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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1888)
I Jmrniifr1-'' Daily Democrat Monlay EveningDocsmber 17.18B8 YIVM at Nt rriVU, EHtors Mid I'utilishsrs. PuMldhud avery tUy hi tho wwk. 8uudys excepted.) KutoroJ at (lio I'.ixt (Jill at Albany, Or a second-class mall matter. LOCAL UHUORI). A Dklkihteii Auiiienlk. The rendi tion of tlic drama "The Confederate Spy," at the opc;a home Saturday evening, was received by a large audience, fully four hundred being prebent. Nearly all of the parts were well sustained, that of Mockery Schncidclbcckcr, the drafted Dutchman, by Thes, Overman, particularly being filled from top to bottom. The Dutchman often brought the house down. There are many exciting 6Cencs in the play, which were given in a pleasing manner. Sever al of the parts deserved special mention on account of the excellent manner in which they were sustained; but as only praise is appreciated In the write up of an amateur performance, we find the best plan to be to sneak in general terms. The enthusi asm with which the play was received speaks for the merit of its rendition. It is to be hoped we may have more during the coining winter. A Little Sarcastic. The following is the Astoriau's account of the wreck of the "Yaquina Bay." While not quite as vicious as that of one of its contemporaries it is inclined to be sarcastic: "The steam er 'Yaquina Bay stranded while crossing into Yaquina on Tuesday, In tow of a tug A tug is kept at that port to take frequent soundings, locate the constantly shifting channel, and tow the steamers through the narrow cnannei. it Is said that through bad steering, the steamer In tow of the tug grounded, breaking the hawser." Best in the World. Here is a little Item from the St. Paul Press which should be encouraging to prune raisers in Linn county: "One fact noticeable in the prct operations of orchardists is the tendency to make prunes their chief crop. It is be lieved that Oregon prunes are the best the world produces. They are altogether be yond comparison with the Ivuropcan pro duct, and even California does not claim to be able to grow as good prunes as Oregon. They bring much the highest price in the Dawning. An Ex. says: "It is begin ning to dawn on the residents of the Will amette valley that it is destined at no dis tant day to be one of the most progressive, thickly populated and prosperous sections of the Pacific Northwest. Within a very few years, and the infectious enthusiasm, incident to a boom, already .tils the very air. The next few months will witness such a development in fruit and agricult ural interests in the valley as was not dreamed of a fear years ago." The Stbimer The wrecked steamer at the bay remains in statu quo, about a thousand feet frem the west end, the fare cabin washed off, the middle about gone, and the sea continually washing over It, gradually taking the woodwork off. Every body who goes to the scene of the w reck takes away a relic, one man getting a fine writing desk, (he turned some irold cuff buttons In a drawer over to the captain ,) and everybody something. No one is al lowed on the steamer Itself though, except privileged persons. Yesterday Mr. Camp bell went down in the hold in a diving suit out tne undertow was so strong that he could not stand cm his feet, indicating that there are probably some good sized holes in it. This morning two experienced div ers arrived in the city from San Krancihco and left on a special train for the bav. where this afternoon they will endeavor to learn the extent of the damage to the uotiom. New Steamer The steamer "Santa Maria" has been chartered to run on the Oregon Pacific route, and will sail from San Francisco to-morrow. The "Willamette Valley" sailed from the Bay yesterday with a big cargo. Tills will mateiially help the business of the company ; but the present traffic of this road is sufficient for three boats: Christianity vs. Infidelity. Clark Braden, formerly President of Abingdon College, Illinois, also of Southern Illinois College ; author of the "Problem of Prob lems, "Ingcrsoil Unmasked," and other works, will deliver a lecture to-night, at 7 p. in., in W. C. T. U. Hall. Lecture free. Prof Samwells caruival of novehties Satur day afternoon and evening will be a treat for people interested ia trained auimsla. By all incana go add take your children. Pendleton has a building association of its own. Under ita provisions by investing $0 a month in seven years you cau draw oat $1UOO. AlLany should liaye an association. FloatiBg snow was seon on the river this morning, a