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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1888)
Daily !eiraocyiit Satoriay Evonmg.DacoailiBr 15,188)1 SYiTl. NIlTrHU, K'litiirj ami I'u'ulUlrara. Mntnr,l at tliu P w. ' JH1 (i it Albany, Or as second-clans mull mi'.ttnr. New Officers. The AlViny W. R. C. at their meeting hist evening e'ected the tollowlrfe officers for the ensuing year.; Pr.tdra.t, Mrs Kai.yhiIVliofn ;5 H,y PresMr Mary A1lcn jVlVe..lMr Sarah Tablcr ; Sec, Mrs Kale 11 Montan ve : Treas.. Mrs Al.ina Martin ; Chap., - Vance ttu3Wli. Mary Crossca- assi to department cOiiyenlioivMrtMuryEW, ' ' Mrs Mary Allen, Mrs' Martha Jane, Mm Sarah Tabler, Mrs Ida trying : aucriinics, Mr Kato Moore, Mrs Sarah I Iochtcdler, innh Thomnson. Mrs Martha Vance, - xfr.' KnHle Ilentnn : executive committee, ' Mrs M i Train, Mrs Ida Irving, Mrs Eliza I'oKifs Kut at v; We lalivays'llke ft !;: joke, even if it pinches, pariiculari irom a paper like th Astoria J'iouvr, which ' every week or two has a column article filled with dust worn, patent medicine cuts ' i: thrown out by, Noah when lie passed over . i'1' Oregon. Here it is: :"The Albany papers r''"ll are publishing wood cjjfcr purporting to pe ' .. sketches of - Yaqituiiv bay , showing the wrecked steamship. The cut tt fifttitLf Dkmocrat looked like the impression" left In the mud br an old gum loot heel with the corners wore off, and the IIeroliV$ sketch looked like the picture of a section of diseased liver, as Is shown in the 'before taking' cut in a patent meJicinc almanac." THE 1UN AlinUT TOWN A KinuiU indy,.afxetjiaftit jjvm itA. J)U Ij( J iMtaxfi two months has run oft with a newspaper man. Hereafter the Man About Town will carry a revolver for self protection. II II Nothing docs one more good than to give, which is mi'rcj'blcssed than to receive. Wo inane uns jrej iarK Dccausc nrisimas is nearly here, and last year our stocking was almost empty Christmas morning. i! a While the yards of Albany r lush and Ui.ty in their, pcreriuiali jrresiiiilss, where the leaves will permit it, "hack j Kast" tliev areeiiher while or rusty as in old nail. Now which do you like the lies".. i Mud is allVightwhcn U Comes to; mak. '"3 Vy pics ; but on the streets and in newspapers it is a bad thi.-.g, and oven a b-giif blacking a week with a perpetual TTifi'tve power - coulri'nt keepones shoes black Hiese tMifV-daySj'-'-We JtiVle this .lAteMeufHtJiSrjlhv' froin one to -.lonltaJ Sil nisU feiKliss huve i nd LisM:tflifltittnherrnin,; froin be- hindTcloudairv,,';)::;;!. HOME AND AliltOAl) MeiffuxVi, I ipws. Stole the Team. Recently Mr. Krady, brotber-in-law of Kritz Huffman, sent a team over to the farm of R. D. Murray, in charge of a man going by the name of Smith. Smith went right on to McMinn vllle, where he disposed of the team to a liveryman, receiving part pay. Hiied a horse and went to Portland.selling It there. Mr. Krady returned to-day with '.he team, after having paid $15 livery bill in McMinn-villc. i,r4rPleu . 