Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 18, 1888, Page 1, Image 1

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    VOL. I.
NO 194
has splendid assortment of goods for the
consisting of a nice solootlen of
Gold Headed Canes.
New assortment all kinds of jewelry.
General Job Work, Dressing and
Sawing Lumber, Repairing,
Etc,, Etc.
Special advantage to purchasers of
rastio flooring,
Factory at loot or Lyon Street.
By all meana sill, on
Parker Brothers,
Successors to John Fox, for your
Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc.
Their goods are the best and their prices
Fine horses.
We have just brought from 2 ite
Oregon, a lot of fine work horso ' fci
we will sell on terms to suit the time
Among them srosoran promising you u
driveiB from Oneco, Mason Chief an
Edward Everett. Also snmn choio
heavy narea. Anyone wishing to pur
chase a horse will do woll to look ttem
over. We will take pleasure in eh'.nv
to all intending purolmserc
Tallman, Or.
Cash lioesa Long Ways at Jallus tiradwohT
I have made arrangements for buying
goods direct from the factories In Europe,
and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the Pacific Coast.
The following are some of my cash retail
prices :
J4 dozen unhandlcd teacups and saucers,
35 ts.
doen unbundled coffee cups and sau
cers, 45 cts.
'zi dozen handled coffee cups and sau
cer, 50 cts.
JS dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45
These goods are all Iron stone China and
not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices
are for 30 days.
Julius Gradwohl.
Cheaper than you can buy them in Port
land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels
carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car
pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets from
40 cents to 50 cents. Carries u large line
of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades.
A. B. McIlwain
If you want a clsan and fine smoke ask r
J. Joseph's home mad white labor cigas
For sale by most cigar dealers and at
Joseph's factory.
A splendid stock of library and hanging
lamps just received at Wallace & Thorn p.
How is your appetite ? Are yoa nervous
or irritable ? Are you subject to billiousness ?
Dr Henley's Dandelion ToDie works wonders.
It makes the weak and sickly strong, builds
up the whole system and puts new life and
engery in you .
A fine line of holiday goods for our erook
ery department and marked very low in
Wallace &r.i ?J
Wheat, 74 cents.
New fall goods at Read's.
See those new jersiea at W. F. Read's.
Mew ribbon all shades and styles at Koad'a
All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F
Fine line of bread kneading pans at G W
Another lot of Uull cheese at Brownell &
A large stock of lifting force pumps at O
W Smith's.
Goods at cost at M. J. Monteith's, at the
old Young store.
Go to A. B. Mollwain's and ask to see
those $6 suits for men.
In a calm sea every man is pilot. In dry
goods V. F. Read is leader.
If you want to save from 10 to 25.per cent
by your goods of W. F. Read.
Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to
every customer, at Thos. Jones,
Buy your tickets through to the Est
W L Jester and save fare to Portland.
A complete line of heating and parlor stoves
at G W Smith's, no better in the valley.
The cheapest place to buy men's under
wear in the state is at A. B. Mollwain's.
W, F. Read can and will sell dry goods
.cheaper than any house in Albany. Call and
seo lor yourself. ,
All the latest novelties in millinery goods
at E and C Howard's. Call and see them,
No trouble to show goods. -
The line of Pacific and Royal Argands at
G W Smith's is a large one. These are among
the best cook stoves made. See them.
Goods not sold for less than cost, floods not
given away. Bat good honest goods sold at
reasonable profit at W. . tint's.
Julius Gradwohl is now making a special
ty of orockery, fancy goods and silver ware,
of which he carries a large and select stock.
His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock
of orockery is the best in the market and his
line of dolls and children s play things gener
ally is complete. His prices are the lowest
on the coast.
first National Bunk
OF Alili lSil, OKEUO.V.
Presldc-nt I Fu'NN
Vise Preiidenl 3, E. YOL Nli
Aa.1Ca.hler JAS. K. POWELL
TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking lnulnoes.
ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to .heck.
SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, sol
0 Hew York, Sau Francisco, Chicago anil P01
.COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms.
E. Yousa, ' Gso, rj'CiiAHBSa'.&tsk
t. K. Blain, I.. FlinnJ
WAbTaa B ToaasLb,
Thos. Brink
has the most complete line of furniture in the city, consisting of
Parlor Suits, Upholstered Chairs, Bed Chairs, Bed
room Sets, Walnut Center Tables, Walnut Ex
tension Tables,Dining Tables,Tin Bed Lounges,
Single Whatnots, Carpet Chairs, Folding
Chairs,Fine Mirrors from 75c. to $12,Fine
Wicker Wood Baskets, Fine Wicker
Work Baskets, Cornice Poles, Gilt
and Nickel Door Mats and Rugs in
many Colors and Sizes, and
Window Shades,
Etc., Etc.
and I am selling ihesn at thp very lowest Bed Rock Prices and goods er no sale.
