John Shea, of 8we et Homo, ia in the city with a load of oniooi, and all he asks is a dol lar a buibel. cided th.f. nuian r.n tMnaan tuh.. ever they please in Missouri. Mr I R (,il .k. I... i . t.. several month working on Cherry & Parkes ucw luuuury, nas returned to tne city. A aunnlv nf vnnntf wnmnn in ranta,l in the Crooked river country in Crock county, for the old bach's there. We haven't any to pare. I"! Half A rlnzAn wmltliu Vaor Virlr have, within a few months, married their parents' waiting maids. The girls have, as a rule, been paid SCOOO to $10,000 apiece after ward by the parents to submit to a divorce. ine jute-lugging trust is said to be going tO DieCfifl. HI H nnn Anmhin.tinn .((.. . Other Grllmhlca t.n n.hna inH .a but.... fMn our eight. In fact, the only -trust" that is liable to live on forever is that of having ,' your subscription to the count news paper chalked down. At the timn Tflmt.a Vaot fnnt tka .mall nA Henry Pator, better-known as "Dutch Henrv " who lin&i-ilnH af Paf .ufkil. anrl had been with Jim considerably, also took it R,t,.l,.. p.. . .V. - arai pi iu bile caiiifuuge for bsiog drunk, and this morning was taken down wirli t.hM iliisB-- .-I- I.. I the pest house and a new house built for the . . 1 ir ii . . . .. . -Aijvscu. now moy contractu tne dis ease is not known, different unreliabe ver sions being given. The strictest quarantine is being observed, and no further spreading of the disease is anticipated, and this is all Mabel, CODING! COMING! Prof. Samwell's celebrated carnival of novelties, which attracted immense crowds every May for three weeks in Portland at Cort's theatre, will show in the Albany Opera House on Saturday, evening, Dec. .2nd, and give a matinee in the afternoon. This show hr.s the finest and best trained animals in the world. The three famous ponies, the smallest of which is 21 inches high ; the great lilondin monkey ; the schools of trained dogs nnd trained goat, separately and combined perform such tricks as to excite profoundest admiration and wonder. Particular attention is called to Frank, the blind pony, and his marvel ous tricks, and Charley, the praying dog, who prays for all j the leaping grey hounds, which, for long distance jumping, beat the world. Tickets, 25 cents ; reserv ed seats, 50 cents, for sale at Blackman's, Prices for matinee, 25 cents and 10 cents for children. Remember the date. ANice Christmas Present FOR YOUR-- GmLEMA!. FRIEND Would be a box of Julius Joseph's fine home manufactured cigars or one of his fine meerschaum pipes'. S5Call andjsee bis fino stock of SMOKERS ARTICLES. Dally Pciijocrat Taflslaj EvsningsDeCombar 18,1888 SYITKS A NlirriMIl, Hilton and Publishers. Publintiuil avury uy In tho week. Sundays excepted.) Entered at tha Put oill ie at Albany, Or as seooud-class mall matter. LOCAL UECUitD. Bittkk. Mr, John Mor gan writing from PUinvicw says : 'A great many people are complaining of get ting their cupfull of bitter and no sweet. I think mine is one of that kind. Just in the nice days of harvest I broke two of my ribs, and, then to fill the bitter cup to overflow ing, 1 broke a leg In November, and while at Mr. Leedy's mill getting saw dust, my fine mare, Alice, sickened and died, and now to overflow it all I have the bilious fever and Dr. Star has been giving noisy medicine and if Albany want a woolen factory just come and move my house down and I think they will have a good one." The old saying that it never rains but it pours is proving true with Mr. Morgan.but the brightest weather often comes after the darkest clouds. Insi-ectino It. One of the divers who went to the Bay yesterday morning went down in the hold of the wrecked steamer when the tide was out, and was down about an hour, but as he was only able to make a small inspection of the bottom, on ac count of the position of the boat and the coal that was in ttie way, made no report. To-night it is thought the condition of the bottom will be ascertained. The prospects of doing anything are not very flattering. Concert. Next Tuesday evening a concert will be given at the Opera House for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, and it promises to be a very fine thing, the best talent in the city being engaged for it. Mrs Langdon, Mrs Chamberlain, Prof. Lee, O H Irvine, Miss Lib Irvine,Mrs Alt house, Mrs W 11 Lee, and Messrs. Win. Fortmillerand Rev Pritchard are the prin cipal participants. The program is being ar ranged and will be published