1 Vorle Lost, Strayeo.or Stolen. A young man with a pink mustache and fair com- ion .1 Ileonswers o tha name of JI. D. I WJieSTlAsf Uciid irqro-' ritual, JJ j Woodburn, wearing sad eyes and a sack ;qat. (Apvj Information leadiug to hit wUMdaidiiUMii! kHHnkfullrJ oHrod,,, at the CapilidJouru.ii office. Salem Jnir- Moody Moody has notified KevAVeDlf that he cannot hold revival iperviceSj here j but Prof Lee wasflt&tW folf nlghlff 1$ :; Portland W. C. T. U. that he would hold College services here Jan. 2nd and 3rd pro vided entertainment is furnished for 100 students, which has been accepted. Quick Work. Tuesday evening L. E. TioTiday fradl,"of artiatfcWe SioiW, i. certain style demanded by the trade being on the jetty at Yaquina Bay. This morn ing they arrived in the city, three and a half days from the time ordered. Holiday goods at French' Only a few more loan yeir tUyr. .lie vcrit fit-Mux w TO tovuuht. lnsilfrirro 1st Fruneii'j: mm fart' "-k u y should gi to. tlui npv, ( ii.m Lu win wii:;h', f'-.-a-tis'- is mc : hM.lftiTl'!H)lt,Br Ifa ;on', Miif ji m ti ff .-Jptxrj.f J- cMiienten The 18th Ore;oa rport about January 1st. M&'-:5". 'A Iw prices prevail at th 'C'WiJc'V J"i ry store. f ' V- -'-'-'-' V'l; (into P. J. Laportes furyour boot ut,'i1'nrs repairing. '.:. -'''f' . ''. iV-'j The host confectionary in the cityat Frih eis I'fuitlur's. y ''"''l.r' ':' fluid anil silver watches,' , Big Wamrjs : iii tliem at French's. y - .- ' fi Tweedale carries the boss heitli if sii); and sells thein the cioapnst. : . ' Kre.ih combes', ; eeoti p-t yl . liludgett'i MjUi .Try it.'... QN'ext SatunJ-ly "fhirpenpleof Ailil iml i -vite on the coV quti'jn. Call am1. Ece ilura K riy Cvi'.f. .11 ran'jit it W CJCsriw !!'.. ' '. i For holiday eJBdtrV tints; :tfer-i-. '. Wilatnette Paekhi Co 'a store. It costs five cerfys a-fuUsX i jde a;; t', tV,'. It & N in Wtshingtoa'ttrnWcyvia Hi j Clll A full line of'Caristmas caudies and nuts will bo kept by-Br0wn!4 lU.Uiuird.-. . The weskly'W.CI V column will appear in Monday's i&suo of the daily ..Cj'.,;:;: v ir'; ' Mr David Crewsa and wifo iuid Mr linti 'i Sliedd, of Shedd are" in the city-to -1 jay. You will save money uv eMtihe--A our plumbing and job; work 'dona ai Twsijaie'. Warren Hulbert arflyea In Albauy ti;daX trnm i'cniliotou wicn several lino iiyuis dales. v ., , . , .. .,: . Hon W R Bilyeu has moved his law olllco front the Foster block iuto the Foshay & tag andol himLshe.iutKilrcd , wliat was go. ing on. lie told her that "the Chinese were having a big war and her husband had in passing by accidently been shot." She uttered a scream, ran into- the house, and is now In the insane asylum.! Such joking on a serious matter is simply out rageous. 1 A Democrat man his been throuf inuMtv. Julius Gradwohrs finely equ.tppd store, and is able to report one of the 'finest stocks in the Northwest, probably none better in the State. He is carrying a vory superior stock of crockery ware, having the latest patterns in the market. In toys and children's play things generally tha variety carried! is as tonishing, eyerything almost fronj a tin whiatle up His stock of Roger tiros, silver plated ware is a good one and in plush goods ho keeps a large stock of toilet sets' and al bums. What yon cannot lind at Mr Grad wohl's for the holidays is hardly worch get- itMj5Ati-eStI,Upira house Friday evening, Dec 2t, under the man- J agerrntyrjWiawford who will use J every effort to make this the moft enjoy- frtblc balljpf the season. Crawford & Lit- ,tlcrjljjip4. a (flashlight picture of the uiMoquciuuci 0 us wen us ui tin present. 