peculiar siht considering the sa lubrious weather. Mrs Cheadlc,wlio residos next door to Mrs East's, left this morniog for Shedd on a visit with relatives, accompanied by her dog, cat and turkey. pigsi Holiday Delicacies. Pickelcd feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburger cheese just received at the Will amette Packing Co.'s store. A Novelty. A novelty in Albany is a girl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's. We cannot imagine a finer Christinas pres ent. By all means at least call and see it. HOME AND ABKOAD Dates, Ggs, etc., at FftifTer'a. Holiday goods at French ' Only a few mora leap year days. Baby carriage! at Stawart & Sox's. Bargain in silverware at French's. Fresh chestnatsat Frauoia Ptuiffjr's. Mrs. G, B. LTaight toturned Satuiday from Kugene. Low prices prevail at the "Corner Jewel ry store." Go to P, J. Laportos for your boot andjshoe repairing. Tiie bostoonfdstioaary iu the city at Fran cia Pfeillera. (iold and silver watches. Big bargains iu them at French's. A big holiday trade is anticipated in Al bany this week. Prof. Ilork is teaching a class in mental science at Sak-m. Alaska is 21 years of age and can't even stand alone. Tweedale carries the boss hoating stoves and sells them the cheapest. Fresh corn meal, 3 cents per pound at Blodgett's Mill. Try it. Call and soe thoso Early Breakfast stovct, and ranges at W C Tweedale'e. For holiday candies, nuts, etc., call at tho Willamette L'acking C'o's store. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell Si Stauard. The price of bread in Spokane Falls has increased from 5 to 10 cents a loaf. Koep cool, and there is nothiug like cream 01 tartar in water to help you do it. Mr. A. Whocler, proprictoijof the Spring field saw mill was in the city Saturday. You will save money by getting your plumbing and job work d ne at Tweed ale's. The tax-collector of Marion county has just begun his annual yiaita through the county. If you want a tender chicken be sure and get one of those new style roasters at W C Tweeda Fine pickled tripe at the meat market of J R Stewartson'e. Must ba eaten to bo appre ciated. Mr. Frank Wood, Sr., is in Oakland, Cal., the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hen During November iiftc-niae cargoes of wheat were exported from the Sound to ail parts ot tt wnrfri TKMPERANCE COLUMN. Bdlted by Albany W, 0. T, U The regular meeting of the Union on Tues day last was one of unusual interest, twenty five members being present. A responsive Bible reading was conducted by Mrs. Over man, which was helpful to eyery one present. The executive committee reported that the payment due on the hall had been discharg ed, and a number of small bills settled, leav ing tho financial affairs of the Union in good shape excepting the amount still unpaid upon tha hall. After tho transaction of some other business, Mrs. Townsend, resigned her position as President of the Union, she spoke CODING! COMING! Prof. Samwell's celebrated carnival of novelties, which attracted immense crowds every day for three weeks in Portland at Cort's theatre, will show in the Albany Opera House on Saturday, evening, Dec. 22nd, and give a matinee in the afternoon. This show his the finext and best trained animals in the world. The three famous ponies, the smallest of which is :i inches high ; the great lilondin monkey ; the schools of trained dogs and trained goat, separately and combined periorm such tricks as to excite profoundest admiration and wonder. I'articularattcntlon is called to Frank, the blind pony, and his marvel ous tricks, and Charley, the praying dog, who prays far all ; the leaping grey nounus, wnicii, ior long distance lumping. of the deen reirret she felt in severing her ' ueat u,e world. ncKets, 25 cents ; reserv- .. . .... I ed connection will tne union, to which she was so warmly attached, sho thanked the mem bers for the universal kindness and courtesy shown her, and made some valuab'e sugges tions as to future work. Her resignation was accepted and the following preamble and Resolution passed, unanimously : e, as members of the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union of Albany, Oiegon, deeply regret that circumstances have made it necessary for Mra. Townsend to resign her office as President of our Union, and take up her residence in another eity, wa therefore, offer this resolution in love and approval of tho consecrated woman who has served us as President for the past 7 years. Resolved, That we deeply regret the loss of our President, that our grateful thanks are due her for the successful management of all the