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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1888)
ijJM.iN t.iart.1 Alba.r Market. Whet-74 Oats 25? Butter 23 tU per lb. Kgfrs-Hc Hmv-9,00. Potatoes -15 ots p?r bushel. Beef on fijot. S'-iV pples 4') oents p-)r bu. Porn-BKo par V tressed. Bn it - t u . 1 1 'i i. si villi's. Mi. v. 1 1 1 U t tiirt-l!'"rl-. WlOiir l.i t)r Ij'li. nyoiia) - J i) pjr l . . till F-s 1 -bra. 1 1.01 pur tan suris, 11. ml llli'i ;.,'. Clior OVRIAMI TJ CIUFMMU -VIA- Southern Paoifls Company's Line. the nr. SHlsTi. bocte. Tim bslwwHi Albany ami Su Frncin, 35 hours v . . .. iLtlKl DA1LT UAUiruuM Between Portland and aa Francisco, South North a 00 r a I Leave Portland Arrive I 10:45 a a ?la r'a Leave Albjny Leave 0:45 a a M A Arrive San Franclsio Leave 7:00 r a LoiabrasslxoMtiulss oaiM jeieept Sunday). 6 00 a a I Leave Portland Arrive 8:45 r a l..g r a I Leave Albany Leave I 11:35 a a g'jOra 1 Arrive Eujeno Leave 9 .-00 a a local. raasasosa Titaiss naiM, sacarr sundat. g"0 p a I Leave Albany Arrive I 0:30 a a Q-rti r a I Arrive Lebanon Leave) 6:45a a li&uraf Leave Albany .arrive 2:45 r a l ira Arrive Lobauon Leave 2:00 ra PULlMAIi BUFFET SLEEPERS. ' Tlirovxgli Ticltets To all point SOUTH .A-JSTID EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. Tourist Sleeping 0ar3 For jUeoinmnilalio'i of Second-Class Passea eers, amcltcil to Heiress Trains. Weil Mile l.'Ivlslnu.-. between raariaSii ai couvaixis. Tsais o.vibv (us :opt Sunday.) 7:31) a a Leave r a Arrive Portland Corvillis Arrive 0"i0 r a Leave 1:30 a strain tsatu oil" (exo jpt Sunday. MOraiLara Portland Arrive I :00 a a iioo ri I w l-o McMinnvillo Lenvo I 5.45 A a AtA'oinv and Corvallis connect with train! ol Ore&in Pacific Railroad For (oil IntoraiUlon rejardlnir rates, nuns, etc., call on Company's Agent at Albany B. KOEHLER, t. P. ROGERS, lluwr r. . .'. a '1 HE YAQUINA 110UTE. Oregon Pacific Bailroad. .ton Development Company's Steam 8 ship Llue. 225 MILES SHORTS??. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by ny other route. First-class through pas3e.urnr and freight line from Portland and all points In the Willamette Valley to unrt from San Francisco, Cal. Willamette Hiver LUib of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Hoag," The ''N. S, Bent eT." The "Threo Sisters" are In service for both passenger and fretubt tramo be tween Corvallis and Portland and mediste points, leaving Cotnpany'r wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs Hulmau Co s wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Port land, three times a week as follows ; UIV I'm jolly and fat, tboujjh 1 neodn't say that ; for a glance at my bizc and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can nee there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit shorl both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you can Bee I'm all there. I Smile and I laugh, I juke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and con f 288 what you never could guess. A good thing to eat is alwuys a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar eured meat,niakes you feel so conteut with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fit or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll to enjoy more of that immense aod you'll sense by buying visions and of W & T wish you were fat For the feeling's slow your good groceries, pro crcckery asss J&& Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, ' Plinn Block, Albany, Or. FINE HORSii. UDiLLcnco., NORTH UOUNU. Leave Orvallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and rrl .lavaatsa. ra. Albinv. t:SJ a. m. Arrive! at Salem 3 p m Liave Salem Tuesdat , Tbumday and Satur day at 0 a, in. Arrive at Portland 3:30 p. m. SUUTU BOUSU. Leave Portland Uondavs, WednesJaya and Frld dayiat0a.ui. Arrive at Saleai at 7:15 . m. Leave Salera Tueeilay, Thura-lay and Saturday at 0 a, m. Arrive at Uorvallia at 3;3'J p. m. Boats make close conntwtion Bt Alban with trains of the Oregon Paaiflo Kailroad TiM3 SJIIdDULE (except Sundayi.) Lerve Albany, 1:0.1 r. a, j Leave Yaqutna, 6:15 a, a. Leave Corvaili, 1:10 r, a. (Leave U'rvallia,l0:35 a,a. Arrive VaiaiS 6:;J0 a. Arrive Albany, 11:10 a. a, n .ir iv tnia. nnnnn.'L at A.lhanv and Corvallis. '1'he above trains connect at Yaqutna Willi the Oreson Development Company's Une of .Stoainsliips between Yaquins and San Francisco. S.VIL.1XG I) ITEt . raM as kkancimco. FKOM TAiJL'IXA Willamette Valley, Thiire, Pec. 0:h Wod. Dec. 12lh Willamette Valley. Mon. Dec. 17th lion. Dec. 24lh Willamette Valley, Sun. lies SOtli. The Compjny jaorvas the right to ehaneo sailing dates without notice. N. H. Passengers from Portland and Willamotto Valley points can make olose conneutl n with the trains of the Yaquina route at Aibuv or Corvallis, and if des tinsd to Stn Fraiieisn should arrange to arrive at Yanuiua the evening before t'ate of sailing. ;;.nrnjcr ail Firlslit Kales always ID Lowest. Korlnf irimtlo;! aoplv to C J Stuart, Freljrht and Tioket Ajnt, MbA'iv, or to C II tlMwell, Jr., O. F. Jt P. Ai(t Oro,ron Developmei.t Co., !04 Montirouiery Si-l Fra uiii, Cal, V. . UO(.lik, A. il. F. and P. ATent, Orjjja Paeiij It 11 J.i. Corvallis First National Bank OF A LB AM, OKEtaOSf. Treeldent L. FLIKN Vice - S, K, YOCNU Casbler UkO. E. CHAMBERLAIN Aw'tCa.bier JAS. F, POWELL TRANSACTS A oENERALtanktnr business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subjeet to check. 