in a day or two. Mussed Some. The goods for Albany merchants taken from the wrecked steamer were brought to Albany to day and some of them delivered to the consignees, when e despatch was received ordering the de livery of the goods stopped until further orders. Some of them were in rather of a bad condition, having been spattered with water, and boxes generally were considera bly mussed. From the Front About fifty Italian laborers arrived in the city last night from the front and during the day have been perambulating our streets, getting their time checks cashed and jabbering general ly. Like the Chinamen they keep their money and you never see any of them beg ging. In contrast several white men have been soliciting generally on our streets during the day. Clark Braden, Rev. Clark Braden addressed a fair sized audience at the V.'. C.T. U. hall last evening on Infidelity and Christianity. He Is a forcible speaker and displays a remarkable knowledge of the subjects he handles. To night at the same place his subject will be "The Worlds Debt to Christianity." Rev. Braden has de bated witn many of the prominent infidels of the country and is worth hearing. Mooiy. Mr. Moody will not come to Albany at all, even for the college services, nor will he go te Salem. So he informed Rev. Irvine in Portland. This is to be re gretted very much. Necessarily he has to go where most needed, and hence we un derstand will be in Astoria. If he only touches the consciences of some of the editors there he will do a noble work. A Boy Brakeman. Another one has been injured Last Sunday Young Hap persct, son of Road Master Happerset, of Roseburg, met with a painful accident at Oakland. He is a brakeman on the train and in some manner got caught and had one of his legs badly mashed, so badly that It was decided that it would have to come off. Their Share. On Saturday Mrs.A.W. Wright received a dispatch announcing the death of her son Edgar, at Yaqulna. This family have been sorely afflicted in the loss of two boys within the past year. This little fellow was a witness in the trial of Henry Miller at the last term of court, for the killing of his brother Elmer Benton Leader, Lost. A half grown white kitten. Leave at Thos. Hopkins. Tangent. The school will close Friday. The usual exercises of declamations, recitations, etc., will take place. Miss McFarland has taught a successful school. It was so large that an assistant was necessary. Mr. Jenks will complete his new home this week. The revival meeting conducted by Rev D (J McFarland still continues. No con versions yet we believe. Prof. Sibbetts is quite ill from cold and vaccination. Every one is asking about small pox in Albany. Is it so, Mr. Editor ? (Two cases but do not gel alarmed, they are closely quarantined. Editors.) Our citizens will have a Christmas tree at the church. The golden wedding of John Beard and wife was a fine affair. Ambrose Beard of Gilliam county is here visiting friends and relatives. Mr. B. Smith brother of L F Smith is in town for a few days. The question is : Who shall be our next school teacher ? Mr. McMullin is receiving new goods daily. Tangent people are much annoyed with some low degraded people known as Bo hemian Gypsies who are begging (and ru mor 6ays stealing) from the community. It will be perfectly safe for them to leave here as soon as they can get away. Scribe. Crook County. Messrs. IIahn& Fried are in receipt of a letter from Col. Ecleson, chief engineer of the O. P. road, stating tint he with a corps of engineers will be here about the 1st of January to resume the location of the line of road, which h; left last January. Col. Ecleson also sta:es that the road will be completed to within IS miles of the summit of the Cascades by the 1st of January, and the company ex pects to have trains running to the Des. chutes river within oneyear from the pres ent time. It is the intention of the corn to build the road through Crook county during the winter of itteooo. . . . A corres pondent writes from Camp Creek that peo ple there are happy. Thev are all prepar ed for winter, the ground is frozen so they cannot plow, hence they have no work to do, the grass on the grange is good, the stock on the range is in good condition,and some calves are so fat that they have been killed for beef by parties unknown to the owners.... The town fathers have vented their spleen upon the festive town cow, by passing an ordinance making it a misde meanor for