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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1888)
Albany .Uarkrl. Whet-74 Oats Butter 29 iti pur Ih. KiW8-25c Hay -,00. PobU034 ! t 0r lltlsilfil. Beef-on r,. S ( pple l' oivit p r U'i. Bi; 1 li - i 1 1 I i J ; 41 1 1. I llo. Hi 1 t 1 1 i Lir 1 -11 1 1 . Viol' t ) i. Cldlnks u !l I p ir I .. Iill K.n I -or !, I l.'l p)r ton 11 "U. l i. mi 1 liii c.,2). C. J. DJLLQN & CO., DEaLKHS XV LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC, General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber. Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring', Factory at loot of Lyon Street. FINE HORSii Wu have just brought from 5? lie O rc'Son, i lot of linp um k lorse ti we nit! H1!! on term rosm: the time Aminu them areo:! n imi-in v.'u u drivei.t troui O i"c , M n Chief an Ed waul Evct'-T Alt. s.-a.e oboio heavy ir are. A . v)n- vi -hti, to pur chase a horse i.l l,i w'i ,,, tlfoi over. Wo will -k- nl !m in fh.'W to nil intending purc'srT'. Holiday Goods. Santa Claus Headquarters. W. F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, OREGON s lendld stock of Tallman, Op. IligG 1) an given univer sal satisfaction la tha euro of Gonorrhoea and Gleet. I prescribe lt&nd feel safo Id recommend Ing it to all sufferers. A. J. STONER, K.D., Decatur. 111. TRICE, 81.00 Sold by Druggists. Fosany A Slwwm, Wholesale Agents. tf W TO 6 DATS?X3 M VQMraotMd not tow ESS CkBM Strtotun. a El Mrdfloljby tha IfUriu Chemical Oo. V ClBCinnatiJLFJEl UK tiALt; BY FOSHAY A MASON Announce to liU pitrnu;: Jml fii.-tii that lio is now liiu-xted in his tiow nlnu ;u tIih Ko Shav & Mnou Block ami with ahle woilunrn will fltlfii-l ic his cuitimuir t a- rinaMe pricaa a fiiiy orher sh. A tut ls t'iree ml. -rc lrn i r.i r ii u'i i in . c t wi w.iitia far Iviths. HOW, TO GO EAST. U Kafc vii Mmut SunU I.Ji'r. Nice cUnrit and unary at all tims f thelyetr, See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, OUmi. Salt La kp.. 1tsnvcr. r mest soumm-cUsH cars made ore run duly, lluy your tickets of me ami nave your fare to Portland. I in the ouly person in All anv that can sell von ticket from Albany dinct to any point in the Loitcd otnto. t. ;itin inn lor rte. V. I,. Jkweu. Ari.t s. r, New and Second Hand Store Owing to tne incrmwil ileitinnds orj our business wo uae teneoiupullotl to move Into a larger store and we can uow be found next door to S. K. Yoiinr, when we will bo pleased to soe our patrons. It you t.oe 1 iny toves, f jrnituro, tinware, crock try, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit fare, trenks, books, rollor skatos, saddles, saws, planes, etc and thousand dif ferent and use articles you em not do better his slds of Sio Francl ioo thsn you can do with us on a purchase or ozchauge L. COTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. "Plush Goods, Toilet Oases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor surpassed in ths Valley. The Leading Cash Dry Goods House of Mb lr TIJ&Z BUX-C-M-UENDEnsONACO's" v I'm jolly and fat, though 1 needn't Bay that ; lor a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath aud of hair, but from ebouldera to knees you can see I'm all there. I smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll np and conf?ss what you never could guess. A Rood thing to eat is alwuys a treat, which will make you a9 sweet as our augur cured miit, makes you feel 80 content with the nicney spent that you're bound to feel glad ; 3d you couldn't get mad though a man just a thin as a rail or a pin wus to pull at your nose or tread on your tees. If you're fat or your'e lean, if yout'e pleasant or nien, just give W. & T. a show to sell you riijlit low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll wish you were ft to enjoy more of that For the feeling' i-nnienae and you'll sLow your good 8nse by buying groceries, pro visions and crcckeiy of W fi T Wallace & Tliompsosi's Fat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. AU work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successor to Henry Suesens.) Linn nnty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., ; 8uccssors to Cowan t Cuslck.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking bust new. DRAW8I0H1 DRAFTSon New York. Sao Fran ttco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOSEY on appiofed security. RKCKIVI depotiU fubjM'. to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted will rece Te'uromo iatioo. First National Bank OF ALBAN1, OREGON. Preildent L. FiJXN Vice President 8, E, YOL'No CaKhlar m,UKO. E. CHAMBIiRLAIN Asft'l Caibier JAij, IUWELL TRANSACTS A GRNBRAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to eheck. SIOHT RXCIIANOB and telerraphlo transfer, sol on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and l'oi Orttron. COLLECTIONS MADE on farorable terms. DtaiCTORt, 4. E. YorM,' Oio. ECHausiaAis! L E Blaiv, L. FiiukJ WaltsrE TuaaiLL, FOSHAY & MASON, -nxnu US KITAIV Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prioes wita oatageaddsd. ALBANY, OK EGOS. r reoiivi,' my fall stock and I can give my customers bet'erbsr gains thon ever was offered in Albany Our stncU is crronlete srd 1 prrprfe to krr p it op lo Ihiif standard, (hall add all the new novelties as fast as they ore in Ihe market. Would call esptciul attention to the following lines Dress GoodsluslieSeVclvelSjlIosiery Jersies, Gents' Furnishing Goods. lUankets. Boots and Shoes. All'Iahk ib a tboroughinEFection of stock. PRODUCE TAKENIIIN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mail orders pxotuptly attended to. 1. READ, ;-;, JUL.IUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer oiCigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C.ia:, Plug annSmokiog Tobaccos, Meerschauta and Br rj Plpes,nand to MM Iline of Smokers' Art.les, Also dealer t OALTPORNIA AND TaOPIlaT, . : 1 ;