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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1888)
Daily Democrat. WASHINUTON. From our regular oorreipotuJent "Washington, Dec. loth, iSSS. Senator Beck's absence has been seri ously felt In the Senate since the republican tariff bill has been taken up. He is the one democratic Senator who has the whole sub. ject at his fingers' ends, and hope that he would be able to resume his seat at the present session, together with the idea, which for some reason was prevalent among the democratic Senators, that the republicans would not take up the tariff at this session, has doubtless prevented the democratic Senators from preparing them selves t. make as stout a resistance as was expected of them to the passage of the bill. This may be remedied yet, but as It stands now the democrats of the House are ex pressing great dissatisfaction at what they call the "apathy" of democratic Senators. Mr. Cleveland is also understood to be dis satisfied. In the meantime Senator Beck's physician has ordered him to 6pend the winter in the South,and he will go to Aik. en, S. C. Representative Mills has broken down under the immense strain of the last ses sion and the campaign. He will go in search of health, and is not expected to re turn to Washington during this session. Last week it looked for a while as if the republicans were to lose the next House after all, a recount in several close districts resulting in favor of the democrats, and even now they appear to have a majority of only one, which so far as legislation is concerned is hardly better than a minority. The would be Speakers of the next House are all on the anxious bench. Secretary Whitney has ordered three naval vessels to proceed to Hayti as soon as they can be made ready for sea, to enforce the demand made by the State Department for the release of an American vessel illeg ally siezed by the Haytian Government. One republican has been discovered who says that under no circumstances would he be a member of Harrison's cabinet. It is Senator Palmer, of Michigan. He says that after the fourth of March he is going to be a farmer. The Direct-tax bill was called up in the House Thursday, and to-morrow and Wed nesday will be deyoted to it, with a vote on Wednesday. If it passes, as now seems probable,the general impression Is that Mr. Cleveland will veto It. No signs of the "business session" of which we have recently heard so much, have yet been discovered in Congress. The Senate adjourned from Thuisday until to day, and the House from Friday ,and already the members are beginning to talk about ' the holiday recess, although a short time ago that was to be dispensed with this year. No legislation looking to the admission of new states is probable at this session. The democrats are willing to pass a bill for the admission of Dakota as one state, pro vided that New Mexico is admitted at the same time. This does not suit the republi cans. A bill has been introduced in the House to make two states out of California, but nothing is expected to come out of it at this session. Secretary Whitney favors the establish ment in this city of an Army and Navy Museum. The Government has in its pos session many articles that would make such an establishment a very interesting one to visitors, and the idea has been received with such favor that it is probable that Congress will pass a bill to that effect. Senator Ilutler has introduced a joint resolution, proposing a constitutional amendment extending the presidential term to six years. It h an excellent idea, and should be adopted with an amendment making the President ineligible for a second term. The House committee on Invalid pen sions has reported the pension appropria tion bill. The amount appropriated is $Si, 767,500, and yet some people are not satis tied with the liberality of the Government towards its former soldiers. The House devoted last Friday to the Nicaragua canal bill. Considerable oppo sition was manifested. It will be again taken up next Friday. Senator Plumb, in a few remarks on the Senate tariff bill, made the fact very plain that he does not approve of that measure as it now stands. He called attention to the duty on silvered Klass,whlch caused every bureau manufactured to cost from two to three dollars more than it otherwise would. It Is not made In the United btatcs.nnd Mr Plumb thinks it should go on the free list. tie also spoke of the s'.eel trust, and men tioned the fact that large sums of money had been saved hi the construction of the State I louse of Texas and a public building at Wichita, Kans. ,by the purchase of steel