11 yourare fond of sweet music come and listen to Crawford's orchestra. TicketsJ $i50. f fTiiYiSWAB. Wuj. M. Itdtgrbt the f VJfclpABaiiiaiVjirriicijn iarriicdijn the Wty this morning and left on the afternoon train for the Bay to investigate the late disaster to the "Yaquina Bay." The steamer remains ,. - in the same position and its fate is 11 mat. tef of speculation, though It - is. generally given up. Is Charge. The steamer "Yaquina Bay," wh.icb.ran aground on Sunday eVcti ine has been turned over to Ihc-.underwtt ters an in cha watchman. Sick. Tiih East In; IjrWfrrwfcM&.Wi mother's home in lis city of i iikeaip.Tfiilf; ed rothln, ' somethlriff ol ihe..:tlat0r:' jil,i measles, only difterent, a nfpno. oetwoer measles and scarlet bsyrtj. f -!gf.f& ';: :, I, i- f ii: Dvnamitb. Mack, the tailor,, has just received from the East a'jjenMlnd Jlot anarchist newspaper ' Mi! sliowlt , w ills friends with the torigs ami Cursp; MhL$$', nainitc bomb who sent it. a ttqaerrjuarnpoeil ru pcen piaceo r.1 1 ' I I I' v i. A Novelty. A novelty in Albany Is a girl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's. We cannot Imagine a finer Christmas pres ent;' Hv all means at least call and see it. H 330LSI SLGgiQiO'is: Motitetili & Sei i Q$l early. before -! The largest stock of nuts and candies the valley at F H Pfeiffer'r. I ' BAntis.-'The finest line of bahy carri ages in the Valley just received atj Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con fcrlnthC'sqparior quality of the carrl agcVT' iJif viis'-j j Mrs Kd Holmes, of Shedd, who Was taken to the asylum several mouths- go, ihas been discharged and is now in Portland!. She is aiid to he greatly improved and ths crat hopes to see her fuPy recovered. Hotel Arrivals Revere House. W Read, Lebanon;M Whitney, N Y; las Gallanher. NIY: I I) Smith, Baker City; B Smith; C Miller, W Jsympnfl,StJf i vv. p Kochr, s St. Charles. G K Sm7fh7Blg!gs, Cal i C S Clark, Gates ; G L Savage.AJ Freed man, T A IIoovcv, S F : Mrs Fuller, Har- risburg i H W Oliver, OaklandJ Cal : T Anderson, B H Chamberlain, Chicago; las Mathena, Sacramento ; A B Liudelson, JefStrspfl frXS. Mwers, Shedd. 1 ne, Lebanon : Stuart . V Son. diUc'd' IO Sorinnted, T Noccorato ; M aiattro A wato I' V Maio ; S Funoro ; A rotCBllo'f S Guaryclo ; P Guarycio ; A Conetlio' E Anzerino ; P M'irttello Mpntello .F Albo-iN Albo ; Mi Mai coo ;: AMoip ! N Ticoi : P MoiO : F cotriito ; H 'NaWCrato ; F Naccorrato ; P Bambino ; C Long ; G M Wntson ; G Voung i FA Diertner, Chicagp ; P Bla. Jock J S AndersortV'J Larren, Alsca ; W T Ilea Id, Cal ; E S GrllHn, Scio. A pio'nr- .f I'll it, in Dr Guiis ft SonV, owntd by Vr i h. was . ninfed in 1G39. T)r Oilb-.t, f.f S.lem nsed through thi- ijoitv. JasWubfclJiwB4i.Moa,rjwliii ha . HFllvxriuga wiur" f I. fi.n. Win Writ:h. 