a cow to be found on the streets during the night time. Prineville Review, Absekt Minded. Judge Holgate some times goes to the court house on business and leaves a notice on his office door that he will be back by a certain time. The other day he came to his office and saw notice "Will be back by .o'clock," and the Ing in an absent minded mood, he sat d be to wait for himself. Benton Leader, own Found Dead, On Sunday morning last an old bachelor, who, for a number of years has been living in his little hut near Lake Labish below Salem was found dead in the brush a few hundred yards from his house. His name was Matt W. Harrison aged 53 years. He had been ill for some time which caused his death. Returned. Mr. J. K. Elderkln, secre tary, of the Albany Formers' and Mer chants' Insurance Company, returned to Albany last evening. While gone Mr. El derkln traveled 8,000 miles, examined 40s risks, placing enough for the premiums to amount to over $7000. Future plans have not yet been settled on. Piof Samwell's carnival of novehties Satur day afternoon and evening will be a treit for people interested in trained animals. By all means go aud take your children . Holiday Delicacies. Pickeled pigs' feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburger cheese just received at the Will amette Packing Co.'s store. A Novelty. A novelty in Albany Is a girl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's. Wecannot Imaginca finer Christmas pres. ent. By all means at least call and ace it. Clothino A large and complete 11 n gents' clothing and furnishing goods at v. B. Mcllwain's. In the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he win sell during the coming week for $2.50. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 25 per cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Our stork is all fresh, consequently wa can give yerj 'ow prices. W ea Wide Indigo Prints A large invoice of the above goods has been received, and will besold at reduced prices. They are de sirable patterns and are a bargain. Samuel E. Youno. Auction. Auction every afternoon at M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old store. Goods at your own price. Must be sold. HOME AND AHKOj D Dates, figs, etc., at Pfeiffer s. Holiday goods at Fre ' Only a few more leap year days. Baby carriages at Stewart & Sox's. liargaiiu in silverware at French's. Fresh ehestcuttat Francis Peiffor'. Low pricos prevail at the "Corner Jowel -ry store." Another newspaper is the Nowberg Graphic. Go to P. J. Laportea for your boot andjshuo repairing. The bestcooieotioaary ia the city at Fran cis Wcillcr'a Even over at Prineville everybody is being vaccinated. Gold and silver watches. Big bargains in them at French's, An immense fog this morning covered the city for several hours. Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves .'id sells them the cheapest. Fresh corn meal, 3 cents per pound at Blodgett's Mill. Try it. Mr W F Crosby, the wheat mm, returned from Portland to-day. There are three cases of small pjx near Monroe, Benton county. Oregon is not bearly as well advertised as Wasbiogton through the east. Call and see those Early Breikfast stoves and ranges at W C Tweedale's. For holiday candies, nuts, etc., call at the Wil'amette Packing Co'a store. The price of bread in Spokane Falls has increased from 5 to 10 cents a loaf. Rosebarg has a BuildiDg and Loan Asso ciation with a capital of 50,000. You ill save money by getting your plumbing and job work done at Tweedale's, If you want a tender chicken bo sure and get one of those new style roasters at W C Tweedale's, Fine pickled tripe at the meat market of J R Stewartson's. M ust bs eaten to be appre ciated. There will be a special meeting of the Y WCTUat their ball this eveuing at 7:30 o'clock. Searle & Dean expect to finish their con tract by Christmas, which will take tho road to Breittenbush. John W Minto, of Salem, wants to ba U. S. Marshal, and is willing to have husiueta begin at any time. I Mrs Martin Payne is prepared to take tirst-class boarders at her residence opposite the Congregational Church, Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to be found at French's "The Corner Jewelry Store.1' Prices low. Mr W L Coshaw, formerly of Browns ville, and Mrs Theresa Volrath, were united in marriage at Prineville on the 13th inBtant. Wm Wright, tba artist, is making bis headquarters at Dr Guiss & Son's, where he may be found by those desiring his sorviccs. The regular monthly meeting of the board of trade will be held at the (i A R hall this evening. There should be a good attend ftnee. Mr A B Paxton has purchased a half in terest in the photograph gallery of h W Clark, the firm name now being Clsrk & Fax ton. R F Aahby, recently of Harrisbnrg, has purchased an interest in the Oregon Land Co's office at this city and will make Albany his borne. , The fact that twenty boys have been sen tenced to the penitentiary during the past year is a good argument in favor of a state reform school. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, eto. Francis Pfeiffer can dobetter than anywhere else. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary. Linn county is a great resort for duoks and geese in the winter, and hunters are having rare sport np there. Silverton Appeal. Hadn't heard of it, Ihe McCornack and Stratton tract, lying fix blocks east of the Capitol at Salem, con sisting of 75 acres, was sold yesterday to Dr Jessup for 20,000. An assessment of $5 on members of the Board of Trade, we understand, is to be con sidered to-night. Members should be pres ent. The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at F. M. French's, "The Corner Jewelry Store" and see his stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices,whioh will be found vory low. There will be a big fight to get the Capital of the new 8tata of Washington, or whatever it will be called, when it gets its new suit on. The fortunate places will be the ones that get left. Mr A B Slanssnn, associate editor of the Oregmian, and Miss Mary, the accomplished daughter of Hon R A Irvine, are to be united in marriage? next Wednesday evoning. The wedding is to be private. Hotel runners are not allowed to solicit on the trains, and to circumvent this the Arling ton hotel runner now wears a white suit cov ered with advertisements and meets both trains some distance from town. Ho is an amusing sight, and takes eonaiderablt guying from the crowd. Ashland Record. Mr W B Barr, the contractor, is in the city. He says the Salem street oar line is ready for the rails. Their present contract i calls for a mile and a half j but arrangements are being made for another mile and a half up 1 Center street. 1 Dec. 16th, iSSS. Mabel precinct is still improving. Mr. Smith has built a neat dwelling house on his place this winter and moved into it a few days ago. Mr, Admasdone the work for him. Mr. Rummerfield has taken a claim near here just in Linn county, however. Mr. Windham recently moved onto his place in this precinct. The loggers started on the drive this morning, but it has cleared up again and the stream will soon run down again. Peirv G. Riggs cut the ends off three or four of his toes a week ago and is using crutches now. He was tending hook for Will Workman who Is logging for his father's mill. Chris. Polly while falling timber for Mr Workman also came near being killed by a fa'.ling timber. Mabelite. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to use, as it is first class tea and warranted to give satisfaction. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell & Stanard. 1 """"SBBBBBBBBBBaSBBnaSi CHRISTMAS ! Don't Throw Tour Money Away buying silly little toys andgawgaws, Come around to our place of business and get something that will be of utility, both use ful and ornamental. Look over this list and it may help you to make up your mind what yon want, FOR LADIES. The very best grade of Shears and Scis sors, Lap boards, Pocket Knives, Curling Irons, Skates, Knives, Forks and Spoons of all kinds.Call Bells.Baby Carriages, Wring ers, fancy sets of Flat Irons, Kitchen Grindstones, new style Coffee Mills, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN. Carving Sets, Razors, Razor Strap and Brushes, the finest Pocket Cutlery, Tools of all kinds, Revolvers, Guns, Skates, etc. FOR BOYS. Pocket Knives, Skates, Tool Chests, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Axes, etc. STEWART & SOX. F. L. HEM DEALER IN Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco Ail goods sold at the lowest cash prices i;and warranted to give satisfaction.! J Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES" v NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OR. A GREAT SALE. Montetih&Sei tenbach having decided to close out their Albany usiness offer th9ir IMMENSE STOCK of ' Gen eralMerchandise for sale without reserve at COST Call early before the stock is bro ken.