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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1888)
Albany Market. Wheit-74 Oa'.s 25c Burter 1!5 ill pur lo. Es-lSt Hay -9.01). Pout:H - iti oir n-M i !, Baef-ou f.i.i.a'l ..,"plo -4 ) oitiH pe on, Poric -'Y4 i pr l triw 1. linn; -,. i II',;:. (in I . II i. ! t I 1 1 :. Lif 1 -:.- : I i. -I.Ji i- )V,. Ohh.'ct-n -i II inr ilvj. liil 1 - n i, lt.0)p3r ton i 1 l.'U, l'J. Hi I i,s23. iOR SALE BY FOSHAY A MASON FOSHAY &. MASON, - YTJUTjIM AND RSTAtb- Druggists ansl Hooksdlers, Aonts for John H. AM?uM publications, A LB AW, OUKGOJC. New and Second Hand Store Owing to loo increased Ooinarula of, our busimws wo have t-eoo compelled n move Into a larger store sad we can n'iv I, a found mxt door to S. E, Young, wberi we will bo plensad to see our patron. II younosdany stovos, f irultur, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, picture, fruit tars, tienks, books, roller skate, itddle. sawn, pianos, eto nnl a laountxl dif ferent nd nio ai tides y u c tn n it do bettul liU sll i of Sin Frau!i too th in you can dr. i;U uioo a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany. Or Jos. Webber Announce to his patrons inl friends that he is now located in his nevr shopiu the Fo &hay &Mosod Block and with abje workmen 11 attend to his customers at as reasonable ces as any other shop. Ashe has three ath-rocms rcocicgll hours thar nil te waitio for baths . TO GO EAST. Go Kiat via Mount Shasta Route. Nice ctimato tvid naonery at all times of the year. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, 0den, Salt Lake. Denver. Finest uecontl-clva cats made aro run daily. Bay your tickets of ire and save your faro to Portland. I am the only poraon in Albany that can sell you ticket from Albany direct to any point the United States. Cali'nn me for rates. V. L. J K ST Kit. Atfeut S. P, 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangars Pianq Varnishing. All work guarantdad.' VASSALLO & l'liOMPS3N. (Sucnasior? to Honry'Suoicas.) Lian eunty Bank, COWAN. RALSTOX & CO., Successor to Cowan & Cus.clc.) ALBANY - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. IRWSiaiU t.KU'Mo:. Now York, Sir, Fran It co an J Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOSEY on apptot'ed security. RHCKIVK deposits subjeo. to check. COLMlcriOMJ mtnutel omm will rccs r"prom eatio.i, n II. J. Misni nt, Pru. 1(. 8 Cnos, See. U. II. MiKiK Tie The Oregon Land Company Or'en.2cil o" tin) jmrio ol bnyinff and telling ret I cbiU, iUrtr.lm '.ha Will vnette Valley in all of the Icaiting nowitf. ipon of the UnUud States Kinploylny KuttcniaTonH to direct home si-uker to the Willam ette Valley, and h me .front in all the principal town of SlsriiHi, Polk, l.imi, ltonton, Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid in locating Irnmiirnut. Office in tho Tate luUliii one dHtr west of 8tw art & .Sox's, HODSON A DICKINSON, Uanaren. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In first-claw atyle. Tables supplied with the beet in the market. Nice sleapinor apartments, Sample rooms for commercial travelers, (TFrtt Caek l sail fria Mi '.cl." FOSBSY & KMSOil, Holiday Goods. Santa Claus Headquarters. a sileodld stock of "Plush Goods, Toilet Cases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., uor surpassed in th Valley. W . F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY. OREGON The Leading : Cash Dry Goods House ofMban I V3r-Cv afc- BTOCM-UEWPERSOHACOgVl . rjjoivin" my fall stock and I can Rive my customers bctterlnr gains thaa evr was offered in Albany. Onr stock is complete and 1 propose to kcrp it Bp to tbejTstandard, thall add all tbe new novelties as fast as they are in the market. I'm jolly and fat, though 1 needn't say that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you can see I'm all there. I smile and I laugh, I juke and I ctuff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confess what yon never could gueos. A good thing to eat is alwuya a treat, which will make you as sweet as OHr sugur cured meat,makes you feel 80 content with the mcney spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't gm mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fit or your'e lean, if yout'e pleasant or mean, just give VV. & T. a show to sell jou risbt low, jou will feel such a thrill of ou tentment until you'll to enjoy more of that i'limense and you'll s'tise liy buying vinions and of W 6 T wish yon were fat For the filing's show your good grocjrie?,pro crockery m jtsm ft Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man. Flinn Block, Albany, Or. FHANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. und Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFEliTIQSEJY, We are now prepared to mil at sale, always fresh and pure at PortUnd firices to dealara. We also keep a .fell ine of Ms and Tropical Fruits, I CIGARS AND TOBACCOS J ToToaTSI l7Unu GhalMl Ol TnMarl Bis O ha. given nnlvtr nal satisfaction to th, cure of aonorrho?, and (licet. 1 prescribe Itaoc? feel safe In recoinmend Inr It to all milTcrsrs. .t.J.STOJEB, M.D., Deestar, III. Sold bjr Orngflat. reskaj et Hasan, Wholesale Agents, Conrad Meyer. PROPKHSTr;t Or"- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin anl First Sts,, -DEALER IN C'anaed Fruits, Canet Hcatt, Glmsawaret Qneeniware, Dried Frnltn, Vegetable, Tobacco, Cigars, Sugar, Spices, Coflee, Tea, Etc,, Ete In fact everything that Is kept In a gen ral variety and grocery store. Hlgheat market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Would call especial attention to the following lines Dress Goods,Plnslics,Vclvc(s,IIosicry Jcrsies, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Boots and Shoes. All'Iask is ethorougbinsl ection cf stcck. PRODUCEiTAKENi IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptlj JatlendcJ to. W 1. HEAD, v-" . 'Tnr-kti,m-iMmmmmim imiiii urn w iiTTTniiri"" irJ' nstsamgasa 9Kgxzaatuuj. iJ.r'r'arTxxta JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer oiCigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST. Cgi:s, Plug ann Smoking Tobaocos, Meerschaum and BKar Pipes, land a to. line of Smokers' Ar.eles, Also dealer- CALIFORNIA AND ri)?iUfj