'a-tr is makinir his hilft)irfi)1t,Br Ui, fl-jon's, whore he is services. Democbat Inentera and ten nmt inM iIijIJs fsifclr nukii on tha Oreann Pari lie ' i Rev W W limu, w H ii-joh in the U. P. Chiueh in innrroiv in r iint; and evening, while Rev Iri i-e u .inply iev Logj,,', pjill'it in I' . !.-t.rl. j : Sumo o'.n h 'il e'lid it saloon to a mill. AVhrri-tic 1 . 1 1 Pr y , wilei,t the former ffrinds nit voun j mpn, nul iiiho are as neces sirv t -a -wn as wheat tn a mill . ) Midti W IM Parish sihis in a concert at Sslem It- r.i ht. bi'ii.gen'hasiastly received, j e(j ...... ... . .. ivn. 1R ais ft ;;! ji. Aihinv, an.i o hope to peaher hIV 'ffii." ivin'er ".rrl'S Rli J' i ,, v. lv I'livyr a. i.i ,, Mi id: -j i.ue. .!.! 1 til H ''"'P.,, ijllfljltlH one nf the most diffi "iln to care; but Du '"sii r.-;movo it oer- fier ihieinpiiiinKt.tnt- ! ". S d by Feabay & i rld novcltk' whicl) aUi'Nci d itntnense crowd every day (or Ihrce weckn in Portland at Cort's theatre, will tihow in ilw Albany Opera House on Saturday evening, Dec. 2.2nd, and give a matinee hi Llie afternoon. This Know hun the finent and best: trained animaU in the world. The three! famous ponies, the smallest of which is 3i inches hih ; the yreat Ulondin monkey ; the schools of trained do and truirtcd goat, separately and combined perform such tricks as to excite profoundust admiration and wonder. Partiularattention is called to Fran'.:, the biid pony, and hi marvel ous tricks, and (.'barley, the. praying dog, who prays Or a 1 ; the leaping grey hound, a-hich, for Ion,; distance jumping, beat the worl-i. Tickets, 25 cents ; reserv seats, $o-tns, f r m! at Blackmail's, Prift". for mniinre, 25 cents nnd 10 cents foTcTiTldTOnr "Kemrmbrrthe date. 1 : - ... t : 1 1 . , i i : ;,Were havln"i rinstiiii' oUi 1 1 j.iw.iiics uave,gouc riut lbs trlihps arc ever with Mi' y i' 'A.'yjiinioM -JOKl&ythv tecj'tlng of thd- hattle.amii(f tho-ChlHrse" Ijlgllbindcrs at Port'aridMrs.VdiljeflfarrW stood at mc front gatfl-TDfj erj-homo-, plaiting the arrlVV'-lrKliHRy anpej. She heard the n)ld andontlnunl Crlntr of arms and was MXtomto. tho What It all riiiil4iX'Wtai?,,vJ il f f TV t U bei-Ji erinniAiati." )ni'JAr1 v. " ou want a tender cliKITi! W rtrre ai;K f 'JiRuWt84j C Trin 0'McrlN:-JW RS ; L Sti Mr Carl Luderman reft rastibveiilDg A.hUnd to make arrangements for opening a boat and sheestorethere. - .-Mr Luderman understands thr bssto'essi '-thorAnghly,: -aad will make a valuablo addition to Ashland's nopuletion. I :A:natft tliA Pnrtlsnil nn.l Aa T. T. Fisiirr WWHaBra tii'-l make eanital ont ot I bill iU ll.lT- o niu --- - - t the wreck of the Yaqumr nay. iney are in vi.,,, r.mll -hiniyess. Tho metropolis of a UatJirtiiHshoia b rilling to labor Survevi.o. Mr. E pared to do surveying ox nit kinds at lea sonabic rates. He has complete copies of j field notes and township plats injthe cdifr'l tv. Adrcss Miller's Station, Llt)n coiyltje. CtT. i -. 71 . i' i.IaBA.3P?th'T)!:'. J'lilUL LenDacn JJU'iij-l . 