joists, beams, etc., abroad. If Senator Plumb Is not more careful in his speeches, he will rise up some morning.and find him self read out of the republican party. throughout the late canvass the carpet manufacturing firm of Hlggins & Co., of New York took an active partin depicting the woes which would overtake American wage-earners in the event of the re election of Cleveland upon a Tariff. Reform plat form. Cleveland was not re-elected but the firm has ordered a reduction of wages. It cannot wait, it seems, for the prosperity which is to follow the inauguration of Mr. Harrison next March. Now if the Demo" crats had carried the country at the late election, and the Uiggins concern had fol lowed with a reduction.would not the Pro tection organs have drawn a terrible moral from the Incident? We fancy we can hear the voice of the eminent statistician and Paladin of the New England Tariff Ba rons, Robert P. Torter, shouting the re quiem of American industry. But where is the doughty Robert now ? A man who is not spoken of is not abused. Masqr ekade Ball. At the opera house Friday evening, Dec 21, under the man agement of W W Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjoy able ball of the season. Crawford & Lit tler will make a flash light picture of the masqueraders as well as of all present. If you rare fond of sweet music come and listen to Crawford's orchestra. Tickets, $1.50. Babies. The finest line of baby carri ages in the Valley just received at Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri- Removal. Misses E. & C. Howard have moved their millinery store into rooms in the Pearce block over J. J. Dubruillcs narness snop, wnere tney Invite old and new customers to call on them. DR. C. U. CHAMBERLIN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon fUTOBice corner of Third and Lyon St. ALBANY, CRECON. Holiday AND Artists MATERIALS AT DR.CU.SS & SOhS. G. L. BLACKfiflAN, Successor to E. W. Lanqdon, DEALERIN DRUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. FOUND. Just the place to get Xmas things cheap and the latest art, leaf hooks, tripods. thermometers, banner rods and hat marks or crowns painted to-order. A ice oil paintings on hand, just the nicest thine you could se lect for a present. Call and sea foi yourself at aibs. li. fjLYMAM 8 First door east of Young's old stand, CLOTHING For Fall and Winter -AT- L E BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoes OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea Jackets-Chincliilla, Astraclian Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets. HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Lt but not Urge stock of CLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS RECEIVED FOR THE HOLIDAYS NEW SMYRNA RUGS AND PORTIERRES. NEW TABLE COVERS. LINEN TABLE SETS, NAPKINS TO MATCH, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. TRUNKS AND VALISES. SILK DRESS PATTERNS COLORED AND SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. SILK UMBRELLAS, Boot and Shoe Department. ladies and cents fancy slippers. ladies and cents fine shoes. ' misses and childrens fine shoes and slippers, felt slippers of all kinds. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. 6H0ICE NOVELTIES IN DECORATED CHINA- TEA SETS. FRUIT PLATES AND SAUCERS. DECORATED BEDROOM SETS, LAMPS, SALAD BOWLS FANCY PITCHERS FANCY. CUSPADORES- CAKE DISHES AND A LARCE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES IN CHINA FOR THE HOLDAYS- Samuel E. Young. Albany, Oregon BARGAINS! Firat-olass goods at bottom prices is wnat the nublio wants. These I have at my store io this city- Bought at Bankrupt sales I can sell my stock of General Merchanise consisting of dress goods, gents.furnishing goods, clothing, etc., AT COST. Cashor goods will be .aidafor all kinds of countryfproduce. 0 W SIMPSON, Albany, Orego. A. J. ROSSITER.V. S. Graluata of Ontario Yatarinary uouege, Is prepared to treit diseases of all do meatlo animals on sclentiflo principled. Residence and office two doors east n Opera House, Albany. DR. C WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the'Demoerat Office. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD I hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Woodle haa successfully operated on my ridgllng horse, ISAAC HAYS. For further reference in regard to ridg ing inquire of Wm. Peterson, Dare Pe terson, Lebanon ; John Hardman, Alfred Wolverton, Albany j 8am Gaines, Solo ; Wm. Foster, Prinevllle. I practice veteM inary medicine in Albany and country surrounding. Office and residence oorner 6th and Washington Sts. I. N. WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon.