everett. Alan 8iu ohoic Vy Hares. Anyone wisbin" to pur tase a Imrsn wilt d t.o look tl t)iu sr. Wo will tk iU'isnre in slu'W- all intending purchaser. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Thos. Brink baa tho moat complete line of furniture in the city, constating of Parlor Suits, Upholstered Chairs, Bad Chairs, Bed room Sets, Walnut Center Table3, Walnut Ex tension Tables.Dining Tables,Tin Bed Lounges, Single Whatnots, Carpet Chairs, Folding Chairs.Pine Mirrors from 75c. to $12,Fino Wicker Wood Baskets, Fine Wicker Work Baskets, Cornice Poles, Gilt and Nickel Door Mats and Rugs in many Colors and Sizes, and Window Shades, Etc., Etc. J I am k-1IIi. i he nr. the vf ry l.iwt Dud R.'ck Prices aoi goods er no sale. THOS. BRINK. HOW IT WAS DONE. i oucmng tnc manner in wluch voles were bought by the wholesale iu Indiana under the skillful management of Quay and Dudley, Pro fessor Dahncy of the Indiana University locat ed at liloomington in that state, writing to the New York J'os: says : ' In order to get a view of practical politics Willi lus own eyes (no matter how disgusting the sight,) and to see how far, if at all, our act ual political system agrees with the fine phrases of the orators who tell us that in this glorious land every citizen is a sovereign and every chair a throne, the writer spent the greater part of election day at the pols, and there witnessed a most instructive, if not edifying, spectacle. But it must not be supposed that the wily workers de ferred tilt election day their struggle for posses sion of the floaters. All day Monday, on the contrary, the hattle raged; and when the shades of night settled down over Bloomington, prohah ly more than a hundred of the voting cattle had been corralled in various buildings, with sentries to guard them against surprise by the foe. Among the places that served as pens for these drunken floaters may be mentioned the ofliceof the leading republican paper of the county and the hall of the local G. A. R. Post. The use of this hall for such a purpose drove one of the veterans to hand in his resignation, and to declare that he would no longer be a member of such a body. Thus far, however, I have heard of only one who took this stand. Wagon-loads of floaters had also been transported into the surrounding country, ready to be brought back with a rush to me ijoIIs at sunrise. As Harrison carried In diana, and Monroe County showed heavy Re- punucan gains, it is hardly necessary to state that the majority of these wretched creatures were captured by that Grand Old Party of Great Moral Ideas, which possesses a monopoly, not only of wool, wheat, pig-iron, etc., but also of virtue. That Dudley and his crowd of bribers bought votes enough to turn a democratic majority of oooo into a republican majority of 2000 in that state is not doubted by any intilligcnt man in that state. Look 11616! We ars c'osing out our stock of boots and shoes, and to show you that we mean what we say quote you a few of our prices Ladies' best French kid button shoes at $4-35. regular price, $-,.$o, none better in town; ladies' extra quality French kid. but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies, good French lid, button, at $3, regular price, $4; ladies' bright Dongola, Dutton.at $2 75, regular price, $3.50; ladies' bright Dongo'a, button, neat and good, $2, regu lar price $3; ladies' American kid, $2, reg ular price, $3; ladies American kid, $1. 