1 lit SLOCK IS the .IT. ' :)I'.'J1. ' SLOC i:ti-i iiim aull ,:wiO n!i3 sgQ GrGin e,tQio of thoew style, roasters at W C ouureiary .uiuurmu, ui bile iiuauy iiiaui- anee Company, is expected in, AHuuy in ti. few days. " t.OHtlf. ,,0'C The Koseburg Rtv'tc my thare is only one case of smallpox there, aud. that is about a aiiie from the city. !"ui i .... Mrs W H St John has beeu appelated prosiJoul o the Albany . W Cr T U t J sue ceed Mrs 'J H Tow'nseud' ' Mrs Martin Payne is prepared to take first-class boarders at her residence opposite the Congiegational Church, Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to be found at French's (,The Corner Jewelry Store.1' Prices Una. Dr S G Irvina and Rov Achoson, of. this county, have been in Portland several '.days attending the Moody meetings. Subscriptions for the leading periodicals re ceived by F L Kenton. Orders forwarded promptly. Price lilts furnished free, f t Jas Allen, the intoxicated cock who1, tried to escape from the marshal Thursday was re leased last evening and left the city. ' An order has been issued on the Southern Pacific that no freight shall be delivered un til the presentation of the shipping receip . Prof Lee has concluded. to retain his posi tion in the Albany college during the com ing year, one he has filled with great credit. Making a specialty 6f "eandies, ' nuts, a Francis Pfeiffor caa dobetter than- anywhere elso. Kemember this in Retting your.holinay confectionary, f ,...(,, fi i Cart Wilson,! who has been attending 'the university at Salem, sot4irned to his home in cms county several uays rgo, bpuwhoshok with the typhoid feTOr. -i I )., -n Mr Qmgley, theentleman wno .ntted np the Yaquina Bay. is now at Newport., i He suvs Col Hosg-told him to spare no expense in fitting her up, also that it was one of the tinest rjpats on tne coast, Forest Grave Jj-rkcri. thit's its name, and No t is on our table. "" As its .leading mer chaniA only run inch: ads, wo oannot make soy'very oonlidentpreditionf for it. It is nicely gotten op though. ( , t" . Mr William.Vance leaves to-morrow on trip to Tacoina and Seattle.' ' ' We hope Mr Vance will not get the Soond fever tbat is striking some, 'as we used mon of his entcr-i prise and push at noma.j,H , ,, ; ,,, . The citizens of Lafayette have offered the Evangelical Chnroh its Court House and jail and several thousand dollars, in money, if they will locate thtr proposed College there a startlingly liberal dffsfc In THa Vamilna Bsv'-htadetha trio to San Fiancisco fiom New York-in 63 days and 9 hours. The fastest previous time recorded,, according to McCarty's abstjatician, wis 6li dsys and 4 minutes. ; t('-ti;i i. Hughes ft Ward, tbq mpenince reyiyaf; ists, who were in Albany last year, have each ffnne into the leal estate business, Mr r. . , 1 v.. i n . . . Mies IP t oruaua uu jyr nsra lu i urt fr Carl Luderman left lastibvetiing for A large and complete ' lin' L gents' clothing and furnishing goods at U. Mclhvain s. In the c'.othintr denart- ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he will sell duriug the coming week for $ ) far.fke builduuf f g q all sections ot tne late, i r 'small souled Port- it r- ! oWcicrt no3JAK8"Otnaau'' ftwpfed;. close eralMerchandise iAfrt , YfiHSC'i m 'IwiBirJcigga-Hl ,snoiJaolldiii a'noblA ,H rilol ml hjiiuuA f.Itw iecitr ft'wintit'fq ."s Hen nit il'uri .In,!.f.Ki'Xv;e4i( In ei.inntaiii