affairs of our Union, recognizing that to her untiring zeal we owe the place we have won among the Unions of the State, aa the banner Union. We hereby tender her our most earnest wishes for prosperity, happiness and usefulness in the new home to which she goes, and committing her to the care of the Master whom she so conscientiously serves, we leave her in His hands. A ballot was then taken for a new Presi dent, which resulted in the choice of Mrs. St. John, who is in every way worthy to fill the chair of her predecessor. Mrs. Townsend has served tbe Union, ts President for al most seven years, and who shall say her ad ministration has not been a successful one. We feel in transfering this upright woman to Portland that her influence may be felt even in that sin-cursed city, and we resign her witli that hope. Clothing A large and complete lin gents' clothing and furnishing goods at .v. B. Mcllwain's. In the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $c, which he win sell during the coming week for 1. 50. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 25 per cent cheaper than they wero a 3'ear ago. ' Our stork is all fresh, consequently wa cm give yer) ow prices. W EA 'Another Complaint. Quite a num ber of our best citizens nre complaining that cigarette dealers sell cigarettes to small boys ranging from 9 to 13 years of age, and thus lay the foundation for a dis gusting, life destroying habit. There seems to be no law prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors unless parents inter fere and prevent It, but this loose way of selling to small boys will lead to the en actment of stringent laws upon the subject if dealers do not desist. The Difference. On this mild win ter day with men around In their shirt sleeves It Is a grand sight to see the Three Sisters rise in the southeast clothed in eternal snows. It shows us the difference between the Willamette vallev and the east, the mountains being emolematlc of the present weather along the Atlantic coast. The Mill City "Yesterday afternoon the incorporators of Mill City presented to the county clerk for filing a plat of their embryo city on the Oregon Pacific. Af ter some deliberation the plat was with drawn, as it was decided to have the city embody a greater scape of land. It will be returned In a few days for record. This little city is booming, and has a bright future." Salem Journal. Smoked Glass. -Albany wi!l celebrate New Years on a big scale this year. Be ginning about 12 o'clock we will have a peek-a boo frame between the Sun and Moon and Earth, resulting In a total eclipse. It will be one of the finest sights of the season. Oct your glass for smoking ready, Died On Sunday, Dec. 16th, 18SS, the twin daughter of Mr. Mell Young, aged oui six months. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before Wide Indigo Prints. A large invoice of the above goods has been received, and will be sold at reduced prices. 1 hey are de sirable patterns and are a bargain. SAMUEL 1'.. YOUNG. Hotel Arrivals, Revere House. C Clement; F Mitch ell; J H Englehart;W Walker, O P R R; 1 M Irian, 11 Meyer, J S labor, A Cahan, W D Roche, S F;F M Farmer, Waplnited; J Cardwell, R C Renfro, Millers: A F ilersner and wife, w S Duntap, U u Dun kin, Corvallis; Nettie Grounds; J Zoose man, T M Zooseman, Brownsville; Drand Mrs M H Ellis, city; G E Cawkin, J Mc Arthur, J S McLean, P Cunningham, Wm Williams, T Kellogg, G Hunsaker, I Fogel, Portland; I C Long, Albany; C A Wrink ler, Lebanon ; W E Crawford, Shedd ; L Chase. St. Charles. D Streetcr, M Laselle, Biggs, Cal ; II Deahlms, M Form, Forks Santiam ; J B Mahr, Bustle Town ; II J Shedd, Shedd ; J A Blare and wife, Chico. Cal ; E S Brown, S F ; R S Bradshaw, E T Russell, C A Andrews, J E Moor-, L Hale, St Louis, Mo ; H V Gates, Omaha ; J Buchtel. East Portland ; A II Black.Port land ; Md. Black Lilllat Drew Co. Agent ; Owen Smvth, Nat Adv Scrv, N Y ; G E Fish.G W "Reese, R B Vunk.B F Tabler.S S Train.A B Woodin.R Fox.T J Overman, Mrs R B Vunk, Miss B Martin, Mrs N J Hcnton, Confederate Spy Comedy Co. Russ House. Capt. Van Alstvne and wife, Independence ; G P Hewitt ; R W Newland ; A B Ausbowne ; E Henness ; F Deakins ; A F Hershner, C'orvallis ; S G Dorris and wife, Prineville ; G M Wat son ; C W Buchanan, Sioux Falls, Dak. ; J Wallace ; I Cardwell, Millers ; R Ren frew ; C A Winkler ; B V Woodward ; E Bell ; W Walker ; J C Knight, Randon ; I Drake, Salem ; G W Sweting ; C Jensen; J M Ginley ; Mrs E N Smith and child ; W S Francis ; W S Denham and family ; P Colbert, city ; J Shannon ; W II Klip per, S C Mackey, II C Klipper, Lebanon ; W Mackey, Corvalllsj G Strohfcen ; H Kather ; J II Meseval and wife, Rochester. .