25 regular price, $2; child's oil grain button school shoes, from $1 to $1.20; a few pairs of ladies' rubbers, 30 cents to 40 cents; men's rubbers, 50 cents; also a large as sortment ot men s Doots. t ome anc see, Browxell & Staxard, NO 195 1 TELEGRAPHIC JOTS Trouble Foati'd. Paris, Dec. rS. Owing to feus that the canal company's difficulties may give rise to disorders on the Isthmus, the French govern ment has decided to send a man-of-war to Colon to protect the French interests. It is expected the United States will send two. Washington, Dec. 18. It is said at the navy department that a vessel will probably be sent to Colon to protect American interests in Panama. But steps have not yet beeu taken in that direction. It is customary to station a vessel in that neighlwrhood during the winter season. Nothing is. known of any trouble on the isthmus. They Certify. Charleston, W. Va.,IJec. 18. Inspiteof the injunction served on the county commission ers Saturday night, they certified to the gover nor the returns of the election as to congress man in this county. Only $11,000. Si-okank Falls, Dec. 18. The price paid for the property bought by Rollin Hyde from Dr. Birch, on Riverside avenue, was $41,000 not $60,000 as at first reported, making th. price per front foot $6 So, and not Sioco. The high price first reported caused alarm among business people, who thought somebody was trying to inflate a boom. The price was not too high considering the location of the property in -ne business portion 01 the city. 1 he real estate market is active Most of the sales are in residence lots and dwellings, wluch are very reasonable. A Slonopoly. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. iS. It transpires that all the brewers of Syracuse will sell to an Knglish syndicate for an estimated aggregate of $1,500,000. A Furious Blizzard. Portland, Me., Dec. 18. A furious bliz zard is raging in this section. Steamers will not pnxluceed until the storm abates. The Boston boat, arriving this morn, had one of the roughest times she has ever experienced. Tiny Fight. Jacksox, Tenn . Dec. iS, A desperate fight occurred between negiecs and whites in a remote part of this county Friday. It grew out of a law suit. The fight occurred in court. Several persons were badly hurt. The negroes sent to this city Sunday for ammunition, and armed with guns, pistols and knives. They swear they will not be arrested. Officers went from" here to arrest them. The result is net known, Serious trouble Is not feared, Tallman, Or. fVst National Hank ftt'M U KLIKN IV.-ndcai ... ... 8, C, YOt'Nli Nr OKI). K. IMIAMMCKLAIN 'Ulhler.... JAS. K. 10 WELL fMiSACTd A OENEP.ALbsnkiinbluliraa. (COUNTS KEPT subjort to .hock. 1'"TEXCHANOg nd Woirsplllo trnfr, sol Trk, 8an Francisco, Chicago and l'oi SECTIONS MADE on farorabls terms. DlRRCTORJL ' J- YOTHO, ' OSO, E CllMBBKT.Alxi UbAlN, L. tXllfN,! WALTftK E TURRSbb, CURE PRICES. NO ROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT EVOE & HOES ON maiaxami!am.,iii'ii.JS!tSSSKSa WILL BROS, Dealers in nUthelUvrtiinnrwAl "iin.m Organs SiwI'H ' 4 .lint. iu' ' Vlso afull line of wn.i 1.0 I Ki.m, B.itcimr an-! t ockot K'iIv'hs, Tin bti kill of sawing inaehiiio oil, niollo4 und extras, for all machines. Ail repairing neatly aud reasuuably Uono. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undarslgns.l Is prepirefl to do tall kinds of work in his line In first-class or, itar and with DromntiinR'f. Address P. O box 87 or call at eornor of 9th and Maple t"t!. .... I. N, Smith. TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEY0 & fttfSSOH'S, New Wash House. Lee Cnioaman, who lived ia this town for mauy yeura ni was so well liked by every body hu relumed and will open up a new WMh house tho first of September, one door south ot' the Kuvere Houao. Lee does-tfood work and wants everybody to yet Jtbeir Wftshiut; done bv htm COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Kotico is hereby given that there are funds iu the Cnupty Treasurer's ollice of Linn county, Oregon, to reduce all outstanding warrant. Interest ou all wai rants cesne from this date. Dat?d December Cth, ISS8. II. Fakwell, Cauntv Treasurer. Superior. That is the name of the stove nt G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. New raieufi, currents.oitron, lemons and oranges received'at WalUtirt &, Thumpeon's. Skatbs. A full lino of new tikates just re ceived at Stou-art & Sx V Juat the things for Chrism as ireai'iits for the hnyp. Boots an'd St loss. Call at A. B. Mc 1 1 wain's and see the ladies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for : $i .50, former price $2. y) A. Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe tor tne ionncr price. V il 3 ou grocoriet u'm-ipir tha &ny store in town. 1 1 vi.. ..11 1 : . 1 ..ii win euttif r ii vt "uy uuy nun hi jhum limy 50 percent. leH than any ochrr store in the vauo v. rtjn.lrntT ia nrnliaViln r,na nt 4V,n mailt AlR. cult diveues of the scalp to cure; but I'u urn s o pec; no never rails to remove it per manently . Soreness after shaving ia instant Iv relieved by its nse. SoM by Foshay & Mason . FOK'IMLES. ttehuijf I;m hi knon b mU.uro HU -jipir inn pnvJucin.'fi vrry di-!iirree4hIo Uchinsc after tn? warm, Tbift form as well as Wind, Itleedlrir; and Grotni'llnir Piles yield at once t tho r.rni lent ion of T. Bosnnkn'a Pilo nmiiMiy, w.iirh act directly upon th- pirta aft acted, nbi rlin(f tile lumnrn, allayihff the Ititfttwe ttchtn? nrt pffcstirijy a iierniinct cure. HJ cants. Auilress The lir Uo.uk i-r.vine Co . Pwjtt O. sold hy tr, CMint anrl Son. DR. RO-A1AIV-HO in his new rifccoivry for Consnmptiop. snc ceeded in prodiuiin a ti.etlioi'ie which tjac knowledrd by all to tie aimplv mirvelons. Itisex'weclinly pb.int 10 the tal. par fently i armles, and dees not nicken. In a!l canes of oni-es of CifimUfiiption. Couyh.Colds Vhminij C'Mtifh, Orotip, iJrun ;hitis, and Fains in tl'e Cheat, it his liiven universal tatisfartinn. Or UnnUo's C-mgli and Lung Syrup ia oM it oO eent.i by Dr Guias Ai Sn. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DBYOE & ROBSON'S. Fino line of Guns and good stock of Amrauni tion at Deyoe and Rob- son's. Special bargains Postal Notes. Washington, Dec. i3. The postoflice at Glenii.Malheur county, Orcgor. will be discontinued from Dec. 20. I'o&toflices have been established at Cre3- cent, Crook county, Oregon,andat Sunny- ;ide, ClackamaR countv,tJreKOn,and L.ciiue I'owell and John R Wclcli appointed post masters of the respective oftkes. Masv)Reraue Ball. At the opera house Friday evening, Dec 21, under the man agement ot W VV Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjov ahle ball of the season. Crawford & Lit tler will make a flash light picture of the masqueradcrs as well ns of nil present. If vourare fond of sweet music come and listen to Crawford's orchestra. Tickets, $1.50. Christmas C0MIN0 While hunting for holiday presents do not fail to call at Will & Starks and examine their fine stock of Roods.con'.isting of gold ond silver watches, chains, fobs, earrings, breastpins and jew elry generally. Also silver plated ware, clocks, etc. There arc no more Suitable presents In the market. Drsss Siioks. A line job lot oft men'a shoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7's, best in the city, nt G W Simpson's. They range in price for from $1.50 to $3.50 about half of the regular price. No such bargains anywhere. Wi: Want, Your butter and eggs and will pav you eitlu-r tjsh or trade for it. IlROWNKLL .S: STANARD. Shoes, Siioks, SutK'.s. In this line w have always shown the vciy best goods to be found in tlte markets of America, the knife will he put to goods in this depart ment as they must go. Call and see for yourself. MoNTKITII St SeITF.NBACII. veil tha w int.. Mi-mi- mi. nut ro.vrv. g -et sale This will hfl the greatest per il dry ftvar ollV.rd 10 buy a tlisti wr t inw pi ICC. MONTKITII &-SKITENHACII, SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE &!ROBSON .-V-". 727.