8IOHT RXCIIANOK and teleirraphlo trusler, sol on New York, San Francisco, Cnioairo sod Pot Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on ravorable terms. DlBJKTOaS. ,mm J. K. Toms,' Oao, E CHaassiiuis) L B Buna, L. Fu. WaltssE Turrbll, We have just brought from )te Oregon, a lot of fine woik torses H we will sell on terms to suit the time A monk them are soma promising youn drireis from Oneco, Mason Chief an Edward Everett. Also some cho:o heavy mares. Anyone wishing to pur chase a horse will do well to look ttern over. We will take pleasure in shuw to all intending purchasers. Tallman, Or. I Big G has given univer sal satisfaction In tbo cure of Gonorrhoea and Gleet. I prescribe Hand feel safe in recommend Inr It to all sufferers. .I.J. STONE B, B.D., Decatur, III. PRICE, 81.00. Tpdiwrjixkl Sold by Druggists. Fostaay A Mason,) IVhiilesitle Asenls M Ju9tTVMt6 not tt 1 Cj urdoairbrtbe V OajT Jos. Webber Announces to hia patrons and friends that he is now located in his new shoo in the Fo shay & Mason Block and with able workmen will attend to his customers at as reasonable prices as any other shop. As be has threo i-.i-rimi cao.iQJ tii-i il be v it 1 ( t! l'. II. HOW, TO GO EAST. Go Kiit via Mount Shasta Route. Nice climate and soonerv at all times of tho'ycar See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Oilcn, Salt Lake. Denver. Finest secoud-class cars made are run daily. Buy your tickets of me and save your fare to Portland. I am the only person in Albany that can sell you ticket from Albany dirrct to any point in the United atntos. lalifon me lor rates. V. Ij. Jkstkk. Agent S. P. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successors to Honry'Suesens.) Linn -mnty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., . Successors to Cowsn A Cuslck,) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS s (eneral banking business. DRAW8IOII1 DRAFTS on New York. San hi Iscosni Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on spplored security. BCEIVE deposits subjMt to check. COLLECTIONS sntrurte.1 to,us will rses Ts'promo leaties.3 T"i" " 'si.:moi.i -DEALERS IN- LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lnmlier. Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. . Special advantage to purchasers of rstic flooring, Factory at loot of Lyou Street. flew and Second Hand Store Owing to tne Increased demands of our business we have been compelled to move Into a larger store and wo can now bo found next door to 8, E, Young, wbers we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit ars, ti units, bonks, roller skates, saddles, saws, p:aaes, etc anil a thousand dif ferent nJ use ft Holes yon cn : it do betfri t is si J i "f San Franci ico th n you cau dr. nlth us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLiES 123 First Street, Albany, Or -ri'OR BALK BY FOSHAY MA.-ON FOSHAY & MASON, TtaLSlsaVii AMD aiTAlb- Druggists and Booksyiiei s, Agants for John B. Alden's publivatluus, which we nil at D tblisher'a srlcaa wit.i ostagoadiiitd. A Lit ANY, OKLtlttll. ' W . F. READ, FIRST ST - - ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash Dry Goods House ol Hlban, BOTT CM. HEN DERSON&CO'S" -mm 1 -&b&y' tfCw I f.- at T-r X. T -sl 1P" . CI rMHt EU DUU I a JIIWI-' r . rwtivin,' ray fa" stock sod I can give my customers bettcrtar ' gains than evur was offered in Albany. Our stoclt is complete and 1 prnpope to krop it up to IfceTetiir.dsrd, thall add all the new novelties as fast as they are in the market. Would call especial attention to the followiug lines Dress Goo4ls,Fhisbes,Vehe(s,Hosicry Jersies, dents' Fi.rEiisI.iiig Goods, Blankets. Boots and Shoes. All.Iaok is a tborough'jniipection of slock. PR0DUCE1TAKEN! IK EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptly atteudcJ to. W J. READ, ill sYiaWHHIHIH sslaimill I nn-ainrfiif -nrTnrr i i i r xnKiJuta(u '.mi JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer oiCigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C,Ka:, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Britr Pipes, "and to H Jline of Smokers' Artsles, Also dealer B OALTFORNIA AND T 10 PI 3 It. SKC