DAilnra In all the Uteit Improve I Pianos
Oritur., Sswinic Maohines, Gnus. Also
a full Hue of warranto 1 Kizirs, Hilton, er
and rocket Knives. Tho bait kind of
(wwlDg machine oil, needles and extra,
ror ail mammies, ah repairing utmuj
and reasonably done.
The Yaquina Bay will without doubt go
to pieces, all efforts to get her off the rocks
having proved unavailing. It is not safe
to attempt to run large vessels into such a
small unsafe harbor. Telegram.
Yes, that kind of an attempt has been
made several times at the mouth of the Co
lumbia river and on more than one occasion
was followed by disastrous consequences.
My homeless friend with the chrcmatic
nose, while you are stirring up the sugar
in the io-cent glass of gin, let me give you
a fact to wash down with it. You say you
have longed for years for the free, inde
pendent life of the farmer, but hare never
been able to get enough money together
to buy a farm. But this is just where you
are mistaken. For several years you have
been drinking a good improved farm at the
rate of 100 square feet a gulp. If you doubt
this statement figure it out yourself. An
acre of land contains 43,460 square feet.
Estimating for convenience the land at
$43,56 per acre, you will see that it brings
the land to just I mill per square feet. Now
pour down the'fiery dose and imagine you
are swallowing a strawberry patch. Call
n five of your friends and have them help
you gulp down that 500 foot garden. Get
on a prolonged spree some day,and see how
long a time it requires to swallow a pasture
large enough to feed a cow. Put down that
glass of gin ; there's dirt in it 100 feet of
good, rich dirt, worth $43,56 per acre.
Bob Burdette.
We are closing out our stock of boots and
shoes, and to show you that we mean what
we say quote you a few of our prices
Ladies' best French kid button shoes at
$4.35, regular price, $5.50, none better in
town; ladies' xtra quality French kid, but
ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies,
good French, button, at $3, regular
price, $4; ladies' bright Dongola, nutton,at
$3.75, regular price, $3.50; ladies' bright
Dongola, button, neat and good, $2, regu
lar price $3; ladies' American kid, $2, reg
ular price, $3; ladles' American Kid, $1. 25
regular price. $2; child's oil grain button
school shoes, from $1 to $1.20: a few pairs
of ladies' rubbers, 30 cents to 40 cents;
men s rubbers, 50 cents; also a large as
sortment of men's boots. Come and see.
Brownell & Stanard.
New Wash House.
Lee Chinaman, who lived in this town for
many years and was so well liked by every
body has returned and will open up a new
wash house the first of September, onejdoor
south of the Revere House. Lee does'iqood
work and wants everybody to get gtheir
washing done bv nun
The nndarslgne.l is prapirel to do (all
kinds of work la bis line in flrst-olass or,
dor and with promptnes. Address P. O
box 87 or call at oorner of 9th and Maple
I. N, Smith,
; I..Mka i-ivrn that there are funds
in ,k. Pjumtu Trua.llrAf-'a ntflG. lit I.inD
county, Oregon, to reduce all outstanding
warrants. Interest on an warrants ces-e
from this date.
Dated December Cell, 18S3.
H. Farwkll,
CountV Treasurer.
Look Here!
Driss Shoes. A fine job lot of men's
shoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7's, best
in the city, at G W Simpson's. They
range in price for from 81.50 to $3.50
about half of the regular price. No such
bargains anywhere.
-. m
Superior. That is the name of the
stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much
attention. It is a splendid cook stove.
raiiAn. mirrnn ta.eitron. lemons and
oranges received'at Wallace & Thompson's.
fin- A f.ill f nuts .katM ill.fc M
eeived at Stewart & Sox's. Just the things
for Chrismaa presents for the boys.
Boots amd Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc
f Iwain's and see the ladies' kid and pebble
goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.;o
A Democrat man has seen the shoe and
can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe
for the former price.
V II j on groceries cheapar tha
any store in town.
Fighting a It. R.
AnLi.VGTON.Or., Dec. 17 Rasmus Lar.
son was bound over by Justice Ebi's court
in thi city to-day in the sum of $500 for
committing a depredation on the Heppner
branch railroad, This is, in effect, a con
tinuation of the trouble between Larson and
the O. R. & N. Co. which some months ago
resulted In Larson being sentenced to serve
a term in the county jail here, and is an ag
gravated case on both sides. Larson and
the company have been unable to ceme
to terms for a right of way through the
farmer's lane, and as the road was built on
the land anyway, he has at different times
torn up the tracks and stopped the trains,
and this last time stopped the mail, for
which offence he will be taken to Portland
for trail to-night by deputy U. S. Marshal
nite Prosperous.