-tueakuisniav of Christmas presents in -me city, ia to be found at French's "The Corner Uewelry Storo." Prices low. Subscriptions for the leading periodicals re ceived by F L Kenton. Orders forwarded promptly, 1'rice lists lurnisnea iree. Making a specialty of eandies, nuts, eto. Francis Pfeiffer ean do better than anywhere elso. Remember this in getting your holiday cootectionary. Wm Wright, tha artist, ia making his headquarters at Dr Uuist & Son's, where he may be touud by those desiring nis services. Dr Irvine returned this noon from Port land, having attended six of Moody's servi ces, all of which were attended by packed houses. Mr. Nash, of the Oregon Pacific haa an swered Mr Winant's charge against him, and says that gentleman was simply catting a net for heavy salvage. Mr William Ralston returned last Satur day from near Arlington, where he haa been several weeks tha guest of his son, Mr, Lonner Kaiston. Ia a private letter from Mr C C King who went to the Big Bend country a few weeks since, that gentleman says ha is much pleased with that region and .will remain there. A scheme is on foot for the Dassacre of a law providing for the holding of a term of the supreme Court somewhere in .Eastern Oregon. It would only be justice to that section of the State. Mr. I. K. Fogel. is in tha citv pjevious to leaving for New York City, which he will make his future home. With his brother he haa just opened wholesale jewelry house in that city, and will make this his future busi ness. Geo. Pyke, one of the membersof tha Pyka Opera Company in Albany seyeral months ago, has just been sentenced toimprisonment for life for killing a man' in Nova Scotia. There was a woman in it. Pendleton pays ita city officials tegular salaries, as follows : Marshal, $35 ; Record er, $50 ; Surveyor, $1000 ; Street Commis sioner, t-5 ; Clerk o! waterworks, $50 ; En gineer of pumphouse engine, $75 ; Driver of engine team. SU0 : atoker, u : Treasurer. one-half of one per cent of the money received. Fuither examination of James East Satur day evening revealed the fact that he ia af flicted with small pox A strict quarantine rraa established, and had been practically during the day, though the nature of the disease had not been settled on, but at a safe guard. John Bryant, Walter East and Mr. Cuzzins, tha only boarders, went to the pest house and will remain there for ten or twelve days. Mra East, who has been vaccinated three times, and Ed Davidson, have eharge of Mr East. Such measures have been taken that the disease will be controlled and there is na likelihood of its spreading at all. We are informed that Mr East was in Portland about two weeks ago and probably took it there. A tenbach having STOCK of i Gen the stock is bro GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. j Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing o's. store, their German mixed tea Is just every one ougm to use, as it Is hrst class tea and warranted to give satisfac tion. Auction Auction every afternoon att M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old n J- 1 . . ' uuuui m your own once. Muct De sold. seats, o cents, for sale at Blackman's. Prices for matinee, 25 cents and 10 cents for children. Remember the date. ANice Christmas Present FOR YOUR GETIEIM FRIEND Wonld be a box of Julius Joseph's fins home manufactured cigars orcco ef his fine meerschaum pipes. pfJ-Call andes bis fine stock of SMOKERS ARTICLES. Don't Throw Your Money Away buying silly little toys and gawgaws, Come around to our place of business and get something that will be ot utility, DOtn use ful and ornamental. Look over this list and it may help you to make up your mind what you want. for ladies. The very best grade of Shears and Scis sors, Lap boards, Pocket Knives, Curling Irons, Skates, Knives, forks and Spoonsof all kinds.Call BeIls,Baby Carrlagcs.Wring ers, fancy sets of Fiat Irons, Kitchen Grindstones, new style Coffee Mills, etc. tor gentlemen. Carving Sets, Razors, Razor Strap and Brushes, the finest Pocket Cutlery, Tools of all kinds, Revolvers, Gunn, Skates, etc. for boys. Pocket Knives, Skates, Tool Chests, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Axes, etc. STEWART & SOX. F. L. GEHTOEI -DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give.satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Tab in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES': i NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OR. SALE. out their Albany usiness offer for sale without reserve at COST r . .1 t. I -7 '