of' a1 iici hllfl Io:ii. ft.Mr. zru.n, priifff.ii or subprcssed I. "will lind in Orf-nn KirJ xivT.. A failtl'ht'irinj.l. It can li.i reiicd'unon in overv 'sneatn give immediate relief from nrinarr-tfrraWes. of women are suffering; avery day from some disorder ofthe t id si - Mr liver, who in'tht be permanentlv npnwlhyuine Orei;u Kidney Tea. Sold by Fo-h iv & M wwi i Highland, Clackamas Co.. Or., March '20 ' 1 I.hliye suffered with a disease of the kid neys for or 7 years and for the last two months nave been laid up with a pain in my back. A friend sent me a sample of the (Ore gon Kidney lea, and having used it one week I can do a good day's work, j I have derived moxe benejit from it than rjxll J. O. HwniLL. SjJiI by Tosliay & Mason. I ) ! r " r n 'j f . WoaliHw a .box of .Julius. .Joseph's fine i 1kw irfftrcffsf'titrd nlfi&ra orosof hin tins ninerschKum pipes. fifHcrtl andfitwbis fin stoei of 'SMOKERS ARTICLES. ( "k Pt'life'tSsfTr you want a 6rs(-class article of teas go tothe Willamette! Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to ue, as it is first class tea and warranted to give i satisfac- I " Auction. Auction every afternoon, tit M. J. Monteitli's, at S. E. Youag's old store. Goods at your own price. tVfitet De soia. 1 Don't TMot Tour' loisy Away baying silly little toys and gawgaws. Come arourid'to our1 'pl.'ice ''of1- business and get somethingthat will be of utiiitv, both use ful ndoranitentah-j Lookovcr this list and it eiaythcp you to mnlLCur your mind whait buj-arit. ! j j" .,4 . - "for ladies. - The very best grade of Shearsr and Scis sors, Lap boards, Pocket Knives, Curling lions, Skates, Knives, Forks and Spoons o all kinds,Cail Bells,Babv Cnrriages,Wring ers, fancy sets of Fiat Irons, Kitchen Grindstones, new style Coffee Mills, etc. FOR UF.NTIiF.MEN. J Carving Sets, Razors, Razor Strap and Brushes, the finest Pocket Cntlery, Tools of all kinds, Revolvers, Gunn, Skates, etc. FOR BOYS. M A'. 1! I I 2K ck4t jKrriies. Skates. Tool Chests. 'Wagont.-.wSeelbarrws, Bicvcles, Axes, etc. KoT STEWART & SOX. F. lS. . 1 .SJH32A dlriffili.jt ft ,nofiitt jt 7j,f'4o,i 4 tit flf'iti. , 't -I I 1 WJ 7? ':' it "rai'.i. "Sil l )Mi Mm mmm 1? ft $ae Iff (mcco I w.i y.'J ) a tc?AAIl goods sold! at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. j : " 1 ' .... e-jS . . . . ' . I f f . 7 Butter anil Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, , Subscriptions receive " for 11 ll .e leading -WEWSPAPERS AND WAGAZINESO I" " ' ' -' A. i.i ,. ....... 1 OTJKi'I'ii'J ill. NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OR. rilrijinur cnrSA if." SI "il xe'l of con'-:.i: ) i SfOi v Uii ii '..r ' " VI out their Albany business offer mi mm bsui p- 1....,. ,....,.... HO - - - YMASJJA fori sale without reserve at COST (r.-ji- ..t iri-t.-y 7 (?sij;, .v,,. -t.1. I- r. . ' ' t ,:" -' '"'-iai l vuc ; fl.ii cJa O3UTT00 .J .10 ,-'J-.2,vn ,S1?l3c iljll iii ,aifuU iiilViir.d j inj.H.V.A!IT ttrt u.ti ,aitY K rafllAgtt liimt.Vmj H115S-.U ,l,nIJil l,ii..,.j .lhvjM brifii.ii ca yakOK y,.o,1 .Jtrioi,') 0) .MttfuiMijonsfjRVJil.'lfMI offnniiv it: n.';f4 1 t.'u.'ifn FKcnr.s,:.'!:.:! .llaMitJ t,;-.s: ' C4.-