Boston-, Dec. 17. The Oregon Short
Line Railway Company's statement for
October shows the earnings to be $288,000
an increase of $117,000. The surrtus de
ducting expenses, is $145,000 an increase
of $74,000. For the months to October
31st theearning8 were $2,184,000 an in
crease ot $537,000. Surplus $999,000 an in
crease of $433,000.
Tried to Wreck a Train.
Dixon, Cal., Dec. 17. A freight train
running ahead of time ran into an abstrac
tion between Dixon and Tremont this
morning, about 3 o'clock. The train was
running slowly, and no damage resulted.
The obstruction consisted of five whistling
posts which had been pulled up at the two
stations, and the object evidently was to
derail the Oregon express, of which Rich
ard Moore is conductor. This is the third
attampt to wreck the train of which he Is
A Costly Lot.
Spokane Falls, Dec. 17. One of the
largest real estates transfers made in Spo
kane for some time was t le sale to-day of a
lot on the southwest corner of Riverside
avenue and Stevens struet. The lot has a
frontage of sixty feet on Riverside avenue,
and extends 100 feet on Steven street. It
was sold by Dr. B. F. Birch to Rollin
Hyde for $60,000. At present the site is
occupied by three little one story offices,
l.uittrith & Seitenbach's crest dosing sale
will enable all to buy any line nf goods folly
50 percent, less than any other store in the
Dandruff is nrohablv one of the most diffi
cult diseases nf the scalp to c.iro; but Du
tanl's Specilio never foils to remove it per
manently . Soreness after shaving is instant
ly relieved by Us use. So'.d by Foshay &
Mason .
War Claims.
Washington, Dec. 17. In thejSenate
to day the secretary of the treasury report-'
ed that $63,24 1.28 had been paid the state
of Oregon in settlement of the Modoc In
dian war expenses. Senator Stewart has
reported favorably the bill to proyide the
Oregon militia with arms and munitions
of war, and the bill throwing open aband
oned military reservations in Nevada to
homestead settlement.
A City Election.
Pendleton, Dec. 17 At the city elec
tion, held to-day, 598 votes werecast.Num
eraus candidates were in the field, politics
cutting little figure in the strife. The re
suit is as follows : Mayor, W F Matlock ;
councilmen , R G Thompson and L Liver
more ; recorder, C R Carter ; marshal, C
O French ; treasurer, James Howard.
Christmas Coming While hunting for
holiday presents do not fail to call at Will
& Starks and examine their fine stock of
goods,con,isting of gold and silver watches,
chains, fobs, earrings, breastpins and jew
elry generally. Also silver plated ware,
clocks, etc. There are no more suitable
presents in the market.
We Want, Your butter and eggs and
will pay you either cash or trade for it.
UROWNELL Cv otasakij,
Itching Pile are known by mV.are llko ,.Trtplr
ion producing a very disagreeable Itching aftor
Ing'warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding and
protruding Pllns. yield at once to the application of
Dr. Boeanko'e Pile remwlv, w.iich acta directly upon
the rwrta attocted, V3 rlung the tumors, allaying toe
Intents itching and eftVc.uig a permanent cure. H
cents. Address The lr B auko Mycins Co . Piqu.
O. bold by Dr. Cntas and 3on.
nw itii.vlHi.KII
in his new dicovrry for Consumption, mo
ceeded in producing a medicine which Uac-
Knnwieugea oy an w ut Biiiipiy
It is exceedingly peasant to the taete. per
fectly harmless, and does not sicken. In all
. ri V. . t'nln.
cases ot cases 01 ionaumptiun. uukii.,wiU.
.... t. U .Uiti. nt
w nooping vougn, vruuy, , .
Painl in the Chest, it has given universal
.- 1. 11 I. ..J I linn
satistaction. or oau.'i .""
Syrup is told at BOceuts by Dr Ouiss 8on.
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. -In this line w
have always shown the very best goods to
be found in the markets of America, the
knife will be put to goods in this depart
ment as they must go. Call and see for
Doyou want a rem dy for B'liou.tieM, FinipW on
thelacr.a n! a euro euro for kick Uuaii..clic, ask Dr.
Ouse and bon, Ihe Druggiele, tor Dr.'s Live
PillA, try a dose, aalnples free full box 25 cent.
Winter wai,., are not res'-rved in the
great tale. Thin will be the greatest of por
unity ever offered to boy a ttylish wrjp at
low price.
MosrKrrn JSeitesbach,
Fine line of Guns and
good stock of Ammuni
tion at Deyoe and Rob
son's. Special bargains